Page 1: Everyone Welcome! C Only N Through A Christ · Lola, for wisdom and strength. Isabella Brooks, dementia Nora, brain tumor. Jenny, personal needs. Mandy, child custody. Jacob, health









Everyone Welcome!

Sharing God’s Love in

Dickinson and Beyond

In This Issue Page

Shepherd to Sheep 2

Deacon’s Corner 3

From the Steeple 4

Prayer List 5

June Calendar 6

Contact Information 7

Volume 60

Issue 6


Page 2: Everyone Welcome! C Only N Through A Christ · Lola, for wisdom and strength. Isabella Brooks, dementia Nora, brain tumor. Jenny, personal needs. Mandy, child custody. Jacob, health


One of my favorite authors is Randy Alcorn who is the founder and Director of Eternal Perspective Ministries, and a

former pastor for fourteen years. In his book, Edge of Eternity, there is a group of people attempting to walk on the “Red

Road,” which is a metaphor for the narrow road that leads to heaven. In one of the scenes Alcorn portrays a man attempting

to remain on the Red Road and as he nears heaven, he’s not sure he’s saved. As he gets closer to heaven, he asks a

question of his guide who is in fact an angel about his purpose in life. He asks, “Can a person go back and alter his role?”

The guide replies, “Once written, the story is finished. It cannot be revised. Death is every man’s final signature on his life’s


All of us are creating our legacy. In essence we are writing our biography which will exist through all eternity. We are

writing it page by page, day by day, that in the end will provide a legacy that will ultimately be judged by fire. It is my desire,

my prayer, my passion, that every single person at Pine Drive is building a legacy that will make it through the fire. This

desire is summarized in I Corinthians 3:11-15, where the Apostle Paul reminds us of the testing of our written story here on

earth. He says that:

“If anyone builds on this foundation (Jesus Christ) using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, their

work will be shown for what it is, because the Day (Judgment) will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire,

and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work……if it is burned up, the builder will suffer loss but yet

will be saved—even though only as one escaping through the flames.”

Again, these "works" that we perform on a daily basis becomes our legacy, our story, our biography, those things

which others will remember about you. They will remain long after we have departed this world for the next. And once

written, at the point of death, it can never be changed. In case you have been too busy to notice, life is getting shorter and

shorter. The pages of our story are accumulating rapidly. One day, known only by God, the Publisher will call for the final

volume to be presented. Let me encourage you with all of my heart, passion, love, and sincerity, that if you are satisfied with

your story to this point, keep on keeping on, persevere, and stay the course.

If you feel you need to begin a new chapter in your story tell God, His mercy and grace is new each morning. And

then, discipline yourself to “sit and write” a focused page, day by day. Difficult? Absolutely! But then, that is why we have

the Holy Spirit empowering us. After all, June is filled with new beginnings. Weddings, graduations, vacations, and new

employment are new chapters on roads and travels never before experienced. Yet, all of these new beginnings to contribute

to a lasting legacy.

One final thing dear folks, have you ever noticed that the people who make a difference in our lives are not the ones

with the most credentials, the most money or the most awards. They are the ones that care; they care about us as

individuals. These acts of kindness that come from our love for Christ is what will be recorded and preserved when we

stand before Christ.

Anything that you do for your own glory and praise will not make it through the fire. It does not matter how many

awards you have when you die; how much money you have in the bank or the size of your house. All of it means nothing

when you stand before Christ. How many lives are you touching as you write and they read your story?

May God continue to bless you and your family. Enjoy your vacations, but never take a vacation from reading,

praying, and praising God who is the giver of life, our companion and helper, and of course, the One who will evaluate our

legacy here on earth. You are loved.

Page 3: Everyone Welcome! C Only N Through A Christ · Lola, for wisdom and strength. Isabella Brooks, dementia Nora, brain tumor. Jenny, personal needs. Mandy, child custody. Jacob, health


By Brother Clayton Hamm

How do you let someone know you care about them? Send them a smiling emoji !

Call them, write them a note, bring them flowers or do something. Babies are easy, you just hold them in your arms, make faces, cooing sounds, and caress their faces; all is right in the world. Then something happens, they grow up, the goofy faces no longer soothes them, your feelings haven’t changed, but you can no longer put that love into a simple touch. So you turn your energy into finding the perfect gift, one that expresses how you feel, that captures the moment. So put a lot of effort into finding the perfect gift, when it is not something that you buy, but it is something that you give. It is not about purchasing something; it is about giving your heart.

God has shown us love. Look at Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

He did so much more than that, He gave us the gift of love. Look at 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things,

believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 8 Love never fails.

These are the gifts that God gives to us; faith, hope, and love. This is what we have and this is what we share. We share our faith, we share our hope, and we share our love, all of which is intertwined in Christ. Let someone know you care about them, share your love with them.

Shalom, Bro. Clayton

Gifts—Expressions of the Heart

Page 4: Everyone Welcome! C Only N Through A Christ · Lola, for wisdom and strength. Isabella Brooks, dementia Nora, brain tumor. Jenny, personal needs. Mandy, child custody. Jacob, health


June Bible Verses

JUNE 4 “Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.(Psalm 68:19)

JUNE 11 “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace.” (Ephesians 1:7)

JUNE 18 “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” (Psalm 46:10)

JUNE 25 “Humility and the fear of the LORD bring wealth and honor and life.” (Proverbs 22:4)

From the Steeple


In the United States, Flag Day is celebrated on June

14. It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the

United States, which happened on June 14, 1777,

by resolution of the Second Continental Congress.

Click on this link for more flag history.

Page 5: Everyone Welcome! C Only N Through A Christ · Lola, for wisdom and strength. Isabella Brooks, dementia Nora, brain tumor. Jenny, personal needs. Mandy, child custody. Jacob, health


Continue to be in prayer for: The United States of America

President Donald Trump United States Military

All Levels of Government Pastor Ted & Family Matthew Raines

Men’s Ministry Women’s Ministry

Pine Drive Baptist Church Pine Drive Christian School

PD Children’s & Youth Ministry International Missionaries

Southern Baptist International Mission Board

Salvation of The Lost:

Julie Hobbs, David, E. L. Duggins, Robert, Keith, Laura Wilder, Ada (Taiwan), Sarah (Taiwan),

Roy and Neva, Jim Roach, Delores Arp

Evangelists & Missionaries Daniel Cummings-Mexico

Jeremy & Stacy Parks-Quito, Ecuador Jon & Lynda Hardin-Frontiers Ministry, Colorado

Karen Collins—Taiwan Christians in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, China

Servicemen & Families John Baker Jr.—Army Derik Greer—Air Force Eric Hoyle—Air Force Steven Jones—Navy

Justin Woodson—Army James Gries—Navy

New Prayer Requests

Olivia—Depression Ricky Zimmerman—Electrocuted and lost arms

Ongoing Prayer Needs At least 49 students to enroll at PDCS for next fall. Lola, for wisdom and strength. Isabella Brooks, dementia Nora, brain tumor. Jenny, personal needs. Mandy, child custody. Jacob, health. Kenny Todd, rare blood disease. Julie - Cancer treatment Linda Buckmen - Lung cancer Nadege (Costa Rica) - Relationship with God Trixie - A believer in Taiwan. Marital problems because of becoming a Christian. Linda - Need for a liver transplant Randy Sparks & Family - Family issues Jacque Donovan’s Father, Jim Roach - Health and salvation Javier & Jeanette Vanegas - Need an apartment Delores Arp - Multiple cancers and salvation Donny Armentor - Heart problems Clayton & Elaina Hamm’s Mothers’ Recoveries Elaina Hamm’s sister, Candy - Severe depression

Men of Courage pray every Sunday morning at 8:50am in

the choir room. Everyone is invited to join them.

Page 6: Everyone Welcome! C Only N Through A Christ · Lola, for wisdom and strength. Isabella Brooks, dementia Nora, brain tumor. Jenny, personal needs. Mandy, child custody. Jacob, health


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Bible Study

6:00-7:15 pm

“Galatians for You”



4 Sunday School

9:30 am Worship Service

10:45 am Deacon’s Mtg. Noon

LIFE GROUP Children in Action 6-7pm, Rm 210-211






6:15 pm


Bible Study

6:00-7:15 pm

“Galatians for You”



11 Sunday School

9:30 am Worship Service

10:45 am & 6:00 pm Deacon’s Mtg 5pm Children in Action 6-7pm, Rm 210-211


13 14



6:15 pm



Bible Study 6:00-7:15 pm

“Galatians for You”

16 17

18 Sunday School

9:30 am Worship Service

10:45 am LIFE GROUP

Children in Action 6-7pm, Rm 210-211

19 20 21



6:15 pm


Bible Study

6:00-7:15 pm

“Galatians for You”

23 24

25 Sunday School

9:30 am Worship Service

10:45 am & 6:00 pm Children in Action 6-7pm, Rm 210-211


27 28



6:15 pm


Bible Study 6:00-7:15 pm

“Galatians for You”


JUNE 2017 Deacon Lockup for June

Donovan, Carter, Woodson

1st ...Mary Armentor

2nd...Flo Quinton

4th...Renaye Ochoa

5th...Jacob Mathew 6th...Bill Golasinski

10th...Matthew Raines

12th...Gary Watkins

26th...Diana DeRouchie

30th...Robert Price

Page 7: Everyone Welcome! C Only N Through A Christ · Lola, for wisdom and strength. Isabella Brooks, dementia Nora, brain tumor. Jenny, personal needs. Mandy, child custody. Jacob, health


Pine Drive Christian School



Pine Drive Baptist Church

705 FM 517 Rd. E

Dickinson TX 77539-8638

(281)337-3413 or


Fax (281)534-4318

[email protected]

Senior Pastor

Dr. Ted A. Duck

[email protected]


Sunday Schedule

Bible Study 9:30 AM

Morning Worship 10:45 AM

Evening Worship 6:00 PM

Worship and Prayer 6:00 PM

Classes 6:00 PM

School Director/Church Secretary Frances Templeton

[email protected] [email protected]

Music Minister Matthew Raines

[email protected]

Sound Technician/Power Points Bob Kerr

[email protected]

Sunday School Superintendents Larry Donovan

[email protected]

Pat Duck [email protected]

Church Website Larry Judd

[email protected]

Brown Bag Ministry Larry and Jacque Donovan [email protected]

& Fred and Linda Purswell [email protected]

Women’s Ministry Jacque Donovan

[email protected] &

Usha Mathew [email protected]

Men’s Ministry Larry Donovan

[email protected]

Maintenance Director Frank Brady

[email protected]

Power Point Volunteers Josh and Christian Neely-Shelmire;

Anthony and Allister Azagidi

CONTACT Editor Mary Ellen Beaupre

[email protected]

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