Page 1: Evolvement of Hongmu Definition and Consumption · 2017. 5. 1. · 1. Definition. 1.1 Evolvement and identification of Hongmu definition (1) Zhen Huaide (1769-1825) in Qing Dynasty

Evolvement of HongmuDefinition and Consumption

Page 2: Evolvement of Hongmu Definition and Consumption · 2017. 5. 1. · 1. Definition. 1.1 Evolvement and identification of Hongmu definition (1) Zhen Huaide (1769-1825) in Qing Dynasty

1. Definition

1.1 Evolvement and identification of Hongmu definition

(1) Zhen Huaide (1769-1825) in Qing Dynasty described in his General History of Jiading : “Hongmu, with its leaves shaped like dates and white in color, is suitable for making tables, wardrobes and cabinets, and freights often return with a heavy load of Hongmu. Generally, Hongmu is cheap but Padauk and Cam lai are higher priced.”

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(2)Zhao Ruzhen in National Republic of China (before

1949): A Guide to Antiques• “Wood with red color can be named as

Hongmu. Rosewood is the name of a genus and doesn’t refer to red-color wood. Apart from Sandalwood, Rosewood is best in quality and texture.”

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(3) Gustav Ecke:Chinese Domestic Furniture

• ①a sub-species of Pterocarpus indicus• ②Dalbergia latifolia• ③P. dalbergioides• ④P. macrocarpus• ⑤ Adenanthera pavonina, belong to

Adenanthera, Mimosaceae

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(4)Wang Shixiang: A Study of Ming-Dynasty Furniture:

“Hongmu can be divided into old Hongmu and new Hongmu. Old Hongmu is similar to red sandalwood, but shiny dark, light in color and less dense in texture and density. Old hongmu has aroma but less dense than scented rosewood. New hongmu is reddish yellow in color and have the texture. New Hongmu resembles scented rosewood in some cases and now are imported in large quantity.”

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(5)Local standards in 1990s

Region Tree species

Shanghai red sandelwood, padauk, rosewood, ebony, wenge, amboyna

Guangdong Red sandelwood, Dalbergia odorifera, D. nigra, D. cochinchinensis, D. oliveri Gamble, D. cultrata, D. bariensis, D. fusca, D. emarginataRoxb, D. louvelii, ebony, Pterocarpus indicus Willd, P. dalbergioides Benth, P. macrocarpus, P. cambodianus Pierre, P. pedatus Pierre.

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(6)National Hongmu Standard (GB/T18107-2000)

• ① Definition• Heartwood of Pterocarpus spp.,

Dalbergia spp., Millettia spp., Cassiaspp., Diospyros spp., whose density, texture and color meet the requirements set in the National Standard. Besides, other species that are not included in the Standard can be also called as Hongmu if they meet the requirements on density, structure and color.

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② 33 species, 8 genus, 5 families:

Category SpeciesRed sandelwood

P. santalinus

Rosewood P. cambodianus Pierre., P. dalbergioides Benth., P. erinaceus Poir., P. indicus Willd., P. macrocarpus, P. pedatus Pierre.

Scented rosewood

D. odorifera

Blackwood D. cultrata, D. fusca, D. emarginata Roxb., D. louvelii, D. melanoxylon, D. nigra, D. spruceana Benth., D. stevensonii

Mahogany D. bariensis, D. cearensis Ducke, D. cochinchinensis, D. frulescens, D. granadillo Pittier, D. retusa, D. oliveri Gamble

Ebene Diospyros, Diospyros crassiflora, D. pilosanthera Blanco, D. poncej Merr.

Ebony D. celehica, D. philippensisWenge Millettia laurentii, M. leucantha Kurz, Cassia siamea Lam.

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• 2. Summary• (1)Broad and narrow meaning of

Hongmu• ①Hongmu in narrow meaning• Beijing: old Hongmu refers to D.

cochinchinensis• Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai:red

sandalwood, rosewood and mahogany ②Hongmu in broad meaning: other hardwood in addition to several traditionally referred wood species.

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(2)Old and new Hongmu

①Old Hongmu:Beijing: D. cochinchinensisJiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Guangdong

include red sandalwood and scented rosewood into the list of old Hongmu.

②New Hongmu D.oliveriD.bariensis

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(3)Advantage and disadvantage of Hongmu Standard

①Define Hongmu for the first time from the legislative respective②Regulated previously chaotic Hongmu market, clarify the type,

genus and family, species, origin and basic features of Hongmu, which provides the scientific basis for the correct understanding and utilization of Hongmu.

③The uncertainty in definition and limitation in wood testing leave a gap for speculators to enter the legal market, e.g. sell the wood with similar features as the genuine Hongmu.

④Numerous species listed in the Standard creates chaos for testing organizations and also arouses the suspicion among common consumers against Hongmu and Honmu furniture, influencing the reasonable and regulated development of Hongmu market.

⑤More species included in the list of the Standard will play a promoting role in the loss of rare species and its resources across the globe.

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2. HistoryWhen did furniture enter people’ life in the history of China? Literatures and unearthed articles show that furniture began to be used from the Zhou Period (Western Zhou: BC 11 century-BC 771; Eastern Zhou: BC 770-BC256). seats were then the mostly used and seen furniture, and besides there were lacquer and wooden, e.g., the unearthed furniture from Chu Tomb in the War State Period. The furniture in the Zhou Period mainly include seats, beds, screen, etc. In Jin and Han Dynasties, more types of furniture were manufactured and used. Before Tand Dynasty, there were few types of furniture with lacquer furniture as the dominant, and people were fond of carving and paints on furniture and furniture and.

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(1) Jin Dynasty (265-420)

Cui Bao wrote in his Note for History: “Sandalwood is produced in Fu Nan and Li Yi, with the reddish purple color”

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(2) Tang Dynasty(618-907)

Chen Zangqi(713-741)described:“Lvmu,……produced in Annan and Nanhai, red in color and similar to sandalwood, mainly processed for beds.”

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Understand the furniture of Tang Dynasty from 5 aspects

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The furniture of Tang Dynasty is mainly

lacquer furniture, with the aesthetic feature as

magnificent and splendid.

Besides, the literature records are in

consistent with antiques: sandalwood furniture

began to be used in Tang Dynasty, which

provides a clear evidence for the origin of

hardwood furniture in China

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(3)Wu Dai(907-960)

Wu Dai is a very short historic

period, but leaves a very heavy

stripe in China’s art development

history and is also the first turning

points of China’s furniture

development history, stressing

simplicity over complicatedness

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(4) Song Dynasty(960-1279)

Paints in tomb chamber

Song paints

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(5) Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and Early Qing Dynasty(1644-

1736 (13th year of the reign of Emperor Yongzhen))

The best furniture in Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty is defined as Ming Style Furniture by Mr. Wang Shixiang. “Ming style furniture has the broad and narrow meanings. The broad meaning covers all furniture produced in Ming Dynasty including furniture from common hardwood, furniture used by common people, and furniture manufactured with valuable wood materials and refined carving and lines. The narrow meaning specifically refers to the refined and beautifully shaped furniture manufactured with valuable wood materials in Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty. The 200 years from Emperors Jiajing and Wanli in Ming Dynasty to Emperors Kangxi and Yongzhen (1522-1795) in early Qing Dynasty when the furniture were made can be undoubtedly acclaimed as the Golden Time of Traditional Furniture in terms of either quantity or art value.”

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(1)Simple, elegantly and freshly shaped;

(2)Scientific and reasonable in structure;

(3)Intellectuals involvement in furniture design;

(4)Less stress on carvings, and more emphasis over

natural color and texture;

(5)More focus on lines;

(6)Birch and scented rosewood as the main material,

and sandalwood , ebony, cypress and other hardwood are

also used for furniture making. The furniture made of

scented rosewood is acclaimed as the examplar of the

furniture in this period.

Main features of Ming style

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Ming style furniture inherits and keeps the basic shape

and design of the furniture of Song Dynasty, with

diversified types and materials, and particular attention is

put on the scientific and reasonable internal structure.

This is a wonderful achievement and progress that have

been not recognized yet even now. Ming style furniture

put more focus on self, personality, livelihood,

unification of material and humans and intellectuals

involvement, representing a peak time of China’s

tradition furniture

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(6) Qing Dynasty (after Emperor Yongzhen )(1736-1911)

Qing style furniture has no clarified definition. Mr. Hu

Desheng concluded the following features of Qing style


The overall size and part size are larger and heavier than Ming style furniture

Magnificent and splendid decoration, with carving and colored painting as the main techniques. Qing style furniture leaves the impression as dignified, refined, luxurious and splendid, in strike contrast to Ming style furniture as simple, natural, beautiful and cozy.

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Qing style furniture originates in the reign of Emperor

Yongzheng (1723-1736) and reaches its peak in in the

reign of Emperor Qianlong (1736-1797), and its main

features include:

①Pursuit of valuable and rare materials: sandalwood,

Hetian jade, ivory, emerald, turtle shell, etc.

②Pursuit of extremity of technique

③Pursuit of complicated decoration

④Pursuit of spirit, vigor and shape

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(1)Two turning points in the development

of Chinese furniture

Wu Dai:from complicatedness to simplicity

Emperor Yongzhen Reign:from simplicity to


(2)Impact of Qing style furniture on

modern Hongmu furniture

Valuable materials over scientific structure;

decoration and technique over perfect shaping

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3. Current Situation

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(1) Overview of Hongmu furniture

development in China over the 40 years

(2) Main characteristics

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Rare wood and furniture greatly speculated Change in the volume and price of scented rosewood in 2004-2012


Log Squared timber Newly harvest Leftover material Major material










(yuan/500 g)

2004 800 350 500 400 500 50~100 100 20~50 400 40

2005 860 600 500 800 500 50~200 200 20~60 300 50

2006 1000 600~1500 350 1500 700 100~450 350 50~100 200 40~70

2007 1000 1000~5500 4001500~600

0800 200~600 400 50~150 150 40~85

2008 700 2000~7000 3002000~800

0500 500~1000 200 100~300 80 100~350

2009 200 2000~8000 1005000~100

00300 800~1500 80 200~500 50 350~1000

2010 804000~1500



100 1000~3000 50 500~1500 30 700~3000

2011 20 5000~2000 108000~200

0030 1500~3000 30 1000~2000 30


2012 105000~2200



10 3000~5000 10 1000~2000 30 500~5500

Total 4070 2195 3400 1420 1270

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Change in new furniture made of scented rosewood 10000 yuan

TypeYear Rose chair

(pair)Square table(piece)


Armchair (pair)

Backed arhat bed


Waistless Side Table

1998 0.05 0.08 0. 20 5.00 0. 10 1.80

1999 0.06 0. 10 0. 30 10.00 0. 50 2.80

2000 0.12 0. 30 0. 80 15.00 0. 80 6.00

2001 0. 30 0. 60 1.00 18.00 1.80 18.00

2002 1. 20 0. 80 3.5 20.00 2.50 25. 00

2003 2.60 1.50 13.00 25.00 8.00 40.00

2004 6.00 3.20 18.00 35.00 10.00 45.00

2005 8.00 5.00 20.0 50.00 13.00 60.00

2006 10.00 8.00 36.0 120.00 18.00 130.00

2007 12.00 15.00 40.0 280.00 28.00 260.00

2008 15.00 26.00 50.0 350.00 35.00 400.00

2009 25.00 36.00 90.00 500.00 50.00 500.00

2010 35.00 50.00 140.00 780.00 65.00 650.00

2011 40.00 65 170.00 900.00 80.00 800.00

2012 50.00 70.00 190.00 1020.00 96.00 900.00

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(2)Furniture manufacturing is dominated by modelling and replication, especially the Qing style furniture. Furniture innovation is deviant from the expected path, and new style furniture has not been shaped yet.

A:New Chinese model, New Classic, in seek of novelity, valued materials and heavy decoration and carvings

B:Innovate on the basis of respecting traditional excellent furniture in an attempt to create a new style of Chinese furniture

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(3)Lack of culture (4)Overexpansion of Hongmong Market① Added lists of import ports

Time Ports

1980s Ruili, Guangzhou, Xiamen, Shanghai, Tianjin

1990s Tengchong, Yingjiang, Ruili, Xishangbanna, Dongxing, Beihai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Xiamen, Fuzhou, Ningbo, Shanghai, Zhangjiagang, Qingdao

2000s Zhangmu in Tibet, Liuku, Tengchong, Yingjiang, Ruili, Zhangfeng, Xishangbanna, Simao, Linchang, Pengxiang, Dongxing, Qinzhou, Beihai, Haikou, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Xiamen, Fuzhou, Putian, Ningbo, Shanghai, Zhangjiagang, Qingdao, Tianjin

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②Continuing overscale of Hongmu trading market。

③Continuing scaling up of Hongmu furniture production

A:More non-traditional processing points have emerged, including Tengchong, Ruili, Xishuangbanna, Kunming, Pengxiang, Dongxi, Nanning, Haikou, Shenzhen, Putian, Fuzhou, Dalian and Shenyang;

B:Speculative capitals get invovled in Hongmu furniture production;

C:More investors enter Hongmu market from other sectors

D:Constant expansion of working force and investment scale

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Summary For nearly 40 years, no scientific, reasonable

and civilized path has ever been found for the development of Hongmu and Hongmu furniture in China. Hongmu furniture manufacturing is still engrossed in rare materials and high price, pursuing the large size, complicated carving and decoration, fine polishing or novel shapes. From these funiture,we are totally incapable of catching sight of the traces of traditional excellent Chinese furniture.

However, there are some scholars, enterpreneurs and craftman who inherits the traditional essense of furniture making and take ceaseless efforts to explore and establish a new style of Chinese furniture
