Page 1: Every Vote Counts - · what can IAWP do for me. It’s what can I do for IAWP, my fellow chapter members and members around

Every Vote Counts

must be cast within the stated timeframe, with the exception of ballots cast in-person at the International Edu-cational Conference.

6. Paper ballots will be available on the first and second day of the annual meeting. Monday, June 23 and Tues-day, June 24, 2014, at the 101st Interna-tional Educational Conference, for those members entitles to cast a vote and who has not voted previously.

7. All ballots cast by mail must be post-marked by June 13, 2014, to be included in the tally unless the member decides to cast his/her vote according to rule number six. Ballots submitted by email must be submitted by June 13, 2014.

8. The final vote will be tallied and the election results announced at the busi-ness session at the 101st Inter-national Educational Conference on June 25, 2014.

PROCEDURE FOR VOTING ON-LINE Have your membership card available. Log in to the “member’s only” portal at by following these steps: 1. Enter your member ID (your member

number) 2. Enter your password (password) This is your personal password. If you have not created one already you can do so by clicking on “Don’t have a password? Click here!” and you will be guided through the process to establish your personal password for Members Only access.

Continued on page 2

As a member of IAWP, you are eligible to vote for your 2014-2015 officers either online or by paper ballot (mail or fax). If attending the 101st IAWP educational Conference in Portland, Ore-gon, you will be able to cast your ballot in-person if you have not yet voted by the June 13th deadline. Rules of the election are as follows: ELIGIBILITY TO VOTE According to the Standing Rules, Policies and Procedures Manual of IAWP Incorpo-rated, Section .0204 Annual Membership Fees; When Due states: “Any member whose annual membership fees for any calendar year have not been received by the IAWP Administrative Office within one hundred twenty (120) days after the begin-ning of the membership year shall be con-sidered inactive and not entitled to exercise any rights as a member.” All membership dues must be received at the IAWP Admin-istrative Office by April 30, 2014, to ensure each member’s right-to-vote. RULES OF THE ELECTION 1. Each IAWP member is entitled to one

vote, using only one method of voting. 2. You may use the paper ballot method

or you may go on-line to vote at

3. Please mark the box beside the candi-date for whom you wish to vote.

4. You may vote for one candidate for each office.

5. The voting shall commence on Friday, May 30, 2014 at 8 a.m. Eastern time and continue until Friday, June 13, 2014, at 5 p.m. Eastern time. All ballots


Inside this issue:

Candidates for 2014-2015 2-4

Father’s Day Special

Conference Rate


Portland 2014 Housing



Portland 2014 Registration



Where will we go in 2017? 7

Portland 2014 Sponsorship



Portland 2014 IAWP 101st

Educational Conference



Tour Registration Information 10

2014 IAWP Conference has

gone mobile!


IAWP Idol 11

Portland 2014 News and



IAWP Committee Assign-

ments and Association

Directory Listings



IAWP Membership Applica-

tion and Information



Newsletter Templates for



IAWP Bulletin Board and

IAWP Seasons


June 2014

Page 2: Every Vote Counts - · what can IAWP do for me. It’s what can I do for IAWP, my fellow chapter members and members around

PROCEDURE FOR VOTING BY PAPER BALLOT: 1. The ballot must be completed and mailed to the IAWP

Administrative Office, 1801 Louisville Road, Frankfort, KY 40601 or scanned and emailed to [email protected],

2. All mailed ballots must be postmarked by June 13, 2014, to be included in the tally. All emailed ballots must be emailed by June 13, 2014.

3. For those members entitled to cast a vote and who have

not voted previously, paper ballots will be available for n-person voting on the first and second day of the annual meeting, Monday, June 23 and Tuesday, June 24, 2014 at the 101st International Educational Conference.

4. The ballot appearing in the April/May/June 2014 Work-force Professional is the only copy of the ballot you will receive. This ballot has been updated since appearing in the January/February/March Workforce Professional.

Every Vote Counts


James Thomas—President Elect Candidate James was born in Durham, North Carolina, and raised in Ox-ford, North Carolina. He has two brothers, two sisters and parents, who were his driving force in chasing his dreams. He is a graduate of Chabot College (AA Degree in Education), North Carolina Central University (BA Degree in Political Sci-ence), and University of Phoenix, (MA Degree in Organization-al Management). James has been married for 25 years to Den-ise Thomas, who is his inspiration on their life-long journey. He moved to California after joining the United States Navy where he served as a Corpsman for six years. After the Navy, James worked as a Manager for Eden Hospital, where he was responsible for six staff members. The staff duties were to ensure the medical records were coded, transcriptions com-pleted, and medical records updated timely and accurately. The medical records department was also responsible to in-sure the patient records were available to the Emergency Room Department and for the immediate delivery to the med-ical floors. He was the Director of Education for Bryman College providing oversight for a staff of 15–20 members and 150-200 students. His daily duties included assuring the school operation and budgetary needs were met. James has been employed with the California Employment Development Department (EDD) for 12 years. James joined the International Association of Personnel in Employment Se-curity (IAPES) the first day on the job at EDD. He is currently an Employment Program Manager I for the Unemployment Insurance (UI) Claim Filing Unit. He has nine employees who are responsible for filing claims and providing customer ser-vices to the unemployed workers of California. James has also been a Determination Unit Manager with 10 employees. The staff was responsible for determining the UI eligibility or dis-

qualification for both the employer and employee. James has been a member of IAPES/IAWP for 12 years. He has served in the California Chapter as Treasurer (one year), Second Vice President (one year), First Vice President (one year), and President (two years) for the Silicon Valley Subchapter. He con-tinued his service in IAWP as Second Vice President (two years), First Vice President (two years), and President (three years) for the California Chapter, James has also served on the Interna-tional Level as District Director-Elect and District Director (two years). He has attended seven International Educational Con-ferences. He is currently serving on the IAWP International Board as Vice President and his current dream is to be elected President-Elect of the International Association of Workforce Professionals. James’s motto is: I am IAWP, You are IAWP, We are IAWP.”

Continued from page 1

Candidates for 2014-2015

Page 3: Every Vote Counts - · what can IAWP do for me. It’s what can I do for IAWP, my fellow chapter members and members around

Page 3

June 2014

Greetings Fellow IAWP Colleagues and Friends! I am excited to be a candidate for the office of International Vice-President of our association. I would like to take a minute and tell you a little about myself and what I believe our association is about. I look forward to working with all of you over the next few years as an International Officer as I have in the past in various roles at both the Chapter and International level.

I have been a member of IAWP since 1991. My very first conference was in Charleston, South Carolina. After attending this conference, I was completely blown away. I took from that conference a true under-standing of what our organization was about. I committed myself to being involved at every level I could and to make a difference, no matter how small. This is truly what makes any organization great; the commitment and dedication of its members. It is not what can IAWP do for me. It’s what can I do for IAWP, my fellow chapter members and members around the world. This thinking is what I will be stressing in my campaign for International office. I will not make promises I probably can’t keep, nor will I tell you we need to focus on any specific area. What I will ask from all of you is your continued commitment to this organization. We all know why we joined, we all know why we continue to participate and belong to IAWP. It is because of the sense of satisfaction you get from an organization you pour your heart and soul into. The sense of satisfaction that something you worked on was suc-cessfully implemented and made a difference in someone’s life; be it a fellow member or a job seeker who benefited from what you may have learned at a conference or training session.

We certainly know where we need to focus our efforts on a continuing basis, even though it is a struggle some days to balance work, life and IAWP. We need to continue to solicit new members; we need to improve our educational programs and move to the 21st century by making it cost effective for members to receive educational opportunities; and we need to bring new members to the International Board to solicit new ideas and thinking without straining our very tight budget. All of these things have continued to be at the top of every board’s priority list for the last decade. We have made progress in many things and there are still many things to do, but with our continued efforts we can be successful.

Let me tell you a little about me personally. I am a 33 year employee of the Illinois Department of Employment Security. My cur-rent position is Acting Statewide Call Center Manager, managing two UI Call Centers with a combined staff of 105. During my ca-reer at IDES I have worked in many areas of the agency; including Revenue (Analyst), Employment Services (Program Manager), Field Operations (Representative, Supervisor, Call Center Manager) and have had the opportunity to work on the design and im-plementation of 4 major systems. Most recently (2010) a 6 year run on the implementation of Illinois’ new UI Benefits System.

My IAWP service has been a wonderful experience. Since 1991, I have attended every International Conference since then except two (Salt Lake and Boise). This is one of the events I look forward to each year, to re-charge and refresh my perspective about my job and the organization. It also gives me the opportunity to see all of my IAWP colleagues. During the time I have been a member I have served in many capacities. At the Chapter level, I have had the opportunity to hold every office, including two terms as Pres-ident and have served on numerous committees. I have been involved in the planning of many chapter conferences, which is the highlight of our Chapter year. I am currently serving as Chapter Vice-President.

At the International level, I have served as District 9 (now 4) Director twice, campaigned with Presidential hopefuls (won some/lost some), served as International Development Vice-Chair, Membership Committee, Vice-Chair for Educational Development Committee, Recognition Vice-Chair, Specialized Customer Service Chair, worked on review and revisions of the UI module for WPDP; and Local Arrangements Coordinator for St Louis 2011 and Chicago 2013 International Educational Conferences. Serving as Education Chair, Training Coordinator and Recognition Chair for the 2013-2014 administrative year.

With all that said, I am just a small cog in a very large wheel. Our association can only function with the continued effort and commitment made by all of you. I would be proud to represent this association and work toward changes you would like to see to keep us strong and unified. Hope to see you in Portland!

Be the change you wish to see in the world of IAWP!

Terri Pasternik-IAWP Vice-President Candidate

Page 4: Every Vote Counts - · what can IAWP do for me. It’s what can I do for IAWP, my fellow chapter members and members around


Thank you for your consideration for the position of Interna-tional Secretary/Treasurer. I have been a member of IAWP since 2004. I joined the organization shortly after starting at the Oregon Employment Department as a Training and Develop-ment Specialist. I got involved in the Oregon Chapter serving on the board as the Recognition Chair for two years and as Secre-tary for one. I am currently the Chapter President. On the In-ternational level I have had the opportunity to attend five of the past six international conferences. It was a great honor to serve as the Program Coordinator for our 100th annual conference last year in Chicago and I am just as excited to serve in the same role again this year for Portland. I believe I am an excellent choice for this position. I have over 15 years of experience working with associations including man-aging budgets from $10,000-$125,000. I have been involved in all aspects of the budget from the planning to the tracking to the yearend close out. I enjoy working on short timelines while producing high quality work. I care about the small (and large) details in the work I do. I am also passionate about IAWP and want to see our associa-tion thrive in the coming years. In order to do that, we are go-ing to have to change. Change is something I am not afraid of and in fact embrace. But not just change for change sake;

Grant Axtell - Candidate for Secretary/Treasurer

change that helps to improve and strengthen our associa-tion. We need to look at how we do business, how we can invest our money back into the association to help us grow our membership numbers, and how we can make our conference profitable for both the Association and for the host Chap-ter. Change will not be easy. In fact for some it will be pain-ful. In the end though, we will come out a stronger IAWP. Each conference I attend, I love to sit and listen to stories about the glory days of IAWP. I will do my part as Secretary/Treasurer to put us on the path to return to those days. Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to serving you and our associa-tion.

The conference Planning Committee has issued a special Con-ference Registration Rate in honor of Father's Day. The rates are $375.00 for Full Members at the Host Hotel and $325.00 for Retired Members at the Host Hotel. This is the original early bird rate. Please take advantage of these special rates and join us for a fabulous time at the 101st International Educational Confer-ence in beautiful Portland, Oregon, June 22-25, 2014.

To register for these special rates you can go online at and click on the conference link at the left-hand side of the home page or call the IAWP Administrative Office Staff at 888-898-9960 or email Paige Stodghill at [email protected] or Debbie Cardwell at [email protected] or refer to registration form on page 6.

Continued on page 6

Portland here we come!


Page 5: Every Vote Counts - · what can IAWP do for me. It’s what can I do for IAWP, my fellow chapter members and members around

Page 5

June 2014

Please note that


MUST be made

through the IAWP


Office using the

form to the left or

you can call the

IAWP Administra-

tive Office staff at


Deadline to re-

serve a room has

been extended to

June 13, 2014

On The River 909 N. Hayden Island Drive Portland, Oregon 97217

Red Lion Hotel On The River Offers:

Complimentary Parking

Complimentary On-Call Shuttle

Complimentary High Speed Wireless

Internet in all guest rooms & public spaces

Microwave, safe, and refrigerator in every sleeping room

Fully-equipped fitness center, outdoor swimming pool, whirlpool and

outdoor tennis courts

$129 flat rate

Rates subject to Portland City

Occupancy Tax currently of


Page 6: Every Vote Counts - · what can IAWP do for me. It’s what can I do for IAWP, my fellow chapter members and members around


Continued from page 4

Page 7: Every Vote Counts - · what can IAWP do for me. It’s what can I do for IAWP, my fellow chapter members and members around

Page 7 June 2014 WHERE WILL WE GO in 2017?

At the annual business meeting on Wednesday, June 25, 2014, conference attendees at the

101st International Conference will decide where IAWP will meet in 2017. There will be a

ballot in each attendee’s conference registration packet. YOU WILL NEED THIS BALLOT TO

CAST A VOTE. Please go by the Marketplace located in the Clark Room to visit with the rep-

resentatives from Cincinnati and Anaheim. You will be the one making the decision on the

2017 conference site.

Location Hotel Dates Rate Internet Shuttle Parking


Cincinnati Ohio

Hilton Cincinnati Netherland Plaza

June 25-28, 2017

$141.00 Single/ double

Complimentary in sleeping rooms

Executive Transporta-tion Shuttle

$22/one way; $32/round trip

Taxi $30/one way

Valet @ $24/day Offsite@$6-21/day

Refrigerators in sleeping rooms

Indoor, heated


Within walking distance to shops and restaurants

Anaheim California

Hilton Orange County Costa Mesa

June 18-21, 2017

$139.00 single/ double

Complimentary in sleeping rooms


Valet parking availa-ble

self parking $10/day

Complimentary shuttle for IAWP

to Disney

Within walking distance to shops and restaurants

To sponsor an item, please

contact George Barthalow at

[email protected]

Page 8: Every Vote Counts - · what can IAWP do for me. It’s what can I do for IAWP, my fellow chapter members and members around

Page 8

June 2014 IAWP 101st Educational Conference Schedule

Continued on page 9

This schedule is subject to change prior to and during the conference. Please check back frequently for updates, changes, and additions at and go to the conference tab at left side of home page and then review the Conference Pre-view Guide for conference schedule, speakers and events.

During the conference, refer to our mobile app for the most up to date schedule. Information about the mobile app can be found on page 11.

Page 9: Every Vote Counts - · what can IAWP do for me. It’s what can I do for IAWP, my fellow chapter members and members around

Page 9 COUNTDOWN Continued from page 8

Page 10: Every Vote Counts - · what can IAWP do for me. It’s what can I do for IAWP, my fellow chapter members and members around

101st Annual IAWP Educational Conference

Tour Registration Form

Page 10 June 2014

Only 16 tickets left

Time Change 12-5pm

All tours are still available. Note changes below. Please check back frequently for up-dates, changes, and additions at and go to the conference tab at left and then review Conference Preview Guide for conference tour details.

Page 11: Every Vote Counts - · what can IAWP do for me. It’s what can I do for IAWP, my fellow chapter members and members around


2014 IAWP International Educational Conference Has Gone Mobile!

IAWP International Educational Conference has gone mo-bile using Guidebook! We strongly encourage you to download our mobile guide to enhance your experience at 2014 IAWP International Educational Conference. You'll be able to plan your day with a personalized schedule and browse exhibitors, maps and general show info. The app is compatible with iPhones, iPads, iPod Touches and Android devices. Windows Phone 7 and Blackberry users can access the same information via our mobile site at

To get the guide, choose one of the methods below:

Download 'Guidebook' from the Apple App Store or the Android Marketplace

Visit from your phone's browser

Scan the following image with your mobile phone (QR-Code reader required, e.g. 'Red Laser', 'Barcode Scan-ner')

From the Guidebook application, tap "Download

Guides" then "Redeem Code". Enter the code iawp101

and the guide will download to your device!

Weblink: (redeem

code iawp101)

See you at the event! - 2014 IAWP International Educational Conference Team


The tradition still stands to have an IAWP Idol at the 101st International Educational Conference.

The contest will be held at the Award Brunch on Tuesday, June 24, 2014.

We are looking for contestants and need your information ASAP. If you are interested in participat-ing and having a great time please contact one of the three ladies listed below:

Paige Stodghill: [email protected] Terri Pasternik: [email protected] Gina Mee: [email protected]

Please include in your email: YOUR NAME, CHAPTER, AND SONG CHOICE.

Terri and Gina will coordinate this event and have your music available

Page 12: Every Vote Counts - · what can IAWP do for me. It’s what can I do for IAWP, my fellow chapter members and members around

to Noon. Please email Acting Operation’s Man-ager, Paige Stodghill at [email protected] or Administrative Assistant, Debbie Cardwell at [email protected] or phone the office at 888-898-9960, with the appropriate person selected to be your chapter flag bearer. Please be a participant

of this proud tradition.

Page 12 June 2014

“Spring Fling” Ball & Banquet

News and More on the 101st IAWP International Educational

Conference , Portland, Oregon

It is a IAWP tradition to present flags from each of the U.S. States as well as the International Coun-tries of the world. This year will be

no different. This ceremony is part of the kick off to the International Educational Conference and is held at the Opening Ceremonies. The Opening Cer-emonies will be on Sunday, June 22, 2014, 11:00am

IAWP Flag Bearers are Needed

All are invited to a ballot party hosted by this years’ candidates, Sunday 6/22 – 7:30pm to 9:30pm. Room will be announced at the conference. Look for posted flyers around the hotel and in the exhibit room.

Ballot Party

The voting will go up on the web on May 30th,

8AM Eastern Time and end on June 13th, 5PM

Eastern Time.

District Director oppor-tunity is available for

District V. Please consid-er serving on the IAWP

Board for the 2014-2015 calendar year.

International Educational Conference Raffle

IAWP will be having a raffle to raise money for our International Educational Conference in June 2014 in Portland, OR!

Only 500 tickets will be sold: As of 2-7-14, there are only 82 tickets left!!!

$20 each

Drawing: June 25, 2014 (need not be present to win)

$1,000 Grand Prize,

$500 Second Prize,

$250 Third Prize

$100 Fourth Prize

How to get tickets: District and chapters need to email Paige Stodghill at [email protected] with the number of tickets they would like to responsible for selling. You must request tickets—they will NOT be mailed to districts or chapters. Every dollar made from the raffle will go toward financing our largest educational event! And you might get lucky—somebody’s got to win.

Business casual doesn’t need to be totally informal. Included here are some suggestions for the “Spring Fling” being held instead of the “Formal” Banquet & Ball. The event has not changed, just toned down a little. Should you desire to wear formal attire that is your call, but not required. See what you can do with less. Dream up something different and striking. Come up with some bright colors and play with it. Men, wear what you already have or change it a little and upgrade the color of your shirt to match a color in your partner’s dress, is a good thing. See ideas for the “Summer Fling” at

Page 13: Every Vote Counts - · what can IAWP do for me. It’s what can I do for IAWP, my fellow chapter members and members around

Page 13 COUNTDOWN IAWP Committee Assignments and Directory Listings are now due. Please complete all items below on pages 13 and 14 of this

Countdown and return to Paige Stodghill by mail to IAWP Administrative Office, 1801 Louisville Rd, Frankfort, KY, 40601, fax

to 502-223-4127 or email Paige Stodghill at [email protected] . Any questions call 1-888-898-9960.

Continued on page 14

Page 14: Every Vote Counts - · what can IAWP do for me. It’s what can I do for IAWP, my fellow chapter members and members around

Page 14 June 2014

IAWP Committee Assignments and Directory Listings are now due. Please complete all

items below on pages 13 and 14 of this Countdown and return to Paige Stodghill by mail to

IAWP Administrative Office, 1801 Louisville Rd, Frankfort, KY, 40601, fax to 502-223-4127 or

email Paige Stodghill at [email protected] . Any questions call 1-888-898-9960.

Continued from page 13

Page 15: Every Vote Counts - · what can IAWP do for me. It’s what can I do for IAWP, my fellow chapter members and members around


Page 16: Every Vote Counts - · what can IAWP do for me. It’s what can I do for IAWP, my fellow chapter members and members around

Page 16 June 2014

Become Part of an Outstanding Group of

Workforce Professionals

June 2014

Page 17: Every Vote Counts - · what can IAWP do for me. It’s what can I do for IAWP, my fellow chapter members and members around


Newsletter Templates for Chapters by Sharon Mike

Looking for ideas to communicate not only with your members but with your agency as well? Why not create a simple chapter newsletter? It is very easy to do with a newsletter wizard! Check out one of the following links and start spreading the news about IAWP!

Link #1

Description . . .

Use this newsletter wizard to guide you through the

steps to creating a 4-page newsletter template. You are

given 3 layout formats, choice of color or black and

white, title, date, volume and issue text, and the option

to leave room on the back for a mailing address.

See sample at right

Link #2

Description . . .

This simple newsletter template can be customized

for your business or personal use. Change the colors

and fonts using built-in Word themes, or just use it

as is and fill in your information. It includes helpful

tips on how to use the template.

See sample at left

Page 18: Every Vote Counts - · what can IAWP do for me. It’s what can I do for IAWP, my fellow chapter members and members around

June 22-25...........101st Educational Conference in Portland at the Red Lion on the River June 30.................Countdown articles due in IAWP office for July issue July 31...................Countdown articles due in IAWP office for August issue

July/August/September Workforce Professional articles due August 29..............Countdown articles due in IAWP office for September issue September 30……. Countdown articles due in IAWP office for October issue

June 2014


Page 18




Share Chapter/District Events

As you plan your chapter and district events this year please

share your plans with the IAWP Administrative Office. Those

events will be posted in the Countdown and online in the Up-

coming Events on Send all information via

email to [email protected].


Linda Floyd (South Carolina) was one of the first Workforce Professional Development Program (WPDP) Masters back in 1991. It is with great sadness that the SC Chapter reports that Linda died of a heart attack in April 2014 at the age of 52. Linda Floyd’s obituary can be located at . . . or you can go directly to funeral home website to send condolences at

It’s finally ready - IAWP 100 Years 1913-2013. The 100 year history of IAWP will be available for the first time at the Portland International Educational Conference. The cost will be $20. Read about the rich history of the association and peruse the 300 pictures included as a pho-to tribute to IAWP. Only 200 books were printed, so be sure to pick yours up in Portland or send a check to the Administrative Office, 1801 Louisville Road, Frankfort, KY 40601. Books being mailed will not be sent until July 1st.

Extra, Extra, Read All About It…
