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Indian J Physiol Pharrnacol 1992; 36(1) : 29-34



Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences.Panjab University, Chandigarh - 160 014

( Received on October 17, 1991 )

Abstract: BR-16A (Mentat@ 50-500 mg/kg) improved acquisition and retention of a passiveavoidance task in a step-down paradigm in mice. BR-16A (50-500 mg/kg) reversed scopolamine(0.3 mg/kg)-induced disruption of acquisition and retention. BR 16-A (50 and 100 rng/kg) at-tenuated amnesia produced by the acute treatment with electroconvulsive shock (ECS). immedi-ately after training. Chronic treatment with ECS. for 6 successive days at 24 h interval. disruptedmemory consolidation on the 7th day. Daily administration of BR-16A (50 and 100 mg/kg) for6 days significantly improved memory consolidation in mice receiving chronic ECS treatment.BR-16A (20-500 mg/kg). administered on the 7th day. also attenuated the disruption of memoryconsolidation produced by chronic treatment with ECS. On elevated plus-maze. BR-16A (50 and100 mg/kg) reversed scopolamine (0.3 mg/kg)- induced delay in transfer latency on the I st day.The above data suggests a nootropic effect of BR-16A in naive and amnesic mice.

Key words: passive avoidancelevated plus-maze

acquisition retrieval scopolaminetransfer latency electroconvulsive shock



BR-16A (Mentat®), a hebral psychotropicpreparation is claimed to be effective in improvinglearning ability and behavioural disturbances in men-tally retarded children (1,2,3) and to exert a beneficialeffect in the cases of cerebral deficit (4), behaviouraldisturbances following postnatal organic lesions ofcentral nervous system and in cases having organicloss of bladder function (Personal communication).The power preparation of BR-16A contains essentiallythe following herbal ingredients: Brahmi (Hydrocotylasiatica), Vach (Acorus calamus), Ashwagandha(Wilhania somnifera), Guduchi (Tinospora cardifolia),Amla (Embelica officinalis), Shankhpushi (Evolvulusalsinoides), Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi), Tagar(Valeriana wallichii) and Triphala (5). The marketpreparation Mentat®, however, has several other com-ponents in addition to the above said ingredients,which help in the preparation of the product. Preli-minary toxicity studies have shown it to be a safepreparation and no adverse effect ensued its chronicuse. The LDso value has been reported to be 2400 mg/

kg by oral route of administration (personal commu-nication).

Several existing models for the evaluation oflearning and memory are based on positive or nega-tive reinforcement behaviour. However, recently Itohet al (6,7) have reported that elevated plus-maze in-troduced for the measurement of anxiety in rodents(8,9), could be used for the evaluation of learning andmemory in mice, although this method is not bases onpositive or negative reinforcers. Because of the dislik-ing for the open arms, the animal spends more timein enclosed than the open arms and this aversivequality becomes apparent only when the animal entersthem. Itoh et al (5,6), therefore, speculated that thetime in which the animal moves from the open armto the enclosed arms (transfer latency; TL) might beshortened if the animal had previously experiencedentering the open arms. The shortened transfer latencywas then related to memory.

The present study was undertaken to study theeffectiveness of BR-16A in improving short-termmemory in naive mice. The reversal effect of BR-16A

·Corresponding Author

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against memory deficits induced by scopolamine andacute or chronic treatment with ECS was evaluatedon passive avoidance paradigm as well as elevatedplus-maze in mice.


Animals : Albino mice of either sex (LAKAstrain, bred in Central Animal House facility of PanjabUniversity), weighing 20-25g were used. The animalswere housed under standard light/dark cycle with foodand water provided ad libitum. The experiments wereperformed between 9.00 and 12.00 hr.

Drugs : BR-I6A (Menta®); Himalaya DrugCo. Bombay, India) powder was suspended uniformlyin deionized water and administered orally. Scopola-mine HBr (Merck and Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ, USA)was given ip in a constant volume (1 ml/I 00 g) asaqueous solution.

Electroconvulsive shock ; Electroconvulsiveshock (ECS; 10 mA, 0.2 see) was applied through earclip electrodes. The animals received either a singleshock (acute treatment) or a series of 6 shocks at 24hr interval (chronic treatment).


Passive avoidance step-down paradigm: Themethod described by Sharma and Kulkarni (10) wasused. In brief, the apparatus consisted of an electricgrid (24x30 em) with a shock-free zone (SFZ; 2x3xlern) in the centre and the entire grid having a perflexenclosure.

Elevated plus-maze: An elevated plus-mazeconsisting of two open arms (16x5 em) and twoenclosed arms (16 x 5 x 12 ern) was used in thepresent study (11). The maze was elevated to a heightof 25 cm.


Experiment 1: Passive avoidance training wasdone as follows. The mice were put individually onthe electric grid and allowed to explore for 1 min. Thestimulus (20v) was then applied and latency to reachSFZ recorded three consecutive times as basal read-ings. Animals that reached the SFZ in 2 min in thefirst trial were selected for the study. After I hr of the

Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 1992; 36(1)

training, each animal was put on the electric grid againand the latency to reach SFZ and the number ofmistakes (descents) the animal made in 15 min wererecorded as parameters for acquisition and retentionrespectively.

Experiment 2: The procedure and the apparatuswas identical to those described in experiment 1.Animals were divided into 10 groups. Thirty minutesafter the first trial the mice of 6 of these groups weregiven vehicle, BR-16A (50-500 mg/kg) or scopolamine(0.3 mg/kg). The other 4 groups were used for inves-tigating the effect of BR-16A on amnesia produced byscopolamine. Scopolamine (0.3 rag/kg) was givenimmediately after passive avoidance training and 30min later BR-16A (50-500 mg/kg) was administered.

Experiment 3: The procedure and the apparatuswere identical to those described in experiment 2except that instead of number of mistakes (descents)in 15 min, the latency to climb SFZ measured 24 hrafter the training served as a parameter for retention.The animals were divided into 4 groups. One groupreceived ECS through the ears and another group wassubjected to the same procedure but without ECS(non-ECS: control group). In the ECS experiment, ECSwas applied immediately after the training. Latency toreach SFZ was then recorded 1 hr and 24 hr after thetraining. BR-16A (50 and 100 mg/kg) or vehicle wasadministered 30 min following the application of ECS.

Experiment 4: The procedure and the apparatuswere identical to those described in experiment 3,except that the treatment with ECS was repeated every24 hr over 6 successive days. 7 groups of mice weretreated with ECS immediately after training. ECStreatment was given over 6 successive days at 24 hrinterval. On the seventh day mice received BR-16A(20-500 rng/kg) or saline and returned to their homecages. 30 min later latency to reach SFZ was recorded.2 other groups received BR-16A (50 and 100 mg/kg)30 min prior to training on the 1st day. ECS wasapplied immediately after the training. Latency to reachSFZ was measured 1 hr and 24 hr after the training.On the second day, after the measurement of retentionlatency, administration of BR-16A was followed 1 hrlater by the application of ECS. On the third andsuccessive days the mice received BR-16A followedby ECS for a total of 6 days. On the seventh day, 24

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he after the last shock the latency to reach SFZ wasmeasured.

Experiment 5: Elevated plus-maze was em-ployed for the measurement of transfer latency (1L).The mice were placed individually at the end of oneopen arm facing away from the central platform andthe time it took to move from open arm to either ofthe enclosed arms (1L) was recorded (6). TL was thetime elapsed between the time the animal was placedin the open arm and the time when it fully entered (allthe four paws in) the enclosed arm. On the 1st daythe mouse was allowed to explore the plus-maze for20 see after the measurement of TL. The mice werereturned to their home cages after the first trial.Twenty four hours lata, the mice were placed on theelevated plus-maze individually as before and TL wasrecorded again. TL measured on 1st and 2ndday served as parameters for acquisition and retrie-val respectively. All the drugs were administered30 min prior to the first trial, either alone or incombination and each treatment group consisted of6-9 animals.

Statistical analysis: The data was an:aIysed byone-way analysis of variance followed by Dunett'st-test, P< 0.05 was considered statistically significant


.:xperlment 1

Performance of control mice on passive avoid-ance step-down paradigm: Control (untreated) mice,when placed on the grid, showed training latency of3.68 ± 0.35 (n=17) sec. 1 he later, when again placedon the electric grid, mice reached SFZ in 9.00 ± 2.25see and showed 23 ± 4.00 mistakes (descents) in 15min (Table I).

Experiment 2

Effect of BR-16A on passive avoidance acquisi-tion and retrieval: Latency to reach SFZ, measured 1he after training was not significantly affected by BR-16A (50 and 100 rug/kg). The latency was reduced bythe higher doses (250 and 500 mg/kg), the effect beingsignificant only at 500 mg/kg.

BR-16A (lOO-500mg/kg) produced a significantdecrease in the number of mistakes (descents) as

Nootropic Effect of BR-16A 31

compared to vehicle treated control. However, 50 mg/kg dose failed to elicit any significant reduction in thenumber of mistakes (Table I).

TABLE I: Effect 0( various doses of BR-16A on a) latency toreach SFZ and b) nwnber of mistakes (descents) madein IS min in passive avoidance step-down paradigmin mice.

Treatment, "'II/leg LaJency to reach Number of mistakesSFZ ill see (a) [descents} ill 15

mill (b)

Vehicle 9.00u.2S 23.00±4.00

BR-I6A, SO 9.SQtl.S 19.50±2.S0

100 10.2S±1.7S 12.SO±O.7S

2SO 8.0Qt3.00 10.00±1.2S

500 4.2S±1.ex>- 6.7S±1.2S·

Results are expressed al Mean ±SEM.Control n= 10 and n = 5-7 in other treatment groups .• p <0.05 al compared with vehicle-treated controla) ANOVA. F - ratio (28, 110) = 76.00, P <0.05; b) ANOVA,

F-ratio (28.110) = 15.03. P <0.05.

Effect of BR-16A on passive avoidance perform-ance in scopolamine-treated mice: Scopolamine (0.3mg/kg) significantly increased the latency to reach SFZand the number of mistakes as compared to vehicle-treated control.

TABLE II : Effect of varioul doses of BR-16A on a) latency toreach SFZ and b) number of mistake. (descents) madein IS min in passive avoidance step-down paradigmin scopolamine-treated mice.

Treatment, "'II/leg Latency to reach Number of mistakesSFZ in see (a) [desceras} ill 15 mill (b)

Vehicle 9.00±2.2S 23.<X)±4.00Scopolamine. 0.3 i3~.30±3.ex>-••• 71.00±9.ex>-•••Scopolamine, 0.3BR-16A, SO 4O.00±8.12 6S.00±8.00Scopolamine, 0.3BR-16A,I00 29.00±6.00 S2.00±9 .oo-Scopolamine, 0.3BR-16A. 250 21.08± 5.03· 38.00±6.01··Scopolamine, 0.3BR-16A.SOO nzus.n» 2S.00±4.01···

All the values are Mean±SEM. Control n = 10 and n = 6-10 indifferent treatment groups.• p <0.05, "P < 0.01, ···P<O.OOI ascompared with scopolamine-treated group. ···a P< 0.001 as com-pared with vehicle-treated control.a) ANOVA, F - ratio (28, 110) = 76.00, P < 0.05.b) ANOVA, F - ratio (28, 110) = 15.03, P < 0.05.

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BR-16A (100-500 mg/kg) reversed scopolamine-induced delay in the latency to reach SFZ andreduced the number of mistakes in mice pretreatedwith scopolamine. The lower dose of BR-16A (50 mg/kg) failed to produce any significant reversal effect(fable II).

Experiment 3

Effect of BR-16A on passive avoidanceperformance in mice receiving acute treatment withECS: ECS. applied immediately after training. pro-duced a significant increase in latency to reach SFZ.measured 1 hr and 24 hr after training. as comparedwith the non-ECS control. Pretreatment with BR-16A(50 and 100 mg/kg) significantly reduced the latencyto reach SFZ. measured 1 hr and 24 hr after trainingas compared with the ECS-treated group (fable ill).

TABLE m : Effect of pretraining administration of BR-I6A00 amnesia prodcced by 8QlIc: treatmentwith ECS(HmA,02S)

Treatment, mg/lcg Latency (see) measured after1 Jrr 24 Jrr




BR-I6A, 100









Results are expressed as Mean±SEM, n = 6-7.••p < O.OSas compared with non-ECS control, ·'P < O.OSascompared with ECS-treated group. ANOVA, F-ratio (3, 23) = 10.39,p < O.OS.

Experiment 4

Effect of BR-16A on passive avoidance per-formance in mice receiving chronic treatment withECS: Chronic treatment with ECS for 6 successivedays at 24 hr interval produced a significant pro-longation of latency to climb SFZ, measured on the7th day after training as compared with non-ECScontrol.

BR-16A (20-500 rug/kg), administered on the7th day, 24 hr after the last treatment with 6 succes-sive shocks, produced significant reversal of ECS-induced delay in latency to reach SFZ as comparedwith the ECS-treated group (fable IV).

Indian] Physiol Pharmacol 1992; 36(1)

TABLE IV : Effect of pre-retention administration of variousdoses of BR-16A 00 latency to reach SFZ, measuredon 7th day after training in mice chronically exposedto ECS (10 mA, 0.2 see).

Treatment, mg/Ieg LaJellCy(see) to reacn SFZ on 7th day

Non-ECS 7.43±O.42

ECS 16.8S±1.52···

BR-I6A, 20 13.66±2.33

SO 10.00±1.04·

100 8.00±0.89··

250 6.SQt{).3S··

SOO 3.00±0.3S···

The data are expressed al Mean±SEM, n = S-7.•••p < 0.01 •• compared with non-ECS control, .p < O.OS,"P < 0.01, ••• p < 0.001 &I compared with ECS-treated control.ANOVA, F-ratio (6, 3S) = 17.41, P < O.OS.

Daily administration of BR-16A (50 and 100mg/kg), 30 min prior to the application of ECS, for 6successive days, prevented any delay in latency toreach SFZ on the 7th day after training as comparedwith ECS-treated control. The latency of the non-ECSgroup on the 7th day was same as that in groupreceiving concurrent treatment with ECS and BR-16A(100 mg/kg; Table V).

TABLE V : Effect of daily administration of BR-16A onamnesiaproduced by chronic treatmentwith ECS

(10 mA, 0.2 see) over 6 successivedays in mice.

Treatment, mg/lcg Latency (see) to reach SFZ on 7 th day





The data are expressed as Mean ±SEM, n = 6-7.•••p < 0.01 as compared with non-ECS treated control, .p < O.OS,"P < 0.01 as compared with ECS-treated control.ANOVA, F-ratio (3, 23) = 24.78, P < O.OS.

Experiment 5

Effect of BR-l6A on TL in scopolamine-treatedmice: The 1L on the 2nd day was not significantlydifferent than that on 1st day in the vehicle treatedcontrol group.

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Scopolamine (0.3 mg/kg) produced a significantincrease in TL on 1st day but not on the 2nd day ascompared to control. Scopolamine-induced increase inTL was, however, reduced/reversed by the prior treat-ment with BR-16A (50 and 100 mg/kg; Table VI).

TABLE VI: Effect of BR-16A on transfer latency (TL) asstudied on elevated plus-maze in scopolamine-treatedmice.

Treatment, mg/leg 11 Transfer LaleflCy (fL) in see(Mean±SEM)

1st day 2nd day

Vehicle 8 36.25i9.50 28.87±3.56

Scopolamine, 0.3 7 101.43±10.89···· 39.97±7.04

Scopolamine, 0.3 8 58.25±7.20· 37.25±4.82+

BR-I6A, 50

Scopolamine 0.3 8 29.50±5.64··· 25.50±3.06+

BR-I6A, 100

•••• p < 0.001 as compared with the vehicle-treated control..p < 0.05, ••• p < 0.001 as compared with scopolamine-treatedcontrol. ANOVA, F-ratio (6, 48) = 15.45, P < 0.05.


The present study demonstrates that in a para-digm of short-term memory, BR-16A produces im-provement in passive avoidance acquisition andmemory retrieval. The memory improving effect ofBR-16A manifested as decrease in latency to reachSFZ (acquisition) and number of mistakes (descents)the animal made in 15 min (retention) on passiveavoidance paradigm.

A deficient cholinergic system has been impli-cated for the progressive decline of learning andmemory in various neuropsychiatric disorders (12).Scopolamine-induced amnesia has been used as apharmacological tool in various clinical and experi-mental paradigms (13,14, 15). In the present studyscopolamine (0.3 mg/kg) , an anticholinergic agent,produced deficits in learning as well as memoryretention as the animals showed a delay in reachingSFZ and increase in the number of mistakes. BR-16A(50-500 mg/kg) reversed scopolamine induced deficitsin acquisition and retrieval. In another study in whichlatency measured 24 hr after the training served as a

Nootropic Effect of BR-16A 33

parameter for memory retention. acute treatment withECS, immediately after training, produced a signifi-cant increase in latency measured 1 hr and 24 hrafter the training. This suggests that ECS impairsacquisition as well as retention of a learned passiveavoidance task. To substantiate the claim for theimprovement in memory retention, effect of BR-16Aon two different parameters i.e. the number of mistakes(descents) in 15 min and latency to reach SFZ, 24 hrafter training was studied. Pretraining administrationof BR-16A (50 and 100 mg/kg) prevented increasein the latency to reach SFZ, measured 1 hr and 24 hrafter the application of shock. Since the treatmentssuch as scopolamine or ECS cause retrogradeamnesia by interfering with memory consolidationprocess (16,17,18), the above studies suggest an effec-tiveness of BR-16A in improving short-term memoryin naive as well as amnesic mice.

Additional evidence for the noortropic action ofBR-16A was obtained from the studies on elevatedplus-maze. In plus-maze, mice show natural aversionto open and high spaces and, therefore, spend moretime in enclosed arms. Itoh et al (6) suggested that TLmight be shortened if the animal had previouslyexperienced entering the open arms. The shortenedTL could be related to memory. In our study, theshortened TL was obtained on the 2nd day in controlbut the effect was not statistically significant due tolarge variation in animal behaviour. However, TLwas significantly increased in the Ist trial in theexperimental amnesic mice, in which amnesia wasinduced by scopolamine (0.3 mg/kg), injected 30min before the 1st trial. TL of the amnesic micewas shortened by the administration of BR-16A(50 and lOa mg/kg). However, only the latency onthe 1st but not 2nd day was affected. This studyconsolidates that BR-16A improves acquisitionin amnesic mice. The results of this study are wellin agreement with those of passive avoidanceparadigm. The observation that the TL on the 2nd dayin all the treatment groups was not significantlydifferent from that of control suggests the failure toretain thelearned task in the absence of any forcefulmotivation.

Chronic application of ECS for 6 days produceda significant increase in latency to reach SFZ on

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the 7th day as compared with non-ECS control.This suggests that application of ECS disrupts acqui-sition, retention and consolidation of a learned task.Concurrent administration of BR-16A (50 and 100mg/kg) and ECS for 6 days prevented any impairmentin memory consolidation. Daily administration ofBR-16A for 6 days produced significant attenuationof amnesic effect of chronic application of ECS.The latency measured on the 7th days was of samemagnitude as in non-ECS group. The above resultsfurther supplement the effectiveness of BR-16A inimproving cognitive functions in acute as well aschronic amnesic models in mice.

The above proposition is strenthened by the

Indian I Physiol Phannacol 1992; 36(1)

observation that single dose administration of BR-16A(20-500 mg/kg) on the 7th day, 24hr after the lasttreatment with ECS, produced a significant reductionin latency to reach SFZ. Thus, the present study sug-gests that BR-16A possesses nootropic action in naiveas well as amnesic mice.

In conclusion, Mentat® (BR-16A), a herbalpreparation with wide margin of safety, is useful incognitive dysfunctions.


This work was supported by the grants fromHimalaya Drug Co., Bombay, India.


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