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Page 1: EVS broadcast equipment

EVS Broadcast EquipmentMaxim Persyn

Page 2: EVS broadcast equipment

Contents• Overview

• The increase of 2012

• Highest level since the crash of 2008

• A decline this year

• Recent crash this month

• Overall forecast

• Conclusion

Page 3: EVS broadcast equipment

Overview stock prize last 2 years

Page 4: EVS broadcast equipment

Overview stock prize last 2 years

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The increase of 2012

€ 37,2

€ 45,9

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The increase of 2012• Reason: record quarter in 2Q12

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Highest level since the crash of 2008

€ 44,9

€ 56,0

€ 53,3

€ 48,0

General slide of the European stock market

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Highest level since the crash of 2008• EVS announces a new market-focused strategy and vision


• EVS publishes its 2012 results (21/2)

Investors have more confidence in the company

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A decline this year

€ 54,7

€ 45,9

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A decline this year• EVS reports second quarter 2013 results

• EVS tempers the forecasts

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Recent crash this month• Biggest fall in 5 years

• Reason: Mistake by the CEO less confidence

€ 49

€ 41,2

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Overall forecast

• In my opinion: Continue to fluctuate but with a slightly growth

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Conclusion• The company results biggest impact

• Over the last 2 years trend is getting better

• Need to grow in other markets

Page 14: EVS broadcast equipment

Sources• De Tijd. (2013). Retrieved on 16/11/2013, from• De Tijd. (21/02/2013). Retrieved on 16/11/2013, from

• De Tijd. (05/04/2013). Retrieved on 16/11/2013, from

• De Tijd. (29/08/2013). Retrieved on 16/11/2013, from

• De Tijd. (15/11/2013). Retrieved on 16/11/2013, from

• EVS. (30/08/2012). Retrieved on 16/11/2013, from

• EVS. (29/08/2013). Retrieved on 16/11/2013, from

• EVS. (21/02/2013). Retrieved on 16/11/2013, from

• EVS. (21/02/2013). Retrieved on 16/11/2013, from
