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Event-driven architecture for data collection

in smart factories

Linus Magnusson

Master of Science Thesis TPRMM 2017

KTH Department of Production Engineering

Production Engineering


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I detta arbete presenteras en mjukvarulösning som stödjer implementation av system

kompatibla med mjukvaruarkitekturen LISA (Line Information System Architecture). Detta

arbete utfördes som en del av den andra omgången av forskningsprojektet LISA. LISA är en

mjukvaruarkitektur som stödjer insamlingen av data i dagens industrier med syftet att

strukturera och bearbeta data för att optimera processer och effektiviteten av system. Detta med

anledning att driva utvecklingen mot en förutsägbar miljö i tillverkande industrier för att hantera

utmaningar relaterade till dagens globala marknad.

I och med detta fokuserar det presenterade arbetet till ett snabbt och smidigt införande av

”endpoints” och mikrotjänster. Därför presenteras i detalj en mjukvaruarkitektur kompatibel

med LISA och ett mjukvarupaket som implementerar mjukvaruarkitekturen.

Mjukvarulösningen testades på produktionslina i en virtuell simuleringsmiljö med syfte att

validera mjukvarans prestanda.

Ett antal tester genomfördes för att validera den presenterade mjukvarulösningen. I dessa tester

användes mjukvaran för att beräkna ett antal nyckeltal relaterade till industrier, och resultaten

användes sedan för att validera prestanda och stabilitet hos den föreslagna lösningen.

I avslutningen av detta arbete dras slutsatsen att den presenterade mjukvarulösningen presterade

som väntat med försumbara avvikelser i testresultaten. Den presenterade mjukvarulösningen

möjliggör ett snabbt och smidigt införande av ”endpoints” och mikrotjänster. Mjukvaran stödjer

enkel utveckling av ny funktionalitet i ett system som integrerat LISA mjukvaruarkitekturen.

Detta då endast är kod relaterad till ny funktionalitet som behöver utvecklas medans

kompabiliteten relaterad till LISA egenskaper behandlas av mjukvarulösningen.

Nyckelord: Eventdriven mjukvaruarkitektur, Tjänstorienterad mjukvaruarkitektur, Cyber-

Fysiskt verkstadsgolv, Industri 4.0

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This thesis presents a software stack which supports the deployment of Line Information

System Architecture (LISA) compatible systems. This work was performed under the umbrella

of the second iteration of the LISA research project. LISA is an architecture that addresses the

collection of data in today’s industries with the aim to structure and mine the data towards

optimization of processes and of the system efficiency. This with the purpose of moving

towards a predictive manufacturing environment to cope with challenges related to the current

global market.

In this sense the presented work aims to support the fast and seamless deployment of endpoints

and micro-services. Hence, a software architecture with the characteristics of LISA and the

software stack implementing the architecture is presented in detail. The software stack was

tested through a virtual simulation environment of a production line with the purpose of

validating the performance of the software.

In order to validate the presented solution a number of tests were performed. In those testes a

number of KPIs were calculated and the results were used to validate the performance and

robustness of the proposed software stack.

This work concludes that the presented software stack performed as expected with a negligible

deviation in the testing results. The presented software stack enables a quick and seamless

deployment of endpoint and micro-services. It supports an effortless development of new

functionality since only the code related to the new functionality needs to be developed while

the compatibility with the LISA requirements are taken care of by the software stack for the


Keywords: Event-Driven Architecture, Service-Oriented Architecture, Cyber-Physical Shop-

floor, Industry 4.0

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This thesis was conducted to finalize my five years of engineering studies at Kungliga Tekniska

Högskolan, Stockholm, Sweden.

I want to thank my supervisor João Dias-Ferreira for the tremendous support during my work

and for all the opportunities you given me to learn and evolve. It has been an honor to get to

know you and work with you.

I would like thank my family for all the support during my studies. My father, Kenneth

Magnusson, my mother, Agneta Magnusson, and my brother Oscar Magnusson. Without you

nothing of this would have been possible.

I would like to direct a special thanks to my grandfather, Rune Magnusson, for all the support

during my childhood and life changing wisdoms in the sauna.

All my friends and my family around me during my work that is not mentioned by name I

would like to thank.

Linus Magnusson

Stockholm, March 2017

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CMfg Cloud Manufacturing

COM/DCOM Component Object Model/Distributed COM

CPPS Cyber-Physical Production System

CPS Cyber-Physical System

EDA Event-Driven Architecture

EPS Evolvable Production System

ESB Enterprise Service Bus

HMS Holonic Manufacturing System

HTML HyperText Makeup Language

ISA International Society of Automation

IT Information Technology

JSON JavaScript Object Notation

KPI Key Performance Indicator

LISA Line Information System Architecture

MAS Multi-Agent System

OPC Open Platform Communication

OSGi Open Services Gateway initiative

PLC Programmable Logic Controller

RFID Radio-Frequency Identification

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RMS Reconfigurable Manufacturing System

SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

SOA Service-Oriented Architecture

TPS Toyota Production System

URL Uniform Resource Locator

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Figure 1 Visualization of the methodology used throughout the thesis work .......................... 18

Figure 2 Summary of the industrial revolutions and the drivers for each revolution .............. 22

Figure 3 Illustration of the transition from traditional to CPS-based automation hierarchy [10]

.................................................................................................................................................. 23

Figure 4 Timeline placing manufacturing paradigms in time [15] .......................................... 25

Figure 5 A set of holons that makes a holarchy [20]................................................................ 27

Figure 6 Cloud manufacturing in a simplified visualization [29] ............................................ 31

Figure 7 Basic SOA, the interaction between service provider, service registry and service client

[35] ........................................................................................................................................... 34

Figure 8 Simplified view of an ESB. Note that a service container can host multiple services

[38] ........................................................................................................................................... 35

Figure 9 An overview of architecture developed during this work .......................................... 37

Figure 10 Generic overview of ESB that constitutes the event-driven architecture developed.

The endpoint is an entity on the bus and a placeholder for services where m and n is a positive

integer. ...................................................................................................................................... 38

Figure 11 Conceptual picture of ESB with its hierarchy of channels ...................................... 39

Figure 12 Example of how the subscribing and publishing in different channels work .......... 40

Figure 13 Generic description of a tweet in the architecture ................................................... 41

Figure 14 Conceptual template for a generic endpoint in the architecture .............................. 42

Figure 15 Conceptual template of a generic service in the architecture .................................. 44

Figure 16 Descriptive visualization of fill, map and fold services ........................................... 45

Figure 17 Visualization of the two different monitoring services, event monitoring and service

monitoring ................................................................................................................................ 46

Figure 18 Descriptive visualization of a database service ....................................................... 47

Figure 19 Descriptive detailed visualization of device communication service ...................... 47

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Figure 20 Class diagram of the main classes in the implementation. The LISAEndpointCore

and the LISAServiceCore. ........................................................................................................ 49

Figure 21 Class diagram explaining the endpoint core, the configuration class and the runnable

functionality of the endpoint .................................................................................................... 50

Figure 22 Execution activities of the run method .................................................................... 53

Figure 23 Class diagram of the service core class and its related classes ................................ 54

Figure 24 Class diagram of the service core class and the related sub-classes. ....................... 58

Figure 25 Class diagram for the LISAMessage class and the related classes .......................... 63

Figure 26 The shop-floor used for the simulation .................................................................... 68

Figure 27 The shop-floor used for the simulation and the modules that is was divided into... 69

Figure 28 The testing setup with all the endpoints and the communication paths between the

endpoints. A simplified view that not shows the services encapsulated within each endpoint.

.................................................................................................................................................. 71

Figure 29 Graph the presents the mean cycle times and the variations from the ten test runs. 74

Figure 30 Graph of the throughput time for each batch. The values are the mean value and the

variation of the testing data. ..................................................................................................... 76

Figure 31 Graph that presents the mean ideal time from the ten test runs for each batch and the

variation. ................................................................................................................................... 77

Figure 32 Graph that presents the mean queue length during the time that the queue has at least

one puck in it. The values are the mean and variation from the ten test runs. ......................... 78

Figure 33 Graph presenting the timestamps of each sensor and each puck. The values are

normalized by the first timestamp which is an indication to when the simulation began. ....... 80

Figure 34 Variance of the sensor data calculated on the ten test runs for each sensor and each

puck .......................................................................................................................................... 81

Figure 35 Histogram of the variation for the sensor data ......................................................... 81

Figure 36 Eclipse runtime configuration .................................................................................... 2

Figure 37 Package explorer application.conf file ....................................................................... 3

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Figure 38 Application.conf file .................................................................................................. 3

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Table 1 Statically analyze of the cycle times from ten test runs (1 of 4) ................................. 75

Table 2 Statically analyze of the cycle times from ten test runs (2 of 4) ................................ 75

Table 3 Statically analyze of the cycle times from ten test runs (3 of 4) ................................ 75

Table 4 Statically analyze of the cycle times from ten test runs (4 of 4) ................................ 76

Table 5 Statically analyze of the through put time for batches ................................................ 77

Table 6 Statically analyze of the idle time for queues ............................................................. 78

Table 7 Statically analyze of the mean length of queues ......................................................... 79

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SAMMANFATTNING .............................................................................................................. 1

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................... 3

FOREWORD ............................................................................................................................. 5

ACRONYMS ............................................................................................................................. 7

TABLE OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................... 9

TABLE OF TABLES ............................................................................................................... 12

CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................. 13

1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 16

1.1 Background ................................................................................................................ 16

1.2 Thesis presentation .................................................................................................... 17

1.3 Methodology .............................................................................................................. 18

1.4 Limitations ................................................................................................................. 19

1.5 Outline of the work .................................................................................................... 19

2 MODERN MANUFACTURING TRENDS ..................................................................... 21

2.1 Industry 4.0 and smart factories ................................................................................ 21

2.2 Big data ...................................................................................................................... 24

2.3 Modern manufacturing paradigms ............................................................................. 24

2.3.1 Holonic manufacturing systems ...................................................................................................... 26

2.3.2 Reconfigurable manufacturing systems .......................................................................................... 28

2.3.3 Evolvable production systems ......................................................................................................... 29

2.3.4 Cloud manufacturing ....................................................................................................................... 30

3 DISTRIBUTED INTELLIGENT ARCHITECTURES .................................................... 32

3.1 Multi-agent system .................................................................................................... 32

3.2 Service-oriented architecture ..................................................................................... 33

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3.3 Event-driven architecture .......................................................................................... 36


FACTORIES ............................................................................................................................ 37

4.1 Architectural overview .............................................................................................. 38

4.2 Communication ......................................................................................................... 39

4.2.1 The tweet ......................................................................................................................................... 40

4.3 Endpoint ..................................................................................................................... 41

4.3.1 Virtual endpoint .............................................................................................................................. 43

4.3.2 Device endpoint............................................................................................................................... 43

4.4 Services ...................................................................................................................... 43

4.4.1 Transformation service .................................................................................................................... 45

4.4.2 Monitoring service .......................................................................................................................... 45

4.4.3 Database service .............................................................................................................................. 46

4.4.4 Device communication service ....................................................................................................... 47

5 IMPLEMENTATION ....................................................................................................... 48

5.1 Architectural implementation .................................................................................... 48

5.1.1 Endpoint core .................................................................................................................................. 50

5.1.2 Service core ..................................................................................................................................... 53

5.1.3 Sub-services .................................................................................................................................... 57

5.1.4 Message ........................................................................................................................................... 62

5.2 Enabling technologies ................................................................................................ 65

5.2.1 ActiveMQ ........................................................................................................................................ 65

5.2.2 JSON ............................................................................................................................................... 66

5.2.3 OSGi ................................................................................................................................................ 66

5.2.4 Cassandra ........................................................................................................................................ 66

5.2.5 ElasticSearch ................................................................................................................................... 67

5.2.6 OPC ................................................................................................................................................. 67

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5.3 Simulation environment ............................................................................................ 67

5.3.1 The production line ......................................................................................................................... 67

5.3.2 Modules and signals ........................................................................................................................ 69

5.4 Test cases ................................................................................................................... 70

6 RESULT AND DISCUSSION ......................................................................................... 73

6.1 Overall assessment of the software stack .................................................................. 73

6.2 Results from testing ................................................................................................... 73

6.2.1 Cycle times ...................................................................................................................................... 74

6.2.2 Throughput times ............................................................................................................................ 76

6.2.3 Idle time for queues ......................................................................................................................... 77

6.2.4 Length of queues ............................................................................................................................. 78

6.2.5 All the sensor signals ....................................................................................................................... 79

7 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK ......................................................................... 82

7.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 82

7.2 Future work ................................................................................................................ 83

8 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 84

APPENDIX I – LISA2CORE SETUP ....................................................................................... 1

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This first chapter introduces the thesis and the purpose of the work. First the background to the

problem and then a presentation of the thesis with a set of objectives for the work. An overview

of the methodology used during the work and the main limitations of the work is briefly

described. The last section of this chapter presents the outline of this work.

1.1 Background

The globalization and the increased demand for customization and even personalization is

pressuring manufacturing industries to be more flexible and adaptive to the current fast

changing market. To handle these changes in market demand and be more agile towards the

manufacturing, a predictive manufacturing approach is preferred. The modern manufacturing

paradigms of today were born because of this new and highly dynamic market. The conditions

of this new market influencing the importance of collect and process data into usable

information [1]. These new paradigms rely on and are supported by recent developments in the

field of digitalization and connectivity between devices, this thanks to the emergence of

Internet-of-Things, Internet-of-Services, new advanced data analytic methods and cyber-

physical systems. These emerging technologies can be used to control and optimize the decision

making for operational and business decisions in a more predictive manner [2]. Analyzing data

and making decision based on huge amounts of data is what encourage the trend of Big Data.

Information is being lost in many industries today, research states that data is a hidden asset in

industry and investigations shows that 85% of data is unstructured and 42% of all transactions

are paper-based [3]. Unstructured and paper-based data prevents the data to generate

competitive advantages and possibilities of optimizing the production by embracing the trend

of Big data. This to facilitate the management of processes by gathering knowledge about them,

since you cannot control what you cannot measure [4].

Despite recent development in technologies, few modular decoupled architectures with

adequate information modules exist. These modules have the purpose of translating the desired

requirements and characteristics of modern paradigms into the shop-floor, particularly in

production management with critical and real-time information.

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1.2 Thesis presentation

This work aims to develop an event-driven information architecture that enables the seamless

collection and processing of data at the different levels defined by the ISA-95 standard in the

enterprise. For this purpose, this work aims to develop a software stack that supports the

implementation of such architecture and enable the seamless deployment of endpoints and

micro-services. The software stack will enable the collection of data from modular shop-floor

components, and transformation of the data into meaningful and useful information, through

the composition of different micro-services. Due to the lack of access to such shop-floor, a

simulation environment was used to test and validate the proposed solution. The objectives of

this thesis are:

Develop a software stack that support the seamless deployment of endpoints and micro-

services to enable the collection of data from shop-floor modular components, and its

transformation to intelligible information. Objectives of the ultimate software stack:

o Event-driven and service-oriented

o Ability of seamlessly deploy endpoints and micro-services

o Micro services are loosely coupled and self-contained with predefined

transformation behaviors

o Enable data collection from shop-floor control devices independent of vendor

o Flexible and scalable architecture

o Enable calculation of key performance indicators for new and historical data

o Enable stream based aggregation of data

Develop test cases and validation scenarios that enable the assessment of the

implemented architecture

This thesis was conducted under the umbrella of the second iteration of the research project

Line Information System Architecture (LISA2). LISA2 is a research project aimed to contribute

with a standardized software architecture that enables efficient management of data in today’s

automotive industries. The research project is a collaboration between the Swedish academia

and the Swedish automotive industry [2]. This work is contributing to the project with a

standardized software architecture that follows the LISA characteristics, a prototype software

stack implementing the LISA like architecture and a test case validating the software stack.

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1.3 Methodology

During this work an iterative process has been used to develop the final software stack and the

simulation environment. The task and specifications about the final software stack have been

flexible and therefore, during the development process the specification has changed and been

adjusted to solve the present problems. In this sense, the methodology used during the thesis

work is visualized in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Visualization of the methodology used throughout the thesis work

As shown in Figure 1 this work began with a definition of the assignment which ended up in a

set of objectives . When the objectives were set, the process of gathering the required knowledge

started. This process resulted in a literature review presented in the chapter 2 and 3 of this thesis.

With the knowledge from the literature review, the desired solution was designed to meet the

proposed objectives. Test cases were developed with the purpose of validating the objectives

of the work. The solution was later implemented, tested and finally validated. During this work,

parts of the software were tested separately. Finally, in a later stage, when the entire stack was

completed, the tests and validations were done more thoroughly on the complete software stack.

The validations were done statically by calculation of the confidence interval and the variation

of the test runs.

Present result

Test and validate


Design solution

Build knowledge

Thesis objective

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1.4 Limitations

The main limitations during this work, were the lack of a shop-floor that could be used as a

testing environment, instead a virtual simulation model was used. This meant that all the

software needed, both for the software stack and the simulation, was executed on a single

computer resulting in a high usage of processing power. The high usage of processing power

did slow down the computer which resulted in slight fluctuations on the performance of the

developed architecture. An aspect of the software that not was tested was the networking

capabilities of the software stack, this because a virtual simulation environment was used.

The software stack was developed with the intention to be a prototype for industry to show the

potential of an event-driven architecture for collection of data, which means that part of the

implementation requires further optimization. What is limiting the software to be a prototype is

mainly the fact that it requires further development and testing to validate the performance of

the entire stack with the networking and database capabilities.

1.5 Outline of the work

In this first introductory chapter the background to the work, the objectives of the thesis, the

methodology used during the work and the limitations that the work has been restricted by is

presented. Also, this explanation of the work is present.

The second chapter provides a literature review of the current manufacturing trends and eras

that is relevant for this work. First, the concept of industry 4.0 and smart factories is explained,

then the era of big data is explained and last the different modern manufacturing paradigms

effecting todays manufacturing environment is described.

The third chapter also offers a literature review presenting the distributed intelligent

architectures that support the architecture developed because of this work. First the concept of

multi-agent systems is explained, second the services-oriented approach in software

architectures is presented and last the event-driven architectures are described.

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The fourth chapter explains the architecture proposed in this work and all the building blocks

of the architecture. It starts with an overview of all the building blocks and then the chapter

presents the communication, the endpoint and the services in a detailed architectural way.

The fifth chapter explains the implementation of the architecture, thus the software stack itself

that is the result of this work. The chapter first presents the technologies used to enable an

implementation, then the implementation itself is described in detailed with the data model of

the software, the virtual simulation environment used for testing and last the test cases used for

assessing the software stack.

The sixth chapter presents and discusses the results from the simulation. The results are

discussed with the use of statistical methods to evaluate the results presented.

The seventh chapter is concluding the work and proposes future work to enable an

implementation of the software stack in a real production environment.

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This chapter presents a literature review investigating the modern manufacturing trends that

support the new era of manufacturing. The trends such as industry 4.0 and smart factories, the

era of big data and modern manufacturing paradigms are described.

Manufacturing trends can be identified throughout the different industrial revolutions. Even

nowadays, one of the most commonly known trend, introduced by Henry Ford, derives from

the T-Ford that was designed for manufacturing. Henry Ford introduced the moving assembly

line and consequently the mass production of products. After Henry and mass production, the

next well-known trend was established by the demand of customized products at similar price

points to those produced in masses. The new demand for customization lead to the development

of the Toyota Production System (TPS) and to what is nowadays more commonly known as

lean manufacturing. Lean manufacturing spread fast in the manufacturing industry and mainly

in the automotive industry where it was first applied. The industrializations have up until the

3rd industrial revolution been driven by technology development, but instead, the 4th industrial

revolution is the result of an effort of several countries to bring the manufacturing industry

forward. The name for the 4th revolution was established by the German project “Industrie 4.0”,

and have since then been named Industry 4.0. Other trends such as big data, smart factories and

modern manufacturing paradigms contribute and play a big role in the realization of the Industry

4.0 vision [5]. These trends and industrial revolutions are investigated in the present chapter.

2.1 Industry 4.0 and smart factories

The 1st industrial revolution started with the introduction of steam and water powered

mechanical industrial systems, the 2nd industrial revolution was a result of introducing

electricity to the mass manufacturing industry and the 3rd industrial revolution was enabled by

the introduction of electronics and IT to facilitate the automated manufacturing industries.

Finally, industry is nowadays experiencing what is called the 4th industrial revolution which as

mentioned before is an initiative that aims to introduce among others, Internet of Things and

Services. The introduction of these technologies will enable connectivity and networking in

manufacturing systems, which will create a smart environment in factories, hence smart

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factories. These industrial revolutions and consequent changes in the industrial world are

summarized in Figure 2.

Figure 2 Summary of the industrial revolutions and the drivers for each revolution

The initiative of the 4th industrial revolution is focused on ensuring the well-being of local

manufacturing industries and to discourage outsourcing [5]. To ensure the well-being of

industries, Industry 4.0 aims to facilitate the last few years of connectivity trends and emerge

towards predictive manufacturing. This demands devices in manufacturing to be intelligent and

connected. Cyber-physical system (CPS) are systems that connect the physical components

with a computational environment through a communication network. The virtual or cyber

environment can be used for monitoring and controlling of the manufacturing system. Through

the virtual environment, the different entities can seamlessly interact and engage in cooperative

activities towards common goals. Such connectivity also provides an environment where data

can be gathered and mined to optimize, predict and improve production efficiency [6]. CPS was

defined as follows [7]:

“Cyber-physical systems are hybrid networked cyber and engineered

physical elements co-designed to create adaptive and predictive systems for

enhanced performance. Performance metrics include safety and security,

reliability, agility and stability, efficiency and sustainability, privacy.”

The ability to connect and control the physical world through a computational environment was

possible before the introduction of CPS by embedded systems. These systems are limited in the

1st • Mechnical tools powered by water and steam

2nd • Mass production by divided labor and electricity

3rd • IT and electronics for automation

4th • Cyber-physical systems

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sense that they are like closed boxes, they hide the data and functionality from the outside world.

Unlike embedded systems, the networking nature of CPS aids the collaboration between

devices and the expose of computational abilities to the outside world is beneficial for an

optimal production control [8]. CPS can connect with other systems over a network and has the

ability of collaboration between multiple CPSs [9]. This enables feedback directly from the

physical world and the amount of real-time data accessible will consequently and rapidly

increase. Introducing CPS in manufacturing industries connects all the physical and virtual

components of the production system and creates a cyber-physical production system (CPPS)

[10]. CPPS will transform the hierarchies in traditional automation systems to allow a more

decentralized and interoperable environment as visualized in Figure 3.

Figure 3 Illustration of the transition from traditional to CPS-based automation hierarchy [10]

The interactional and intelligent nature of CPSs together with its knowledge about the

environment enables the system to deal with disturbance and problems on its own [10].

Knowledge about the environment is achieved through the analysis and interpretation of data.

In a smart factory humans, machines and resources communicates like in a social network

which allows a larger amount of data to be considered during decisions. Smart factories have

the advantages of being flexible and adaptive to the production processes trough the

interactional and intelligent nature. This allows a rapid response to a fast-changing market and

the ability to deal with increased complexity in the production environment [11]. Smart

factories are an enabler for the industry 4.0 initiative and comprise all the technologies that

drives Industry 4.0, such as CPS, Internet of things, artificial intelligence and big data, among

others [5].

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2.2 Big data

Because of the increased use of sensors and resources connected through networks, the amount

of data accessible in industry today is larger than ever before. To set the increase of data in

perspective; in the year of 2003 about 5 exabytes (1018 bytes) where created compared to 2013

when the same amount of data was created in two days [12]. This new era of increased data

production is described by the term “big data”. Big data is referring to a set of data that is large

enough to prevent traditional computational methods to analyze, store and manage it. Tracking

and analysis of this data could be done to manage and optimize the manufacturing processes,

as W. Edwards Deming wrote:

“If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it”

The challenges in industry today, with all the data generated, is to utilize the data to gain

competitive advantages and optimize the manufacturing systems [4]. Traditional systems and

architectures are not capable of processing and utilizing these volumes of data, hence there is a

need for new architectures with the ability to process and utilize the huge volumes of data

created in the next generation of smart factories.

In such factories, CPS can be used to manage big data and employ the information to increase

intelligence, robustness and flexibility [6]. The data need to be transformed to useful

information and made available for involved resources in the system. The low-level data from

sensors and such is not valuable unless it’s processed and transformed into information with

meaning and a context, which can be achieved by combining CPS with big data [13]. With the

huge amount of data, big data contributes to flexibility and adaptability, which are the main

drivers for modern manufacturing paradigms, and these huge quantities of data enable modern

manufacturing paradigms.

2.3 Modern manufacturing paradigms

Through the industrial revolutions different paradigms have been more popular than others,

some of the more well-known paradigms are mass production and lean manufacturing. With a

market that is more rapidly changing and demands higher flexibility, customization and

sustainability a new set of manufacturing paradigms arose [14]. The manufacturing paradigms

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considered nowadays, together with some of the main historical paradigms, can be found in the

timeline presented in Figure 4. The manufacturing paradigms, such as holonic manufacturing

systems (HMS), reconfigurable manufacturing systems (RMS), evolvable production systems

(EPS) and cloud manufacturing (CMfg) aim to cope with today’s challenging industrial

demands and are commonly referred to as the modern manufacturing paradigms.

Figure 4 Timeline placing manufacturing paradigms in time [15]

The modern manufacturing paradigms have the goal to meet the challenges related to the global

market of today. These paradigms have a similar approach in many ways. They are all aiming

to have a flexible production environment that can handle a high variety in products and deal

with a high rate of new products entering the market. The paradigms also strive for adaptable

and scalable manufacturing systems with the ability to cope with high fluctuations in demand.

Most of these modern paradigms follows the approach of product intelligence [15]. An

intelligent product is a product that has information and rules about the processes desired to

produce itself. The product should have some or all the following characteristics; a unique

identity, capability of efficiently communicating with its environment, store or retain data about

itself, use a language to display its features, knowledge of production requirements or capable

of making or partaking in decisions relevant to its own destiny. Product intelligence can be

divided into different levels; either the product is information-orienting which means that it can

communicate its status, or the product is decision-oriented which means that is can influence

decisions about itself and communicate with its environment [16]. Either way an intelligent

product is partaking in the manufacturing of itself by providing information to the production

environment. The last sections of chapter 2 is explaining the modern manufacturing paradigms

relevant to this thesis.

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2.3.1 Holonic manufacturing systems

Holonic manufacturing systems (HMS) was introduced with the aim to bring adaptability,

safety and robustness to manufacturing industries to allow a just-in-time production and

responsiveness to meet the new demands of the fast changing global market. HMS is allowing

this by offering a resistance towards disturbances via a reconfigurable structure that have the

ability of dynamically organizing both physical and virtual modules [17]. The self-organization

that each entity can participate in is beneficial for meeting the requirements and changes of the

current market such as adaptability and autonomous decision making. HMS is aiming to meet

the new demands of the market by adapting behaviors of social interaction to the manufacturing

systems. To reach this social interaction behavior, HMS introduces the “holon” as a main

construct of the manufacturing system. And by this consequently offering a decentralized and

dynamic production environment [18].

A holon is simultaneously part and whole, meaning that a holon can be considered as the whole

system or part of the system itself. The term holon was first defined by A. Koesler and is a way

of describing a living organism. Living organisms can change their structure and are part of a

self-adapting hierarchy while at the same time having an autonomy and interacting behavior.

This autonomy and interacting behavior are making the holons to reorganize by adopting to

changed conditions of the environment when the holon is part of a network [18]. HMS

encompasses the properties of both heterarchical and hierarchical structures. In this sense, it

can explore the advantages of both these approaches. During normal operational conditions, the

system assumes a hierarchical behavior while during disruption the system or part of it can

assume a more heterarchical behavior. This means that during disruption the system adopts the

dynamic flexibility of heterarchical structures and the stability from hierarchical structures

during normal operation [19]. This flexible structure of HMS that is specific for holons is named

a holarchy, a holarchy is visualized in Figure 5.

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Figure 5 A set of holons that makes a holarchy [20]

By introducing a set of definitions for capabilities that a HMS should fulfill, the translation of

the holonic concept into a manufacturing context is enabled. These definitions were set by the

HMS consortium and are [21]:

“Holon – An autonomous and co-operative building block of a

manufacturing system for transforming, transporting, storing and/or

validating information and physical objects. The holon consists of an

information processing part and often a physical processing part. A holon

can be part of another holon.

Autonomy – The capability of an entity to create and control the execution

of its own plans and/or strategies.

Co-operation – A process whereby a set of entities develops mutually

acceptable plans and executes theses plans.

Holarchy – A system of holons that can co-operate to achieve a goal or

objective. The holarchy defines the basic rules for co-operation of the

holons and thereby limits their autonomy.

Holonic manufacturing system – A holarchy that integrates the entire

range of manufacturing activities from order booking through design,

production, and marketing to realize the agile manufacturing enterprise.

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Holonic attributes – Attributes of an entity that make it a holon. The

minimum set is autonomy and co-operativeness.”

2.3.2 Reconfigurable manufacturing systems

Reconfigurable manufacturing system (RMS) is, as the other modern manufacturing paradigms,

dealing with challenges connected to the new global market. RMS is especially dealing with

the challenges related to rapid introduction of new products, high fluctuations in demand,

delivering high-quality products at low cost and changes in production technology. RMS was

introduced with the vision to overcome these challenges by having the ability to change capacity

and functionality exactly when needed, RMS also have the capability of scalability and

responsiveness towards the market as a result of dealing with fast changing products and

technology [22]. RMS is defined as follows [22]:

“A Reconfigurable Manufacturing System (RMS) is designed at the outset

for rapid change in structure, as well as in hardware and software

components, in order to quickly adjust production capacity and

functionality within a part family in response to sudden changes in market

or in regulatory requirements.

RMSs are designed to handle rapid changes in its structure, both for hardware and software

components. The paradigms also promote a fast-changing production capacity and functionality

within a product family. RMS is constructed by software and hardware components that can

rearrange quickly and reliably to enable reconfiguration [23]. RMS have a few core

characteristics for a successful implementation, these are defined below [24]:

“Modularity – the compartmentalization of operational functions and

requirements into quantifiable units that can be transacted between

alternate production schemes to achieve the most optimal arrangement to

fit a given set of needs.

Integrability – the ability to integrate modules rapidly and precisely by a

set of mechanical, informational, and control interfaces that enable

integration and communication.

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Convertibility – the ability to easily transform the functionality of existing

systems, machines, and controls to suit new production requirements.

Diagnosability – the ability to automatically read the current state of a

system and controls so as to detect and diagnose the root-cause of defects,

and subsequently correct operational defects quickly.

Customization – the ability to adapt the customized (non-general) flexibility

of production systems and machines to meet new requirements with a family

of similar products.

Scalability – the ability to easily change existing production capacity by

rearranging an existing production system and/or changing the production

capacity of reconfigurable components (e.g., machines) within that system.”

A RMS that embed these characteristics is configurable and will serve as a cost-effective

alternative to the highly flexible and highly productive production system.

2.3.3 Evolvable production systems

Evolvable production system (EPS) is especially addressing the uncertainty of a global market

by supporting the evolution of the components in the production system. EPS is dealing with

the uncertainty and evolution by offering a modularized, intelligent and open architecture and

a distributed control [25]. There are two fundamental guiding principles for EPS, these are [25]:

Principle 1: The most innovative product design can only be achieved if no

assembly process constraints are posed. The ensuing, fully independent,

process selection procedure may then result in an optimal assembly system


Principle 2: Systems under a dynamic condition need to be evolvable, i.e.,

they need to have an inherent capability of evolution to address the new or

changing set of requirements.

In the approach of EPS each component is considered to be a distributed intelligent unit. The

evolvability means that the system can evolve to adapt to new trends and challenges. This

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evolution of the system is achieved by properties like emergence and self-organization.

Emergence and self-organization is inspired by the biological world; these concepts describe

the phenomena of entities in a system that collaborates and interacts to achieve a common goal.

The emergency of EPS is represented by the systems capability of bringing modules together

to form new systems. By bringing them together the sum of the systems contribution is greater

than the sum of each individual components contribution [26].

EPS and HMS have similarities in the conceptual approach in the sense that they are both

biologically inspired with the difference that only EPS is achieving fine granularity. Granularity

is describing the included components complexity level; i.e. thick granularity is cells on a

production line and fine granularity is smaller components as grippers and sensors [26].

2.3.4 Cloud manufacturing

Cloud manufacturing (CMfg) is mainly aiming to overcome challenges related to having more

cost-effective manufacturing systems and satisfying a more dynamic customer demand. As the

other modern paradigms, CMfg is addressing other challenges related to a global market like

demand fluctuations, flexibility and fast introduction of new products [27]. CMfg is divergent

from the other paradigms in the sense that CMfg is aiming to achieve a resource and information

sharing manufacturing environment. CMfg is an intelligent computing and service-oriented

manufacturing model. Service orientation is addressed and described in chapter 3.2. In CMfg

recent developed technologies like cloud computing, Internet-of-Things, service-orientation

and advanced computing play a central role. These technologies have the benefit of working in

a way that allows information sharing from the beginning, this by being networking

technologies. CMfg aims to achieve a model where knowledge is shared between parties,

enabling a high utilization and on-demand use of manufacturing resources. These goals are

going to be met by providing safe and reliable, high quality, cheap and on-demand

manufacturing service [28].

CMfg paradigms is affecting more than the manufacturing system, cloud manufacturing is a

way of working for the whole enterprise. CMfg also emphasizes on collaborating with other

environments outside the enterprise. The CMfg paradigm is especially important for small and

medium enterprises where the benefit from collaboration to compete against the large

enterprises is outstanding. CMfg is supporting a change from production-oriented industries to

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service-oriented industries. Service-oriented industries would contribute to the introduction of

a cyber society that facilitates cyber-physical manufacturing in the future [29]. Figure 6 is

visualizing a simplified concept of how cloud manufacturing works.

Figure 6 Cloud manufacturing in a simplified visualization [29]

The vision for cloud manufacturing is that all manufacturing resources and capabilities should

be encapsulated and available as services for the consumers from the manufacturing cloud [27],

as shown in Figure 6. In a CMfg there is primarily three categories of users and these are service

consumer, operators and service providers. The service consumes are using the services in the

manufacturing cloud, they are purchasing the services in the cloud from the operators in the

cloud. The operators are maintaining the cloud and organizing and providing the services

available to the consumers. And the service providers own and provide the resources available

in the cloud as services [28].

Services offered by the could can be divided into two types of services and these are OnCloud

and OffCloud services. OnCloud services take place in the cloud and is computational resources

such as functionality from different software’s. OffCloud services is taking place outside the

cloud and usually with assistance of an operator, these services include machining operations

and logistic services. For the OffCloud services the manufacturing cloud can be used for

scheduling and monitoring [29].

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The present chapter provides an overview of the distributed intelligent architectures that

supports the implementation of the architecture developed during this thesis. First the concept

of multi-agent system is described, then the service-oriented software architecture is explained

and last the event-driven architectural approach in software development is addressed.

Distributed and intelligent architectures is a common approach to support the implementation

of the new modern manufacturing paradigms. A distributed software architecture allows

computational processing to take part in individual parts of the software architecture, the

processing is distributed all over the architecture. The intelligence in software development is

known as the ability for entities to make decisions on its own either by predefined conditions

or by having knowledge of the surrounding environment. The combination of these two

software development approaches gives an architecture that have distributed resources with an

intelligent behavior that is collaborating towards a common goal. The following three sections

provide an overview of the main distributed intelligent architectures influencing the architecture

presented in chapter 4.

3.1 Multi-agent system

Multi-agent system (MAS) derive from the field of distributed artificial intelligence, and is

characterized by decentralization and parallel execution of activities [30]. MAS is a network

of computational agents with the ability of interacting and communicating with each other. An

agent is an entity in a dynamic environment with autonomous and intelligent behavior that

compress computational power. The most important properties of an agent is that it has a

purpose, it is autonomous, it encapsulates intelligence, it has the capability of interacting with

the environment and it is adaptive. An agent has some abilities related to its environment; agents

can observe its environment, has information and theories about its environment, has

knowledge about the state of its environment and takes action to change the environment [31].

In a MAS decisions and actions of agents is affecting the other agents in the system and agents

can exhibit emergent behaviors to fulfill common goals. Agents in a system must coordinate

their actions with other agents to take the effects of other agents into account when making

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decision. Models that coordinate the interaction of agents need to have some media where the

interaction can be achieved, a communication channel such as an enterprise service bus (ESB),

and rules for managing the interaction and dependencies of agents. The communication

environment also needs a syntax who the agents can use to interact with each other in a

standardized way, meaning that the agents need to use a common communication protocol [31].

A few characteristics can be identified for agents; these characteristics are [31] [32] [33] :

Autonomy – agents are autonomous, considering that they control their internal state

and behaviors on the environment.

Rationality – agents are rational as they can reason about the data they receive in order

to better achieve their goals.

Adaptability – agents are adaptive in the sense that they can learn and modify their

behavior according to the environment to better achieve their goals.

Reactivity – agents can react, chaining their behavior instantly according to their

perception of the environment.

Proactive – agents do not simply act in response to stimulus, they can also take the

initiative when appropriate in order to attain their own objectives.

Social-ability – agents are social as they communicate with other agents to share

information and participate in collective behaviors.

Mobility – agents can move inside their network and maintain their internal state and


Agents have the possibility to exhibit emergent behaviors as stated before, this gives them the

possibility of collaborating with each other. This collaboration manifested by agents’ ability to

agree upon a common goal or a task and then take actions in a sequence towards fulfilling the

goal or executing the task. For example, if the task of a MAS is to perform scheduling and

execution of an order agents in the system can collaborate and perform each task needed to be

completed before delivering the order at a given due date [31].

3.2 Service-oriented architecture

Service-oriented architectures (SOA) originate from the need of a conceptual design that

encapsulates processing functionality. By encapsulating the processing, the user of the

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functionality does not need to know where the processing is done. This encapsulation is making

SOA offering a modular, interoperable and reusable way of developing and implementing

software. This is done by exposing self-contained applications as a service [34]. A service

consists of an interface and a functional implementation, the interface is the only thing that is

known to the environment and the implementation is often represented by a business function.

The service interface is offering the mechanism that allows other entities in the system to

communicate and use the functionality of the service. A service is like a black box for the other

entities in the system, the only thing that is known by the other entities is how the functionality

can be used. This is achieved with a standardized interface which also provides modularity by

making the service a module. The modularity and interoperability of SOA is making SOA a

scalable software architecture [35]. Service oriented architectures supports the implementing of

the modern manufacturing paradigms from chapter 2.3. A basic SOA is illustrated in Figure 7.

Figure 7 Basic SOA, the interaction between service provider, service registry and service client [35]

In the basic SOA implementation, there are three entities that have different responsibilities and

actions. There is a service provider offering some functionality through its interface, a service

registry that registers the services available in the environment and a service client that is

utilizing the functionality of the services. There are three actions possible to make use of in the

implementation, these are publish, find and bind. The publish action is used by the service

provider which is using the action to publish a description of itself in the service registry to

enable services to find it. The find action is used by the service client to lookup services with

the correct description and functionality. And last the bind action is used by the service client

to create a connection to the service provider providing the right functionality [35].

The environment where the services are available is a network and ideally a public network

offering the possibility to share services between organizations. The communication in the

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network is often done with the use of an Internet based protocol such as HyperText Makeup

Language (HTML) or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) [34]. In a SOA network the

entities are loosely coupled due to the use of standardized interfaces. An interface of a service

should be defined in a way so the service can be used in a larger business processing context.

The communication in a SOA is asynchronous which differs from regular object-oriented

architectures, which means that if a function is called in a service the result is returned to the

client without suspending either the provider nor the client [36]. The orchestration of the

services is often done centrally in SOA which means that an orchestrator has the control over

the services [37]. An asynchronous communication can be attained by employing the SOA with

an ESB.

An enterprise service bus (ESB) is a technology often used to enable the communication

between services in a SOA. An ESB is a bus where messages can be transferred between

distributed applications in a secure and reliable way, it offers services such as routing,

invocation and mediation. In Figure 8 a simplified ESB is visualized. The ESB has a message

broker that has a central role in this type of infrastructure, the broker is mediating the messages

and is routing them to the right service container. The service container is hosting services that

makes it possible for applications outside the ESB to connect and communicate through the

ESB. In a ESB there can be multiple service containers and a service container can host multiple

services [38].

Figure 8 Simplified view of an ESB. Note that a service container can host multiple services [38]

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An example of SOA implementations are websites like Google, eBay and Amazon that offers

services to be utilized by developers to enable the combination with other services. When big

enterprises offering services to be utilized by developer’s new application can be developed by

the involvement of the users [34].

3.3 Event-driven architecture

Event driven architecture (EDA) is an architecture that is orchestrated using events transferred

or displayed within the architecture. An event is a change of state or some other occurrence

with a significance for the system. In a EDA, an event triggers other entities in the system that

has an interest in the event occurring [39]. The event could be an emergency signal that trigger

an automated action that stops all the machines on the production line or notifies an operator

that performs a measure. An EDA can register and act on such event in an intelligent way [40].

Meaning that an EDA can make intelligent decisions about the action to take when an event


A simple example of an event-driven technology is from the world of control technology. In

the example, events are used to control the heating in houses. The technology is a thermostat;

it’s used for controlling the heating element and turning on the heating when the temperature is

below the set value. A thermostat is measuring the temperature and when an event is occurring,

the thermostat turns on or turns off the heating elements. If the thermostat is turning the heating

on or off is dependent on the type of event occurring, either the event occurs when the

temperature is below or above a set value. This is a simple event-driven system and it’s the

same concept that is implemented in an EDA [40].

EDA is loosely coupled and highly distributed because of the way it’s acting. It’s only the

creator of an event that knows that the event happened and the creator has no knowledge of

other entities in the system that is acting upon the event. The actors only know what event to

act upon and not who the creator is nor where the event is coming from, unless the event itself

is holding information about the creator and the origin [39].

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This chapter explains the architecture developed during this work inspired by the LISA project.

The software architecture is an explanation of the building blocks constructing the software

and the conceptual interaction between them. The first section provides an overview of the

architecture, then the communication between the building blocks is described, later the

endpoints of the system is introduced and last the services are addressed.

The event-driven architecture for data collection in smart factories proposed in this chapter

supports an implementation that fulfills the objectives of this work. This architecture was

constructed with the influence of distributed architectures. The architecture also compresses the

ability to enable implementation of the modern manufacturing paradigms explored during the

literature review of this work. An architectural overview of the entire software stack developed

is presented in Figure 9. The colored birds in the figure represents the messages on the bus and

the communication between each building block of the architecture.

Figure 9 An overview of architecture developed during this work

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In Figure 9 the channel in the middle is representing the ESB, different endpoints and services

are also visualized with a more detailed view of the communication with hardware. The

different endpoints, services and the communication is described in the upcoming sections of

this chapter. This first part is presenting a detailed overview where the next sections are

breaking down the architecture into its building blocks and providing the knowledge to

understand the architectural concept depicted in Figure 9.

4.1 Architectural overview

The event-driven architecture for data collection in smart factories developed during this thesis

is as the title reveals, an event-driven architecture with the ability of collecting data from a

shop-floor in any smart factory. The architecture developed is implemented as a SOA with the

functionality of a EDA and each entity in the system is inspired by a MAS to give each entity

the required intelligence to fulfill its objectives. The architecture presented in this thesis has a

main bus that enables communication between entities, this bus is an implementation of a ESB

and serve as a communication channel for the entities in the system. The main entities in the

system are the endpoints that encapsulates one or more micro-services. A generic overview of

the ESB with endpoints and services is visualized in Figure 10.

Figure 10 Generic overview of ESB that constitutes the event-driven architecture developed. The endpoint is an

entity on the bus and a placeholder for services where m and n is a positive integer.

In the architecture developed the ESB is central part which supports the communication

between the entities in the system. One or more endpoints are connected to the ESB, an endpoint

encapsulates more than one service and manages the execution of each service, more on

endpoints in chapter 4.3. A service is a basic computational entity with the ability of offering

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functionality to other services on the ESB, these services are like services in a SOA, more on

services in chapter 4.4. The next sections of this chapter 4 is describing the communication, the

endpoints and the services closer and in a more detailed yet generic way.

4.2 Communication

The communication between endpoints with encapsulated services is done through

standardized messages that is mentioned as tweets in a publish and subscribe fashion. Each

tweet is a result of an event occurring in the architecture, a service is registering the event

occurring and sends a tweet with information about the event, triggering other services on the

bus. The functional core of the service is constructing the tweet, a publisher is publishing the

tweet on the ESB to the related channel and then a subscriber is receiving the tweet from the

ESB. From the subscriber, the information is transferred to the functional core of the service.

The ESB have different channels available for publishing and subscribing of tweets, as seen in

Figure 11.

Figure 11 Conceptual picture of ESB with its hierarchy of channels

The conceptual picture is presenting how the ESB is working, it shows that each channel can

be divided into sub-channels and a hierarchy of channels is possible to achieve. The hierarchy

of channels is useful when the information and data on the bus do not need to reach all the

endpoints. Each endpoint subscribes only to the channel that it has an interest in and if an

endpoint needs all information on the bus it subscribes to the highest level. When an endpoint

receives a tweet from the bus it needs to process the information in the tweet to decide whether

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it should act on it or not. Using channels limits the number of messages each endpoint receives,

this decrease the processing power needed for each endpoint. The transportation of tweets

through the different channels is exemplified in Figure 12.

Figure 12 Example of how the subscribing and publishing in different channels work

Figure 12 is showing one channel named “C”, the first sub channel to that channel is named

“C.1” and the second sub channel is named “C.2” and so on. There is no restriction in the

naming; the input for the naming is strings and the strings are differentiated with dots to make

the sub-channels. Either a subscriber can subscribe to a sub-channel or to a main channel, if it

subscribes to a main channel it will receive everything from the sub-channels, but if a subscriber

subscribes to a sub-channel it will only receive tweets available in the sub channel. The example

in Figure 12 is visualizing the different type of publishers and subscribers, “Sub C” is receiving

everything in “C” and “Sub C.1” only receives everything from “C.1”.

4.2.1 The tweet

The tweets or as it’s called in an EDA, the events, is a central entity in the architecture. It’s the

tweet that triggers and enables the execution of functional tasks in the system. The tweet that is

used for transferring information through the ESB is an object built up by two separate objects,

a header of the tweet and a body of the tweet as visual in Figure 13.

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Figure 13 Generic description of a tweet in the architecture

The header of the message contains information about the message entity itself and the message

body contains the data that the message is carrying. The message header has a unique ID that

differentiates a message from other messages in the system, it carries information about the

time of creation for the message, it has the ability of carrying information about earlier actions

taken to the message, it knows about who the sender of the message is and carries information

about whether the receiver of the message needs to confirm a successful delivery. The message

body has information that tells about what type of information the message is carrying and the

body also contains a list of data that the message is carrying. The list of data is in the form of

key pair values, each object in the list contains information about the type of data the object

carries and the data itself. This is enabling a tweet to carry more than one data value and that

the data can be iterated and filtered.

The communication through the ESB is done with texts which means that all the tweets can be

translated to text from objects and back to objects from text. The tweet can be converted

between text and objects in a vendor independent way.

4.3 Endpoint

An endpoint is a placeholder for services in the architecture where the services within one

endpoint belongs to the same logical domain. This means that if one service offers the

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functionality of transforming data related to logistics the other services also should be, in

principle, related to logistics. Given that one endpoint and its services belongs to the same

logical domain a set of predefined endpoints was defined during the work to ease the seamless

deployment and development of endpoints. An endpoint is an individual entity in the

architecture with a unique set of services with unique functions, each endpoint encapsulates at

least one service or more. Each endpoint is responsible for executing the encapsulated services

and providing the connection for each service to the ESB. A conceptual template for a generic

endpoint is visible in Figure 14.

Figure 14 Conceptual template for a generic endpoint in the architecture

As seen in Figure 14, each endpoint is constructed by information, functional objects and

services. The information available in a generic endpoint is the name and a simple description

of the endpoint including the logical domain and main functionality of the endpoint, and

information about the configuration related to the endpoint such as information about the

authentication information for the ESB. The functional objects accessible in the endpoint is the

connection to the ESB, making it possible for each service to communicate through the ESB.

The services implemented is not limited to a maximum number, but have the requirement of at

least one.

The endpoint and its purpose is mainly decided from the logical domain of the services

encapsulated within the endpoint. In the architecture, the endpoints are divided into two clearly

differentiated categories, the next sections in this chapter is capturing the essential details about

the virtual and the device endpoint.

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4.3.1 Virtual endpoint

The virtual endpoints basic function is to gather and act upon tweets to generate new tweets

with the resulting mined information. Often a virtual endpoint has the purpose of transforming

a tweet by either adding information or aggregating tweets to new tweets containing aggregated

data. A virtual endpoint can also be used for storing information to a database or monitoring

the entities and events occurring on the ESB. A virtual endpoint is defined as an endpoint that

utilizes the tweets on the bus and is translating or action upon the information in the tweet. The

virtual endpoint is translating low-level data to a higher-level type of data.

4.3.2 Device endpoint

The device endpoint is an endpoint that is reading data from a device on the shop-floor and

making it available for other entities in the architecture. A device endpoint is making the data

available by publishing tweets on the bus for the other entities to access. The device endpoint

has the capability of communicating with the device related to it, and this in a vendor

independent way. This is enabled by the dynamic load of libraries that enable the

communication with the devices. A device is hardware on the shop-floor, typically

Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) and other control devices among others. A device

endpoint takes low-level data and makes it accessible for other entities in the architecture.

4.4 Services

A service is an entity with functionality in the architecture and offers its functionality to other

services within the same system. The functionality that each service offers is quite trivial, for

example aggregating data to offer intelligible information to the other services. Services can be

combined and aggregated to offer more complex functionality for the architecture, for example

using data offered by other services to calculate new information for the system. A service also

encapsulating the capability of outputting information on the ESB and taking input from the

ESB. A conceptual template of a generic service is visible in Figure 15.

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Figure 15 Conceptual template of a generic service in the architecture

As the endpoint, services are also constructed by information and functional objects, the

difference is that a service is offering some type of core functionality to the architecture. The

information accessible in the service is the name of the service and a short description of the

service’s functionality. The functional objects of the service are a subscriber and a publisher for

the ESB. The subscriber is subscribing to a specific channel on the ESB and is receiving all the

tweets published in the specific channel. The publisher on the other hand is publishing tweets

to a specific channel on the ESB with the purpose of communicating information to the other

services in the architecture. The core functionality is performing the computational processing

of the service, for example the computational process could include transformation of data to

intelligible information and managing database access. The main purpose of the core

functionality for a generic service is to gather data from the ESB and outputting new data to the


The functional core is separated into different execution states; the states are represented by

different execution condition that the service can enter during runtime. A few examples on

different states are one state during execution, one state during action and one state during

shutdown. The service core has different methods that are executed depending on the present

state of the service.

A service can, as stated before, belong to different logical domains and all services in one

endpoint should belong to the same logical domain and it is the logical domain represented by

the services in each endpoint that is deciding what kind of endpoint it is. In the architecture, a

set of predefined services are available, all the services have the basic functionality of a basic

service but extends the basic services with added functionality and behaviors. The last sections

of the present chapter are describing each predefined service and its template.

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4.4.1 Transformation service

A transformation service takes a tweet and transforms the tweet by adding information then

publishing it back to the ESB. In the architecture, it is differentiated between three

transformation actions that can be performed. These actions are; adding static information,

adding dynamic information and aggregating data from multiple tweets to generate a new tweet

with aggregated information. These actions are referred to as fill, map and fold in the

architecture, a basic representation of the different services is visual in Figure 16.

Figure 16 Descriptive visualization of fill, map and fold services

The fill service takes static information and adds it to the tweet it publishes on the ESB. The

static information is information that always had the same format, for example information

related to the sender endpoint for instance id of the endpoint or the product type dependent on

information read from a Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) tag. The map services are

adding dynamic information to the tweet, this dynamic information could be new data

dependent on the state of the system i.e. dynamic. Both the fill and map service is adding or

changing the tweets without changing the unique id or timestamp of the message. The fold

action on the other hand is aggregating tweets to create a new tweet with the aggregated data

from the other tweets. The fold service can be used for tracking when a unique product is

entering and exits the production line and then calculating the cycle time for one product of

throughput time for one batch.

4.4.2 Monitoring service

A monitoring service is tracking and monitoring the actions executed in the architecture, there

are two predefined monitoring services in the architecture. These two predefined monitoring

services are event monitoring service and service monitoring service. In the architecture, it only

makes sense to have one instance of event monitoring service and one instance of service

monitoring service. The monitoring service is tracking either events or services on the ESB and

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offering a lookup service for the different events or services accessible through the ESB, the

two different monitoring services is visualized in Figure 17.

Figure 17 Visualization of the two different monitoring services, event monitoring and service monitoring

The event monitoring service is receiving all the messages transported on the bus and saving

information of the different types of events. The information about the different events is then

offered as a lookup service for other services in the architecture. The service monitoring service

is receiving a message each time a new service is deployed in the system. The message contains

descriptive information about the service, the information is saved and offered as a lookup

service for the other services in the system. Compared to the basic SOA example in chapter 3.2

the service monitoring service is serving as the service registry.

4.4.3 Database service

The database services are offering the possibility of history access for each service in the system

and is also gathering all events occurring in the system to save it to a database. In the

architecture two different database services are defined, one is indexing database service and

the other is persistent database service. The different between the indexing database service and

the persistent database service is the type of database and the functionality of the service. The

indexing database service provides a fast lookup and searchable database where historic data is

easy and fast accessible. The persistent service is saving all information and is robust towards

disturbances, it has a more stable database structure that do not lose any data. This persistent

database service has the ability of offering historic data for a long time back. These two database

services are basically identical in an architectural context apart from the type of database they

work with. See the visualization in Figure 18.

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Figure 18 Descriptive visualization of a database service

Both these services offering data availability as a service with the main difference that the

indexing database offers fast searched data but not as robust as the persistent database and the

persistent database offering searchable data but not as fast. For folding services using historical

data for calculation of new aggregated data, the indexing database is to prefer.

4.4.4 Device communication service

The device communication service is offering the functionality of communicating with

hardware components on the shop-floor. It is offering a generic interface for communicating

with hardware which enables a vendor independent communication. It uses dynamic loading of

libraries to enable the change of communication protocol during runtime and in that sense a

dynamic execution of endpoints and services, see Figure 19.

Figure 19 Descriptive detailed visualization of device communication service

The device communication service is the main service in a device endpoint, it enables the

communication with the device in a device endpoint. It reads low-level data in an asynchronous

way and offers the data to the ESB by publishing tweets.

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This fifth chapter presents the implementation of the architecture into the ultimate software

stack. The first part is describing the architectural implementation and its data model in detail.

Secondly the technologies used for the implementation is presented and the purpose of the

technology. Then the virtual simulation environment and the shop-floor used for testing is

described and last the test cases used for the assessment of the software stack are presented.

The implementation of the architecture developed during this work, and as presented in chapter

4, require an object-oriented programming language. The implementation also requires a

message bus of some sort to facilitate the ESB, communication with hardware during testing,

and databases to enable transformation and computation of both present and historical data. The

object orientation was realized with use of the programming language Java [41].

5.1 Architectural implementation

The implementation of the architecture used the enabling technologies and Java as the

programming language to connect all the application and to add functionality to the software

stack. The setup of the software stack and a basic example is explained in Appendix I –

LISA2Core setup. The software stack presented in this section of the thesis have the purpose to

be a template when implementing the software in a real production environment. The software

stack should be used as a library when developing solutions with the event-driven architecture

presented in chapter 4. The implementation implemented the endpoints and services, this first

section presents the overall implementation and the upcoming sections goes deeper into detail

explaining the endpoint core, the service core and last the messages, or tweets as mentioned in

the architectural chapter.

The programming language used for the implementation is, as mentioned, Java which is

enabling the development of an object-oriented software stack with the characteristics of SOA,

EDA and MAS. The implementation enables endpoints to connect with the ActiveMQ

communication bus to be used as an ESB. JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) were used as the

text based format for transporting messages and Open Platform Communication (OPC) were

used as a communication protocol with the simulation environment. The entire software stack

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was developed based on Open Services Gateway initiative (OSGi) to enable the modular

deployment particularly of the device endpoints and the lower level libraries that support the

connection with the hardware.

The main classes of the implementation were the LISAEndpointCore class and the

LISAServiceCore class. These are abstract classes and were used as templates when developing

a software with the architecture. The endpoint class enables the deployment of services and the

services enables the development of functionality. The class diagram for the main classes in the

architecture is visible in Figure 20. The service core is offering a set of execution states for the

services, depending on the state the endpoint executes different methods in the services. The

different states are SETUP, STARTUP, ACTION, END and WATING.

Figure 20 Class diagram of the main classes in the implementation. The LISAEndpointCore and the


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The next sections present the functionality of the core classes in a more detailed way, first the

core of the endpoint, then the core of the services and last the messages used for the

communication is presented.

5.1.1 Endpoint core

The endpoint core is a template for development of endpoints and have two main purposes, the

first is to serve as a runtime environment for the services and the second is to nurse the

connection to the ActiveMQ communication bus. The LISAEndPointCore is implementing the

functionality of a runnable in java, this to enable the execution of endpoints in parallel through

different threads. The class diagram explaining the classes building up the core of the endpoint

is visible in Figure 21.

Figure 21 Class diagram explaining the endpoint core, the configuration class and the runnable functionality of

the endpoint

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The attributes of the endpoint core class supporting the architectural implementation and their

functionality is described as follows:

-url : String – a string with the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) used for connecting to

the ESB. The url is constructed by the ip address and the port number of the connection.

-username : String – the username used for the connection to the ESB.

-password : String – the password used for the connection to the ESB.

-connectionFactory : ActiveMQConnectionFactory – is an object used for creating the

connection to the ActiveMQ, it is a class from the ActiveMQ library. The object has the

functionality of establishing the connection to the ActiveMQ bus and create the connection


-connection : Connection – this object is from a sub-library to the ActiveMQ library which

is the JMS library. The connection object encapsulates the open connection to the ActiveMQ

bus and is the objects that authenticating the client during the creation of the object.

-config : Config – the config object have configuration information about the endpoint, such

as username, password, IP address and port number for the ActiveMQ bus. It also has methods

that enables the functionality of setting and getting the values of the attributes. When creating

the config object, it should be done through calling a creation method in the class

configfunctions the reads a file called “application.conf” from the root folder of the runtime

environment. The application file has a JSON formatted text with the attributes of the config

class and a new instance of the config class can be created from that JSON file by the use of a

translation function.

-endpointThread : Thread – the endpoint thread object is the placeholder for the thread

that the endpoint runs in. It’s used for staring the execution of the endpoint and execute the run


+services : HashMap<String, LISAServiceCore> – a hash map with all the services within

the endpoint. All the services inside this map is to be executed during runtime of the endpoint.

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+dataMapping : ListMultimap<String, String> – this list multimap is a way for the

services within each endpoint to exchange data without using the ESB. The multimap is like a

hash map with the benefit of allowing multiple instances of the same key. When the services

add data to the map, the key string used is the name of the service, and by allowing multiple

instances of the same key it prevents error in the case where one service adds multiple types of


-ipAdress : String – the IP-address attributes is holding the IP-address of the machine the

endpoint is running on.

-endpointName : String – the endpoint name attributes is a placeholder for the name of the

endpoint. The name should reflect the logical domain of the endpoint.

-endpointDescription : String – this description of the endpoint is used to describe the

functionality of the endpoint in a more detailed way than the name.

The endpoint is implementing a runnable which means that the instance of the endpoint can be

executed concurrently in a thread, the method that is executed when running in a thread is the

run method. The endpoint core has different get and set methods that all have the same

functionality. The get methods are returning the value of the attributed related to it and the set

methods assign the value of the attribute connected to it. The methods that differs from the set

and get methods are:

+LISAEndPointCore() – this is the constructor of the endpoint and executes some setup

actions when the endpoint is created. The setup actions are getting an instance of the config

object from the configuration file, setting the value of the URL, username and password,

creating the endpoint thread and assign the endpoint to that thread, and last it sets the IP-address


+createConnection() : Connection – the create connection method creates the connection

to the ActiveMQ bus by getting it from the ActiveMQConnectionFactory object. It starts the

connection and returns the connection.

+run() : void – this method is the method that concurrently executes when the thread

withholding the endpoint is active. The run method of the endpoint is executing the services in

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the hash map by following the activities presented Figure 22. It’s also in the run method the

execution frequency of the service is considered, this is not presented in Figure 22. When the

execution of the action method is due a check towards the execution frequency set by the service

and the last execution timestamp is done to decide whether it should be executed or not.

Service in SETUP state?

Execute the serviceSetup

method and change state to STARTUP



Service in STARTUP state?

Execute the onstart method, set service

to started and change state to




Service in ACTION state?

Execute the action method



Service execution


Change service state to END



Service in END state?

Execute the end method and change

state to watingYes


Figure 22 Execution activities of the run method

5.1.2 Service core

The service core class is the template for developing services and offers the functionality needed

in the services in each endpoint. The implementation of the service core class and its class

diagram is presented in Figure 23.

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Figure 23 Class diagram of the service core class and its related classes

The service core inherits the functionality of a subscriber to get access to the method onMessage

which is called each time a message is received to the subscriber. The messageListner interface

that the Subscriber is extending is a class from the JMS library which gives the class the

possibility of overriding the abstract class onMessage. By overriding this abstract class, it can

implement the functionality triggered each time a message is received. The service core

implements the interface of LISAServiceLifeCycle, this is an interface that offers the necessary

abstract methods that is executed by the endpoint during runtime of the services. The onStart

method is executed during the STARTUP state, the action method is executed during the

ACTION state and the end method is executed during the END state of the service. The

attributes of the subscriber class are:

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-subscriber : MessageConsumer – the subscriber is the objects that have the ability of

receiving messages from the ESB and knows which channel or as in the ActiveMQ software

which topic to receive messages from.

-session : Session – the session is an object used for producing and consuming messages

from the message bus. It is part of the JMS library and is used for creating the subscriber.

-topic : Topic – the topic object withhold knowledge about which topic the subscriber

should subscribe to. It is part of the JMS library and is used for creating the subscriber.

The methods of the Subscriber class are two and these are:

+Subscriber() – this is the constructor for the subscriber and is called each time a new

instance is created.

+createSubscriber(String) : void – this method is used for creating a new subscriber with

the topic name as input for the method. The topic name is used for making the subscriber

subscribe to the correct topic.

The service core on the other hand has multiple attributes that each have a purpose for the

implementation of the software stack. The attributes and their purposes are as follows:

#publisher : Publisher – the publisher attribute is, as the subscriber, the object that have

access to the communication bus through the connection. The publisher has the ability of

sending messages to the bus on the topic that it is connected to. The publisher has a message

producer attribute which is the attribute that gives the ability to send messages. It also has a

method called sendMsg which is taking a LISAMessage object and publishing it on the bus.

When the sendMsg is called first the LISAMessage is translated to JSON text format, then the

JSON text is attached to a JMS message that is then sent to the bus.

#connection : Connection – this is the object that is encapsulating the open connection to

the ESB. This object is passed down from the endpoint when the service is created and is used

in the service to create the session needed to connect to the ESB.

#topicStrSub : String – the placeholder for the name of the topic that the subscriber receives

messages from.

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#topicStrPub : String – the placeholder for the name of the topic that the publisher sends

messages to.

#ep : LISAEndPointCore – this is a reference to the endpoint that the service belongs to.

#serviceName : String – the placeholder for the name of the service.

#serviceDescription : String – the placeholder for the description of the service’s


#dataMapping : ListMultimap<String, String> – this is a reference to the map from the

endpoint that is used for sending messages between services in the endpoint.

#executeFrequency : long – the execution frequency of the action method in the service.

#executionTimestamp : long – a timestamp that is holding information about the last

execution of the action method of the service.

#started : boolean – an attribute that changes to true by the endpoint when the service is

started and running.

#state : ServiceState – this is the attribute that have the information about the current state

of the service. It can present all the predefined constants of the ServiceState enumeration type,


The methods in the service core class creates the functionality of the services. A lot of them are

setters and getters that are setting values of attributes and returning values of an attributes, like

in the endpoint core. These methods will not be explained in any closer detail. The methods

that have a different functionality are:

+LISAServiceCore(LISAEndPointCore, Connection, String) – this is a constructor for

the service and is called by an endpoint when the service instance is created. The constructor

takes the parameters as the endpoint that is creating the service, the connection to the message

bus and a string with the topic name that the subscriber and the publisher should connect to.

The constructor is also setting the values for the attributes ep, connection, topicStrSub,

topicStrPub and it also sets the initial execution state to SETUP.

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+LISAServiceCore(LISAEndPointCore, Connection, String, String) – this is a

constructor for the service core and is doing the same as the other constructor with the different

that this is starting a service with one topic for the publisher and one for the subscriber.

+serviceSetup() : void – this is the method that is called in the initial phase of the service

execution. This method calls the methods createSession, createPublisher, createSubscriber and

registerService. It is basically setting up the service to work as intended.

-registerService() : void – this method is sending a message to the bus with the name and

description of both the service and the endpoint. This to notify the service monitoring service

of the existence of this service and its endpoint.

-createSession() : void – this method uses the connection to create an instance of the session

and assign the instance to the session attribute of the service.

-createPublisher : void – this method creates a new instance of the publisher with the

session and the topic of the service. Then it assigns the publisher instance to the attribute


5.1.3 Sub-services

The implementation of the predefined sub-services and the class diagram that explains the

relations between classes is shown in Figure 24.

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Figure 24 Class diagram of the service core class and the related sub-classes.

The four different predefined services are the fold service, the fill service, the map service and

the device service. Since the predefined services inherits the attributes and functionality of the

service core, the classes related to the predefined services only implements the functionality

that is characteristic for them. Each of the predefined service and its attributes and methods will

be explained separately. The fold service purpose is to collect messages and its data to aggregate

data for calculation then send the newly calculated data as a message. The attributes of the class

LISAFoldService have the purpose and functionality as follows:

-maxSize : int – this attribute sets the size of the aggregated data, the number of messages

collected and considered when calculating the aggregated data.

-dataList : List<LISAMessage> – this is the data list that saves all the messages used for

the calculations.

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The methods used for performing the fold operation in the LISAFoldService class and their

functionality are:

+LISAFoldService(LISAEndPointCore, Connection, String) – this is the same

constructor as inherited by the service core. It takes the endpoint, the connection and the topic

name as input when creating a new instance of the fold service.

+LISAFoldService(LISAEndPointCore, Connection, String, String) – this is the same

as the other constructor with the difference that this is creating a service with a different topic

for the subscriber and the publisher.

+action() : boolean – this is the method implemented from the service core and it’s

implemented only to avoid it being implemented in any sub-classes. The fold service should

not have any functionality defined by the action method which means that this method is only

returning false to make the service continue to execute.

+onMessage(Message) : void – this method is called each time a message is received, the

method translates the message to a LISAMessage and passes the LISAMessage to the abstract

method addMsgToList.

+fold() : void – this abstract method is to be override in a implementation and perform the

calculation of the aggregated data.

+addMsgToList(LISAMessage) : void – this abstract method is called each time a message

is received in the service. This method is to be override by a service and is used to decide

whether the message received is of the relevant type. If it is of relevant type the message should

be added to the data list and the fold method need to be called.

The other methods in the LISAFoldService is getter and setters, they have the same

functionality as the ones in the service core and the endpoint core classes. The next class is the

LISAFillService class which is used to add data to a message and then send it back to the

communication bus. This class have no attributes but the methods and their functionality is as


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+LISAFillService(LISAEndPointCore, Connection, String) – this is the same constructor

as inherited by the service core. It takes the endpoint, the connection and the topic name as

input when creating a new instance of the fill service.

+LISAFillService(LISAEndPointCore, Connection, String, String) – this is the same as

the other constructor with the difference that this is creating a service with a different topic for

the subscriber and the publisher.

+action() : boolean – this is an implementation of the abstract method from the service core.

This method is only returning false to make the service continue executing.

+onMessage(Message) : void – this method is an implementation of the abstract method

onMessage from the service core. This is triggered each time a message is received by the

service, it translates the message from JSON to a LISAMessage object and triggering the

abstract method fill by passing the LISAMessage object to it.

+fill(LISAMessage) : void – the method is triggered each time a message is received by the

service and is to be implemented by a service that inherits the functionality of the

LISAFillService class. This should have the function of adding the relevant data to the message

and then sending the message back to the bus.

The next implementation of the predefined services is the map service, the map service is

behaving in an identical way as the fill service but have different purposes. The map service is

only used to add dynamic data as defined by the architecture. This service neither has any

attributes but the methods and their functionality is as follows:

+LISAMapService(LISAEndPointCore, Connection, String) – this is the same

constructor as inherited by the service core. It takes the endpoint, the connection and the topic

name as input when creating a new instance of the map service.

+LISAMapService(LISAEndPointCore, Connection, String, String) – this is the same

as the other constructor with the difference that this is creating a service with a different topic

for the subscriber and the publisher.

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+action() : boolean – this is an implementation of the abstract method from the service core.

This method is only returning false to make the service continue to be executed by the endpoint.

+onMessage(Message) : void – this method is an implementation of the abstract method

onMessage from the service core. This is triggered each time a message is received by the

service, it translates the message from JSON to a LISAMessage object and triggering the

abstract method map by passing the LISAMessage object to it.

+map(LISAMessage) : void – the method is triggered each time a message is received by

the service and is to be implemented by a service that inherits the functionality of the

LISAMapService class. This should have the function of adding the relevant data to the

message and then sending it to the bus.

The last sub service to the service core is the LISADeviceService with the purpose of reading

data from hardware devices and send the data to the communication bus in messages. This

service template is enabling the dynamic loading of libraries by the use of a service tracker from

the OSGi library. The attributes of the class have the following purposes:

+ hardwareCommunication : HardwareCommunication – this is the placeholder for the

service from the OSGi environment that have functionality of communicating with the

hardware device connected to the service. The service from the OSGi environment implements

the interface named HardwareCommunication with the methods connect, addIteamToRead,

checkValue, readValue and setInt. The connect method creates the connection to the device,

the addIteamToRead adds a signal to be read, checkValue is a method used to check if the value

has changed on the device, the readValue is returning the value and setInt is setting an integer

to the device connect.

+serviceTracker : ServiceTracker – this is the placeholder for the service tracker object.

The service tracker is an object that have the functionality of searching the OSGi framework

for the service with the right criteria’s. The service that the service tracker receives in this

context is the service with the functionality of connecting to the hardware device relevant for

the device service.

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The methods implemented in the predefined device service is as in the others some getters and

setters with the same functionality as in the other classes. But the relevant methods in this class


+LISADeviceService(LISAEndPointCore, Connection, String, ServiceTracker) – this

constructor for the class is as inherited by the service core taking the endpoint it is created in,

the connection to the communication bus and the name of the topic that the publisher and the

subscriber connects to. The different from the service core is that this constructor takes a

ServiceTracker and assigns it to the service tracker attribute.

+LISADeviceService(LISAEndPointCore, Connection, String, String, ServiceTracker)

– this constructor is doing the same as the above with the different that this is creating a service

with different topics for the subscriber and the publisher.

+getCommunicationService() : void – this abstract method is to be implemented by a

device service and have the purpose of assigning the right service, with help from the service

tracker, to the hardware communication attribute.

5.1.4 Message

The message is used for transporting data through the bus. The LISAMessage class is the tweet

or message implemented from the architecture and withholds the header and the body of the

message. The LISAMessage class and the related classes is visible in Figure 25.

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Figure 25 Class diagram for the LISAMessage class and the related classes

Starting with an explanation of the LISAMessage class, the attributes and the methods. The two

attributes of the class are as follows:

-messageheader : LISAMessageHeader – this is the placeholder of the header instance

related to the message.

-messageBody : LISAMessageBody – is the placeholder for the body instance of the


And then the methods of the LISAMessage class, as the other classes also this class have setters

and getters that are setting the value for attributes and returning the value of attributes. The

other methods are and have the functionality as follows:

+LISAMessage() – this is the constructor for the LISAMessage class. The constructor is

assigning values to the message header since they have a set of static values with the same

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format for all messages. The attributes that are assigned are the senderID which is the IP-address

of the machine the service runs on, the timestamp which is the current time of creation for the

message and also the message ID which is a unique ID for each message and is constructed by

combining the IP-address and the timestamp.

+toString() : String – this method is returning a string with the information inside the

message, both the body and the header. The string is formatted in a way that helps humans to

read the information.

Each message has a message header with information about the message. The class

LISAMessageHeader have the function of message header in this implementation. The

attributes of the LISAMessageHeader class is as follows:

-ID : String – this is a placeholder for the id of the message, this is a unique id for each


-timestamp : long – the placeholder for the timestamp that the message was created.

-history : String – this is a placeholder for the history information of the message, for

instance if the message has been through any transformation services.

-senderID : String – the ID of the sender machine, in this implementation it is the IP-address

of the machine that the message is created on.

-handshakeConfirmation : boolean – this is an attribute that inform the receiver of the

message if the sender require a confirmation.

The methods of the LISAMessageHeader is mainly getters and setter. But the two methods that

differs are and have the functionality as follows:

#LISAMessageHeader() – this is the constructor of the message and it is protected to

prevent instances of the message header to be created from outside the message package and

the LISAMessage class.

+toString() : String – this method returns a string with the content of the header in a format

easy read by humans.

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The next class to be described is the LISAMessageBody class and is the class that have the

functionality of the message body for the message. The attributes of the message body are as


-type : String – this attribute is a string describing the type of content the body holds.

-keyPairValues : LinkedList<KeyPairValue> – this attribute withholds a list of the key

pairs containing the data attached to the message. The list contains objects of the class

KeyPairValue, the KeyPairValue class have two attribute and they are:

-type : String – the type of data in the keypair.

-data: String – the data formatted as a string.

The methods, apart from the getters and setters, of the KeyPairValue class and their

functionality are as follow:

+KeyPairValue() – one constructor of the key pair without functionality

+KeyPairValue(String, String) – a constructor for the KeyPairValue that set the value for

the attributes type and data from the input.

+toString : String – returns a string with the type and the data of the key pair in a readable

format for humans.

5.2 Enabling technologies

The technologies used to implement the architecture have the requirement of being compatible

with Java. The technologies used in the implementation is enabling the communication trough

messages, a runtime environment for enabling dynamically deployment of endpoints and

services, databases to assure a historical access of data and last a commutation protocol used

for accessing low-level data from the devices on the ESB.

5.2.1 ActiveMQ

ActiveMQ is a message bus that was used to implement the communication between entities in

the architecture, it has the role of an ESB for the implementation. ActiveMQ is an open source

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message broker that is written in Java and is compatible with other Java software’s. ActiveMQ

is a message-oriented middleware and is offering the functionality to mediate events and

messages in distributed applications with the guarantee of successful deliveries.

Implementation of ActiveMQ is offering an asynchronous communication and a loosely

coupled deployment, with the possibility of routing and filtering messages. ActiveMQ is a

networking message bus that have a locator address and can be connect to through internet [42].

5.2.2 JSON

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a compact text format that is used for exchange of data

in a structured way between application. JSON uses a syntax of braces, brackets, colons and

commas that is used to translate objects of different programming languages to a format that

can be easily interpreted by both humans and computers. Some of the objects that can be

translated and transported between programming languages and applications are strings,

integers, arrays, lists and class objects [43]. In the implementation of this work JSON was used

for translating the tweets to text and then back to tweets when communicated through the ESB.

5.2.3 OSGi

Open Services Gateway initiative (OSGi) is a modular runtime environment that was

implemented to enable a loosely coupled runtime environment and self-contained services. This

to allow the seamless deployment of both endpoints and services in the architecture. The

modular construction of the software stack was realized using OSGi framework during runtime

of the software. OSGi is a standard that allows a modular runtime environment for applications,

its modularity is realized by interfaces making the collaboration between modules possible. A

module in an OSGi framework is like a service in a SOA. The OSGi framework is also

supporting the dynamic deployment of endpoints and services [44].

5.2.4 Cassandra

Cassandra is a database that is scalable and with a focus on making it safe towards failures. It

is used for critical data by replicating the data among different nodes to assure a minimum risk

for data loss. When Cassandra is deployed on several machines and collaborating in a network,

each machine is a node [45]. During this work the Cassandra database was used as a persistent

database, that is saving all the events on the ESB and making historical data accessible.

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5.2.5 ElasticSearch

ElasticSearch is an open-source search engine with advanced and high speed search

functionality. It is a full-text search engine that is compatible with JSON format, when having

a JSON text the data can be directly read into the ElasticSearch database [46]. ElasticSearch is

used as an indexing database in the implementation of this work and is providing fast search

and filtering among the data stored in it.

5.2.6 OPC

Open Platform Communication (OPC) is a standardized communication protocol that is using

the Microsoft standard COM/DCOM to enable communication between a client and a server.

Typically, PLCs offers OPC-servers which enables the communication between computers and

PLCs. The OPC protocol can be used to read and write data from and to PLCs [47]. This enables

the device communication in the architecture and was used just for that purpose during the

implementation of this work.

5.3 Simulation environment

During this work a virtual simulation environment for a shop-floor was used, since access to a

real shop-floor with the right characteristics was not possible. The software used for the

simulation is a free software called CODESYS. It is a software used for development and

engineering of controller application in the automation industry, CODESYS is hardware-

independent and have the ability of simulating a virtual PLC with a OPC server attached to it.

5.3.1 The production line

The implementation of the architecture was adopted to access the simulation environment in

CODESYS v. 3.5.3 through a OPC server. The simulation environment was a production line

where batches of pucks where to be processed and finished by going through different processes

and transported by conveyers between the processes. The manufacturing of the pucks starts

with a robot arm picking a puck from the storage and placing it on the conveyer. The conveyers

transport the pucks to the rotating table where the processing of the puck is done and then all

the pucks are transported back to the storage by the two other conveyers. When the pucks arrive

to the storage again the robot picks the pucks once again and sort all the pucks according to a

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pattern dependent on their colors. The pucks in the simulation can be either red, black or blue.

A visualization of the shop-floor with the processes and resources is available in Figure 26.

Figure 26 The shop-floor used for the simulation

In Figure 26 a visualization of the shop-floor used in the simulation is presented. The production

line for the pucks contains of a robot-arm that transfers pucks from the storage to the conveyers

and back, four conveyers transporting the pucks between stations (B1, B2, B3, B4), four

cylinders that can stop the pucks on the conveyers (C1, C2, C4, C5), three arms that can push

pucks form or to the conveyers (M1, M2, M3), one testing station with a cylinder (C3) going

down to sense (IG) if the puck has a hole in it or not, one drilling station that drills (BR) a hole

in each puck without holes the station also have a clamping device (Fix_WP), ten photo sensors

is used to sense if pucks are passing by (FC1, FC2, …, FC10), one rotating table transferring

pucks between the testing and drilling stations and three capacitive sensors (KG1, KG2, KG3)

sensing the presence of a puck in each position of the rotating table.

The production starts with a puck transferred from the storage by the robot-arm to the first

conveyer (B1) from that passing the sensors FC1 and FC2 to the second conveyer (B2). From

B2 the puck is transferred by M1 to the rotating table, first it is tested and later it is drilled and

last it is transferred from the table to B3 by M2. From B3 the pucks go to B4 and then back into

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the storage if the robot-arm is done emptying it. The pucks are sorted into a pattern when

arriving to the storage again.

In the simulation, there is two places where queues can be formed if enough pucks are present

at the same time. The two places are before cylinder 1 and before cylinder 4.

The manufacturing of pucks is done in batches and each batch contains 12 pucks each. When

all 12 pucks of one batch has finished one lap and are back on in the storage, everything starts

over with a new batch. In one simulation three batches are processed and stored in the storage.

5.3.2 Modules and signals

To implement the architecture onto the simulation production line, the production line was

divided into different modules and an endpoint was developed to read the low-level signals of

each module. The modules that the production line was divided into is visualized in Figure 27.

Figure 27 The shop-floor used for the simulation and the modules that is was divided into

Each module withholds a set of outputs that connects to a virtual PLC and later read with the

use of OPC. The modules are divided into conveyers, storage with the robot-arm, rotating table,

the test station and drill station. All the signals within each module belong to the same logical

domain which means that each module have a device endpoint connected to it.

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5.4 Test cases

The test cases developed have the purpose of assessing the software regarding the objectives

set in the beginning of the work. Some of the objectives are directly connected to the

performance of the developed software stack and some is related to the implementation of the

software stack. The objectives related to the implementation of the software stack is mainly

concerning the how of the implementation process, such as event-driven and service-oriented

structure, ability to seamlessly deploy endpoints and micro-services, loosely couples and self-

contained services with predefined behaviors and, flexibility and scalability. But what can be

validated and tested through testing scenarios is the objectives stating that the software stack

needs to enable data collection from shop-floor control devices independent of vendor, enable

calculation of key performance indicators (KPIs) for new and historical data and enable stream

based aggregation of data.

The test cases need to show proof of concept, showing that the software stack has the ability of

collecting data from devices on a shop-floor, calculate KPIs from low-level data accessible in

the devices and doing this in a stream based way. Stream based aggregation means that the

collection and calculation of higher level information is done continuously through the

processing. The tests and setups that will assess the architecture and software stack are:

Calculation of KPIs:

o Throughput time per batch – difference between timestamp of first puck entry

and last puck exit in each batch

o Cycle time for each puck – difference between unloading puck timestamp and

loading puck timestamp

o Mean cycle time for a puck in a batch

o Mean time in queue for the two queues

o Ideal-time for each queue

Collection of all sensor data to enable a real-time tracking of the pucks. The real-time

tracking would enable the simulation of a model with the real-time feedback.

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The KPIs chosen to be calculated needs at least one or more transformation from the

transformation services and would be relevant in a real production environment. The testing

scenario developed to assess the software stack is briefly shown in Figure 28.












Transformation Fill










Transformation Cycle Times




Idle queue time

Mean queue length

Matrix with timestamps for each puck at each sensor

Cycle times for each puck

Mean cycle time per puck per batchThroughput time per batch

Figure 28 The testing setup with all the endpoints and the communication paths between the endpoints. A

simplified view that not shows the services encapsulated within each endpoint.

The testing setup consist of endpoints with services that worked together to transform low-level

data into the information requested. The device endpoints read the signals from each module

and sent it to the bus. The device endpoint communicates in an asynchronous way with the

device modules from the virtual shop-floor which means that a message was sent every time a

signal changed. The transformation endpoints offer different information. The transformation

fill endpoint added the puck number of the puck that triggered the sensor signal. The

transformation cycle times endpoint calculated the cycle time of each puck which was achieved

by taking the difference for the timestamps of the robot grabbing the puck in the first place and

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putting it back into the storage. The transformation fold endpoint was using the data from the

transformation fill endpoint to calculate the throughput time for each batch in the simulation

run and the mean cycle time for one puck in a batch. The puck tracking endpoint gathered all

the signals from the modules with the purpose of creating a matrix with all the timestamps of

each puck passing each sensor. The purpose of such matrix is to enable a real-time tracking of

the production in a simulation tools. The queue tracking endpoint kept track of the two queues

that were created during the execution of the simulation. The information that the queue

tracking endpoint calculates were the idle time for each queue meaning the percentage of time

that no puck was present in the queue and the mean queue length of the queues during the time

a puck was present in the queue.

The simulation of the production line in CODESYS was consistent in the execution which

means that the results of each execution can be compared to validate the stability of the software

stack. The test runs were done 10 times to get a cluster of data that could be compared and

evaluated. Some of the important factors in the simulation were the updating frequency of the

virtual PLC and the updating frequency of the asynchronous reading executed through OPC.

The updating frequency of the PLC was set to 100 ms second and the updating frequency of the

OPC communication was set to 50 ms.

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This chapter presents and discusses the overall software stack and the results from the defined

test cases. First the assessment of the software stack is discussed and then the results from the

testing is presented. In the section presenting the results from the testing first the calculated

cycle times are presented, then the throughput times for each batch, later the information about

the queues is presented and last all the low-level data and the variation of all the signals is


The results of this work consist of the proposed software stack itself and the information

calculated from the low-level data collected in the virtual simulation environment implementing

the software stack.

6.1 Overall assessment of the software stack

The software stack presented in the previous chapter were developed as a result of this work

and as a contribution to the LISA2 research project. The software stack is implementing the

architecture presented in chapter 4 and the architecture is compatible with LISA like systems.

The software stack presented is implementing the functionality from the distributed

architectures presented in the literature review, mainly the SOA and EDA architectures.

Collection of data in a stream based manner is possible and the software can be used for

monitoring and calculations of information relevant to optimizing a production line. The

execution of the software was found to be sensitive towards disruption and data loss when

reading signals, this was mainly because of how the calculation of the KPIs during testing was

done. The loss of signals was corrected by lowing the execution frequency with the result of

higher variance in the data collected as can be noticed in the next section of the result.

6.2 Results from testing

The tests were executed 10 times to get a set of data that could be evaluated through statistical

methods and to get a population of data that could give an indication on the assessment of the

developed software. Each test run produced three batches of pucks with 12 pucks in each batch.

Each of the KPIs calculated with the software stack connected to the testing environment is

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presented with a graph that shows the mean value, upper limit and lower limit of the values

from the 10 tests runs and a table with the statistical classification of the data.

6.2.1 Cycle times

The cycle time for each puck was calculated and is presented in the graph in Figure 29. The

results of the calculated cycle times were evaluated by calculating the variance for each of the

cycle times when running the tests ten times. For the cycle times of each puck the values and

variation is presented in Table 1, Table 2, Table 3 and Table 4.

Figure 29 Graph the presents the mean cycle times and the variations from the ten test runs.

The standard deviation of the cycle times varies a bit but most of them are around 400 ms. The

variation of 400-500 ms were considered as a low-variation due to limitation of this work.

Considering the sample mean that is about size of 100 000 ms to 200 000 ms the deviation is

considered negligible. That all the software was run on the same machine which slowed down

the computation and the updating frequency of the PLC that was set to 100 ms which can

explain the variation up to a half second. As seen in the graph in Figure 29 the cycle times for

the same puck in different batches is also consistence. The cycle time of the first batch should

vary a bit since the first batch is unsorted in storage and the two other are already sorted.








































































Batch 1 Batch 2 Batch 3


e (m


Cycle times

Upper limit Sample mean Lower limit

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Table 1 Statically analyze of the cycle times from ten test runs (1 of 4)

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9

Sample mean [ms] 126234 136628 147034 157134 164334 174836 185238 195738 202938

S. Std. Dev [ms] 419 517 13 312 476 420 424 486 321

No. Tests 10 - - - - - - - -

Confidence 0,95 - - - - - - - -

Significance 0,05 - - - - - - - -

Critical t 2,262 - - - - - - - -

Upper limit [ms] 126534 136998 147043 157357 164675 175136 185541 196085 203168

Lower limit [ms] 125934 136259 147025 156910 163994 174535 184935 195390 202708

Table 2 Statically analyze of the cycle times from ten test runs (2 of 4)

P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 P18

Sample mean [ms] 213339 223640 234142 126029 136133 146733 157034 164596 174830

S. Std. Dev [ms] 481 516 328 14 312 486 12 487 432

No. Tests 10 - - - - - - - -

Confidence 0,95 - - - - - - - -

Significance 0,05 - - - - - - - -

Critical t 2,262 - - - - - - - -

Upper limit [ms] 213683 224009 234377 126039 136356 147081 157042 164945 175139

Lower limit [ms] 212994 223271 233907 126019 135910 146385 157025 164247 174522

Table 3 Statically analyze of the cycle times from ten test runs (3 of 4)

P19 P20 P21 P22 P23 P24 P25 P26 P27

Sample mean [ms] 185105 195704 202803 213206 223408 233907 126050 136453 146557

S. Std. Dev [ms] 346 472 419 367 469 316 129 483 482

No. Tests 10 - - - - - - - -

Confidence 0,95 - - - - - - - -

Significance 0,05 - - - - - - - -

Critical t 2,262 - - - - - - - -

Upper limit [ms] 185353 196041 203102 213468 223744 234133 126143 136799 146902

Lower limit [ms] 184858 195367 202503 212943 223072 233681 125958 136108 146212

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Table 4 Statically analyze of the cycle times from ten test runs (4 of 4)

P28 P29 P30 P31 P32 P33 P34 P35 P36

Sample mean [ms] 157212 164412 174711 185116 195617 202932 213335 223636 233937

S. Std. Dev [ms] 356 476 420 374 454 516 414 461 224

No. Tests 10 - - - - - - - -

Confidence 0,95 - - - - - - - -

Significance 0,05 - - - - - - - -

Critical t 2,262 - - - - - - - -

Upper limit [ms] 157467 164752 175012 185383 195942 203301 213631 223966 234098

Lower limit [ms] 156957 164071 174411 184849 195292 202563 213038 223306 233777

6.2.2 Throughput times

The throughput time for each batch were calculated and the mean throughput from all the test

runs is presented in the graph in Figure 30. The upper and lower limit of the population is also

presented. The variation of the values is as for the results of the cycle times around 400-500 ms

which is understandable because both the cycle and throughput time is calculated with the same

signals. Variation for each batch and the statistical evaluation of the results are shown in Table


Figure 30 Graph of the throughput time for each batch. The values are the mean value and the variation of the

testing data.










Batch 1 Batch 2 Batch 3


e (m


Throughput time

Upper limit

Sample mean

Lower limit

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Table 5 Statically analyze of the through put time for batches

Batch 1 Batch 2 Batch 3

Sample mean [ms] 270663 270522,7 270739

S. Std. Dev [ms] 521 502 416

No. Tests 10 - -

Confidence 0,95 - -

Significance 0,05 - -

Critical t 2,262 - -

Upper limit [ms] 271036 270882 271037

Lower limit [ms] 270290 270164 270441

6.2.3 Idle time for queues

The idle time for each of the two queues that appears when execution the simulations were

calculated. The idle time in this work were considered as the fraction of the time no puck was

presented at the queues divided with the total time between the first puck of the first batch

entering the queues and the first puck of the second batch entering the queues. The mean value

and the variation of the calculated populations is presented in Figure 31. In Table 6 the

calculated standard deviation is presented and was considered low since it is between 0,1-0,2%

and this is not a significant variation.

Figure 31 Graph that presents the mean ideal time from the ten test runs for each batch and the variation.








Batch1 Batch2 Batch1 Batch2

Queue 1 Queue 2

Idle time for the queues

Upper limit

Sample mean

Lower limit

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Table 6 Statically analyze of the idle time for queues

Queue 1 Queue 2

Batch 1 Batch 2 Batch 1 Batch 2

Sample mean 45,9% 45,8% 39,8% 39,8%

S. Std. Dev 0,1% 0,1% 0,2% 0,1%

No. Tests 10 - - -

Confidence 0,95 - - -

Significance 0,05 - - -

Critical t 2,262 - - -

Upper limit 46,0% 45,8% 39,9% 39,9%

Lower limit 45,8% 45,7% 39,7% 39,7%

6.2.4 Length of queues

The average length of the queues during the time that at least one puck is present in the queue

is presented in the graph in Figure 32. From the graph, it can be observed that the pressure on

the queue 1 is higher than for queue 2 which also were the case during the simulation.

Figure 32 Graph that presents the mean queue length during the time that the queue has at least one puck in it.

The values are the mean and variation from the ten test runs.

In Table 7 the deviation for the mean length of the queues are presented. As noticed the mean

length had a small variance which can be expected since the calculations utilize a lot of data to

get value with low resolution.








Batch 1 Batch 2 Batch 3 Batch 1 Batch 2 Batch 3

Queue 1 Queue 2





Mean length of queue during utilization

Upper limit

Sample mean

Lower limit

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Table 7 Statically analyze of the mean length of queues

Queue 1 Queue 2

Batch 1 Batch 2 Batch 3 Batch 1 Batch 2 Batch 3

Sample mean [pcs] 5,44 5,43 5,43 2,19 2,19 2,20

S. Std. Dev [pcs] 0,01 0,02 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01

No. Tests 10 - - - - -

Confidence 0,95 - - - - -

Significance 0,05 - - - - -

Critical t 2,262 - - - - -

Upper limit [pcs] 5,44 5,45 5,44 2,20 2,20 2,20

Lower limit [pcs] 5,43 5,42 5,43 2,19 2,18 2,19

6.2.5 All the sensor signals

The last results that is presented is the timestamps from all the sensor signals that the testing

software recorded to offer a real-time tracking of the pucks on the conveyer belts and throughout

the product path. The results of the timestamps are presented in Figure 33 and notice that the

data have been translated from timestamps to time by subtracting the first timestamp from all

values. By doing this the first puck do not have a noticeable value for sensor NPunload in the

figure since that was used to normalize the data. The NPunload signal was when the robot-arm

gripped the puck to be placed on the conveyer belt and the NPload signal was when the robot-

arm gripped the puck to placed back into the storage.

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Figure 33 Graph presenting the timestamps of each sensor and each puck. The values are normalized by the first

timestamp which is an indication to when the simulation began.

Figure 34 presents the variation of each sensor value for each puck calculated from all the ten

test runs and in Figure 35 a histogram presents the standard deviation for all the sensor data.

For most of the values the variation is about 500 ms seconds which is expected considering the

variation of the throughput times and the cycle times also is around 500 ms. The calculations

of these times were done with the same sensor timestamps and should have similar variations.

Most the sensor values are below 520 ms. There is one value with the variation of zero, this is

the initial sensor data used for normalized the value to enable comparison between test runs and

should not be considered since the variation of zero is zero.

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Figure 34 Variance of the sensor data calculated on the ten test runs for each sensor and each puck

Figure 35 Histogram of the variation for the sensor data

Considering that the variation of the signals is about 500 ms and the updating frequency were

set to 100 ms for the virtual PLC it could be argued that the variation should be about 100 ms.

But since the computation only was done on one computer and the intention is to only have one

endpoint per device, the results are acceptable and the deviations where considered as negligible

in such implementation.

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This last chapter provides the conclusion of this work and work needed in the future for taking

the software stack from a prototype to a software stack that can facilitate the needs of a real

production environment.

7.1 Conclusion

During this work an event-driven software architecture with purpose of collecting data in smart

factories and an implementation of the architecture has been presented. The presented work

fulfills the objectives set in the beginning of this work and the software stack did perform as

intended. The test cases and the result of the tests could be used for validating that the software

stack did execute the tasks it was intended to do. To optimize the performance of the software

stack it needs to be further tested in a real environment and in a networking situation as

intended. This could enhance the performance by distributing the computational power on

multiple devices.

Considering the objectives of this work the architecture developed and the implementation of

the architecture can be used for collection of data from a modular shop-floor and transform data

into useful information, this is proved by the results achieved in the testing scenario. The

architecture has the characteristics of both a SOA and EDA, the ability to seamlessly deploy

both endpoints and services. The services are loosely coupled and self-contained with

predefined sub-services that enables fast development of new applications. The collection of

data is possible from vendor independent devices due to the usage of interfaces for the device

communication and the OSGi services that can offer a different communication protocol

dependent on the vendor of the device. The calculations of KPIs were possible and they are

presented in the result chapter. The KPIs were calculated both for new and for historical data.

The historical data used was the aggregated data for calculations of the mean values. In the

testing scenario, no databases were tested although they have been implemented. And the last

of the objectives for the ultimate software stack were to enable stream based aggregation of

data which has been shown is possible by the presented results in the result chapter.

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Considering the experimental nature of this work, further development is required to implement

the proposed solution in a real production environment. This work presents the potential and

possibilities with this type of software in manufacturing industries. The utilization of data

collected in the production environment can certainly be used for optimizing the manufacturing

processes and solving problems related to the current market. The connection of such

architectures to higher level systems such as scheduling and logistics systems would enable an

improvement of the entire supply chain performance.

Overall the software stack presented in this work performed as expected and allows a seamless

deployment of a software implementing an architecture inspired by LISA. With use of the

software stack, development of new functionalities can be done in an effortless manner since

only the code related to the functionality need to be developed. The problems and issues related

to the compatibility is taken care of by the purposed solution.

7.2 Future work

Implementing this software stack in a real production environment would require the software

to be further developed. During the testing of the software stack, everything apart from the

database services was implemented. Not all the functionality was tested and validated. Some

parts need further testing and validating such as the monitoring services and the database


If an implementation in a real production environment is to be done, the overall performance

of the software stack need to be evaluated and optimized for running over long time. Execution

over long time would probably highlight problems unable to be discovered when executing

during a limited time frame such as during this work. For this purpose, testing over long time

and in a networking manner need to be performed.

Bringing this software from a prototype stage to a software able to be utilized in a real

production environment would require further testing on a real shop-floor. In a real-life

implementation, the effect of lost signals and unexpected interruption need to be dealt with.

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This appendix explains how to setup the software stack developed during this work. The

software is open-source and all the source code is available on GitHub. The source code is

published with a basic publish and subscribe example. NOTE: the testing setup used for

validating the software stack is not available online.


Eclipse Java Neon with Eclipse PDE (Plug-in Development Extension)

Access to ActiveMQ bus version 5.13

Make sure to start the ActiveMQ bus and start Eclipse Java Neon. Step by step setup for the

LISA implementation example:

1. In Eclipse pull all the projects from the GitHub repository

2. When all the projects have been downloaded the configuration of the execution needs

to be done. Go to Run->Run Configurations...

3. Right click on the OSGi Framework in the tree to the left and choose New. Give it a

name the you prefer and choose the packages visible in Figure 36. NOTE: the

OSGi.LISA2Core package is the package that contains the source code needed to

execute the LISA software stack and the OSGi.LISA2Core.impl is an implementation of

the software stack exemplifying the publishing and subscription of messages.

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Figure 36 Eclipse runtime configuration

4. Close the configuration window and open the project OSGI.LISA2Core in the package

explorer. Navigate to the “application.conf” file and open it, see Figure 37.

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Figure 37 Package explorer application.conf file

5. Open the configuration file and put in the url, port, username and password for your

activeMQ bus and save the file, see Figure 38.

Figure 38 Application.conf file

6. Run the application by clicking on Run->”Choose your configuration”. NOTE:

Make sure that the ActiveMQ application is running.
