Page 1: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO



To ;>'~',""' '". " ,"x' "" ,,6 <jc ,,'"

"PO'" "'" "PI'''-'' C~ 10 .. ,n DO "",,<,fu".

Operator's Manual

Page 2: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO


We greatly ~1It I"'IIf fUd 'Sa 0I1he AKA! EWI Soun;I MOO. EW'3'n:m. The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type controller. This manual lnclutles dtlajleod eoplana1ions of opaoauonl. ele. deSigned 10 show yoo.o I'r;Iw 10 U58 100 many functiona of too EW13000m to their fuAest e.<Wnt. R&<od !his manual C8.eI"'~ before using you. EWI 3000m alld put it in a ~nl local"", which can be referred 10 'S .-.canary. Yoo. patronage is higliy vaiued. and W$ hope !he AKAl EWDOOOm will give)'Oll many year5 of nv.,'(af .....,.,.meot.


• The EWl3000m Is an analog synthesizer modoJle wrm 4 VCOS, 2 VCFs. 2 VCAa. and 4 EOs. 2 s~lem 01 synlhe$i~e<$ makes it possiblt 10 creaIIt a variely 01 sovndlS and play in a variety 01 ways, 10< example by ai".,.y mixing 210inds 01 so.n::II; . or 'S5'.., ,;,1g diIIe<en! w ille

IO<m 10 each VCO and modifying !hem us<ng ...- p;oramflters.

• The EWI3000m can pr'O(Iu(» a rich variety at ..... SE ·,.with the brea1h HtISOI'. ~...,.

SOf. and touch 58fISOI of the EWI3000 """cI ~ IYI'" UA"" • inc:tudir1g rise 8ACI1aI 0I1he lOne. W •• and wvakness ot!he 1On8, poAM lridIh 1llOC!o""'ion. cIafly oIlimbfa. vi· bration ellects. and IlIiOt allocls. AIIIo indoded it a monitomg Mldioo. wloid. ! .,.., you 10 take !he r:>Jrre.n !IIP4 ot m Bse senson: 81 a gIaoc».

• The EW13000m is equipped with 50 prese! eoundlS w ... riiog a widIit range 01 qualities Irom dense 10 delicat • . which a.e .e<tdy playable, plut • buik·in use(s t:Jank. where up 10 50 original SQUnds 01 yours ear: be s1Of8d with Iheif respeG1 .... "8ITIIIS.

These 100 kinds of..,.....;ls ear: be ~ in two Iyp8S ot", 4 ': Sound and P"""arn. The Program Ifoode is Sf. ·afly 1 · .. ne11O Mlw HSy~ ottheon:lel ott eel sounds 10 sui! )'OIl' fie S :Ii:: .

• Rernote ..... 'bot by usa of .. , : ~ 4"""" teo, sw,d , gNes 1ha abiIiIy 10 c:t\angIlllOUlldlfn:lm the sound blink ","oolhly and c:onYeIliafJiIy.

• Audio signals. lot ........ a ~!B1 sounds. can be inp.Il: fn:Im an enoJm;JI UA'4k* ...... 10 !he EXT IN ,., ,, . ... and lTDad wiIt1lhe EWI3OOOm', ' t,,1 F! .. eel scound . ....... ·51 you 10 aaiDe .- .... : I ! and .>CptN'""" Progranwned tnord panems can be played with up 10. f'<ItypllOooie soon:Ii:: using an ute<. "'" t.AIOI~..,.,.-d source.

16 character bad\.!~ LCO oHe.,; dialog IYPI ooeratoility and carries OIl! easy operation and v9l"itication 10. sound editing .


Page 3: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO


Table of Contents

Betore Starting Operations •.•.. •• ..•.••••.••.••..••.•. ••.••. •.•• .•..•.•• .•..•.•. .•.......................... 3 Panel Description •• ..•• ...••.•• .•.• .....•. .•••. .....•...............................................••.•••.••••.•. 5 Connections ........•..•.•....••.•• .•.•..••.••.•.••.••.•••.••.•.•••••.•. •• .•.•• .••••.• ................................ B Basics of the EWI3000m .....•. ................................................•.•. ••. .• .. ••.•.••••.••.••••.•. 9

(1] Let's Play! ...................................................................................................... 11 1. Basic Clpe<abon '" EWIJOOO Commlk!r ........................................................................... ... 11 2. Playing with Presel Sounds ..... ............ ...... .... ..... .... .............. ....... .... .......... . .... ................... 12 3. Varie1y '" Play; rog F ~nCIiOOS ........ . ....... ..... ....... . .. ..... .. . .... . .... . ............... ..... .... ............... 1 5

• Soo-.d mode & Program moOO .......... ... ............ ..... ..... ....... .....•.... .. ....•..... ........•. .• ..... ... ... 15 • Saning IhI.t Glide. Bood and VobralO Effects .............•............ . .... .. .. ... ..... . .................. 16 • MoniIoring F~nction .......... .. ........ . ...... . ...... . ...... ... ...... . .... ........................ ....... ......... . 19 • Tranpose Functi<;Jrl .... ............................................................................... . ........ .... ... .. . 20 • FOOl Swi tcloes ....... ...... .................... .. ... ... , .... , .... , .... ', .• , .. ... , ................... _ ... .... ..... ........ ...... 21

Tunirog .. '.' ... " , ... " .. '' ' .' ' ' ' .. ... ' ..... ........ ..................................... ..... " ' ... " ' . " "' , .. , .. , .. . 21

[2J Sound Editing ••.•.. ••••..•.••••• ••.•••.•••..•...........•................................•. .....•.••••.•.••.• 22 " What is a Synthesizer? .......... " " .' .... " " . " ,.,"" ' __ , ........................ ............................... 22 2. Signal Flow in EWI3OOOm .. ... ............ .............. ..... .... ...... .................... " .'. " ', ............. 24 3. Proceduffl of Editirog ...... .................. ... ' ... ' ....... "" .'."",.". , .. ,. , ..... ................ .. ...... ................ ,. 26 4. Parame1&1" Table ,., ' ... " .... " ................ ..................... ....... .... .. ................... ... ,., " "" ,." ... ,. " .. ... ,. 30

• VCO-AlB .. .. .......... ..... .................... ...................... ' •.. "." ' ,. ,"' ,. ," , .............................•......... 30 • VCF ........................... ............. ' .. _" .. ' .. '_ "" " '_"., .. .• , .... .......... .............. .... ........ ' . " " ' ,. ," 31

VCA ,., " " , .... " ........ ..... ...... ....................................................... " .. " " " "" ,.,', ......... .... 33 • l FO ......................................... , ................... ' .. '.' .. ' .. " ',. ,", .... , ........... .............•.. .... .. .•......... 34 • TROOER ....................... __ ." .. " •. ,., .. , •... , .......................... ............. .. . ' " .. " "" _ "' ,., .. 36 • VIBIBENO ....... ..... .. ... .•..•.... ..... .. .... ......•........... .... ... ' ..... ' ,., " """"' ,.,., ... .. .............. ........ .. ... 36

BREATH .......................... .. '_.'.' •. '.' ... ,." .. " " , .. , ............................................ '.... " ' ,.," 37 LABEL "" ', ....................... ........•......................... " .. "' . " " "" ,., "" " , ... ................ .. .......... .... 38

S. Sound Crealion .... ' .. "" '." .. ,.,'_ ... ... , ... ,. , ... ....... " ... , ...................... ..... ' ..... " " '." .. ' . . ," """' ,. , .. 39 • Example Prccedore lor Creating Sounos willi Acoustic En_elopes .... ............................ 40 • Example P,ocedure lor Creating Sounds wilt! EGs ................ ................... , .. .. .... . ....... . , 44 • &ample Procedure lor Mixing Source 1 and Source 2 " ., .,", .. " ...................................... "7

6, 0IMr Functions ..................... '" .. "_ ,.," ' ,.,. ," " ', .. , .... , ..... ....... ................... """ ' .. " __ , ......... . " 8 • LFO ,.,""", ., " ,., ...... ............... ...... ...... ... ... ............... .. ...... ",.," ' ... , ... , ......................... .. ....... ' 48 • Idodulalion EIfecI ..... .. ................ .. ....... , .. ,.,' , .. " .,.," , ............ ................................ ' ..... " " "" 48 • 0sciIIa1Of Sync '." '. """" ", ... ..... " ., .. , ... __ ...................... .................. ... '" " .. " .. , .... ... ........ 49

T,-igoe< ... , .. , ............................................................. " .. .. " , ..... _" ..... .. ..... .. ... .. .. .... ............... 50 • I ... zl"ng .... ......... .... .. ........... ... ' ... '.' .. ' ,." .... . , ........... ....................... .......... ' ... " ,." .. , .. , .. " ." .. . 53

(3] MIDI Applications .......................................................................................... 54 I . Transmitted and Recei ''1!d Data .................................................. ___ , .... , ............................. 54 2. MIDI Parametors and Their Assignments.. " " ', .. , .. .... ..... .. .......................... ' .. "'.. " " ' ,...... .•. . 55

• MIDI mode ... ' , ... " ... " .... , ... .... .. .......... .......... ..... ................... ' .. .. .. ,., ................................... ' 55 · l/Ii~ mode ..................................... ' .. "'.,,' .. """ " , .. ... ........ ............ ................. " ', ........... . 58 • Edit mode .. .. . ,.,' .. ... ', .... , ................... .......... ..... ... ......... ...... " " •. ', .,." .... ... ... ..... ............. ..... ' 50

3. Practical Examples .. .... ... ......... ........ ' .... _ ""' .. " ,",', ........................... ............. " """ " , .. .. , 61 4, Othe< Functions ..... ' .. . ,." .. ,' .. . " .............................. ........... . ,' ,.,"", ................. ... ........... ... ....... 65

• CNm! Play Fund"" ..... ....... ..... " ... '. '_" .. ,' ... " , .. " ' , ..... ........................... ". '. " " "" ' , ......•.. 65 • Sound Copy FurlC1iori ... .... .. , .... ,., ............................................ " ." .. , .. .... .. ............... ...... ... ' 70 • Bulk OU~ & B~lk load ..... ..... .......................... "'."", .. , .............. .. ................. " ., .. , ....... . 71

Specifications ..................................................................................................... 72 Sound List ........................................................ .. ................................................. 75 MIDI Implementation Chart •••.•............................. ••..•••••.•. ••. ••. .................•.•.•• .•.•• 76

Page 4: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

Before Starting Operations

To promote uItI UN EWI3000l3OOOm is supplied with POWB' using ItIe AC Adapter . Please use the included adapte< tor sale use, an::I de not use il tor any oilier machine.

Power requirements PoWl,l f mquiremenrs for eloch icaj equipment dille< 1rom area to area. PIoose ensure that roo, mac:hine meets the power requirements in your a ma. I! ;0 doIbI. ronsult a qualified electrican . 22O~23I)V, 50Hz lor Europe ,ucep! UK 24CV.5OHz tor UK and AtlS1ralia 120V, 6OHz tor USA and Canada

Tum ofIlhe powM eft.., uN Tum the powe< 011 aflet use 10 be safe and 10 conserve energy. Pu~ the AC Adapter Imm the sockll! ~ the EWI30()(W3000m is not going In be used for a ....niW3.

How 10 handle Ihe AC Adilpter tie .... , puU !he cord 01 AC Maplm, ~ may resun in disconnoctions . Alway$ hold the AC adapte, to remove ~ trom the socket tor sateTy purposes ard 10 prevent electocutions. 00 001 touch !he AC Adapler w;/h Wei hards.

Prevent/rom spUilng _ ... Of dropping metal obll cts In lhe EWIlOOOm WalCh carefully especially for m;schieYous acts by chiidren. Do not drop ..-djes l\aj,pms, coins, melal objec1s. or ftammable objects such as paper into \tie machine . Fl.IIthermortl . do not put vases or oups fi ll9d will> wallK on or around !he macIlina.

ReeonslrUCtIoIlls dangerous and mey resullin the EWI3OOOI3OOOm m81tunctlolng.

Aboullhe location To ptomote optimal use 01 the EWI3OOOm, be conscioos 01 whe<e ~ is ~aced. The 1~1o' .. ;"!IIoc<I!ions are IIOI~;" 1M :

1. ""'"" ".,,,,,. hut .... , sIng machines or in 1M $Uf'I.

2. _ ana <lUsty places. 3. lucalioo . --'Y lIII_ r", ._ ~ . L.oca!ions wilt. tIC sir _lion. 5. Sloped <If slanted 1oca!Ons.. 6 . E411<1"1f11y <:oicI pIa<:1I&.

n. EWlMOOl3DOOm's atfect on 011 _ eleelric:;l1 equIpment The EW!3000/3000m may ca' oSe TV and radio noise and ~ -...her1 used close to TVs and fadios. In S<.ICh cases fTIOV9 the EWIJOOOIJOOOm away lrom those ...,its.

Sound vuiu .... manners When enjoying the EWI3OOOf.3OOOm. r! Ilse have tonSideration lor yoor neighbor,;. espodally be keeping the volume down at night.

S. careful 01 "rosui spnys Inwc;ticidllS Please btl carelul sif10fil insedicides may damage the surface of the panel .

How 10 take care 01 the cabinet ...cI p.ule! surface Wipe rust 011 with a dry ctoth. and ~ H is heavily sullo:>d. use a small amount 01 dish washing soap Of a """tra! detergent and wipe ~ with a soft doth. Refrain !rom using tNfIfI81". befll'ene Of 011_ chemicals that may damage the finish and I<ey pads.


Page 5: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

·~ 1111 .. I x.ling t'" EW\:KIOO/3OCIiDm -_(5 di5('·. «I "" I\C adapIer and conrtedions beIo<e •• w;ri"!l .... EWI'YXIIY3OOOm.


In 11'05 case. !he EWIJOOOm may mallundion cUt 10 !he witageic--.d. When .. mes"gf .~.~""Akai !Woll n ·MaI de*r 10 ....... "" bana y 1'eJO'1 .,-1 wiIh. ne..orw.

Atler·S.I,. s. ... '" Please oonsu~ thI! f/te.·1Iies seMoa ~merl1 01 I'" deeIe< where you pureh&$lld the EWl3OOOI3OOOm lot deblils .............. '11 rep,;,.. dIIring "" warranty period and 0Iher .11&1. AIn MrYicing, W you .. b •• ,,,,,,, or unabIo! 10 rudllhfl daBII', conIaCI"" .... arest AKA! ""ok,, .... .. at ...

Page 6: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

Panel Description Control Panel <Front Panel>

AXAI A . d

EW13QOOm ---• • • o - - - -

--- --- ---

.' 10 •

• BrH Ih Conlroi Knob (BREATH) Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO. VCF, and VCA, atc. Il,IncIic<", smoothly &iX.Oid­ing ((I the SD"'II~ ' aI the bte~1h blown into tile I1'IOUtflpo8Oa on !he EWI3OOO. The outer. large knob is the adjust&< lor prope~V op8filling the brNlh senlOi'. The inside knob .. lor <ldjusting !he $llnSili1lily oIlhe """"",",

• Glide Control Knob IGUDE) Use Ihis knob 10 obtain I glide elfec1 (soh ris­

ing or Ill1ng altha pilch) wittllhe glide piale on \he EWI3OOO. The 0U1~ knob is !he adjustor lot ~ opei'8tino!he ~ido.t!OUCh sensor. Use \he InsO:ia knob 10 adjust the duration 01 the pilch dIange.

• a.nd Control Knob (BEHO) Th"I knob is used 10 obtain a pitch bend eIIec1 by ulli"'ll the bend UP/DOWN p~le ot the EWl3OOO. Use ~ 10 """",\he pilch up or down. The OUUIf, large knob is \he ~et 10. prop-8Ify operating the bender's touch 5eflSOt. The ill$ide knob is lor adjusting !he range 01 how muc:Illhe pilch is banI.

• • - .-· - I · -• -.-

-c.c---c,--~~--c.c---,.-DDDDD 00000


• •

Vibrato Control Knob (VIBRATO) Thi5 knob is used to obIain a vibfalO enect. by exerting pressure on Ihe moulhpl"::8 of EWI3OOO. h adjusts \he seosi1ivity oflhe lip

Volume Knob (VOLUME) Adjusts \he oupul levlll tor LINE OUT and PHONES OUT.

Dlapa.y SICtion (DISPLAY) The Liquid Cryllu.J Display (LCD) Incfoeates various mes .. ; F : . sound names. and para­meIfIrs lor \he EWI3000 In 16 chatacte<s. The • [ play is eqooij .,«1 with II backligh~ 110 ~ ~

be seen even in darl< pI~, ~. BREATH LED: ~ vrilllight up wh&n Dfeath

sen50f is working . GLtOE LEO: tt witt tight up when the

Glide touch sensor Is WOIking.

BEND LED: It witt light up wlHln tile Bend touCh sensor Is

TRANS LEO: ...... It witt light up when tile Transpose [unction is ......


Page 7: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

""'.<> PROGRAM LEO: When In !he Sound ""xIe

Ii!Ihts red, In !he '""yam mode, green.

• r ,..n l poH Bunon (TRANS) This button is used lor changing !he key_ k is pou ible 10 '",nspose the pitCh within the ,aroge ·01 lhru C Ihru .0.. In Ihe Program mode ~ Is possHe 10 asslgn transpos/lioo 10 .ac:ro bill....., SOIInd which c;¥I bit turned On or

"'. • utility Bunon (UTUT'Y)

ThIs Is used 10 _ !he UIiity mode. In this "lOde I'0Il can oonII'oI MEUORY PROTECT 0nIQf!, """ ity $81 up, Bulk Dump, end Chore ,"tOgramming. atc.

• Monitor lkrtIon (MOIIITOA) Thli II !he button U$8d 10 lin .... !he t.Ionitor mode. In IhiI mode, rurrent Statui oIlhIt Goliss, Glide, &.nd. end Vibrato .tI.~I' by the EWIlOOO will bit 6sp''',1Id "" "000'''''' '111U'­.....

• $ound:Prog ...... Button (SNOiPFIGMj This bunon IS US4Id to seleCl e;u.., Ihe Sound or Program Mode.

• Edit IIkMIe Button (EDIT)

u.. this butIon 10 _Ihe Edil modIt. In this , I odoi you can create or edit "'IW E' using !he ~ __ p..-a ...... re."S.

""" .. are a/,lll;Nl\(llicaJly lei

I pressing this button bflo<& aod before editing or 0'&8Iiflg

• WOI Button ("01) ms bWon is used 10 enterlhe 1.1101 ... • up 0110". In this this ",ode . you eIIn "sign the MIDI Tr8llSmiIfRec&ive chanllllls. program c:hanget, ".nsmi\ V~lty. &nd HIec1 ttle brNlh QQ1lbollr.vlsmilll1Ode.

• Wrtle Button (WRITE)


This billion is used 10 store IIoicas lhat roo <U1.l1Id or «IiIi'd ink> !he user bani<. " is IIIso used 10 CIO!'Y po Sp' sourds 10 Ihe U$« ~

or 10< c:hanging !he 0f0ar 01 the sounds in Ih& ~rriOdlt_

• GIIdIo SwltcII (GUD£ SW) ThIs • If> CWOIf ""IU, oIlhe Glide .n&ct while Ihe EWl3OOO'r1 played by 1he MIOI clllliI from IhI MIDI IN. Avail*" whtn in IhI Pit)­gtam moct.: ~ you tum this s.itc," lO the OI! SQIIf .... IhI Glide LEO., the C·splry u -1iM wilgo 011.

" Soun;e 11 Soun;e 2 (SOUACEll2) Selec, bullOo lor scuro&S 1 & 2 wh ile tdillng .

• In.uvm.nt JKk (INSTAUMEHT) This is ,lie connection ,e,mlne] 10' III. EWl3OOO..w-.d ~ Iyp8 COI",'.I.,.

• Velue Up'tIown Button (VALUE UPiOOWNj ThIS butIon is used to assign values 10 !he varic:lu' perame!efS.

• S" ' CI Key. ..o.. - d~ (SELECT) T ..... y •• used lor selecling the 1If., .......... when ct .... ( I : ... ea::h Yoi:::e , or when you',. in .... EdilfIIOGI.

• NEXT UP/DOWH Button (NEXT UP;OOwtoll ThIS tIuI10n it: LI$ad II) fIlOWI the paramtJen; up or ClOwn in orde,. lor 8acII aouoo or 8ach mode. a you press and hold IIIis IlvtIoo ~ will ~'X lid more J"3!)idIy.

Page 8: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

cRear Panel>

• • • • • -.!. - _. o ~.

-- • 0 9 __ co.uo.

_. 00 0 0

.... -- - .

• Po"" Switell (POWER) Us, I ~l •• wltch 10 I",rn I~ pow.r 01 the EW13000m 0t'1;and 011.

• ........£ (DC IsY IN) ThIs is ". jId< 10 oonnect IIW IIUIIIOriZIld AC -

• .. IlIOUT.I«:k This Is Ih4I 0u1p.Jl jack 0/ 1.4101 da~ including au. Clump data.

• .. Ill IN JacII This Is the It"IOI InpuI jId< lor ,ec , ., otog data 01 NdI "'101 "'-"" 01 &.010. Dump data.

• F_ S.lIch Jack (PROGRAM Up) UN tlq jId< 10 connect II foot .... 1Ch. The program No. can be changed . ... :c "" ... Iy ~...nen In the Progfam mode. and the IOUnd No:.'iIouo"s. in the Sound moOIt.

• T"nlng Knob (TUNE) Th .. butIon Is "sed 10 tu .... the pilch 0/ !he EW'lOOOm 10 mIIlth that 01 0Chet ~ Tiring ,. POI'tOIe Md oiu. range 01 . '·100 -

["7 . • ' .2 .::.:1 """' _.-

• EII--.t Sound Source Input Jack (EXT IN) The 1npuI)II;k is ill standatll pIoIe pkIQ jack.. Co<1ned ~ 10 1M line 0uIp.rt jId< on lUi .xter· nal Sr ''''' .... 01 digiIaI S<Wl , .,

• Line 0Utpu't JIIdo: (UNE OUTPUT)

no. ~}KIt is • SIarldard ~ plug jack.. CCh«! ~ 10 \he ~ne ~ \lick on • Iriler 01 ~. Ao;IiI.ttt the 00J1put IeYet by using the • VokMne Knob.

• liz. ,,~_ .. JKk (PHONES) Use thIa jlldllO _ ........ ". ..... z1J.' ... 'lIM •• ' ... NJ· joJs1lhe .,.,,,,. using the • V ...... knob.


Page 9: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO


Connecting the EWI3000 to the EWI3000m

Step 1 : InSlll1 "'" QDllnilC1l1f plug S8CUf<!11 using the authorized cord ;"clud&d with !he EW13000

Note: Make SUfa both machines are turned all .men you make a OOI'h"I8C1ing as shown in the ilustration below. The a\llhoril.ed con· nection cord is a multi pin cable 60 \hal ~ng strong~ on the cord Of h;lndling II rwghly may damage it

Connecting to External Components anellor Sound Source

EVI """"

• A jlOae. afl1ll~ie< is nee! ' syY to ou!pU1lhe sound lrom !he EWIJOOOm through speakers. Use standard phone plug cords 10 connecI1he.,.,pm or mi""" to the UNE OUT jad< of IhlI EWI3000m "" shown in the Wluslnllion above. Using effectors, such 8$ echo machines, revflrbefators. or equal'z8fS, gives even 1iche< B~'

Pfession 10 the EWI3000m sound.

tt is possible to control ar'I e><1ema1 MIOI COIT1)Or>errl with the EWl3000m by using its MIDI INiOUT and EXT IN jades. Or, \'OU can controI1he EWI3000m using the external MIDI ~ ponG<1I or sound sou."".

• Connecl the MIDI INIOUT tenninaJ wI\tl an 8I./ItIorUed MIDI o;:onnec:tion cable.

• Connect the EXT IN jack wi1h a standard phone plug cord .

....... $<I" the power It lin*' ""_ roo ............... Ii"" y<Nt OC>19O'oenI ~ !he EWI3OOOm. ,..., '''.''''.0'' ID un It-...,...... 01,. ........... ...., _ .. 10. "Ii.II""" __ you IUm the EWI300Dm OIIICIII, Ie pro""I"'" or 5 ...... ffom cIamagI.

EacI1 country hal _""" ,.oItage a)_h. 10 be ..... 10 use the _ AC ~_

COf'r" ponds 10 "'" ....,....- "' !he a>unIr)o III "' ....

Page 10: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

Basics of the EWI3000m

---~ --

The EWI3000m is a synthesizer sound ooodule which can be pl<lyed with the EWI3000 wind instrument !ypa o::>nlroller. and has a yarie~ of "'-lsical aDOlities. The EWI3OOOm's representa­tion is as rich as an acoustit; musicCII instrument. biJt"';lh much more possibility lor expaOOed expression wilen perlorrning, The EWl3000m has m&n1lunc1ions aod operations, but in order to s,irrpily things. it can be basl<::aIly divi<Ied into :2 se c:tions in this manual which are: -Playing- aod -Creating SOUOOS',


Creating Sounds

The nodes used Iorlhesa basicseclions are the -PlAY" rnodoo (wilan ptay;ngt. andthe -EDIT" mode (....nen crea~ng soondst. plus "UTILITY and MIDI" mode. lor IIxchanging data with other MIDI instruments and sound s.oo.ctls. etc .. But . belo'9 actually Uylng 10 operate the EWI3OOOm, Ieam about the total SlruCIu.e 0lJIIir.ed in the I ....... ing ~tustralion and the specilic proceduf8S lor playing aod editing which foj~.


T'he<o "" rwo_

"""'- ''''''''''" ""'" I -- No. 0' I , , p ........ eon. , ,

~" I I ~. , i1 , ,

I , ,

No, 5' , , , , , , , , , , , , iJl ,

iJl No. 00 I , , ,

~,OO I ,

Vo<> can '"g .... _dp ,....,......", ., • "'<9'" _'" ..... "I, .....



n.. mo<!o is lor .... ~ .II '" E.:I1_ canbo _ "'~ .... onIJOIaI_ 111&...,.,. ........ Ior __ PfO'-"1 "~'no '" '0< .... __ I*a,.,,,,,..

"" ond •• Il-g"ng .. ,;0" • _0.""',"'- , ...,., -.g. ,.... can ..... ......", .. .,. lIM<

= .,S'?.:.: = ,.al",,,,, ., .... ~,OO, --,

Page 11: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO


Basic Procedure for PIa.,il"lg I Step 1: Conned !he CDi ' ........ IEW' wJO wiIh !he EW13000m end otheI' cornpconenb.

Step 2: M;.osl VtoIumIo . Breath. Glide. Bend. and VobrlIlO oI1he EWt3OOOm. i Use 1Ile mani· tamg tuow:Iio;w,.)

• You """ HI up N _ 01 "-.,_ In the E<III onodoo.

51"" 3: Sell :1 the PlAY mode iSourd 01 Program mode).

Step 4: S . '1 the SOund Bank 01 PI"",,"" 8ionk, !hen play. iBank ' lIn ' Iio ., IfriIh "" foot SA' .. is .... ".,..)

1 Basic Procedure for Editi l"lg

51"" 2: SBla~ 1tw Sound Bank whid, rou wi$h 10 Edit. (when In 1Ile PLAY meg.)

SIep 3: RelerlO"" Par;wnewTabIe on !he FfOOt Penel. and",.. ie thedn;'edparametef . ..... ""-Step 4: SlOr.!he IOUOd you hawo just Ectled 10 !he IJMr ear... (5otn:I ear.. 51 -00.)

. ~rou_lO. rouc.> .... ..,Prqjr ...... OI'OO.

SI~ $: R~m mlhe IJtiNty mode end tum Ihe MIIrnoty Protect back on.

Page 12: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

[1] Let's Play! Now,lel's try paying using the SO p!'eS81 sounds oIlhe EW13OOOm. You win also need to refer to!ho Manual of !he EWI3000 controller.

1. Basic Operation of EW13000 Controller

<Holding Position>

Use Ihe indlJde<:l """" ~ng to allow tree use 01 your hands and hold as you would a 5aXop/>one or clarinlll; or wI'Ole sittiog down, you can set \he controller on your knee or lap, Just a Iiglt touch 01 the keys is aJllhat is neoassary 10< sound pll,lductioo. The EWI3000 employs \OuCh sensors so tIlere Is 00 key action, unlike a usual wind instrument.

You MII .... tly lind ~ ~ U$8lul1O play wiIh touch ............. when playOlg last p'SSE 9 ' & _ you t>o"" IQmed to play will> lI1is met>od.

<Octave Shift Rollers alld Earth Plate>

Place your left thumb on !he back side mlhe EWI3OOCI, belwl:le~. any IWQ roIlsr$. During play­ing, you mUSt keep yool left thumb lOuChing the position between two rollefs al 31 times. The ,...siticn between ~allWO reliefs with rough touch gives the Slandard pilch_ Also, !he right han::llhumb must always he touching !he Earth Plate_


Place Ihe mouthpiece in your rnoo.oth;;wld blow. Ho_r. you CiIMOI blow down Ihe O8Ilte. 01 lUbe due 10 a cer1aln method for oontrolling !he airtlow has boon adcpl9d. Biling !he meum· piece lighlly, blow OUt as a linle air flows from efIt1eI side oIlhe mouthpiece, As you blow out, the p<6S$Ure to !he internal breath sensor wi l be deteced as the YOIume_ H you ... ant to play a long tone, blow OUI as iii< doeS not flow !rom side otlhe 1T1<l\Jthpiea!. Also to ob\ajn vOIalO eI18Cl put pressure on !he ~ SoeI'lSOf as you DIow by lightly biting and releasing it

.. Tonguing,..

You cat1 play by lounging wMII blowing by controIing!he a~ straam in smaH 00<515.

• .o.djust!he BREATli I<nob ID make _enI nL>A11Ce6 Ill"'" 1O/1(Iuin\l.


Page 13: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO



By IOOching the right thumb to the B&rId UpIOown ptate (with the Earth pIale also touehed), roo can obtain a Pilch Bend ellK1 (UpIOown of pitdl) . Adjo5t tn.. Pitdl Bend range on tn.. EWl3000m. Before you get used to touching the vafiQ.u5fy Ioc:ated plates. you may !OUCh lIpOI1

the Bend IJpIOown plate by (t(lCidenI. Take care for ttIis.


By touching the Earth plaia, and ptacing your ~thllmb to the 0 1000 plate. and th&n changing the pilch. you can achieve a Glidof ellact (which will smoottlly and continuously 51000 the pilch up Of down: Portamem aIIact). Adjust the Glide time on the EWI3OOOm.

2. Playing with Preset Sounds

Basicatly you have to set up tM EWt3000m to adjtlSt the parameters. Bre<llh, Glide. Bend. Vtwato, and Votume to ""~ for your pertonning manne<. I k ... 8.·8., ~"'t we &hould stan ¥riIt1 the """51 simple setting and try playing the factory pn!SIlt sounds.

I . Make ""re the EWI3000m is turned olf.

b . Rafe"inll to · Conn&Ctions· se<:tion. connec1 Ihe EWI3000 cont.oller corrK11y 10 the EWt3000m. and mUcef. POWef !UT1p1ifier. etc. At this time, mixef or amplifiers power should be ott. or l'OIume at a mini rn,Jm to protect the speakefs. Also check the EWI3000n" , VOL­lIME knob to set 10 the minimum posi1ion.


LED wilt I t up in red

d. AdJustlng the Volume (During lhis()peration Do NOT Toucn the EWI3000 CoI'lIroIef)


-~l 1« AUTO

c c I


:~ :_ LI.:s~'~I~'~',--T~·C5:..cT:R,UCT_.:'~ • • •

Page 14: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

Step 1: FiBl • .,;!juS! It. BRUni COIlII'oI knob. Tum boCh 1hII ouIer (ADJ) wid inner (SENS) knrItIt to !he right uniI you He hi I'IrUIh LED on .... .,. IigI'l 141-

Step 2 : NIl.,. 1Um lhIo VOlUME knob skIwty 10 lhIo right. Soon:! Bank No.Ot T.sTRUT ..... ich iI shown on lhIo ·fl p'~Y. wiI tit 1IHtd. AdjusIlhIo ¥OUna ........ do'lh. And the.-olume oIlhIo ." ... f .... Of mDclif whid, you IIIiIY be using shoukI now tit ... -Step 3: Tum boCh 1hIo inner.nd DUI&I knobI of 1htt GUD£. BEND, and VIBRATE allhII


way 10 the leh. A.nd outer (ADJ) knob 01 1t. 1BEND. sic .ty 10 !he right. 0118110 !he position ...... re the Bend LED goef oH(this is !he status 01 Glide. gen:I. wid Vb"aIO:oFF}.


(~ "

, "

, "


, "

, "


•. Adlusting the B ... th Step 1: Tum !he BRUni outer (" OJ) knob slowly 10 IhIt left. and sellO wi ....... So h

LED goes 011 AI this paint !he sound wiI go 011100. S1ep 2: Now. WIth 10lIl" thumbs placed _ 1hIo E""" Plate and Octa<e SI"iII AI ...

10m .... intJ Ihe ITIOU1hpiece oI1h1t EWIlOOO. B .• !he bo .. p, ,. '-' ... jusllld. 1ht sound wiI be proOOced...,.. Try nlOl<iog)'CU fnDIollO~"" pit::hlIl.

S tep 3: NeICt. try luming !he , ..... (SENS) knob Ik • ~ 10 the 18ft. and !len chect\ how !he •• pression at the sound changes. Thtlufther you 1Um the knob 10 1he lei\. !he $Ircnge< you need 10 blow 10 produce 1htt IIOtmd .

~ j'OdJ .... !hi " ... ,1""'" u ..... ,. (" f ', 'n, , ~ j'OdJ """ 00"''''''' .... ....,.... CJI

....... '''11'''' • """'" ""'" PO 01. it ... '" ,.,...".,., un .. sa.s _10 ........ _to I ... (lID '\Cot. or to .... <Wt\ .... ,.. .,," • __ ........ _10_ .... ,_ .. "1_ ~ lor ",,",""""""" , . ,'"0 •• . . .. •

SENSE knob

--_ .... -..... , -_ .. _.


, " ""'-_ ........ .._MII>f\>,...._ .. : ... h_


Page 15: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO


t. SI'leting ...... nd lars Cry playing willi lilt various sounds by d'Ioo$ing a Sound Bank No .. WMn the EWI3000m is prcMdIId lOIIh 50 Iac::kJry po F . M 1OUOds: No.Ol ·30 for gerotral patIornIanoI by IhII EW!3OOO coullchd . No.Jl.-.o 101 solo ~ by the EWIJOOO ..... tII:h ·. and No.41-50 tor bMs 1OUOds. For.,.. Sound IIoink No.Sl .QO •• signed are !he u me IOUIIdI asNo.Ol·50.

5189 1: .a ,,'a<' a Sound Bank No by usmg!he Se'l::1 kayI 0-9. FOf instance if 100 want 10 1IS$ign!he 5cYnd Bank Nc.25 FEEOBAK2, push key 2. then 5. The "'splay wiN show the Sound Bank No. and Sound Name usiQned.

Ex. Sitl clio'll Sound Bank No.25 FEEOBAK2: . , 0101 • • 152:5 :(


~D __ ~,_<.

Slep 2: Yoo CM _!he Sound Bank Na .. upOfdownby single incremerIt. by pusIwlg ..... NEXT UPIDOWN buCIonI. FOf~. W you pressed !he UP OO1lOf1 OOC8. !he Sound Bank NO. would now be No26 PANPtPES To press and ~ down !he uPlOOWN bu1!on wilt 'JwGrease with rapid Sll F lid.

, ~ , - ~

V f':, To . -* Too 5' .........

Tho _ ...... "'" •• 1. !fog lie PI<Igr ... tIo . ....... in II» PfogI ......... iI • ..aIy"

-:'-For Iit ~l"oglnl_. _10 lie Soundl..ill ""P9 7S.

AI this point. you IIhoukI gel II(:CUS1Orned 10 1hIt EWI3000 conllDlIMs ~ng&ri!"IQS.nd Drta1h oontro1. Also. the various sounds which can be plod\.lC8d by !he EWl3OOOm. and haw 10 make """"--So t • . !he settings lor !he GIiM. a.nd. Of Vibralo atf«tI ... no! '-" in use, JUSt 11'81 uMCIlO !he ~ ijjiii ;' '11 and brealtllirsL and 'Ihtn you can 11** ...... .01 addio'llll e en_ 1I0I80".

Page 16: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

3. Variety of Playing Functions

Now Ihill you .,. ... buc:oloe used 10 !he EWI3000 COO":'ZI 'S fioyo.~ and breath control. and SOUnds of !he EWI3OOOm, _";H cIeIve d~e~r into ttIt ITIOfII aot.iOIICl9d playing t9Ctniques. settings. and the functions r&latiid 10 !hem.

<Sound mode & PTogram mode.


Theraa.atwo ~,:d I Sound and PIOgiam provided .. ,. EWI3OOOnt- 'M., }'OUpIoo~. }'OUcan wI: ·t i!iiIher mode.

"Sound mode" has 50 preset banks (Soulld Banks No.s 01·501 and 50 UHI Baroks (Soulld Barb 5 1-001 tor • IOta! of 100 baoka. When you tum IhIi po_ M . ~ will automa!icaly be set "'!he Sound lllOde. So you _. playing .. !his mode."'" powQ.os 51 .Iio>' regatdng Play· ong pr...m -.rods. The origoNIlIOUtIIk you edit can be SIOIed 10 ttoese Sound 8enb 51-00 .. IhIi "Soulld mod&".

"PI"II'atn lroode" OOI'Ilililis tOO PIOgi""" Banks (Plogo am 8enb No.s Ot .(0). ThilItlIow5 you 10 freely assign a sound from !he Sound MOde 10 eacto Program Barok and iTiIJke ~ possHe to arrange 11\11 sounds In the order you wa", 10 play with. So. aMe< you setSeI' Program Bank. you can o;x;onoant"te 011 perlonro<once without looking lor the 1OU1ld}'OU.......:I81 thai ~ma.

You ClIO MIl 1:111\11 Sound Of Program mode using II'oe SNOIPAGM button. Each , ...... )'OU press !his button. you can aIlemalli it. When )'OU II ... .,.. Sound rriUdoi SHDIPAGM LEO on II'oe IIiII SIde oj displa~. willighI" red. when .. me "f'l'Qgfal'n Mode" II w'illight up in !p\II,If\.

You can sala :1 II'oe Bank No. 01 eithef mode by Ihe using !toe SELECT lleys 0-9 0( using the NEXT UP/OOWN Mon.

__ No, " , ' ,

I ,

o· I h r _ .. PI ... " ... » rnode

_ a __ ...

"",---. - 1' I

.. - I --Is .. _ f

: = r::lpt ,---:S,----,- -II-, .. - . I

":::=--~~~~ L~'~":: :':' =~ ____ .::.-- o·~ _ _ __ ..... -.y L-

• For _10 _Ofc:opy_ I' , .". _10 ~ 211& 70,


Page 17: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO


<Setting the Glide, Bend, Ind Vibnlto Effect ...

Up 110 this point. .... haw .~ how 110 MI lilt VQIume and Bteall\ ~. Whtn _ chIc"td the jOj £III IOUnck in the PleTo.- '5 ljo "I. _ only used It F 78 and II!! the DIher .lIects off. Bul. IICII.!-iIIIy you aIso!llld 110 set up the o1hIr eft_· Glide. Bend. and Vib<ato. All", cuII.JIoiting;lil oIlhIse Mlllnos. you an hea, Ihe EWI', poI9flIialiIy. Do till ........... "11 Sleps aft&< compje1ing tllljOjoc:edu,e in '2.P\aying wilM PfH81 Sounds" .

•. Adjusting 1111 GIIdrI EIIICI

Step 1: T~1I'e1mer (TWE) knobollhe GUOE tothe posiIioto beTwoeen I\aII 'MIV and 80 pel .......

, " Step 2: NU1 • • itlOUItoucNng the EWiJOOO Con\roIIe(I Glide Plale . .... 1 the outside

(ADJ) knob U!"IIJ the GUOE LED lignts up. Aller IhM tum it bad< ~I ,r"M, unlit IhlLEOptoll. n.ndw:t< 110 .......... "" 1' *"'" you lauCh Ihe Gb Plate the GIidt LEO I9"Ib up.

GUOE .- GLIDE • -~

, ' , -.-.... . " • -• -• I c ~ • -• -• -• --

f_ ... ___ ... lfO..,. .... ,-, .'.,_ ....... lfO_ ....

Step 3: ~ ... you blow "*' the EWI3000 OOilb'" ' " while still toud1ing the Glide Plate IIfId OcW" Shift RIlRiIs. TrrlO ahitt the OctTle R''als. W I1lt this llIed. you can UPfIII the qualities ot I trombone. tor e~ampIe. or COUISI you could IjI&1 the SlIme eIIecI by 1111 pilch cIIange by ordinaJy tngerings.

WillI _ .. I I " yo.: carn;,I Of' !hi! GI;o..n.<:I ........ n-o. (C - .. !rom !hi! TriggIc 1W>' I 'J c j., !hI!_. ~ .. ".. . ., you _10 _ .... EOit..­_ .......... GIOt. TimI. IO_ ..... _ r ..... c·,c 01 TI ....... __ 50.

Page 18: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

Step . : wr- )'00 become UIIId 11> !his liIc:t . 'Iiqut. you will ballble 10 have • varie!y 01 so".." pPrn 7 • ' . by Ihe toucI'I 01 the GlIde PIMa. ")'00 wonl ba q I ."'11 this eIIect. )IOU can tum 011 1M GlIde lOlled: by kIming boIh knob& .. YhI way III YhlItIL




! ... LED .......... lit. _ .,. adjI ! 'II ... w..r knob (TUoIE). MY 14' !he ...... knob ("OJ).,.

E .. .. ............



b. Adjul ' ing ..... a.nd EtI..:!

S",,"' : T.." 11-. ...... (WIDTH) I<rdI of the BEND 10 Ihe poeIYIon befOo U, hall w~ and eo peo,*,L

$(ep 2: Ne.r:t. ~ .. idoous.....a-;ng!he EWIlOOO Coo", · 0'1 &end ~ F'IaM. adjo'" !he outIidII (AOJ) knotJ 10 !he right oolil YhI Bend LEO lights,..:.. A/7ef ... , tum ~ ;.st - ,.,I"" unlillhe LEO goesoll. Then mIIUng lUte ... ..., time)'OO IDuCtI YhI&end Up'DDwn PIIo~. " Bend LEO 19115 "".

SI"P 3: Now, ")'0\1 blow inIO the EWIlOOO ..... IItU·lf. while 10UChing the Bendl4VOown Plate. 10 o-t!he Pilch &end eIIecI (slidng!he pilch ~1'11ike berdoijj a tiring 01 Ihe lliJi!at). Dtptnding on the ~ sound, 1ha width (range) oIlhe bend will GtIer. ,.,.. '"~ " ........ .".... f[~~r·""'''·-·


I Step 4 : AIHr< you".. biicome accustomad 10 this tect. ique . you can have many axdtitog • • -

p:essiaroI ot the wIncIlnstn.omer1l used in M01SiIi •• ClOI\atIooatioo' with breath """ ,~oIlO realty sound great. But, W )'CU prefer not 10 ..... this ,"ed, you can leave h off by 5U..w.g!he in_ knob (WfDTH) aflthe way 10 Ihe left, while setting ilia OllIe< (AOJ) knob 10 the poeition ........ YhI Sand LEO IUIT4 011 .

.... h . " ..... 1\11 ___ s.nd W..,wiI M a'Vll ""_ .

.... LED .......... _ ..... . ' . 'U .......... _(WCT1i} . .. I4' ........ _ --"

Page 19: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO


c. Adjusli!>g u.. Vibl1l!o En.ct

Step 1: Tum the VIBRATE knob to the position between haH way and 80 pe<cenL


Step 2: ~, while blowing into the EWI3000 controller, lightly bit .. the ~ (exert pressur8 around the rnoothpieoe) to pro<.IuOO the VibmlO &fleet (~wWl ",aver the pilch at regular intervals). Some of the preset sounds haY8 different typeS 01 Vibrilto ~ .....,

Step 3: Alter you become acwSlomed to th is tectnique , you can add chann and dDpIh 01 emotior> 10 the sound you're playing with. 01 course it you preter 00110 use !his 8ffec1, you can rum of! the Vinua..t!9CI by 1I.Jming the VIBRATE knob an the way to the lett

• The .. -""",",, !or IhIF amounI 01 each aouncr. \It:II"IIIo MIl t:.. explaned 1a!fJr.

Page 20: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

cMonitoring Func:tion,.

The Mao .... FuroClloo' II very useful tor setting various llllec;ts. be<aIse when \'011 ... II "'" can cx:onfifm ~ lilt amour'll 01 Bend, GIidoI, ...,;j Vb .lU 1hiII hi!I:s been awNI ~.

Step 1: H \'011 pr liS 1h8 MONITOR but10n wIliIe )'OU're in the SoundJProgram Roxie (1hi$ luncticn i$ ,"SO .v""" in the EdiW!iIity/M IOI mod B I), the lispIay will chaoge 10 !he Uonilomg IIC(8«O 000 "",ming the so;oltio"" lot amount ~ brealh,


SI., 2: Every Iinw \'011 Prfi'S$!he NEXT UP button, 1h8 ,J p'ey .... c:haIl!IJ8 in IV?: F , ..... !rom the Brealh Amount IQ Ca:, 10 !he GIidoI Amount, Bend Amounc. Vibr870 AmcunI, AIIti, you can chIInOe badllO the poe,iou& eMCC1 by proF frog the NEXT DOWN tounDn . F y""".... CII"'V' tcr_ ... , sa:."", by preuong" NClfoI5TOFI CUI7on,!IUI C8f1 noI """'" - -. , ~ , - ~

IJ /:,

SI., 3: Choose!he..::rHn .. hid, \'011 need, 1'- as JOY play the EWI3000 Con!i'Ollef, IhIt quantilie$ 01 clIe<:I$ QlIf" m/y appied wiD be 1710wn on lhe set,",", Each IIIIects screen dspjay Is shown as iojlows:

• M~ llIloting Screen lot BINth __ n .. '..,. When n:oI breattlong into ". moucr,, ' 2 .11


• Mo!'.ltoring Sc, un lor Glide Amount WI'I8!' noI touching the Glide Plate

)G LiD E

• MonFIoihijj Sacan for aand Amount


, . ........... a ........ '-' __ .'., ••••••• tu_, ~_~ ........ ,,_ • . _ o ,

I BRER TH .....

When IOuCI'oing the Glide I'Iate o ,

JGLIO E .... .



WlNRl nat ICIuChing en. Bend UpIDDwn Plaia

) BE ND " ) BE ND i... I)

Whe,,1OUChlng fill Bend Oown Plate


, o , ' II I


Page 21: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO


• Monitoring s.: ... n tor Vlb<alo Amount Without applying ~es.sure 10 'Ile moulhjl' , .• When applying ~essure 10 tt. ~

...... 0 .....



St.p It: When you wa .... ~ return ~ !he ptil. ' 001 ... 211 Itl!etcompleling !he rnoruIOINlIJ ptOO­

.... juSI prtIS$ !he SOUnQIPh.y .... butIon .n (~ you s .. ildOld 10 !he MoniIor _n from !he SoundlPhyarn modi). N)IOU haW! 5WiIdled from !he othef I"IIOde (flit. Utility. 00" MIDI). juS! prMl!he butIon con"Slponding 10 !he mode.

<Transpose Functlon:>-

UN Itvs functkJo 10 IJ"arlspcSll inIO a~ur. When If! !he So;n:j IT""';", ~ willlnIMp':" AJ IIQO.H1ds inIO ItIaI key. whe'I in the F,O\jIarn .. lOde you can •• ,.... F saund!I ~ at 1 F fled. n. .,.., I'" ~ ,'WIS 1M! n-..... ~ wiI tNo "61,uizlld. and )IOU can turn " on llId 011 at r .. ded.

SI1-p 1 : /I you ..... s and hold !he TUHS touIIOn lor a .... , ...nan you ... in lila Sound Of " , ......... ,"'- ... --... ,......,... .. ~~ -.-1 __ , m....... .~'v-, ~_..... ._...."... .. __ no . Nrou_ .. l"l'IANS _ ... ~ ......... IO .. rri"O • .,e"4


Step 2 : Using !he V ALU£ UPiOOWM button WI ~ !he desifi!ld point. on !he IellIIicIe of dis· play. T_Sf< 18 LEO """" IighIIn 11"-' (Toanopt'51 On staIUS). n-o. possHe rangoo lex TraMpOSiIion is:·OII thno .011. C: Standard poICII .

.... • ee'· , ~

V !J. " .00

s..p 3 : " yo;.o prtIss lhe TRANS t>.rt1on 00"IQt aoain. ~ wil ........ 10 Ifle~' SCO"-.n. haw· ever. you wiI alii be in 1M T ......... ' " On tIIIl ... (Tran·pc ' s LEO wil remain lit).

Slap It: You can tum 1ha 1riU'Sj ' Iii!ioo, on or "" NSiIy by ,,"i1 ""U !he TRANS button • ...nidI wiI be indicatpct by the Transpc " LEO being lit Of not

'" 1I"Ii5 _ . ;.os; .,... .. l"l'IANS Do """ _ . nO! .. . 9 .... I" I ,. ., .. irI SMp , . _"'Dmgon1lwTIaOOijo"'" I.

Page 22: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

When YQU perlQITTI (he Transpose /vrw;1ior. in me Sound mode, me TransposiOon which you set up wi! be """,""';z8d, unlllS3 you o;to..nge 10 the ProgrMO mode or turn the power off. TIn (rans.pos!ion wiN cove, All sounds in !he Sound mode . When you T,a""I" :e in the Program mode, !he Transposroon you could .sign in;WiduaIIy, will be nl8f1'OO1'iz8d evan you change to (he Sound mode, or turn !he pc>We' oft

.. Foot Switches ..

By using Iha opIional Foe( Swilch, you can 8IlSi1y and O<denly ch;mge the Sound Bank No. when in the Sound mode, or !he Program Sank No. wIl8!I in !he Program mode, bylha single ..... emen1. Comect the Foo( Switch to Ihe PROGRAM UP Jad< located on Ihe Rear Panel of the EWt3OOOm. The Foot swilch is espwia1y convenient during live pmforming sibJalions when changing !rom one voice to aoolhe, in the Program rnocie .

.. Tuning ..

When YQU play willi olhe< insllVmenlS or CO, I!\c., and find me pik:h is ~hlly off, you CII1i use !his /unction to tune me EWl3000m 10 ma(Ch lhem.

Step 1: Pre$S the AUTO TUME Wtton which wiI selthe EWI3OOOm'$ VCOs and VCFs to me optimum tuning.


.\1M T.nngwill bea:o, .... , .. 1n . _ .

• TI>e.\IM T..vng ........ Iior. been 0IIIIined preiOl'tIy. A." .. "Ibe, 10 tune ~ Ihe EWI3000m M pwie/ly _ ...... b" ....... _. EdiIiroQ ..........

Step 2: Adjust the TUNE knob carefully, whi<;h is localQd on the Rlla. Panlll 01 (he EWI3000m to maICh to whatev'" inslrumanl you are playing willi.

='."",' ====


Page 23: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

[2] Sound Editing The EWI3000m is basically tour monophonic synthesizers wllbined ;nlQ one unit, and can produce too, dilte<en! sounds simuhaneously. Also, ij can PI""""'" 0< mix the SOUnd from an· 0Ihe< synthesizer 0< digital sampler. etc .. which is input !O the Module Ihru External Input jacI< (EXT IN) on the Allar Panel. But belofe 98ftiog into the actual Cl'sation of sounds, learn about the basic concepts of the synthesizer and the ew lJOOOm.

1. What is a Synthesizer?

Sounds consist 01111," ractors: pitch . tone, and volume.

Pitcll : the height ot the sound

Tone: the amount 01 narmonics IncotpOrsled into the sound

Volume: !he loudness 01 the sound

Souro:Is pec>.fiar to acoustic instruments such as piano, Yiom, guitar, 0< 8/11 formed by envelopes. which indicate the time v"';a""", 01 u-e II"eo:! factors. E&p8CiIIlIy. the envelopes 01 T""" and VlMJme dtokn ... '''' the ch/lr8CIEIr of a sound. For example, _ dis~nguish a piano sound from guw sound unconsc:iously by each sound's envelopes. The en'o'eklj: Ii 10< acoustic instruments can be classilied into toor disnnctive 1ypeS:

a Sb~a 5 ~ ' , .. -_


, , , ,-C'''''''-'-''-'~'-L' __ -'_ - '-

Page 24: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

These envelopes are manly fo, the Ioudt>ess "'the SOUnd. The harmooics also change in the same .... ey: _ .. _."""' .... _--1\04" .. · r

.... " .. "" When .. _. 1000 ......... ,...

""" .....

, ,

Syn1hesize, is 8 mac:hine that 8<18b1es to create a variety of sounds with 0sci"3IOr. Fihet. and Amplifier whir::tl oorraspond tD three IactJos of a sound • f'IId"l , Tone. and Volume respecIiveIy . plus EnveiDpe Gene,ator (EG) whic:h deter miLas.the time varlanDr! 01 !hem. Tha.t is. to speak aboot the EWl3OOOm, Audio signal outpullrom Volta(le Controlled Oscillato, (yCO) witl be processad in its hal " .... lie conIiguraliDn . by Voh;J,ge Con\toIed Alter (VCF) and EG. then dete,· "LirLtld in its YOIume. by VohaQe Controlled Amplifier (VCA) and EG. This is a p<DCeSS!Dr a basic $O\ni to be aeal«I. FurthllfTllL)ra. fo, the syn',;'·.zer to be calle d an "instrumenr. K must haw a oomroller to maks it possible to plav in any key scale and pi1I::h. Many s)"doasilers ara adDpIed with keyboard typll CDntroIIers. r""AS ,'a'. the EW13000m uses a wind instru~ type iXLLLbo l e. (EWI3OOO). Ado:IiIiDndy. a key scale and piu:tl will be obtained by Coo\roj VohaQe (CV) Imm the contrcOJer. which is actually used to oomrollhe VCO .VeF, and VCA.

EWI3000 Controller-

Trigge<lGate signal 'G

Page 25: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

2. Signal Flow In EWI3000m

n.. EWl3000m "- 2 routing of SouI'C$$, and 2 VCQs, 1 VCF.oo 1 VCA paul vaOou& 1*'_ .... : 2 EG$, _I,alell6cl:&. ete., .,. prtMded lID--=" So\.IrQt. ~. ~ oilers many P?'''' t"fll b" Q& (.", -.nds. Foe-~. )W can mil< .... dig ....... sourd£;, 'oOIhose atIeCk. dIJca". ~, "' 2119, eIc:., can nch be vwied.



Page 26: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

WrIh the EWI3OOOm, you can edi1 and ereale B soo..n:j by receIIing each p;uameIer on the 16 eIlaraCler LCD IlIId setting irs val..." New sounds created Ifom preset sounds or $0 in the Sound Banks can be saved in the lJse(

Banks (NO.51.(J()) IlIId can be used as you. own original sound.

Sound Mode Program Mode

Preset Sound "'" ,",00 !f=tj Pw;;io am BaM BaMNo,OI~50 I, Bank No.51~00 No.Q1 ~oo

"" "" Edit~ ,m. Edit Parameter

(Source 1) (Source 2)

VCO·A E. NO. 00--06 Veo-A E. NO. 00~06

VCO-B E. NO. IO~16 VCO-B E. NO. 1O~16

'"' E. No. 20~28 ,e, E. No. 20~28

,e. E. No. 30 ~36 ,e. E. No. 30- 36

cm E. No. 40~.2 cm E. No. 40~"2


VIBillENO E. No. 60~62

e><ORO E. No. 70

BREATH E. No. 80~84 BREATH E. Nr.>. 80-84

lABK E. No. 90

Page 27: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO


3. Procedure of Editing

Yeo can easiy edit and creale a new $OUI1d on the EW!3OOOm once you know how each para!Tl9W ill concemDd wiIh !he sound you want Actual ploceOJlfI 01 sound eoiting is as follows:

•. Press !he UTILITY buI100 to I:Kl!ef !he W>ry modI!.


b. The firsl screen In lhe UtiI>ry modi! is concemed with !he ~Iemory ProIection. Using !he YALUE DOWN oonon. !urn the Memory PmlOC'Iion "OFF".


fOIling or " ,lti"O or aI _ in ItIo EW3000m cannot t» """'" "'"" IN Me" .. ,. P'OI .. ::IiD.-, 'ON". _ 418r pc" eri.-.g up ..... EWI3OOOrn. II>e loIiItI'OOI» PrO I' :' ion ia artomIrlic;.oly MIlO'" 'ON" pe O ... , 10 lIWyoo _10 caw 1I1is1OSIIIn idtir .. or...,....,.

c. Press !he SHDIPRGM buTIon to enler!he PIa~ mode (Sound mode).

d. Choose a sound you wanl to Edit. Then press !he EDIT butIon. ilnd you wiD en1er !he Edit mode.

Edio P_,., . "" P •• , _

I ! I E0 0 : FRE:Q- 1R

s.:r-o (!jSPlay ia diI!.....-rI (lepeMing on 1M .... _ .

• • Relef to !he Pareme1er Lisl on !he Fronl Panel, and se~!he Edi1 parameter No. you -. cHow!o S . I ..... th. Pa~

Consulting !he Parameter Lisl on !he Front Panel. you see !he palam8lers are classified into 10 groups: Yeo-... , Yeo-B, YCF, YCA, LFO, TRAIGGEA, YIBlBEND, CHOAO, BAEATH, and LABEL. These Il'OOPS oon'etSpo-,,! 10 !he SELECT Mys 0.9. E""'Y limit you pn!ss """ of !he SELECT keys. you can recall !he patameter oI1ha1 gtOI4ll/l order (torward). Also. &her press. Ing !he Seled key chc seo. you could press !he NEXT UP!DOWN bunoo to recall !he pararrJ&. letS in 1ha1 groop lorwartl Of bad<ward. An::! ~!he NEXT UPIDOWN button pn! 5$9d and held, paramolklr'S'" be changed rapdy.

Page 28: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

, --V

, ~

[:, • NEXT UP/I)()YfflI>.s!OOO_

"'" ""-' .... " .... ~ For e><ample. H you want 10 . fJCaIl the Edit Paramele< No.3S (DEPTH 01 VCA !1OUP), press SelecI key 3, six limes. 01 course alter you prllSSl:ld !tie SELECT key <3> oro:::e. you could cor>­tinull with thll NEXT UP/OOWN bunon .

EI. Wh&n you want 10 r&eall Edit Paramele< No.35 (DEPTH 01 VeA group)

_.-~",,,,,,,, __ ,,,,,,,,."" SElIECT""_IIUTUPIOOYl1'l _lor i ' · .. .,_F •• ' ,10 .e"""'Itom_'OI' ..... _Itom Swt!d."_om_,

Page 29: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO


I. "'n'g<lthe Y8Iue 01 !he parame\ef you f9CaIIed, using !he VAl..UE UPIDOWN butIon .

oJ- . ~ , ~

II f1

II. SeI"lIng the Sourao p, f the SOURCE 1n bu!Ion ""*' . 4iUq the ICU'Ce wI'oilio idlioog. The J ' ,pla y w'iI show 1 or 2 with N pao. ' 4ternan. tg i 6 ate wtktl-.rce you are \IIOIIIUng on.

Ex. CJlang;rog 11"4 SOIII'CII 01 Edit Pllfametlif No,OI tFINE 0111"4 VCO-A g.oup} Irom <1> 10 ., .. ~,~

. I ! E 0IlFINE- t R , ··1

j ! E01 l FINE-2R , ··1

. •• ".i." '- .... , . " ... ", _ ... ......... _. : 4i I«' ~ IP4 SOURCE 102 ~"'."'I4""d .. ogoo. AIIo. ..... 't2 .... _r' ....... , ... ''1 .. _ .....

II. UN 01 COillf*. Furclion While editing, i1 you press the EDI1" butIon. you can hliarlhe originsi """rod you started with. to oompare with the one you are CUO'Iif'I!y edjllng, 11 you press the EDIT bullOn "I/ftin. !he J*am"., and 1OUi'ICI ... ...un tg!he one .toict, you __ \iIIOIking on. This allows you to au. eourids wtoiII r .... i og bKIo. to !he 0f9n;II sound lor WO'opao ...... ,. AIiIo. 1M IuI'lCtitwl d""" you to c:tcdt Ihe ~ No. 8Ild -.-.:I"""'''1he 'f $ ~'y. 50 ~ iLl helpful tor you to ....... roe ",igi'" sound...,... ""'- ...."q ~ using !he EdiI Paramellif No.SoO (REGIST oJ LABEL graup).

-~ -- I E30:0Ur-UCR l ''' I

I -~

0rigNI- j E12 : ( OBO E l I j ----. -- ! E30: OUT-U'CR 1 , .. I

Page 30: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

I. How to Siov. a Sound Alta< ..... ' ..... Iion of editing, you can save the sound data wt.ich you /\aYe created. to Soood Bank No.51.()(l (~ to SO sounds 1oIaIy). 00 the following "'"' ...... 'e:

Step 1; All'" editing. press the WRITE butIoo. then 1Ioe display will change as 1oIIaws:

Step 2: Chooseone of the SoondSanksNo.51.()(l. where yoowish to SIOi8the edited sound using Ihe VALUE UPIDOWM b.J1Icn. The Bank No. elM .en will be shown on the Iolft side 01 the display.

• W""" ........ lOin!errupjtho ~" .. x .......... pr_Ihe EDtTbuIion .... Thanlheoa-. wilt ......... Ie>" ... _ .... eM ..t ... e \'011 _ iidili",.

Step 3: wtoeroyoo press the WRITE butIoo again. the l' ;jaywiU show"COMPLETe!· tor a law saoonds as showrl bekiw. Af\eI saving procedu<e is OJO'opIeItKI, ~ wiD aulDmali· cally retum to the Play mode (Soo.n:I mode) . and the display WI' show the sound ".".., you ju$I s;oved . At 1his time. the Il0l8''''''' Prot Iii -1 in Utility mode. wiI auto· iTiI"ical~ toe set to"ON".


j IS51 : {FLUTE ] I _madooa_ '-'-'------"

K \'011 pr_ !he SHOJPAGIiI DUIIOn _ iidilil", • • \OiIt ......... '" .. Play ....... I 100 . .... . .. __ 01 tho ......-. \'011 MI wiI be loSt ....:I .- iIO ihW or\gO'iaI ......... be carolu\ oIl1is.

Thi$ OJO'4 Intes the axplanatiol1 tor sound editing.


Page 31: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

4. Parameter Table

Here you hav9 del~"!d explanation of aac:h pa,amelllf's function . .. VeO-AlB> (Common to Source 1 & 2)

F....aiorl5ot ItII VCO-A lind VOOB .... ItII WnII. Tho orVy ~1'8t'IC& is lflii ~ "''''. E\*I No. So )'01/ can u"" the """'" laDle (bC8pIlot !hoM matI<od with on asl_l,

, .. ,'"-, -I" F'NE!

:FREG - IA : 00 1

E01 : FtHE-HI • • ·· 1


IE03 : PUL SE-IA: ··1 .,~ I I"SYNC) E04 : SV HC -l : OFF

l E05 :FM1= >

f ..... , .. ,

." .2. hnillll .... ~ .. io: ,_ . b1i _bl/CO, ~-.., .<><: .

....... (I>y.~-),

Page 32: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

-. "", .. Iiuo •

... ,00 • oe

.. VCF> (Common to Source 1 & 2)

P ... "' .... ,-- ,..., - ~ -~ CIww , oU ' • .=~ I "I

.. • s. ........ cuI .... n. ""- cu,..,,, , .. -,~ E2o;} : FREQ-lJCF 1 • • 4'''' VCF. Thio .. QUOOC)' ~ "' .... r ... , •

<>nO <II Iho ..,., "'-, "-" ........ ~ .. tam .... _ Io",/,.d ... ~ ...... w .........

• "'onnog "" ...... -' .... .~ •• _ .......... MI --., 50 or _'n tn. - h _ ......... ... I ..,. fill .. is .... _ . _ ... ..-.n.1 .... _fo , c, __ ... YCF EG. BREATH YCf'."" V6 OEPTH .r. ''''''10. , ~ _, - • _ .... "'- I t, .. _ .....

'0: c,_ .....

-tK - F, , .. -.... " .. " " 'C.

I I .. • E .... ' .,;z .. "'" liar· Thill_I; . .

" 1 , RESO-UC FI • " " ............ _- 10 "' .... "'._ •

..... .,.,~ hQ •• oc, - -. --... OC>!II""G VCF"s _ •• .,,. . ' . ............... .,..,.. , , j el eIIOC! "" G _ !No ",,1-0/1 ~O'- ... bo"-. QU '" v." is ti • .... io ... oh:t. AIoo. - P I . __ .- 0.'" _(byVCP . .... · on·' ...... ) _ .... ...... ...... 77 0d

c....o •• , "

c.....- . , , c,


Page 33: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

71 ' $ ,

IE22 :FL OW - UC Fl: a

E2 3 :RTTK-UC FlI00


,.. "'"" • ..." __ CO ----I _., " ... ... -_ .. ---'-­.. _ , y ..... -... _' .• -"",'01'. '""'* LINt ...... ~., JI9oo< -' ....... ' .. , , .... -.. -~-;

:,\ I h TliolE

Page 34: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

"". II , ,-

DI III I' Fu ...... ' a ...... "'_ - DOWN ~

nDEPTH I E2 7 : DPTH-VCF1'Oe l

00 • , " "" '.IIi" '" 0l'I0'' "" I , I _c "" VCf EG. • wiI t. 1W'o" ........ ..... -_,.ftKliH _ .. -do, """. II> ... .".......""-. _ cNngn 0<_

.... oo,_ .... VCF ooodio'll II> ""_ ro_ ....... 911. ."*1 - .~

EG . ....... __ II>



00 • Changing VCF _

........... '11 11>'" .-. - -Al IDI 1>1 . Wl>On !flO

.-itoo.loM .. _ ..... _Oo.on __ Tho 1or9If-.. ....... _ ... ..... , .... "' 11> ... -

<yeA> (Common to SoI.lrce 1 & 2)

011;1,) a .. , "'_

I E39:0UT-VCRl :e0

00 E31:RTTK-VCR1:00

00 • E32 :DE CV-VCR1:00

IE33 : SUS-V CAI : 00

Page 35: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

" ' s ., , .. : L: ? ."" wi

cLF(b. (Common to Source 1 & 2)

c' : '., , . Lim aLE c .: ' wi

• E4e : SPED - lFOl: ee

Page 36: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

D· e' •

41 : DPT H-lFOI : ee

I E4 2 : DEL V- LF01 : ee l •

_ <II ... piO:1I. _

... . eo ... _ VOO:A _ Yc():8 .... 1.. L

-............ _ ... ~ ... _ ... bo.

• ""' .. "11 ... -, li .... ~._

... bo ..... '*"'" _ ..... y;e" ... - ... ---... $0 :0.,.. <II .. -


Page 37: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

..:TRIGGER", (Common to Source' & 2)

.-IE ~ e:TRG 1: SINGLE


UouaIJIo .... .1 "'SIH(lI.E'".AI "MIA. Tr . • '--1ri\Ii;Ioo' oignIII II 0-0_ ' __ A

_1Ity io lOu<:f"oo<l 01'1

.... EWJ3000 c,," "'" •

. The "'" i: .. poIr8IMWS 01 vtnto ana 118M all$:b "" .... . goOd O:W_Ii wiIt>,. EWJ3000 Coo"" 'p . CO' anoII .. ~D:W"tIOIt<, 6epeidio .. 0I'I1h11-...d1 ancIltII1o:I sallio",,01'1 .,.FrtnP_. .... _ .. ,-

C,,""," 01 . ",", D- • F .... 'W. -- I , - ~ ._-I E6e : BENO ololal

,., ,., s .. .... __ ,,, ." EWI3000

UP' _ ",,..vco..Z ConIfQle< I<> _ __ .--Ior ... _--- upw.rdo .~ rihin .... ~ ... _ , ...... C&'l.,. ... OJ> _ .. __ _""ollf. _. •• ,_ioomOI07.

, e, Ole DEI'1H

I E61 : VIS DEP TH : aal • w Soltin\l .... _" o. - N ~-I .. """ .. ~ 1<> tr>o • c, .. , ._N

VCOS. ~ -- VIII<_ 0li«l. _ ..... . _ ........ WI' n

• m 'N " ", '_d 1Io¢>'" OJ>"'''' .,. , ,

• ..., 0" .

~ . ~-I E62: GLlOE • • So"" .... GIOIoo_. '" N ,-~ Thti09or_._ WIOI C • • .-

1I>e 1ooIv<' "'" Glide IOin ... GIi<Io _ .. _wilbo.. .. 0I!d0 _ '"" "" _ ..... , 55 .

• G60t ...... _ - wiI 11<, iI,' ....... ~~ N ,-

• -- -, 0I!d0 _ """ II< • " : "'<riI<_ GUDET'UE NIOC1in!l :.IUlTl --- .-wor lor .... pa-

~ ,."'''" E.No.50 ~.

• ---;;; • ~----


Page 38: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO


C' $

• • ,."". ,

70:CHORD : OFF .... WiOI CloG, no. it ... _ ..

"'" "'" ! _ .. _16.

",BREATH:>. (Conunon to Source 1 & 2)

The.' """ ......... . _. grut Wl -; . ...... '" I> ", wtlio .... '" __ "'_".,.".. VOI_.' ,io'" "" .. EWI3OOOCu., '

"'"r.'. EB0 : BR TH : aa

1: 8RTH 1: 0a

EB2 :BRTH PW I :eo

.. "',.. W iOI! I EB3 : BRTH RE S1 : ee l

_ ...... -... YCII' ... :011 ...

" "" .... 00.

-_ .... _ .. ..... _ .... YCA

EG ........ OO,

• •

G .. ___ ," ... _.-, ..... , --, .""' .. vu .. ......,,_ .... 000 .. ....,bo .. ' '-­_._ 1 , ,


Page 39: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO


........ , , ,

~ • , , • - ' "I'

~~ I E •• ' I • ... ~(WanI~"'''_''''' __ ~IO

[ J 1O .. . .con ... _ ..... _ ... _._IO_53. •


Page 40: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

5. Sound Creation

Now, we will delve into the actual editing of sounds, I Io .. 'a'".,., ~ you can do ~ well in details, the edited sound wilt be called M original sound of you-s, Let's see the two basic: OPIehxls of sound adirilog on the EWIJOOOm as Ihe following:

Method 1: This is "'" Aooustic Env&Iopes using the breath, ThIs is the method best sufled for t>layiog the EWI3000 ConIrOlI9r, The Acoustic E",'9iop 8 5 Ql,jtpUt from Ihe breath senSOl , wi. control the VCF wt-off !reqUl'lfiC)', reoonanca , VCA level, and the VCO pitt:h , (by the breaIh 01 the player without VCF EG and VCA EG), THs allows you to create ~ rich """",stic sound and var>ety of expru ssions,

Method 2: This is by setting the VCF EG and VCA EG with skilltl cr8atll a wide variety 01 sounds , TI'G ITIIIIhod is \he same as with regulai analog 5ylltllesizers, Percussive sounds or special effect sounds can also be produced, By using the breath with ski" It is poss;tP to creale a rich variety of dynamics and 9xpressions ,

The EWl3000m has two SournM, flO 1t1at Ihe<" can be a sound creation thai is applying the abo.e 2 mett'ods 10 each Source and mi>:1ng Soui'C89 !at"'"' A., another can be that assigning dill!lrent wavalorms to each Source's two oscillators (YCO-A and veo·S) milcing them later, or course, roo can conlrOl the sound with v;orious paramet .... s and ycur brltatlo at the saml! time 10 coostrucl even mora!yp!lS 01 sounds, Sy utilizing th!Ise methods, you wil be able to craate a "';rtualy endess array of sounds, erlects and expressions. See the following ~""stnllion , With Source I, you will create sounds with Aooustic Envelopes lISing the veo·A. Wijh Source 2, you aeaIe sounds with VCF·EG and VCA·EG, using Yeo-A, Bath Sources can be mi>:ed aftetwards, Now, lfIt's exp<'lI';ence the actual process of SOUnd creation using this eQrl1)la,


Page 41: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

<Example Procedure for Creating SOundl with AcoUl tk: Envelope&>

SI"" 1: To use only VCO-A of Scucel . LWn 011 lilt (II,.~ 01 VCQ.8, and IOtiII ~ 01 Sou_ 2. To 00 .... 11'1::1 Ed! P.wnelilt No.I2 WAVE {NoM: All EaiI P_1Itr No. MIl ntNI bot .. , ... .0 10 lI$ "E.No." In lilt foIo<oiog pegiS). and "'!go!hlt vaUt: 'No ,[ P"'y". At this time. make sure !hit tel un is .".,.ioog Souroe I. II ~ is """"' iog Souf"Oll 2, I'OU myst cIIango8 ~ to Souroe 1 using 111ft SOURCE 112 button, beltw"e 1"'" . ' :Ii"", wtIh)'OU' """up$. Now the Vc()'B 0UIpU1 ol Sooroel is tumed 011 .

50. co NO. I

I E12:W RUE-tB

Next change 10 Souroe 2 by ttIII SOURCE 1/2 button. Then select !he E.No.JO 0IJTl>lIT lEVEL and chanQ8 ttIII vaU 10 00 by ,.. VALUE UP/OOWM bunon. Now the ou1;)u1 01 Souroe 2 has been turned 0111 .

I E30 : QUr-UCR2 :00 1

n.... II _ .... y 10 .... "" h IIUIp>I 01 ~ 2, _ II _ b)'lUmitIg "" h '"~' 01 _ 'ICO-" Ind vco-aol ~2.

_ .lI'OIpoInI, .............. vco-" ..... by E.No.Q8 8Al.AHCE (SoutII ' l ind....., _by E.Ho.30OUTl'UT lEVEl.. IS: ... '1_ ... _ ...... fat _ .Ie!'.MI "P" ,tc,n=lI: .:

Page 42: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

IE81 : BRTH IJC~1 : 991

IE83:B RTH RES I: ee l

With \tIeM MIIinga. \tie SoI.n:e 1 VCF Ind VCA ~ ~ 10 fie AoausIic Ern'e'...: II.

Sl~ 3: Then. 1'0\1 ne«l1o tum o/I1he VCF EO and VCA EO 01 Soon::e 1. To cIg 1hi5. J\rst, MI up \tie .. aue 01 E.NtI.27 DEPTli (Soon::e 1) III "00". and !he value 01 E.No.35 DEPTli (Souroe 1)10 "00". Now. VCF EG and VCA EG .... tumed 01. And wi1h .. d' F5B oot!icogl, VCF EG and VCA EG wiI ....... _dio" 10 #Ie AoousIic e ... p'., 5 I .

IE27 : DP TH- VCF1:ee l

I E 3':DPTH -IJC ~1 1 99 1

nw.1I ..... -,.IOLm'" lie YCF EO aw:I YCA EO. Sot .......... GI .... no.. (E.H0.23' 31}. 01 :II r_ (EJ'Io.2(" 3:21. 50 !. ~ (u...25" 331. _ P I' " I r ..... (E.NO.2e " 301) 10 "00".


Page 43: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

Sl ep 4: SeIed the ....aveIofm. With E.No.02 WAVE, you can se~ one 01 th,tHI kinds 01 wavelorms: Triangle, Saw Tooth , Squa re, Al !his ~""', try playing wiIh Ih8se ltl,tHI "avelonns, and MS'''' the one you p<eler 10 use, Also, "EXT' should be seleC1ed when the Ex\eIrnII MIDI sound SOUrce is In use, II "exr is ct.c! en hefe, ~ wiH be the $ilITI8 lI$ the "OFF" sellillg.

ElCl. W.,&J~"''''''' __ OO<ImO,

" "EX'r' I ';";0 .rk .... ~onIy VCQ.A at SoIn:e I. 5o,!(lll1inl/ wiI bOO ~_ thO _ veo. (VCO-B or Sou/tle I, yroA and VCO-8 01 Scuce 21.

Hole: On Selectln-g the W ..... When you select the Square "ave, you need 10 se1 up E,No.03 PULSE, This pa. ramet8f is for secti"l1 up 1he pulse width ol1he Square wave. This allows you to vat)' the Square wave and finally change the tone 01 the sound , "you $et this vaUe 81 00, Square .. ave ftseI1l1'On', be generated, When you selael the Square waw, never rail 10 adjust the pulse width as you wish.

ThoIlarger value 1& set, the wider pulse width wi. be~. Additionally with the value -SO", all pulse " ida,s will be even.

• .-- -,

Page 44: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

Slep 5: NeJl, MluptheaJ-ofItrequancy. n . eM E.No.20CUTOFFFRECandMlthev .....

Shop 6:

N you .. it. DO, no sound wiI be pmctolC'8!! unlesa you blow -r dang/)' Im:llhe ,,-dO' , •• . !IuI.IIi. IhInIIs novwira In helOUtldchaoKlsf...,." ootIefl blow· r.g~, or MlOt'lh. So . .. the ....... beMeln DO and SO, wiIh wlid, you can easily PfOdi.iCle' good ....... and I~pre" ! lfl. For now, lel's 1o€II1he ......... beh' : , 10 and 2O. 1nd go on., !hi! senings for !hi! 'HOtIIUlCI.

I E21 : RESO - UCF I : S0 I

s..,. 7: How, _ nMid., tel '4'!he key foIc I'. ThIs per.'_ ':Oil dyniM,. " "'0" !he WI-ofI frequtne:y ~ IcIow !he piW::h and ~.,e;l" Ihe diflei&fM . S in poopor\loOos 01 lIa,monir; .lIm .. lIS 'tIn:ougIlcaIIthe rII"'9' 01 the insIru-nenI. n " " E.No.22 KEY f'OUOW and MlIhIi ....... Try pla'/iroQ the EWI3000 COllbdBr . and listen ~!he affecI II dif1erwn1 ~.II. ltI8fI sel at !he point where the tone and iIOIume wiI be equaffy bfJ", oeed tor .. ..,."..:is from Ihe bess d"ooogh treble. Selling to 00 is no .. ~.

l E22:FLOW - UC FI: 50 [

These .... !he basic poocelon tor Sound CmBw with AroiJSlic En"·4Ba. You have Ifieo;j M tlh1!il various parameutr:I by trial and error. 110_., by . eptQng !his PO 'M . 51, and ge 's';'\j _ experienoe in pIOduOIng dIosired toff«;ts. you -MIl -. be able 10 1Ia .. the ...... ..:is and style oI)'OUf own 1rMgfI. Here. _ used only VCQ..A.but, )'OU can alIo use VCQ.O. and !hen you can 000 ,01". Ihem 10 creaM...,.,,_ scuods. Y<NI WOtIcI oI ...... nd producIion oWl conIinue IO.~ by rn;Iking .:Ivlnced useof~. lFO, ..-.d modo.'Iion, whi;l, _ wiI Rxplain now.

Page 45: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

<Example Procedure for Creating Sounds with EGb

s tep 1: To use only VC().A 01 Souroe 2. tum 011 the output 01 Vc()'B. ancllhe total oulput 01 Sourt:e 1. To 0:10 this, s 8fs ct E.No.12 WAVE 01 Sourt:e 2. and assign the valu&: "No display". Thoosettheva/ueol E.ND.30OUTPUTLEVELoiSource 11<>00. Now. only the Vc()'A 01 Source 2 wiN be geneta.tlId_

SI89 2:

I E12 : W ~ lJE-2e

, Alto a1 IhiI poin!. make ...... !lie VCO-A _ by E.No.CM5 BALANCE lSouroo 2). ond E.ND.30 OVTPUT lEVEL (SoumI 2). aN not IDO low. FOO'.-. 111'0"", ~ as _. - , (SoumI2) E.No.cI E0 6 : S~L 2: Rse -see I (SoumI2)E.ND.<IE3e : OU T-UCR l :ge l

Nut. tum all valves 01 E.No.80-&4 (SouJt:8 2) !of Bres1t1 Control. to 00.

jE8a : SR TH UC F 2 : ~al

IE8 1:BRT H uCR 2 : 7a l

IE82 : BRT H PW2 : 0a l

IE 83 : BRTH RES2 : eal

IE8 4 :BRTH BRL2 : 99 1 Step 3: Sel up the A!Iad< Tme. Decay Time. Sustain level, and Reluse Time 01 the VCF

EG and VCA EG. With EG {Em'e'lpe Gel18lalOl}. you can simuLate the time varianc9 01111e _ and volume 01 the sound. and thlS8 asslgom>enI$ ant primary to !he !lOUnd prodUClion on the synthesizer.

-~"':'~J';>;:~_----''----'" ""

A, _ r.n.. ~ o.c.y T ..... S, 50 -.~.

A, AI'55 u 11mt

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For 1'lCM', MlIhIo 'TB'~PI;';.~E;.,~ .. ~".~,,~. ~'~~;E~"'~" ~"35 .• hiell .. ooncemed lot VCf EO and VC ... ErG as joIIc ."':

I E23 : ~TTK-VCF2 : B7 1

I E24 : DECV-VCF2:4B !

l E2s : sUS -UCF2 :8,1 ! E26 : RELS-UCF2:B7 )

I E27:0PTH-UCF2 : 24!

IE3 1: RTTK-UCR2:B9 1

IE32 : 0ECY-RCR2:5B !

I E33: 5US- UCR2 :ge l

! E34 : RELS-UCR2:11!

IE35 : DPTH-UCR2:6 4 !

NeXl. 19CII E.No.02IO U 'lct IhIo .......... ,, ~ ...:I E.No.03ID"" PuIM Width III shown below:

!EB3 : PULSE-ZR : 49j

Sta9 5: Then, lBfs I8IlheCU141f1'eque11cr. ___ • ....:1 qy ........ , oIIhIoVCF_ shown



[ E22 : FROW-UCF Z: 42 !

In these MItingt 1e1'.1ry k.I play 11M EWI3000 Co,,~cR8'. You wiI be IlbklIo he;v. ~ familiar .... ncI like a clarinet. Also, by selling ". VlS'SENO ...:IBREATll polO_leiS, • II JUE"" 10 obtain ~ '",",UiN'l :w:xx.diog 10 Iht inlBiosil)' or !he lin !~

Page 47: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

When !lie EWI3000 Conlrolle<' is blown strongly. !lie sound wiN be loud (ltId brighL The brightness win chan08 depending on !he sen>-og 01 E.No.80 VCF. and !he volume depends on the sQtting or E.No.81 VCA. Set IIKIsoo val""" aa::o.ding to the phrase and mood to enlarge YOU! capabihies for enhanced expression.

Page 48: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

.. Example Procedure fOf Mixing Source 1 and SOurce 2,.

With lhe EWI3OOO. ~ is possihkl to mill <nl play two diHftrenl SI.lU"Ids created with Source I and

Sou'ce 2.

511111 : First. recan Sourcel E .No.30OUTPUT LEVElandselthe vaIlHI 1o, vofume bet\ll88n 00·99, as you toot appropriaI8.

Step 2: N8X1. Pf8!OS the SOURCE 112 button, and.ecaJI Source 2 E.No.30 OUTPUT LEVEL and set the VaLoe lor vofume as you 1881 appoopriat8.

IE3e:Qur-VCA2 : 851

• 8eca .... 0I1he cIiIIerenI seltO,...;, _ .... ,., ... , bo!>lU" two Soun:es.1he _ ,rod ¥ 01 Ito: two Soun::ft .... not aIwlIo)'$ be~, t t · oqd _Ihougro bam OUTPUT lEVEL .r. HI ~!he • ...:1 ...... ~'Iue.

• H",.. MIl II-. ......... *' 00. !he Soun::II will not bo gen&ralfi<l. ThaI ........ y<iIJ ""'" .... !IIis parameI8i" .... "CWOII" ""ild' Ie< the Scuo:e ouipuI.

Step 3: Then. recall eilli&r Souroes' E.No.OO FREO and E.No.OI FINE and set a pilch to match Ihe other Source·s sound.

IE ee:FREQ - IA : ee l

IE0 tlFIHE-IA : 0e l

AI this time. H deIuoing beldan two Sources is partormad. ~ is pc E ';bIa to I)ftIduce discordant sounds or consonant sounds such as 3tds or 5Ihs.

In 1his .""ipIe. tdt YCO-A 01 &ado So<mo _ UNd. So """" yo.o want,., cmaItI. he ...... scun<I.",.. can .... "",01)0., -...:ts ""'" vco.a 01 boIh Soun:es end......,. .'"'" '11 a II>IaI 01 ~ soonds.

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6. Other Functions


Using LFO, you can make a modulation of the wavetonn cl the VCO·A and veo-a and pro. duce a Vibrato el!ect. So. yeo can apply the Vibrato to the sound itseI1 without using the i p S6'I1_ cltl!e EWI3000 Contrclh:tr. And" seItilg ~ up sI<J:~ulty. you can playa variety of sounds lor a wider '/Ologe ofaxpress;on. You can set up the Sj:: ad 01 the Vibrato using E.No.4Q SPEED. and the deplh using ENo.41 DEPTH. and delav rime by using E.No.42 DELAY. Now. to)' adjusting the va/uH. and check the diffe«tnws pnriK"A1.

IE4a:SPEO-LFOl:aa l

IE41 ' OPTH- LF OI:aa l

I E4 2:D EL V- LFOI : ae l

_"rim wiIh LFO .. ... " .. . .. on bOIfl s.:..rce. 1 and 2.

<Modulation Effect>



Thi$ is a moca.latian to VCQ.A by !he Triangle wava of Veo-S.WIth osc yoo can make more COIi.p;cated va/laroce in !he sound. 50 a warblod pilch. IliN el!1!Ct or, special affect. ale_. is possible with Veo-A waveform F ' Is cted .

..... ,I"!J>-. !his ........ "1100 can be ... 101111.<1 will ..,. _ .... """"" "'I.,..., 1u VCQ.e (-" wiIh VCQ.e ~"011": No .... ru f) .

This is a rnocIuIaliDn 1u Veo-A by the variance in .... ave""'" 0UlpU1 from VCF (wavetann IWlflred by VCF wittl EG]. Thiswil ptOduce a pilch dtanga in VCQ.A." you use this function with E.No.80 VCF or E.No.83 RESONANCE lor e,aath Coohul. yoo can acheive many O"a.ative effects .

Page 50: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO


'" I ~ . VOC-B ~

0"" EG or BREATH

To make u- ' " m»~"o. ... tnt recaI E.No.05 (or E.No. IS} WOO. Then, using Ihe SELECT keys or NEXT UPiOOWN button, mD¥I !he aJflIDf ID !he mock ....... ,f logy fiIId. and ..... , 81' S" either OSC or VCf using !he VAlUE UPiOOWM butIon. n.n. .. " .. Ihe Q.IISOf ID Ihe valuetli<lplay field, III'dHl'" v ...... ..,Ihe_ way. 'Tht'1\igh8r ....... i&I8I,Ihe_ modi>­IlIlion e!111C1 is pRlduetd.

modu'~1ion cIo$pday field

I EB5 : FMI" > hC:B,B I

E..Hoai_ E.Ho.15 ... ~ .. _ ".,4141, Sa, _can 'g ... v_ in.,.... ... , \...cI ....... "*' will "-l1li .....

n-_ -.II": ... OSC ..... VCf' .. ",,"'on _ Soutc.o, _ 2.

<OscilLator Sync>

The two veas (vro ... & VCO-B} in 11K: EWI3000m ear: bI: operated synduonoutly by turning n.. Sync S'Ji ik:h On . Tl:it tuo idion makes !he pilch 01 veo-" $~ 10 !he one 011 veo. e. So, by cJyxl ' "Q a dillotrem type 01 wa'Ietorm lor each VCO, or by using !hem .....,.dLWI wi1h olhe:' modiJIaIion UCllOnS, 'tOU •• able 10 ........ ...,. range 011 vari:::u&-.r:d$. For ..... ,:pIor. ~ 'fDtJ (:IWJge !he pitctt 01 VCO e by BtHIh CooiILOII on ... EWI3OOOCoo."rowOh., [:r: tr:i:I cue}'OU I'I8IId ID HI ~ E.No.&4 VCO 8Al), !he pilch 011 veo-... wiI r;hange .......... DUSty. F:r1S1 racadI E.No.o. (or 14}, and 1Um on tt:a $. ill;l, by using::he VAlUE UPIDOWtI t:unon. and IIY 10 dII:nge flId': VCO's . a. Slll'11, and chec:i< the resulting a!d_ lor )'OUrMdd.

I EB4 : SY NC- l : OH

• E.Ho.04_E.Ho.' . ... .-,. ...... __ ._o-, ' ·Syrctuo ...... ,i .. rr" '&on _S-, ,_2.


Page 51: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO


E8Ch E",el>pe Clr ........ (EGs) on the EWI3OOOm ... ~J willi IWO T,oggti typeS:

SINGlE and MUlTI. U-' " SINGlE bigger is UNd, bulb ' .... I ;i3fD and '" 'ufD,-Iiy o.oeFog the UUln ~. For Ihis ...... 11;"0. IirS1 r1ICIIII E.No.SO SELECT . • rid ch« u eiIhef SINGLE or MLl.TI using ItIe VALUE UPIDOWN buIIon.

' Slnga. Trigger The enveiop4L ou .... whidL I\8S bgen set. is gener.ted eact. time you blow inlO !he fIIOLIIh.. p;ece wt*l playlng non ·lllgalO. S ' 1' ' Iing !his 11"IgQeI1yPe. a'I LtflW'eq:oe ou ...... oene ... Lled lor each fIOIIL played .

"""""" r" \ ~ --BREATH..J \ • u

t ••• ,. " • • aI_ EA.h eu 'W'",aI_

V" " ~ r " " -- --I \ I L • u • '"

H you bIow<X>illYluously lnlO!he~. Il\a;I is lI,au play Jegaro.!he MLalJPII OU ..... will be held LIIIhIi Su.1ain ~.

"d" _ Eth • ,.

ws,_ .-1 ,-


\ - -9REA.TH ~ \

• "

Page 52: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

For a non·sustained envelope wrve (sustain Ie·..el.oo), IIM1f9 i$ no 9IIVeIope CUrYtl foIlhe 9UOC II Jio og nores 10 be played. and Ihese nor9S may nor be produ<::vd .


""' . ... 5' ••

E<ol "' . .. 2 , .. -exL

Thus. ~ is 6fficuh 10 play IegaIO wiIh 8 non.susta"'ed _&lope CUfV8.

Ik;M,.,r, this i$ eMily ~~ by SIII~cling MUL n trigger. which will be described 1181<1.


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, Multi Trltgef The envelope curve IONc:tl has Deen set is Q&I'I8<ated ead'llime you I:*Iw inlo the movIh­pioIo9 or eadl time \he pitch is cI\anged by IOUChing another OOIe key or touching \he $<lITItI

0018 key again. Thus,IhiII lrigger type is appropriate lot playing 00n-1ega1O or ~t'K'CalO, and lor non-sustainGd envelope curves

J •

BREATH --.J .. ~-~,})-,~t----;~\----,,[~-~k-•


Key-'oo"---' '~---'.'

_ .... I'IoyoocI ........ b\'".¥>g ....... -. __ "' ... . " " Iy inIo "'~_

110'118'0'., be careful of when the eoveIope curve Is sustained or the Reina ... TII'M is &Ot long. For _ry time you pkoy a oote. release 01 the 0018 is cancallad out by attack of nell note, and this results in u ...... lural clicking sound. ~ -00', 'Ra' and 'Mi' are played as in the a>:~, !he release (set by Release TimD of EG) will oniybe appliod k> Ih8 final 'Mi'"_ The clid<ing sound can be suppressed by changing the ~ althe Sustain L.ewtI and AItack Tome. That is, ~ the ArIack Ttme is !horI and the Sustain Lev&! is hOI>, theta will be 00 clicking sound. Ho..-e_, !his limits your sound aealion. $0 thai you had bener IISP Multi Trigger lor non-suslalnad percussive SOInds.

£rOo ! , . <>nO""" """' .'.:' •.•• _




k.ey-'!lO'.-- ..... --'.'--

_ O'p,T ...

Page 54: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO


AlIef selling !he vano.. ~melers. you can ....... a Label (MIlWld namel lar 11>11 IICMld you I\aIIe 0'NIed. To do 11*. IIrR r1ICaI E_No.90 REGIST, n- mgye fie 001301' 10 !he desired posiIion using !he SELECT kty db or NEXT UPIDOWH button n enkW elelbtr. nurTlbe<, or sign you want using lilt VALUE UPIDOWN tunon. By i'!'p'" ' ' irog Ihi$ Slap. you can ..,..,. up 10 10charactets,

! E90 : UHi

_ .... ....- (..-'-1_ .... '" fCl..., _. '" NUT lWoO!l ..... __

Page 55: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

[3] MIDI Applications


The EWmlOIn iI ""Hi ,-J wiIh U l011N.()1JT "'".iIIIs. maklng • ""' • ilk W;o pIII~ an ."..,.. U10l~ sound SOUIQt U$Ing the EWI3000 ConlIc' , I. And 1IIso, the EWn"OO'n can to. CXlIlIJ,l ad by an.~ MIDI irIIIrumeol. The UN 01 MIDI can remarl\ably e~Mnd­billies in pIayWIg !hit EWI3OOOm.

1. Transmitted and Received Data

cTl'llnamftted o.ta 110m MIDI OUT Terminal>

• Transmil ct\anr p'p (Ch .I-16) • NDIa I*JmbeI (22-1 I 1: CMdatd.. WI_ transpOIiIion;. ...... tie range II changed .........,. ~.J

• Vebcil) ( 1he fixed valuo b.lI. un 64·121.) • Pi""" 0),11 CI'wge {1-1 00, "00' indicMiM means " OIl',J • Con~oI ChanQIt (Transmits sel8C1ed one of the 1oIo .... .ng: Aller Touch, Breath C ... i1h l' ar.

Majn Vok.on», ~ Depth. a:wrding to • F'uo ta",,111 r .... (T,.,.......". Glide TIII'IfI '"" a Control Change fr F'Sage) • HokI (TfaMmitI ... Conllol ChiwIQe mE s57l1e,) • CIwJrd (Note Nu ... bers 01 prograrrwned Pot,.., ..... Chord. J • Pik:h Bend et.vt • S) 1' : 1i Ex!;i.Js;.. (Bulk DInlp)

cRecetved Data from M'OIIN Terminal>

• Aecei ~8Clla .... \8I(Ch.1-16. 0MNC) • NoIe Number (22-111 ) • ViIkoc:ily • Ph",,"" ~ {HOO. "DO" wodicalb, m , F '15 " 00".1 • COilll"" CIIInge (Tf--m II" ' J one 01 ... ~: Alter Touch. BteaIh Coi,."'.,,

,.., v ......... ...... . ~ DoI!Xh .J • PIIcII Bend Chr9I • PortamenI rme (Transmill Glide lima ... COlillol ChIonge meaq,e.) • Hold {Ra ........... Conwol Change _ puEge., • Sysc .... E>cclusiYe (Bolt Load)

• """" you _ '" MJOIIN _ . you _III ""'*'U It-. ._ .. a ... _ ... ct lie EWI3000 c...t'IL IrOI'II ... INSTRlJUENT jIdo 0111>1 EWI3OOOn\.

Page 56: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

2. MIDI Parameters and Their Assignments

p~ ........... '""11 101101_ II\' ' • • ., in MIDI onodot, UlUTY 1TGde, and EDIT mode. Now, _ ...;n IhfI ParamtlIinI lind !heir .'lillUI in each mode .

.. MIDI mode>

step 1; By pr-..&-og Ihfl IoI'D' OOtIon, you ... _ IhII MIDI modi. The <fFpIay wilahow IhfI MI""UP $Clean DlIIle 101 101 PI ge;.,.. ChJonneI ""old. 100 IhIIInI p;nrne1ef".


001lOI p ... CNroIoi

SIIt9 2: Then, each lime 1'00 POE F 7 IhII I0Il7 01 bu1110n or IhII NEXT UP 00tI0n . IhII p&i1ImIIllliS MI""UP ..... ns .,. ,...-;1. 1 in order .. -'lOW" bebw. Also, ~ pi9 • 'II !he NEXT DOWN butIon.l'OOC&n _ t)adc ......



I t In:p. CHN GE RX: OFF I

I t . . ( . ','I , .,._ •

-step 3 : AhIif you lecallhe paramellr whid11'OO lINd, assign IhII wakIIt or ItaIU& 118ing!he


Page 57: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

I "~- I Parameter ,-, I '''~ Fllnctlon

M IDI IM: RX CHRHHL OMN I I 1-16. OMNI I For selting up tha MIDI Racei", Chan-

,~" I nel. By malChing this channel with the CNo ... Tran!5rm Channel on !he external MIDI

component " inBuumant .. , EWl3000m can receive MIDI data_ Also , "OMNI" is the mode which can raceive MIDI data on aM Channels .

MIDI 1 ~I;TX CHRHHL ., I 1- 16 For wnioog up !he MIDI Transmit Chan-

T"""'" nel. The EW13000m Ir\msmits MIDI ,,_ ... dala on 1his channel.

'''- ! M: P , CHHGE TX: OFF I OfF, ON For &elliog up whelhe< 10 transmil Pm-"- gram Changes (ON) or nol (OFF).

(tra'lsmis· When in the "ON- position . Program

"'" Changes can be transmitted by seta :1· ing the sounds (in Sound/Program mode). This is how you can ChatIgQ I sounds 01 Iha external MIDI sound SOUrce. The Program Cllal1Q8 Hum·

I boers correspond 10 Sound/Program Bank No.s 01-00.

'""om I M: P. CHH6E RX: OFFI OFF,ON For se11ii 'll up whether 10 rece'''' Pro-c...-.o gram e llanliU (ON) or not (OFF). '

(receplic<'l) When in the ' ON" posJlion. you can selael tha sounds on the EWI3000m from !he er:temal 1.1101 de'lio!! or instru-menl The Progra m Change Numbers correspond 10 SoundlProgram Bank No.s 0 1.00. H \'OU match !he Program Change No. on the e>ctvmal MIDI Instrumenl wiIh SoundlPfollf~m B~nk No. of the EWI 3GOOm. to combine sounds on boIh unIIs. ~ will be very useful.

Velodly 1M: n : 1JELO CTY= , '] 64 ~ T27 MIDI Noles NUfPt.>tws can be nnsmiI· (transmis- tad wiIh thoo fixilld Velocity value HI 14'

"'" with this parameter. The higher value is set. !hit more Volume 01 sound wi. be proo:locIIId on the eJrtemai MIDI com-P'" "'"' or instrument

Page 58: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO



, Control on th.

II . or to r.c:.iv. data 'rom tIIe_·

or instrument. FOI' the Breath ControlkH

or InIIrU·


ConlrGlI., . set .. It'D pc '-1iori.

Page 59: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

cUtlllty mode:>

P .. Itl,.... "'eiTlOl)l

Protec '0:"

"""'" f'lioofl)


SMp 1: By preWI"9!he IITlUTY butIon. )'OII'" enI8f IhIt Utility modi . and me cisplay s/Ig', .. MEMORY PROTECT OHiQFF lOGIn wI'&l, is !he itlt paramelel I&I-up $(JOCIlIfI.


51"9 2: Ra::aII Ihe parameter whid'!)'011 wan!. 0Aing IhIt UTIlITY I:ou1ron or IhIt NEXT UPI DOWN bunon. and Iheo1 SIll 141 the valufl by IhIt VALUE UP/OOWN Du!tan ( ...... as ifllhlt MIOI mode).

utility modo I - VI'" ,-~

I U: PROT ECT ON I OFF. ON SwlK:h1ng IhIt Memory PIIlIBCIion 0rV 011. SelIG OFF posiIion when \'OIl-*' ~-

I U: PRIOR IT V: LAS T I UPP£R. T" EW I3000m i$ • mo~phonie

LOWER. -.nd SQUrao. So . ....., , muIIipIe Key CAST Note dati is tr.nsmined slmutt.,...·

ouIIy from IhIt o1Iler MIDI """, ..... _1 or Insuurnen!. (&1ricIIy. noI nlllf!lined 1\ • time) only 00Ii note gn ~ prO<

duced on tIMi EW13OOQm. UIiI"9 this panlmellf you can Dete rmine which j notewiltoegiven piiooi!). For ~~. when !he dud.. Do. MI. So .. played by ... 0Iher MIOI ... ,tnwd. ,1hIt pn. orIty . ... uPPER, !hehiyl461note: SO . .... beplayod. ~1hI Po loo~y .MI . LOWER. the Io lO S! t note: 011. wiI be "'Oi)ed, or d &81 all.AST. Ihe las! note p l.yed w ill ... producl'd '" '"' EWI3OOQm,

Page 60: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

!,-- I UI BUlK DUIIP " ' I I u.. ~ "_j .,_ .. ,. ;,. .......... •• ""~ d . ... ~. ~~- ~ EWI3000m _ MIOI _'t etc. by -- l u, eULK DUn' " I 1.IIing ... t.llDlS~ E" ' . ; .. " , · " .

~ .... • _"1'971 "" .......... " , " L

Bulk Vetily [U'B UlK VERln !IX I Use this ~ramer.r 10 verify thai the Bulle 00.nIp dilla WII$ COITl:IC:Ily by It. EWl3OOOm. ReI., 10 page 11 100' ..... -

""" [C"D-;i-:-:: I -- : n' --I Enol" Is 7 10 make &11 e.-temal "" DlIn·

-~ m.wr-I pIa~ in poItphony. with ChoftI Pen" n. p'Ogf.mmad '"

.., EWIJOOiOm. ~ 10 paQ8 65 for "",. 1I'IM Intormation .


Page 61: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO


cEdlt mode>

We ........... 7 7 ry explained about !he Ed1I Paramete<s in the priMous !I :tion. Some oIlhem concem 104101. such as E.No28 & 36 VelOCITY. or E.No.62 GUDE TIME. n.y are used when oontroling!he EWI3QOOm ~ WI ,J<\8milI MIDI oonnol\e,. Also, E.No.70 ASSIGN. is the parameter uMd when producing poIfphQroic IOUOds on the ,,,,mal MIDI sound source ~ the EWI3000 Controllef via EWl3OOOm. For d8taiIs about E.No.70 ASSIGN. you CIII1 rele< to Ihe ,~ in "Chord ~ FUii'Aion". as .. rp'_'"IIId ~. Tht InformaIion on E.No.28 & 36 VELOCITY and E.No.62 GlIDE TIME, can be found In the pre. - .. sa ·Iinrl" • . Pilrameter Table".

HoW: u.. of Glide Swild'I Efld'l1IOUrd'$ GkM Tome MIl with E.No.62 GLIOE TIME is available while the EWI3000m is COIlIfOIeCI by Ihe ,.tarnal MIDI oontro/kIr, andean be turned onIoII with Ihe GLIDE SW on Ihe FI'OOI Panel of IIlI EWI3OOOm. So. each lime you press Ihe Ihi1cti. )'OIl can .tIema1ll Ihe Glide ef!ecr. acti\Ialion wiIh Ihe inKliIIation_ A.Ito.1I*wiI be ido _Nwl"-'Ihe GlIde LEO iii UP(ON) ortumed ,*,",n (OFF).

• -" -.. --• · , .

I • -• -• , ,

11'1 caM you _~OI'" EWI3000m frOm fIe._ 1.4101 ___ • you r.a .. 10 diIcoo.«t1hlt EWI3I:lCn'n and EWI3000 0...' " r. Dr )lOU CI"""" .... 11101 IN unit from .. Mio. .... ,_'*'.

Page 62: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

3. Pracllcal Examples

So tar we have just e.plained !he MIDI tunetioM of IhII EWI3OOCm. Her, you M¥e _ prktio ...... ,:pl . tor pulling d<s l Mtot ............... 10 11M.

<Ex.1: PI.yi~ In. External MIDI Sound Source Using the EWI3000 ControlleD

LIM . M'Ot <?bje 10 .... ....... 11-.. MtotOUT IemWIeI on hi EWlJOOOm 10 !he MIDI tN lilli" ••

on !he .)f1emaI MtOlIOU!ld 1OUroI.

E~ <;an be M:leneo by lhlllOkMIuI mill of !he line ~ of lhlllwO urils.

0 '''''''''''' MIOI OUT

"'~ w I



i~.F ~ " MIDI IOU!Id .... ow E:;>:'Q'o" :;0 ... .::;.'"

+e~- "" ... ~--

When you 11M both units In !Ilia DC>I"iOiICIbl. ro, ma1Ch "'P !he Transmt Channnei on IhII £WI »lOm and tt. R 'I •• Channel on the 'iCItmIoI MIOIIOUt'Od 1OUroI, _ appo<JtOltiaM MIOI

N '-I4ti In ...o. For ... ,.,., M ~ "on;to ... P'ugo." C"-'IIe No .. on bolt! I.O"Iits beloi t-1Iaod. when ~ 1111:11he ___ on EWJJOOilm. you can dlangalhe -uon 1hII ..... ' ... MlOt sound soun:e lIS well. whK:to can poo.e ....., useful. AddidooaIIy. whe-n you wish to ..utile Ln. Outpob, tound ~ with both urO\r; wiI be contIdt<ed lor uch IOU!Id 10 be well mIud. Also. you C8Ii II.w1h8r ..-!he chr l l,. ot IOU!Id CI"NIion 10 add • ~.""t of elleta 10 .......... ,. MIDI ......, touree by "",11i 7 'Ii IhII BREATH, PITCH BEND. GUOE. ftC. . 1fIIi1h IhII EWl3000 Coo ""Ra'.

In hi .... ,. , ...... II>..-:to .. f'i<h IIencI flu .... "' ... T....o>g ...... EW1JOOOrn. 10 r0-e " TIIiI ... IOI......-I_.


Page 63: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO


<Ex.2: Using the EXT IN Terminal 10 Enhance Exptenlon>

~ seen in & .1, !he VlOIodt, tranII'nI!I$d from !he MIDI OUT \tmina.'. iIIlilctd any 01'18 lIlIIue

bel. 8811 64<121. So dynamic:s camoI be 1ChiIr>'1~ UIO'Ig erNlh Cui ........ IIi; .""'' ', ""- us­ing!he EXT IN \et'minal ~ 10 !he EWDOOOm. 10 ..tJid'i inputting !he line CkJIpUt IIQnaI ot !he external 1.410 1 sound $OU(QI. you can add ' xpression . dynamics Of' mo<:*.Jlalion 10 tho IOUfIds 0I1he .. ""I .... 1.4101 soo.ond 1OUroI. Allhillimt. inpullignal c.n be piOC 2: sed vie VCI;

WId VC~ ~!he Bfealh Cui"'01 01 EWl3000 Corotrc'PI .

Step I : CorIneclIhe units with .. 1.4101 cable and an 8.00 cable wi1tI SWldard phone plugs.


Step 2: Mate:h!he Tran$m~ Chan .... 01 EWI3000m and lhe Raceio8 CIWYIeI 01 !he • .o:tem .. MIOllOOnd 1OOrc..

Step 3: Sail :1 Sound a.nk No.30. n.;. ---.d contains I ....... ' paramIt'" MI·upsior ..... 01 !he InpJ1 sign. 10 Ihe EXT IN ... ., .. ... .a thaI you can try using ~ in a brieI time. Now !he I..irw 0ut;luI1ignal1rom !he edlKT\lll MIDI sound IOUICII will p.- VCF _ VeA

oISourc.' .

P_ HI....- in SoI.nd BanI< No.3CI: Sourt:e \ VCO-8: 011. s...- 2 OUTPUT LEVEL 011, SoI.ti'<:. 1 2 EG5 1lctf VCF , veAl: 011.


You canadjUSlIhe InpUIII .... ltoi EXT IN le"'."'~!he EXT LEVEL knob Iocaltdon !he Rear Panel 01 the EWI3OOOm .

o • • - • _ ... .& -

Page 64: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

S,-" 4: Try pIa'p;.g on 11M EWl3000 Controller. In Sound Bank No.30. tIoIh values lor E.No.SO YCF and E.ND.Sl YCA 01 Btea1h _ ~asligned 10 99 10 1ha1 you can vary the soond oIel<1emal MIDI IOUnd SOUfce by Ihe in1ensity with which you blow InIo Ihe ConIJOIe< (Acoustic En.o""f: '}. E.No.2O CUT OFF FREQ's value II as· tigooo:od 10 20. 'o;.e_. '*'-'lIe ~ _ you wish. AdcIi1ionaII)'. E.ND.83 RESONANCE wiI ~ lor .1IarieIy 01_ ,an.nce.

Use the "EXT IN" t& sI<iI1utIy 10 play voicillrom emma! M1DI·0DI'I'II)all:IIIyn· lhe s ;zers 01 digital samj:', 'I with rich expression. FuI1hermcn. you CWI mbllht IOUnd with the OUTPUT of vCQse. o. Sourt:e 2 which 1..:1 ... s, ·_"t been JJmed 10" 'Or selliL\I. lor • more soph!!tic'led ~ ot IIOIAld ere jon n- go on 10 try othe< I' I ' *'* MIDI .1!i90 ( .... h" oed in u.l J 10 build y<N1I own world 01 EWI.

cEx.3: Using the EWI3000m 8S 8 Sound Source,..

Tht EWtY«m Is br f: 0'1 d l ·..,oed kif '''d'"ive ... will ... EWl3000 Cor'bL ' ar . But bf.. <;au .. ~ II equipped wifo the MIOIIN .. " .. iiII, the uritll V F sible 10 alIo 1M: played with an exle<n1l MIDI conlroi&1. Eopwially by us.Ing an extemal MI DI Myboard. "fCIU can obtain the 1IHvy. 1I*:tI 'Y!»S ot Synth BM5 sc:urw:It 01 Synth laad IOUI'IdI wtIich _ the 1"OghIy" chlrac­.... isOOi 01 .. aniOIog I)I.e; .... The EWOOOOm his prepiIi'8d soundI sui1abIe lor Me ' .... (Sound Bank ND.' 31:401. or !hOI Bass (5c)und Bank ND .. 41 ·501 in Ihe ....- -.nets, 10 .... 10 Ihe ......... ec:Io.n b 51,.. .-.d lars try "*" 1IUi.

Step 1: Use s MiDI ~ 10 OOI'l:"1Ia the MIDI OUT .......... on the exl8mli/ MIDI ke,bOa:'CI. and Ihe MiDI IN """ .. >II on Jfle EWIJOOOm. and IIbiD C:OOloKl wiIh Iht mbI.,. or _1~1iei .

in 11111 caN. , .... ,. "'" 10> ~ ...... <*III! lOr lilt EWi3000 CCllOO', ID "" iN· STRUMENT _ 01 "" EW!3OOOm.



Page 65: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

51., 2: MaldI ... R 2 _ ••• Ct ... oN'll oIlhe EWIlOOOm and lilt Tr;III'ISmit CI\amtI oIlhII IX1I<·

naI 101101 M~

SItp 3: Assigrllhe paremeltr PR10RlTY in !he UIiIi!y niOdotwhir;h was "pI " 'ltd on page 58,

5tltJlf: Then, !WII up IhII p".....e!1H E,No,28 & 30 VEL(X;ITY in the Edit mode, When you play the 1.4101 keyboard with Slfen\lth end weakne .. (yelocity) , EWI3OOQm', toundll will be prodooed ec:QOIdinQty.

SI., 5: Sell4lthe dn ('ed parame1lill$ lor oIhet 101101 data IUd> 8S P"'V'a,, Change OnIOIf,

PiIo;tI Bend, ft:. , end !hen try playing,

So. whan you ulilIlhII EWl3000m as a SOI.Wld -.orc., dtptioding on the Ilw'octions 01 lilt 1.1101 instrumlHlt which has been cor>leCted, sl<illful set 141 oIlhe p&'amellln; txa ..... ntO willi 101 101 01

the EWl3000m can produce eIIecti., results, For . xampIe, ~ the 1.1101 keybo;Itd has alTlOCiila· lion wt.aI Of aller !<lo.dI IUloetioo I, and you set the Yalue lor Btealh pararne~r to r.IOO,W, or

PRESSER (PRESSURE), In the MIOI "ood&, ~ will giYe you dynamic 1I0Io potantIaIlOf your pleying , If Iha 101101 kaybolord has a digit&l SOi,ind &Ource, eod mix its output with the EWIJOOOm's ~ allto;t' ... " you can gel a _ ~ 1O.,.ao. aoundcrHliori ,

"... Ihrea exaol41ln n .. typicaI_~ 6calioo" lor.". EWllOOOrn end EWl3OOO~! M I, willi

MIOI, , "'Oil8I 10 the EWo3OOOm'. 101 101 OIJT IIiollinal, you ca'l record yeo..- reelliri-. ptrfOflTl­anca with EWI3000 COnIrvlle< oroo ~, So, pcJn'bia -..opi I"ioro$ ata slilllO IN Iound, ft ;. you 10

fiod your own way and meka the mosl 01 EWl l y.ll1m,

Page 66: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

4. Other Functions

<Chord Play Function>

This is one ot the major fun<:ti<>n5 on !he ,EWI3OOOm. Polyphonic chooI patternS whidl you hllVe progr3lT1rned yourself can be played poIyphonlcaly on an external MIDI-axnpoItible

sound source !rom the EWI3000 eonlro1lef. For example. as you play -00". "Re", "Mi" using !he EWI ContrOler. the chords :"Do, Mi , So' (for "Do1. "Re. Fa, La" (lor Ra). ale .• wi. be played

polyphonically on the eXl&mal IIOUnd source.

"'0. OUT wrOl"

En , ... .. Iflj

00, Ro. Wi

The toIIowing seI-UPS wi. be neceSSAry beIore you uselllls ChorO Play ful1dioo:

• !>IOjjI "",Iring 01 Chord Panama (Up 10 16 alOl'Cl panams can be prograrnn'led.)

" Programmed chord panems can be assigned freely 10 the each key noIe among 12 no1es (1 oc;1aVII) . (80th chord patt&m assigning and 0nI0I1 setting ara IIVIliI;1bIe for each sco.nd.)

YOOI EW\3OOOIn hUllMn poo,"'" wi1to 16 1aco, po I sel <fiord ,.'181'", _..",.....-.1 ill _ 'g"iOd _ one of '- pa1IOorI-. (far .... i; _ p-oe &!ill.

a_ ChordpMI .... pov, . '.",ng

Sta9 1: ProgramO'ilifig is done In the Utility mode. Forst, rocaII 1l'1li Chord Program SElf-up sa asn (ralGr Ie) page 59).

'CDlll l r,;;.;;; : __ : ' __ l ~.;l

Page 67: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO


Step 2: Move !he cursor lJ$lng !he UTlUTY button 0< NEXT UPI tl()'WN bunon. and then enlM!he Chord No .. and !he no!e& copjs~ng 01 !he Chotd Pa!\llm. using !he VALUE

UPIDOWN button. Chord No. can be selecled 01-16. !he I\OIeS can be set at !he maximum 01 4 noIes. They are to be assiglllld within the range belusn ·12 IIf'Id +1 2 (oo: Standard piIch_M' "'11& C) . • 12 means one OClave UP. and -12 one oc::Iavt! down. Relvr to the tollD-Mng list wIlIIn assigtlinQ !he chord pattem.

» 1"0$1. just "",.. IhI anorl<llN Chord No. _ and _1hI ....-. tI-.n move """ I<IIhI rtg/II. ..-.:I 7 ... .. ' 11-..1 II "'* ~ IhI <:toord. !han 0f'iIi 10 IhI rIQhI iOQIin. and IIfII8f

IhI 2nd ""'" m P 'P . aI IhiI iITep as """ -.. H you prograrnjust2 no!es. set !he 3i'd and 4th noIe& as <. -,. display (means

011). H programming 3 noIes. set !tOIl 4th ooIe to < •• ,..

Pepeat ttois ~uoedure bother panems (Chord No.s).

Chon! Po ........ ," .... Uot:

\, - ... -

\3_11&' .... ,1

Page 68: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

b. Assign the ~ pa!\tHTIS just p<Ogr&lI'''ed. 10 each 01 the t2 key~, Vou can assign the patterns to eacI1 ~nd.

Step 1: F"lI"St. select the sound you want. in Play moOt.

Step 2: Tum IhfI MelTIDry ProtQCiion tl> on, in Utility modo. Then, recall the E.N<>. 70 ASSIGN set·up saMn In Eclt rn;xIe. This is lor ONIOfF selting of the Ctord Play IuIlC!ior> SO !hat set the value 10 On \/Sino !he VAlUE UP/OOWN button.


Step 3: Eact. ~me you press the SELECT key or the NEXT UP buttOn. each ka, nola will be displayed In a looped lashion: ON (0' OFF)-C-C'-D-o.-e-F-F.~G­GI-A-.... -a-ON (or OFF). Then. nsign the Chord No. (~n 01.16) 10 !tach ..,-

iE70 : CHORD '"'­I • , I -~ ...•.• '; .. -'-

St"P 4 : Ahet WIOJMno lhe assignrnellts 01 Chord N<>.s to ead1 ka\t noffl , sa .... them . .... lter· wa,ds, you can play the c:toord patterns.just selecting the sounds to make the Chord Play luroction opeoal8.

ft roo '" tht Chon! P\aylundior, ... OFF In $loop 2 01 Opoeo r", (bJ IOI:>aY'II and $8"" iIIe chord patwrn a ''' ' ' •• 15. roo can II10re "..,. .. !I'W Chooo:I Play fI.odioo. will ..... __

Nota: When the 118me Chord No. is assigned 10 all key ~, the chord pallem shiftol in pataillol as you pLay key nolBS of <i!ltiient piU..,s (Ex. 1). When <ifferent Choro No.s are assigoned 10 each key note. the chord pat. terns vary axcrdino to key 1101" you play (Ex.2).


Page 69: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO


Ex.1: When Ih8 same Chootl No. is assigned to All key !lOIn

""~ """'" Imm EWI3000m

Ex..2: When IfIIerent Chotd No.5 are assigned te eadl key 0018

• Assigoed ctIcml pall,,", to key note -Co

ICD 01: ee : +4: --:-- 1 •

" Assior*:I <;herd pall""' to key note "0"

ICDe2 : ee:+3 : +7 : --1

" AS ' · ..... chord pattern to key note-e°

ICD 03:ee :+ 3 : +S :+£1

NoI8s ou1po.rt Imm ExtemaI MIDI """Soo~


Page 70: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

Factory Preset Chord Patterns

C0 0 z :ea:+4:+7:+1J 1



+ 7: +)) 1


l CD06 ' 0 B l+ 4: + 9 : I

EadI 01_ I .......... ,.'WTIa .. ...-ulg ..... IO'OO r.·JWlt .............. :

So\.nd BIr'* No.O' .... Chatd Paurn 01 (COOl)

__ ..... 1CI _Chatd p_" rIICD IS, __ Ho .• 7...,Chatd Pa:lernOl /COOl,

I So "'e.aHo.3i _ChatdP . ..... 'I ICOIt)

010 : 99 :+ 3 :+ 6 : . ,

CD l1: ee:+~ ; +.: - .

CD12: -8 : -:5 : -3 :+ 2


CD14 : -2 :+ 2 :+9 :


'" .. H

CD1 6 : ge: - 1!:: . ,,----,--" --'

- 1-1


Page 71: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO


<Sound COpy Function".

This funeliorl iUlI:>ws tOf oopying sad> !5OUnd ('" Sound mode) into the User Banks (Sound Bank No.9 51-00) in Sour<! mode , Of lnIo any Program Banks (No.5 01-00) in Pfogram mode.


, ,

, , , , , , , , , , ,

No.Ol l--;;;;;;;;:;;;;;-J Program mode

WIIh this tUOdion you can 1h8 sounds in any D<der you Iiiw. so ~·s praal to, easy "'. as aI your ~l1g8(Iips when playing 00 1h8 EWt3000 Controllef.

$tap 1: Ahe' setting 1h8 Memory Pm!eClioo 10 OH in lJIii ty mode. ptess !he WRITE button ot !he SNDlPRGM "oxIe.


f t • eop,- eop,~

I I ._-$tap 2: Using 1h8 NEXT UPIDO_ button Of !he SELECT keys. select 1h8 sound you orish

10 copy (copy origination). which will be shown 00 !he !isptay. Then. se lE : t the Sound IProgram Sank No. you want to stano ~ 11;1 (0I:lPV destination). using the VALUE UPI

DOWN """"'. In this case. H the copy deslinatioo is a Program Bank. press SNOiPRGM button aIIItr !his operation. You wiH 'elUm to Play "0Jd0t. and the MemcM)' Pro!9C1ior, will be auto­manU,!, Iumedlo On. Thenlhe copyprocess wiB becomplel8d. Hthecopydeslinll­lion is a Sou:1d Bank. go 10 S1e!l3.

Yo.. _ MIt<:! Sound BanI< No .• 01·51)., . ...... kxation.

S1e9 3 : Press the WRITE bullOn ao./Iin . and the diSfllay wiU show: <COMPt.ETEb- tor a lew secoods indicating copy prOXBs..! has been completed. (A' tnis tlme.!he ~' emcM)' Pmtaclion wil be au1O!!lalically turned to On.)

Page 72: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

<Bulk Dump & Bulk Load,.

Ttos function allows lor the transmission Of r9Q8Pl.ion 01 allihe sound paramelers' values in the EWI3000m. 10 Of lrom another EWI3000m or MIDI so;oquencers. ele. as MIDI syslem excUsive m'-H~.

• BUlk Dump (Tr.nsml .. lonj St~ 1: Fnl. on Ihe EWI3OOOm, reciln Ihe Bulk Dump transmission screen in UtHity

mode. and seI up Ihe reoeiv&r 01 Bulk data.

IU : BULK DUMP TM ?] Step 2: WherlIt1e receiver is ready, press the VAl.UE UP button. The display wili lum

as lhe t~ng screen. and when It1e bulk 6Jmp pl"OC S1I3 is compIeIed. ~ wiN he changed back 10 the previous $Qcen.

IU : SEt~DltiG D~T~ • At mil lime. ,.,.. _ a ldlOl.,.,...-trom 1he tfansm;n." to ' ''Ii,,,. wiIh a $ingIo


• Bulk load (Reception) Step 1: Forst. sel up on lhe Iransmille-r (ar.,d ..... EWI3000m Of MIDI sequ&neer. etc. ).

then recaIIlhe Bulk Dump recepIion screen in Utility mode. and set up the r9<l8iver 01 Sulk data.


SI89 2: Startlhe buik data transtrisslon /rom the transmitter. When It1e EWI3000m r&­

cer. 8S the data. its display willlIim 10 the foIowing screen. and alter the rec:ep­I>:>n, the display IMI show <COMPlETE>-. Aller ill lew seconds. ~ wi! show the Play mode saeoo as the EW I3000m Is Il.rTIed 00.

• Ventlcation

I U : R E C E I ~ IN G D~T ~ I 101 o::ase1he __ .. ' - is 1aiIed. 1he<IisfiIaY .... .".,. <Erur..Ior .... """' ... dicalio4 , Fnl ........ ~ ltIoI ldlOI c:onneo;:Iion i& COO1"~"'- Of no!. _ ",,", bJm the EWllOOOm 011 OO"IC1t. Then un !toe EWI3000m on again ..... ,atry it


This function allows you 10 make SUre the bu lk dump process I>as been ......... sslully cam­pleled. MalIa a MIDI connection /rom the e>nemal MIDI dIIvice (another EWI3000m Of MIDI sequ&!lCIlIS on wtrich you have sIored the bulk data) to the EW13OOOm. and Me:ali lhe Sulk Verily screen in Utility nlOde.


~ -~"~.~'"~:~:~~ /rom the begi.b"ling.

IU : RE C ET U lt~ G DATAl

". " •. ",oceos


Page 73: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO



Model : ~ed Sound Module lor EWJ3000 WIRd Instrument Type Control·

•• Type: Special Sensor-(Xl(l'lpatible Programmabi& Analog Synttoes;zer

Voiees : Monophonic/Dual

SotJnd $Qurce: 4 VC05 (Wave Forms: -".A.A, ~. n..rLI , FM 0niQfI, Sync On! OIl, EXT)

Sound CIOp8Cfty: 100 (Including 50 .- programmable $OUnd$)

Display: 16 c:har'acIe, Uquid Crystal Display wi\tl back ~hl

Volume Function. : BREATH {SENSElAOJUSn

Function Keys :





TUNE (+I-50 "'''IS)


Reat Panel



(12 S1epI·DI· C· .01)



(Me" ... , ' P'oIecIONIOFF, Key Priority. &Ilk Ou~. Verify. Chord, [)em;) Song)

(Transmit/ Cllannal, Program Channel. TransrrOt Velucily, Breath Control)






~CE ll2


SELECT (0-9)


Page 74: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO



" 0







"''''' "'CAY


Co"o,oonlD Scoui'CIi 1 and 2


Page 75: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

""An< ..... ,'"






16 Chord Patterns comprizlld at maximally 4 ""I<IS. 12 key Chord assign­mem. 100 Programs

Maximally 8 Characters Enterable, (Alphabet; upper case, Numbers, Spaoe, 28 Sy!T1bQls)


INSTRUMENT (Authorized Mu/ti-connecto< lor EWIJOOQ Controller) PROGRAM UP (6.3 mm Slandard Phone .IacI<) HEAD PHONES (6.3 mm Standard MonoIStereo Ptloroe Jack) LINE OUT (6.3 rrvn Standard Phone Jack) EXT IN (S.3 mm Standard Phone Jack) MIDIINIOUT (DIN SP) DC IN (3.5 mm Mil'\l Plug. • - )

Po: 2 Co 21Imp1lon : DC 15'0' 700mA (supplied by !he exdusive AC Adaptor)

(Un~: mm)

Weight : n, Acmu·ories:

Page 76: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

EWI3000m Sound List

01/5' "'" "'" ,... ''''' """ 07157 ""'"

...., " ... , , T.5novT CATWALK~DII'C1I " ~KlV PAS""'"1 .~- - ~ ~ , I U51C!tj

11/61 "'" " ... , , ..... " ... , , ... 17167 18168 T 19169 """ W '"'" ~ $11_10 ~w ~ CVM,E'T

21fl1 "'" "'" "". "'" """ "m "'" "'" ,..,

, , -, FOOSET ~- Jf.' 1(lI E ~,- .~- ~ jIJR WAve -, ~. • 31181 """ "'"

,.... "'" ,.", 37187 """" ,... .....


, • CO!I' 'O'I -- ~'M _.M _.M Clcu:n' -, ,

4109 ' . "., ..., ..... . .., .... 47/i7 .... .... """ , • • • llIO("f,lSS 00_ ~-~ FAT BASS OM~ ~~ ESOII "S' F

HoI.: SOund Bank No.O' ·50; ArrrSaund P •• ,;eIDiS cannot tit -.dillcl.xoapt lor E.ND.60, 70, _tid 110-84. Sound Bank No.5,.(JO; NJy Saund P ........ I8iS catI til' Pled.

Abo".ounds ••• dnlglMd 10 be pl-v.clln 11M following u ... ,

Sound Bank No.OI -3D: Sound Bank No.3I-«1: Sound Bank No .• ,-50: Sound Bank No.51 ·80:

Sound Bank No.81-90: Sound Bank No.9' ,0Il:

• TIle _ 0nI0II" ' _ strom ~ID IN """ .... camoI dOd1 ' ... _IM....... -"'owIIDSounII a.... No.O'-lI), VoY __ ID HI ... ""rue ~.W" lot BteIIn poW., ........ ~K)I _ .. "'" Ii'ne. ~ gpeoaloioto ..... Hi fie EWI3000m II> ' .............. 1M _" ......., _puq"., Irom MIDI IN """ ..... __ c .... tI' ' r m.777~_ ' ... _ ....... IIC(:OOdioog ID "'" ~ ""'NIl ... . Itt .... on ............. MOl ~ Do NoI ..... .u IhI EWI3000 ~ 11>" EWI3000m In ... 01 .... "'OlIN *fhi ........... ..., . -. ...... ond _"'-01 BREATH ............. ,..,10 ....

Page 77: EWI SOUND MODULE - Patchman Music · The EWllOOOm is a Il0000 module axdusiYely lot UN MIt> Itw EWl3000 wind insIr\.rnaft\ type ... Adjust !his knob so thallhe EWl3OOOm's VCO

AlA! nECTlllC CO.LTD. lIodel [ £rmoo. 1

Due : lilO. 7. Z! 'enlon : I. 00

!!olel : ( 0 t) ,.louUcalh _ed. _ Itbh tile raQe MI_ .... -9 ancI ., lecordlll 10 I~ JU", lon nile. {OU J ..... ittl I ~' flud ¥11K lei l itbl . Ib, '111" belMelt It ad In. (On l ..... luI ud t~.I ....... of t ... II ... _ar~ed.. Iounr. dlr l ... reeepU CIA. it II reeoplud " '

1M 81£.\11 COJ11OI..W l eallte (of CoDtrol ClI .... o) . ( ° 0 leceln • .- IUII 1M r .. te of +/ -100 cUlt. 0 : $t aeo!.,d plld . ( oS) leeehed oat r II Slftl le lOde.

Itlde I : 0lIII1 0.. POLl Itlde S: 0IIlI1 Off . POLl


lIode Z: 0lIl1 01. 1lO~0 lIode , : 0lIl1 Off. 1lO~0

