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ESL SupplementalCertification Training


Evangelina GuerraHitchcock ISD

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Domain I

Domain II

Domain III



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Domain I (25%) ◦ Language Concept◦ Language Acquisition

Domain II (45%)◦ ESL Instruction◦ Assessment

Domain III (30%)◦ Foundations of ESL Education◦ Cultural Awareness◦ Family and Community Involvement

Overview of ESL (154 Supplemental)

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Social shared code or system for representing concepts through the use of arbitrary symbols and rule-governed combinations of those symbols.


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Production of signals with the intention of relaying information and the expectation that the signal will be interpreted as intended.


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Includes gestures, body posture, facial expressions, eye contact, head and body movement, and physical distance.

Nonlinguistic Cues

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Knowledge of the operating principles needed to be a language user.

Enables language users to determine what makes sense and what is nonsense.

Linguistic Competence

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Nature and Concepts of Language Systems

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▶Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills Everyday language Communicative Universal across all native speakers Usually takes 2 to 3 years to master

▶Cognitive-Academic Language Proficiency Reading/writing connection Abstract thinking Academic instruction Usually takes from 5 to 7 years to master

BICS vs. CALP (Cummins)

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Is taught and learned in the following order:

◦ Listening

◦ Speaking

◦ Reading

◦ Writing

Second Language

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Contrastive Analysis Errors in L2 are a result of differences

between first and second language.

Error AnalysisErrors occur because of a language development

or little or no development of L1 or L2.

Errors Acquiring Second Language

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Age Differences ▶ Pacing Gender ▶ Methods Teacher ▶ Aptitude Cognitive Development ▶ Time Learning Styles ▶ Setting Grouping Practices ▶

Motivating Attitude ▶ Materials

Factors that Affect ELL Students’ Learning

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Code-Switching is moving from L1 to L2 and back to L1.

◦ Period with no verbal sound / communication

◦ Learner is absorbing and taking in new learning

◦ This period could last from 4 to 8 months

Understand the Process of L1 and L2

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Pre-Production Stage

Early Production Stage

Speech Emergency Stage

Intermediate Fluency Stage

Oral Fluency Levels

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Tactile Kinestetic


Learning Styles

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Audio Lingual Approach

Total Physical Response

Natural Approach

Language Experience Approach

Silent Way

Cognitive Approach

ESL Teaching Methods

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Focuses on understanding and communicating meaning

Takes place within a rich, challenging and content-centered curriculum

Uses many kinds of activities

Incorporates students’ experiencies in order to provide “comprehensible input”

Literacy Instruction

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The learner would demonstrate the ability to perform such complex tasks as:

◦ Sequence of events

◦ Distinguish facts from fantasy

◦ Complete worksheets and tests in the content areas

◦ Use charts, tables, graphs, maps

◦ Engage in class discussions

◦ Work in reference material

Development of CALP

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Learning Activities Related to the Brain Hemispheres



Drill and repetition

Following Directions


Collecting facts

Creative art activities

Creative writing

Self-expressive activities

Solving problems

Values clarification

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Modifications in the Classroom

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Formal Informal




Woodcock Munoz


Self assessment

Oral performance

Writing assessment

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TEA Education Code Chapter 29.051-29.064

TAC Chapter 89, Subchapter BB

LEP Policies

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National Defense Education Act(1958)Provided federal money for the expansion of foreign-language teaching.

Bilingual Education Act(1968)LES students will increase English-language skills, maintain and perhaps increase mother-tongue skills, and support the cultural heritage of the student.

Equal Educational Opportunities Act(1974)Implement meaningful instruction for students of Limited English Proficiency.

History of Bil/ESL Education

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Amendments to the Bilingual Education Act(1978)Funds for research were included.

Refugee Act(1980)Legislation provides funds for educational programs and other services for refugees.

History of Bil/ESL Education (Cont.)

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Lau v. Nichols, San Francisco (1974) ◦ 1800 Chinese students not being educated equally.

Cintrón v. Brentwood Union Free School District, New York (1977)◦ Bilingual teachers being fired.

Ríos v. Read, Patchogue-Medford, New York (1977)◦ New York should provide quality program for ESL students.

• Castañeda v. Pickard, Raymondville, Texas (1981)◦ Discrimination and inadequate bilingual instruction.

Court Decisions

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Pull-out classes

Newcomer centers

Dual language classrooms

Immersion programs

Types of ESL Programs

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Affective domain

Linguistic domain

Cognitive domain

Domains of an ESL Program

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Teacher Awareness

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Serving on the LPAC

Serving on the ARD committee

Serving on the SBDM committee

Serving as a resource for other teachers

ESL Teacher Roles

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Parent/teacher conferences

Mid-point progress checks

End of an instructional reporting period

Report cards

Parental Communication

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Technology that supports literacy

Computer-assisted language learning

Use of the Internet

Technology Integration

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Expectations for all students should be to perform at the highest level possible for each individual student.

Language barrier should not be a factor in expecting the best the student has to offer.

Student Expectations

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The environment a child is raised in can have a huge impact on a student’s learning and the knowledge they come to the classroom with.

Motivation, real life skills, self-esteem, importance of education, respect of educators, and background information are all factors that affect the student’s learning potential.

Family Environment

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