  • 8/10/2019 Event Business Plan Assignment


    BA (Hons) Leisure Marketing Year 2: Event Management 2004-5

    1 st Assignment Event Business !an

    Brie" You are required, as a team, to submit a business plan for your proposed event of nomore than 5,000 words (excluding appendices) by 1 noon on 10 th !ecember 00"#$lease submit one hard copy and one electronic copy (using %icrosoft &ffice) viayour event team conference site or on '!# %ar s will be allocated for the report asindicated below# ow these mar s are distributed amongst the team is for the eventmanager to agree with me by %onday 15 th *ovember# +rom that date will assumethat everyone in the group will receive the same mar s# -his assignment is worth .0/of the unit mar #

    You decide on the contents and layout but you must ensure that you include sufficientdetail to enable a decision to be made as to whether your event is viable# You will alsoneed to demonstrate that you have met the learning outcomes, have used appropriate

    theory (fully referenced) and you have identified each individual s contribution to thereport#

    You mig#t !ike to use t#e "o!!o$ing %uestions as a e&k!ist: hat is the fundamental purpose of your team (mission statement)2 hat do you propose to do (summary of event itself)2 hy (aims and ob3ectives)2 ill your idea wor (mar et analysis)2 !o you have the resources (personnel, premises4contacts, and finance)2 ow will you use them (planning)2

    ow will you ensure you meet your aims and ob3ectives (control)2 s your event safe and within legal limitations (health safety, licences etc)2 hat lasting impact4legacy will your event have (what will be left behind


    You $i!! nee' to take into a&&ount t#e "o!!o$ing &onstraints: -he event must ta e place during +ebruary 6 " %arch 005# *o fundamental changes can be made to the business plan without the permission

    of the unit leader (e#g# event, date) *o event must put yourselves or the public at any undue ris *o event must bring or have the potential of bringing the 7niversity or the

    programme into disrepute 8 share funding scheme may be operated but only if everyone in the team agrees

    to the limit and the rate of return on investment You must agree with the unit leader the financial and accounting procedures to be

    adopted for collecting and securing any cash (e#g# 97:7) ;eceipts must be ept for all items of expenditure (including preth &ctober 00" 'aroline ?ac son4!avid @inAner

  • 8/10/2019 Event Business Plan Assignment


    You may not enter into a legally binding (written or verbal) contract with anyoutside organisation without the authorisation of the unit leader497:7

    LEA * + , ./,ME !emonstrate effective decision ma ing s ills in preparing, analysing and defending

    proposals on the selection and approval of an eventB draw upon the principles of the leisure product, customer care and assessment in

    providing a quality eventB appraise the technical, human, conceptual and personal s ills4 nowledge4issues

    involved in the process of managing eventsB express and communicate ideas clearly and in the most appropriate medium,

    demonstrating a capacity for logical thin ing and use of '-#

    Assessment /riteria "or t#e Business !an *: Ceneral assessment criteria in Year ( ntermediate @evel) andboo for differentiationof grades +ail +irst

    9 ills category $erformance criteria eightingDnowledge4understanding

    as developed a detailed nowledge of therequirements of event and business planningthrough wide reading4research# Eery goodconceptual understanding of the processes has

    been demonstrated#


    8nalysis4evaluation as analysed a range of information by applyingthe main theories from a number of disciplines

    used in event management i#e# mar eting, humanresource management, financial management andoperational management# as demonstrated abilityto determine relevancy and to be selective tosupport a logical and well