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Evolution Jeopardy

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Charles Darwin

Vocab. Hardy Weinbur


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As a young biologist, Charles Darwin had expected the living plants of temperate South America would resemble those of temperate, Europe, but he was surprised to find that they more closely resembled the plants of tropical South America. The biological explanation for this observation is most properly associated with the field of…A)MeteorologyB)EmbryologyC)Vertebrate anatomyD)BioengineeringE)Biogeography

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200Charles Darwin was the first person to propose…A)That evolution occurs.B)A mechanism for how evolution occurs.C)That the Earth is older than a few thousand years.D)A mechanism for evolution that was supported by evidence.E)A way to use artificial selection as a means of domesticating plants and animals.


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300In Darwin’s thinking, the more closely related two different organisms are, the…A)More similar their habitats are.B)Less similar their DNA sequences are.C)More recently they shared a common ancestor.D)Less likely they are to have the same genes in common.E)More similar they are in size.


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400Which of the following represents an idea that Darwin learned from the writing of Thomas Malthus?A)All species are fixed in the form in which they are created. B)Populations tend to increase at a faster rate than their food supply normally allows.C)Earth changed over the years through a series of catastrophic upheavals.D)The environment is responsible for natural selection.E)Earth is more than 10,000 years old. B.

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500If the HMS Beagle had completely bypassed the Galapagos Islands, Darwin would have had a much poorer understanding of the…A)Relative stability of a well-adapted population’s numbers over many generations.B)Ability of populations to undergo modifications as they adapt to a particular environment.C)Tendency of organisms to produce the exact number of offspring that the environment can support.D)Unlimited resources that support population growth in most natural environments.E)Lack of genetic variation among all members of a population.


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The bones of the wings of bats are homologous to the bones of the __________ of their ancestors.

a) jawsb) ribsc) hind limbsd) brain casee) front limbs

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Which of the following is the best example of gene flow?

a) A polyploid plant develops.b) Genes are shuffled by the crossing over of

chromosomes during meiosis.c) An earthquake results in the formation of

a canyon, splitting a population of toads apart.

d) Wind blows pollen from one population of plants to another and cross-fertilization occurs.

e) All the mutations in a population were neutral

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300Which of the following statements most detracts from the claim that the human appendix is a completely vestigial organ?A)The appendix can be surgically removed with no immediate ill effects.B)The appendix might have been larger in fossil hominids.C)The appendix has a substantial amount of defensive lymphatic tissue.D)In a million years, the human species might completely lack an appendix.


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400The Darwinian fitness of an individual is measured most directly by…A)The number of its offspring that survive to reproduce.B)The number of “good genes” it possesses.C)The number of mates it attracts. D)Its physical strength.E)How long it lives.


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500Which describes an African butterfly species that exists in two strikingly different colors patterns?A)Artificial selectionB)Directional selectionC)Stabilizing selectionD)Disruptive selectionE)Sexual selectionD.

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100Which of the evolutionary agents is most consistent at causing populations to become better suited to their environment over he course of generations?A)MutationB)Non-random matingC)Gene FlowD)Natural SelectionE)Genetic Drift


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200Which definition of evolution would have been most foreign to Darwin during his lifetime?A)Change in gene frequency in gene pools.B)Descent with modificationC)The gradual change of a populations heritable traits over generations.D)Populations becoming better adapted to their environments over the course of generations.E)The appearance of new varieties and new species with the passage of time.


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Gene flow is a concept best used to describe an exchange between…A)SpeciesB)Males and femalesC)PopulationsD)Individuals E)Chromosomes


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400There are 40 individuals in population 1, all of which have the genotype AA, and there are 25 individuals in population 2, all with the genotype aa. Assume that the populations are located far from one another and that their environmental conditions are similar. Based on the information given, the observed genetic variation is most likely an example of…A)Genetic driftB)Gene flowC)Disruptive selectionD)Discrete selectionE)Directional selection


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500A fruit fly population has a gene with two alleles, A and a. Tests show that 70% of the gametes produced in the population contain A allele. If the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, what proportion of the flies care both A and a?A)0.7B)0.49C)0.21D)0.42E)0.09 D.

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Which statement best describes the evolution of pesticide resistance in a population of insects?A)Individual members of the population slowly adapt to the presence of the chemical by striving to meet the new challenge.B)All insects exposed to the insecticide begin to use a formally silent gene to make a new enzyme that breaks down the insecticide molecules.C)Offspring of insects that are genetically resistant to the pesticide become more abundant as the susceptible insects die off.


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Of the following anatomical structures, which is homologous to the win of a bird?A)Dorsal fin of a sharkB)Hindlimb of a kangarooC)Tail fin of a flying fishD)Flipper of a penguinE)Back legs of a lizardD.

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Which one of the following developed a theory of evolution about giraffes?

A) BuffonB) WallaceC) LamarckD) LyellE) Huxley

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400Mules are relatively long-lived and hardy organisms that cannot, generally speaking, perform successful meiosis. Consequently, which statement about mules is true?A)They have a relative evolutionary fitness of zero.B)Their offspring have less genetic variation than their parents. C)Mutations cannot occur in their genomes.D)If crossing-over happens in mules, then it must be limited to prophase of mitosis.


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500Male satin bowerbirds adorn structures that they build, called “bowers,” with parrot feathers, flowers, and other ornaments to attract females. Females inspect the bowers and, if impressed, mate with the males. The evolution of this male behavior is due to…A)Artificial selectionB)Natural selectionC)Frequency-dependent selectionD)Disruptive selection

E)Sexual selection E

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Pollen is __________ and contains __________.

A).diploid ... spores B).diploid ... sperm nuclei C).haploid ... spores D).haploid ... sperm nuclei E).diploid ... a new sporophyte

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Which of the following is (are) unique to animals?

A) cells that have mitochondriaB) the structural carbohydrate, chitinC) nervous conduction and muscular movementD) heterotrophyE) both A and C

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Members of what was the kingdom Monera are now divided into two major domains called the _________.

a) Bacteria and blue-green algaeb) Archea and bacteriac) Gram positive and gram negatived) Protists and bacteriae) Fungi and bacteria

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400Protists are a diverse group of organisms that includes _____.

A)Plants B)Fungi C)Protozoans D)Algea and protozoans


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500Which one of the following is NOT used to identify different kinds of bacteria? A)Mode of nutritionB)Cell wall compositionC)Number of chromosomesD)Cell shapeE)All of the above are used

