  • 8/14/2019 Everything Is The Same Lecture 1 Notes


    1 Everything Is The Same

    Welcome to my Coursera class Everything is the Same: Modeling Engineered Systems. I hope you

    are looking forward to the class!1

    One of the most fundamental goals of this class is to train you to synthesizedifferent aspects of

    engineering skills. In particular, good engineers typically employ a combination ofAnalytical Rea-soning, Computational Skills, and Physical Knowledge to solve problems. The more critical the

    engineering problem issuch as making sure that the power grid does not experience failuresthe

    more important it becomes to combine these skills rather than just using one.

    By Analytical Reasoning, I mean the ability to write down mathematical expressions that rep-

    resent a physical system. By Computational Skills, Im referring to the ability to use a computer to

    either evaluate or predict characteristics of a model that are too challenging to solve analytically.

    And by Physical Knowledgepossibly the most important of the threeI mean thecrucialability

    of an engineer to think critically about analysis and computations in the context of real, physical

    knowledge about the world. This last piece can only come from experience, so in this class Im

    going to rely on examples that you either already have experience with or examples that you can

    easily reproduce on your own.

    For those of you that saw the promotional video for this class, you saw the examples of the

    power grid (a snapshot of which is in Fig.3) and the biomechanics of the hand.

    Figure 3: A snapshot of the powergrid animation from the class promotional video.

    Both of these examples are, of course, very complex to understand. Using physics-based mod-

    eling, we can use analysis to come up with a model of the hand and we can use computations to

    make predictions using that model, seen on the left in Fig. 4.

    But what happens when we compute something that doesnt make sense, like on the right of

    Fig. 4? When I look at this numerical simulation of the hand, I certainly dont think that I ever

    wantmyhand to behave that way!

    The reason we know that there is something wrong is because of our physical experience

    we simply know that a real hand doesnt behave the way this movie suggests, despite the fact

    that the analysis and computation was all done carefully. This physical knowledge tells us that

    1If you are reading these notes after listening to the first lecture, you will notice that the class notes nearly perfectly

    follow the online lecturesthis is intentional! However, these class notes will have many additional footnotes, like

    this one, to explain and/or clarify concepts as we go.


  • 8/14/2019 Everything Is The Same Lecture 1 Notes


    Figure 4: A simulation of the hand from the class promotional video. The simulation on the left

    looks plausible, but the simulation on the right doe not!

    there is something wrong with our analysis or our computations or possibly both, and synthesizing

    physical knowledge into our engineering judgement is a critical aspect of engineering safe, reliable

    systems.One of the challenging things about physical knowledge is that we all have different experi-

    ences, so learning together is critical. Because of that, I really encourage you all to participate in

    online discussions andif at all possibleI hope you will participate in in-person meetings with

    other students taking the class. You can do this through organized meetups or other ways of ar-

    ranging to meet with each other, and we will be hosting a meetup here at Northwestern University

    every other week while the class runs.2 This social aspect of learning is, I think, critical to be-

    coming fluent in modeling engineered systems and, simultaneously, thinking critically about that

    modeling process.

    In this class, you will learn different aspects of engineering modeling techniques. You will

    learn Analytical Reasoning, including the importance of linear models, that differential equations

    are nearly universal in engineering models, and that mathematical analysis of those models can

    both help you understand systems better andmake your life quite a bit easier. To be prepared for

    this analytical part of the class, you should have had some pre-calculus; in particular, you should

    know that position and velocity are related by the time derivativethat the velocity v is the time

    derivative of the position x.3 Aside from that, you really only need to be prepared to do some


    You will learn Computational Skills, including numerical integration methods that you will

    implement in either MATLAB or Python and the use of vector representationsthese also make

    your life quite a bit easier. You dont need any experience with programming for this part of

    the class, but you will need to either purchase a MATLAB license or download Python, which is

    free. We will provide short tutorials to help you get started and provide sample code to guide youthrough the class.

    Lastly, you will learn Physical Knowledge, which will help you internalize when you can use

    the mathematical modeling tools we are learning, when you cannot, and improve your engineering

    judgment as a result. Whatever experience you already have will prepare you for this part of the

    2The meetups will be organized through the Coursera website.3If you havent already, you should look at the calculus review we have posted to make sure you are familiar with

    the ideas that are there.


  • 8/14/2019 Everything Is The Same Lecture 1 Notes



    Throughout the class, you will test the development of these skills by trying out the exercises

    directly following the lectures and the homework. These will help you investigate the material in

    more depth and solidify the material presented in the lectures.

    Combining analytical reasoning, computational reasoning, and physical reasoning is an essen-

    tial part of being an engineer, and I hope that as you take this class you learn how to synthesizethese skills for your future as engineers.

