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January 24, 2015

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The Safest Military-Grade Armored Taxi in Russia

By Sergey B., for Erbilia Online MagzineJanuary 24, 2015 — Updated 15:00 GMT+2

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Page 2: Ex-military armored taxi in Russia St. Petersburg

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Russia – Innovation is at its best in Russia when it comes to science and technology. Economic challenges were never abarrier for Russians, they always have that special way of overcoming difficulties and keep advancing. Other ideas maynot be categorized as life changing, yet they are media driven and have benefits beyond the usual.

A Russian businessman recently decided to convert an ex-military armored vehicle into a taxi. His idea was not easy torealize as he had to go through a lot of procedures to have it approved. Luckily, he got that long-awaited approval andstarted realizing his dream after the permit was refused by officials many times. He started out by one CombatCommand and Reconnaissance Vehicle (BRDM APC, equipped it to accommodate people comfortable and painted it ina striking red color. The BRDM was manufactured in the Soviet Union and machine gun which was deactivatedand kept to give it an eye-catching look.

Right when that armored vehicle hit the streets of St. Petersburg, everyone started talking about it. People gotobsessed with it, young and old taking photos of it as it passes by and stopping the driver to take selfies with him, and infront of this special vehicle. The idea to ride a taxi might sound odd, but the experience is wonderful. The interior isspacious and comfy. The vehicle is ultra safe especially on snow, allowing it to transport passengers even in thetoughest weather conditions.

The average price for a ride is about $80, making it expensive yet worth the try. This unique armored taxi in Russiaattracted the attention of international media such as CNN, BBC and many others. The owner, thrilled by the amountof attention, started thinking of having a complete fleet of armored vehicles which will be active as taxis in the Russiancapital.

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