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Page 1: Evidence 2

This is my main image for my contents page. I believe the images we see on contents pages are revealing and should entice the reader further into the magazine. I have used photoshop here again to cut out the background.

I have chosen this contents page template because it fits with the photos I took and a similar number of page titles.I had to keep the title

theme going here as they are as important as each other.

Page 2: Evidence 2

Having a quick brainstorm of the titles of articles I could include on my contents page:Following the front page; ‘Polled: the top 10 ways to manage exam stress chosen by you’ Opinions: improving your areaStories of the termAgony auntEvents: inside and outLunch menu for upcoming weeksEverybody loves DISCOUNTSHow to improve your cv

I think the ideal font style would be quite simple but it has to be bold and perhaps a well known font but adjusted.

Creating a new page required a new type of font; one that clings the attention of the readers and also using a what looks common and somewhat can feel collegy. I chose the font Contra from for this.

I have also used the ‘..#’ to indicate the page number as I think this would be easily interpreted.

Page 3: Evidence 2

This photo is to go with one of my article titles, I cut the background out on photoshop again. I thought about what kind of photos I could take and use for an article and a concentrating but convincing pose.

Using the same image text block for the ‘win!’ sign can help readers identify which parts they need to read in which has drawn their attention.
