
Computer Architecture CSE 3322

Lecture 17


Phase 2 Project Due Dec 1EXAM 2 Monday Nov 3

Chap 4 & 5, Lectures 8 -16

Exam 2 Review• Two’s Complement Arithmetic• Ripple carry ALU logic and performance• Look-ahead techniques• Basic multiplication and division ( non-restoring) algorithms• IEEE 754 floating point standard (definition

provided)• Write a sequence of register transfers to implement a given instruction for MIPS• Given a set of Register Transfers, design the

control needed for some component

S0 M[PC] IR, PC + 4 PC, S1 SS1 R[IR[25-21]] A, R[IR[20-16]] B, PC + shlt2[sign_ext(IR[15-0])] ALUOut, (‘LW’+’SW’)S2 + ‘R’S6 + ‘BEQ’S8 + ‘J’S9 SS2 A + sign_ext(IR[15-0]) ALUOut,

‘LW’S3 + ‘SW’S5 SS3 M[ ALUOut] MDR, S4 SS4 MDR R[ IR[20-16]], S0 SS5 B M[ ALUOut], S0 SS6 A op B ALUOut, S7 SS7 ALUOut R[IR[15-11]], S0 SS8 Zero PC + Zero ALUOut PC, S0 SS9 PC[31-28] : shlt2(IR[25-0]) PC, S0 S

State Register Transfers

Next State Function with a Sequencer

16 Control LinesROMPLA




Addr Selectlogic

Op(5 –0)


Looks like a Computer !


• Define a symbolic set of microinstructions used to implement each instruction


• Define a symbolic set of microinstructions used to implement each instruction

• The microassembler will check for inconsistencies and convert to binary code


• Define a symbolic set of microinstructions used to implement each instruction

• The microassembler will check for inconsistencies and convert to binary code

• Define independent fields to determine datapath control signals that must be asserted


• Define a symbolic set of microinstructions used to implement each instruction

• The microassembler will check for inconsistencies and convert to binary code

• Define independent fields to determine datapath control signals that must be asserted

• Define a field to determine the next state

Microinstruction Design Label

Label controls microcode sequencing

• Location of entry points

• Used for sequencing

• Value can be any stringNote: A numeric last character is special fordispatching




Instructionor data




Register #


Register #

Register #









ALU Control

Microinstruction Design ALULabel control

ALU controlAddSubtFunc – Use funct field of Op to define operation

Microinstruction Design ALULabel control SRC1 SRC2

ALU controlAddSubtFunc – Use funct field of Op to define operation

SRC1 # Select first ALU inputPCA

SRC2 # Select second ALU inputB4Extend # sign extended (imm16)Extshft # shift left 2 [sign extended (imm16)]




Instructionor data




Register #


Register #

Register #









Register Control

Microinstruction Design ALU RegisterLabel control SRC1 SRC2 control

Register controlRead # Read Reg(rs) into A, Reg(rt) into BWrite ALU # Write ALUOut into Reg(rd)Write MDR # Write MDR into Reg(rt)




Instructionor data




Register #


Register #

Register #









Memory Control

Microinstruction Design ALU Register Label control SRC1 SRC2 control Memory

MemoryRead PC # Read M[PC] into IR ( and MDR)Read ALU # Read M[ALUOut] into MDRWrite ALU # Write B into M[ALUOut]




Instructionor data




Register #


Register #

Register #









PCWrite Control

Microinstruction Design ALU Register PCWriteLabel control SRC1 SRC2 control Memory control

PCWrite controlALU # Load ALU result into PCALUOut-cond # If Zero = 1, load ALUOut into PCJump # Load jump address into PC

Microinstruction Design ALU Register PCWriteLabel control SRC1 SRC2 control Memory control Sequencing

SequencingSeq # Go to next microinstruction in

sequenceFetch # Go to microinstruction with

Label “Fetch”Dispatch i # Dispatch with ROM i

Microinstruction Design ALU Register PCWriteLabel control SRC1 SRC2 control Memory control Sequencing

SequencingSeq # Go to next microinstruction in

sequenceFetch # Go to microinstruction with

Label “Fetch”Dispatch i # Dispatch with ROM i

See Summary Of Microcode Fields page C-29

Basic steps all instructions execute

1. Access the Instruction from Memory2. Decode Instruction and Access the Data from Registers 3. Perform the Instruction4. Write the Result

S0 M[PC] IR, PC + 4 PC, S1 SS1 R[IR[25-21]] A, R[IR[20-16]] B, PC + shlt2[sign_ext(IR[15-0])] ALUOut, (‘LW’+’SW’)S2 + ‘R’S6 + ‘BEQ’S8 + ‘J’S9 SS2 A + sign_ext(IR[15-0]) ALUOut,

‘LW’S3 + ‘SW’S5 SS3 M[ ALUOut] MDR, S4 SS4 MDR R[ IR[20-16]], S0 SS5 B M[ ALUOut], S0 SS6 A op B ALUOut, S7 SS7 ALUOut R[IR[15-11]], S0 SS8 Zero PC + Zero ALUOut PC, S0 SS9 PC[31-28] : shlt2(IR[25-0]) PC, S0 S

State Register Transfers

S0 M[PC] IR, PC + 4 PC, S1 S

State Register Transfers

ALU Register PCWriteLabel control SRC1 SRC2 control Memory control Sequencing


S0 M[PC] IR, PC + 4 PC, S1 S

State Register Transfers

ALU Register PCWriteLabel control SRC1 SRC2 control Memory control Sequencing

Fetch Add

S0 M[PC] IR, PC + 4 PC, S1 S

State Register Transfers

ALU Register PCWriteLabel control SRC1 SRC2 control Memory control Sequencing

Fetch Add PC 4

S0 M[PC] IR, PC + 4 PC, S1 S

State Register Transfers

ALU Register PCWriteLabel control SRC1 SRC2 control Memory control Sequencing

Fetch Add PC 4 Read PC

S0 M[PC] IR, PC + 4 PC, S1 S

State Register Transfers

ALU Register PCWriteLabel control SRC1 SRC2 control Memory control Sequencing

Fetch Add PC 4 Read PC ALU

S0 M[PC] IR, PC + 4 PC, S1 S

State Register Transfers

ALU Register PCWriteLabel control SRC1 SRC2 control Memory control Sequencing

Fetch Add PC 4 Read PC ALU Seq

State Register Transfers

ALU Register PCWriteLabel control SRC1 SRC2 control Memory control Sequencing

Fetch Add PC 4 Read PC ALU Seq

S1 R[IR[25-21]] A, R[IR[20-16]] B, PC + shlt2[sign_ext(IR[15-0])] ALUOut, (‘LW’+’SW’)S2 + ‘R’S6 + ‘BEQ’S8 + ‘J’S9 S

State Register Transfers

ALU Register PCWriteLabel control SRC1 SRC2 control Memory control Sequencing

Fetch Add PC 4 Read PC ALU Seq Add PC Extshft

S1 R[IR[25-21]] A, R[IR[20-16]] B, PC + shlt2[sign_ext(IR[15-0])] ALUOut, (‘LW’+’SW’)S2 + ‘R’S6 + ‘BEQ’S8 + ‘J’S9 S

State Register Transfers

ALU Register PCWriteLabel control SRC1 SRC2 control Memory control Sequencing

Fetch Add PC 4 Read PC ALU Seq Add PC Extshft Read

S1 R[IR[25-21]] A, R[IR[20-16]] B, PC + shlt2[sign_ext(IR[15-0])] ALUOut, (‘LW’+’SW’)S2 + ‘R’S6 + ‘BEQ’S8 + ‘J’S9 S

State Register Transfers

ALU Register PCWriteLabel control SRC1 SRC2 control Memory control Sequencing

Fetch Add PC 4 Read PC ALU Seq Add PC Extshft Read Dispatch 1

S1 R[IR[25-21]] A, R[IR[20-16]] B, PC + shlt2[sign_ext(IR[15-0])] ALUOut, (‘LW’+’SW’)S2 + ‘R’S6 + ‘BEQ’S8 + ‘J’S9 S

Dispatch 1 Op Code Labellw or sw Mem1R – type Rformat1beq BEQ1j JUMP1

ALU Register PCWriteLabel control SRC1 SRC2 control Memory control Sequencing

lw rt, imm16 (rs) or sw rt, imm16 ( rs)

M[ R[rs] + sign_ext(imm16) ] R[rt]R[rt] M[ R[rs] + sign_ext(imm16) ]

Fetch Add PC 4 Read PC ALU Seq Add PC Extshft Read Dispatch 1Mem1

ALU Register PCWriteLabel control SRC1 SRC2 control Memory control Sequencing

lw rt, imm16 (rs) or sw rt, imm16 ( rs)

M[ R[rs] + sign_ext(imm16) ] R[rt]R[rt] M[ R[rs] + sign_ext(imm16) ]

Fetch Add PC 4 Read PC ALU Seq Add PC Extshft Read Dispatch 1Mem1 Add A Extend Dispatch 2

ALU Register PCWriteLabel control SRC1 SRC2 control Memory control Sequencing

lw rt, imm16 (rs) or sw rt, imm16 ( rs)

M[ R[rs] + sign_ext(imm16) ] R[rt]R[rt] M[ R[rs] + sign_ext(imm16) ]

Fetch Add PC 4 Read PC ALU Seq Add PC Extshft Read Dispatch 1Mem1 Add A Extend Dispatch 2LW2 Read ALU Seq Write MDR Fetch

ALU Register PCWriteLabel control SRC1 SRC2 control Memory control Sequencing

lw rt, imm16 (rs) or sw rt, imm16 ( rs)

M[ R[rs] + sign_ext(imm16) ] R[rt]R[rt] M[ R[rs] + sign_ext(imm16) ]

Fetch Add PC 4 Read PC ALU Seq Add PC Extshft Read Dispatch 1Mem1 Add A Extend Dispatch 2LW2 Read ALU Seq Write MDR FetchSW2 Write ALU Fetch

ALU Register PCWriteLabel control SRC1 SRC2 control Memory control Sequencing

Fetch Add PC 4 Read PC ALU Seq Add PC Extshft Read Dispatch 1Rfmat1

op rd, rs, rt

R – Arithmetic – Logic Instruction

R[rs] op R[rt] R [rd]

ALU Register PCWriteLabel control SRC1 SRC2 control Memory control Sequencing

Fetch Add PC 4 Read PC ALU Seq Add PC Extshft Read Dispatch 1Rfmat1 Func A B Seq

op rd, rs, rt

R – Arithmetic – Logic Instruction

R[rs] op R[rt] R [rd]

ALU Register PCWriteLabel control SRC1 SRC2 control Memory control Sequencing

Fetch Add PC 4 Read PC ALU Seq Add PC Extshft Read Dispatch 1Rfmat1 Func A B Seq Write ALU Fetch

op rd, rs, rt

R – Arithmetic – Logic Instruction

R[rs] op R[rt] R [rd]

ALU Register PCWriteLabel control SRC1 SRC2 control Memory control Sequencing

Fetch Add PC 4 Read PC ALU Seq Add PC Extshft Read Dispatch 1BEQ1

beq rs, rt, imm16 I -type

Zero (PC+4) + Zero SUM[ (ShLt2[Sign_Ext(imm16)])+PC+4]PC

Zero =1 iff rs - rt = 0

ALU Register PCWriteLabel control SRC1 SRC2 control Memory control Sequencing

Fetch Add PC 4 Read PC ALU Seq Add PC Extshft Read Dispatch 1BEQ1 Subt A B

beq rs, rt, imm16 I -type

Zero (PC+4) + Zero SUM[ (ShLt2[Sign_Ext(imm16)])+PC+4]PC

Zero =1 iff rs - rt = 0

ALU Register PCWriteLabel control SRC1 SRC2 control Memory control Sequencing

Fetch Add PC 4 Read PC ALU Seq Add PC Extshft Read Dispatch 1BEQ1 Subt A B ALUOut-con Fetch

beq rs, rt, imm16 I -type

Zero (PC+4) + Zero SUM[ (ShLt2[Sign_Ext(imm16)])+PC+4]PC

Zero =1 iff rs - rt = 0

ALU Register PCWriteLabel control SRC1 SRC2 control Memory control Sequencing

Fetch Add PC 4 Read PC ALU Seq Add PC Extshft Read Dispatch 1JUMP1 Jump Addr Fetch

j Label go to Label

Microinstruction Design ALU Register PCWriteLabel control SRC1 SRC2 control Memory control Sequencing

Fetch Add PC 4 Read PC ALU Seq Add PC Extshft Read Dispatch 1Mem1 Add A Extend Dispatch 2LW2 Read ALU Seq Write MDR FetchSW2 Write ALU FetchRfmat1 Func A B Seq Write ALU FetchBEQ1 Subt A B ALUOut-con FetchJUMP1 Jump Addr Fetch

• Each field in the microinstruction implies a set of controlsignals to be asserted. See fig C.21 p.C-29

Implementing the microprogram

• Each field in the microinstruction implies a set of controlsignals to be asserted. See fig C.21 p.C-29• If a field that affects a state (memory) is blank, then nocontrol signal should be active.

Implementing the microprogram

• Each field in the microinstruction implies a set of controlsignals to be asserted. See fig C.21 p.C-29• If a field that affects a state (memory) is blank, then nocontrol signal should be active.• If a field that affects a mux or ALU operation is blank,the output is not used, so it is a “don’t care”.

Implementing the microprogram

• Each field in the microinstruction implies a set of controlsignals to be asserted. See fig C.21 p.C-29• If a field that affects a state (memory) is blank, then nocontrol signal should be active.• If a field that affects a mux or ALU operation is blank,the output is not used, so it is a “don’t care”.• The microcode assembler 1. Converts the symbolic fields to a truth table for the

control signals [ microcode ] 2. Resolves labels to addresses

3. Builds the Dispatch ROM code

Implementing the microprogram





Control ROM

16 Control Lines Control ROM[Microcode]

Micro Counter



Addr Selectlogic

Op(5 –0)


Contains Dispatch ROM 1 Dispatch ROM 2

addi – Add Immediate addi $s1, $s2, 100 # $s1 = $s2 + 100

8 rs rt imm ALU Register PCWriteLabel control SRC1 SRC2 control Memory control Sequencing

Fetch Add PC 4 Read PC ALU Seq Add PC Extshft Read Dispatch 1ADDI1 Add ? ?

Expand Dispatch 1

addi – Add Immediate addi $s1, $s2, 100 # $s1 = $s2 + 100

8 rs rt imm ALU Register PCWriteLabel control SRC1 SRC2 control Memory control Sequencing

Fetch Add PC 4 Read PC ALU Seq Add PC Extshft Read Dispatch 1ADDI1 Add A Extend Seq

addi – Add Immediate addi $s1, $s2, 100 # $s1 = $s2 + 100

8 rs rt imm ALU Register PCWriteLabel control SRC1 SRC2 control Memory control Sequencing

Fetch Add PC 4 Read PC ALU Seq Add PC Extshft Read Dispatch 1ADDI1 Add A Extend Seq ?

Write ALU uses rd field !

addi – Add Immediate addi $s1, $s2, 100 # $s1 = $s2 + 100

8 rs rt imm ALU Register PCWriteLabel control SRC1 SRC2 control Memory control Sequencing

Fetch Add PC 4 Read PC ALU Seq Add PC Extshft Read Dispatch 1ADDI1 Add A Extend Seq Write ALU rt Fetch

Write ALU uses rd field !Define: Write ALU rt = Write Reg[rt] with ALUOut

Design Tools Register Transfer Language

Initial Finite State MicroprogramRepresentation Diagram

Sequencing Explicit next- MicroprogramControl State Function Counter + Dispatch ROMs

Logic Logic TruthRepresentation Equations Tables

Implementation Programable Read – OnlyTechnique Logic Arrays Memory

Exceptions are unexpected or error events.

Ex: Undefined instruction Arithmetic overflow

Exceptions are unexpected or error events.

Ex: Undefined instruction Arithmetic overflow

EPC: Exception Program CounterA 32 bit register to hold the address of theaffected instruction

Exceptions are unexpected or error events.

Ex: Undefined instruction Arithmetic overflow

EPC: Exception Program CounterA 32 bit register to hold the address of theaffected instruction

Cause: A 32 bit register to record the cause of theexception.( Option is to vector into OS) Undefined instruction = 0 Arithmetic overflow = 1

OS entry point for exception handling = C0000000 hex

Undefined instructionSave Address in EPC, Load 0 in Cause, Jump to C0000000

S0 M[PC] IR, PC + 4 PC, S1 S

S1 R[IR[25-21]] A, R[IR[20-16]] B,

PC + shlt2[sign_ext(IR[15-0])] ALUOut,

(‘LW’+’SW’)S2 + ‘R’S6 + ‘BEQ’S8 + ‘J’S9 S

Undefined instructionSave Address in EPC, Load 0 in Cause, Jump to C0000000

S0 M[PC] IR, PC + 4 PC, S1 S

S1 R[IR[25-21]] A, R[IR[20-16]] B,

PC + shlt2[sign_ext(IR[15-0])] ALUOut,

(‘LW’+’SW’)S2 + ‘R’S6 + ‘BEQ’S8 + ‘J’S9

+ ‘Other’S10 S


Undefined instructionSave Address in EPC, Load 0 in Cause, Jump to C0000000

S0 M[PC] IR, PC + 4 PC, S1 S

S1 R[IR[25-21]] A, R[IR[20-16]] B,

PC + shlt2[sign_ext(IR[15-0])] ALUOut,

(‘LW’+’SW’)S2 + ‘R’S6 + ‘BEQ’S8 + ‘J’S9

+ ‘Other’S10 S S10 PC – 4 EPC,

Undefined instructionSave Address in EPC, Load 0 in Cause, Jump to C0000000

S0 M[PC] IR, PC + 4 PC, S1 S

S1 R[IR[25-21]] A, R[IR[20-16]] B,

PC + shlt2[sign_ext(IR[15-0])] ALUOut,

(‘LW’+’SW’)S2 + ‘R’S6 + ‘BEQ’S8 + ‘J’S9

+ ‘Other’S10 S

S10 PC – 4 EPC, 0 Cause,

Undefined instructionSave Address in EPC, Load 0 in Cause, Jump to C0000000

S0 M[PC] IR, PC + 4 PC, S1 S

S1 R[IR[25-21]] A, R[IR[20-16]] B,

PC + shlt2[sign_ext(IR[15-0])] ALUOut,

(‘LW’+’SW’)S2 + ‘R’S6 + ‘BEQ’S8 + ‘J’S9

+ ‘Other’S10 S

S10 PC – 4 EPC, 0 Cause, C0000000 PC,

S0 S
