
hank you for worshipping with us this morning. We extend a special welcometo our guests and ask that you complete a blue or yellow visitor’s card and

place it in the offering plate.

n the pew racks, are folders with information about the various aspects of theservice. If you are visiting, please feel free to reach out to someone sitting near

you and ask them questions about the service. Many of our visitors ask us aboutthe time of offering. This is a time in our service when we respond to God’s gifts oflove by offering the gifts of our lives. For many of us, this is when we make afinancial gift towards the ministries and programs of our church. We also use thistime to ask God how we might use the gifts of our hands and hearts in sharingGod’s love. If you are visiting, there is no obligation to give a financial gift. Weare just glad you are worshipping with us.

ll are invited to come down to the Social Room for refreshments andconversations following the service.

e ask that you please silence your cell phones during our worship service.

here is much information about the church in this bulletin. For moreinformation on our history, programs, and recent photos, you can go to our


hank you.




- An Open and Affirming Congregation –

February 22, 2015 First Sunday in Lent 10:30 a.m.

The numbered hymns are from the Black Hymnal†All who are able may stand.

Chimes Concert at 10:00a.m. from Trinity Chapel’s steeple

Greetings and Announcements

Prelude “Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley” - American Spiritual, D. Wood

†Call to Worship

Leader: God of rainbow and promise,People: God of the swirling waters of baptism,Leader: Jesus of cross and salvation,People: Jesus source of all grace and mercy,Leader: God of the dark night of doubt,People: God of comfort and call,Leader: Spirit of power and voice,People: Spirit of communion and strength,Leader: Dwell with us as we journey through this season of Lent.People: And lead us from temptation to trust, from fear to love, from

sadness to joy,All: and from despair to hope.

†Opening Prayer (in unison)

As in days of old, Creator God, we come to look for your signs of covenantpromises. Like the rainbow days of Noah, we see and know your signs andhear your voice again, directing us to the places of preparation andtransformation in our lives and in our world. Thank you God for yourcovenant signs in this season of Lent. Amen.

†Opening Hymn “In the Midst of New Dimensions” - No. 391

†Call to Confession

Leader: Girls and boys, women and men, each one of us and all of ustogether are offered the gift of the season of Lent.

ALL: These 40 days can help us restore right relationships with Godand with others.

Leader: This is a fine time to focus, to center ourselves down so that wemight

ALL: clear our hearts and minds of distractions, and re-orient andrestore our whole selves.

Leader: May God be with us as we enter this season of Lent and this timeof prayer:

†Prayer of Confession (in unison)

Creating and Renewing God, in this Lenten season we need to clear oureyes of the glaze of indifference and apathy. Help me –each one of us--helpus get our minds off the distractions, obsessions and self-pity of our lives.So that we don't feel helpless and alone, help us to start over. Re-orientour heads and hearts so that we may fill our whole selves with life-affirming activities and thoughts. May we be in right relationship withyou and all your creation and join with all those around us in over-comingviolence, hunger, and injustice. May we find courage and clarity thatempower us in works of justice and compassion…all of which will makeour lives, our church, our community, our world a loving place to live, ahopeful place to live. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

†Assurance of Pardon

Anthem “Happy All the Time”(Childrens Choir)

Thought For the Day

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven hallowed be thy name.Thy kingdom come. Thy will be doneon earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

(Teachers and children ages 4 through 2nd grades may be dismissed forChildren’s Church, in Parish House Conference Room, during the singing ofthe hymn.)

†Hymn “Lord Jesus, Who through Forty Days” - No. 211

The Scriptures

Genesis 9:8-17 OT page 55Mark 1:9-15 NT page 34

Sermon “Our ‘Goal’ at the End of Noah’s Rainbow”

Healing Prayers

(This morning any who wish are invited to come forward for healing prayersand anointing with oil. All in the congregation are invited to use this quiettime for your own prayers and reflections and pray for each seeking God’shealing.)

Prayer Response “Nothing Can Trouble” - No. 772

Nothing can trouble, nothing can frighten.Those who seek God shall never go wanting.Nothing can trouble, nothing can frighten.God alone fills us.

Offering of Tithes, Gifts and Lives to Christ’s Service

Leader: Psalm 25:10 reminds us, "All the paths of God are steadfast love andfaithfulness for those who keep God's covenant and decrees."

People: Our church's ministries are extensions of God's love andfaithfulness made possible through the generous giving of ourtime, energy, and money.

Leader: With love let us offer our gifts to God.

Offertory “O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus” - arr. J. Schrader(Senior Choir)

†Presentation of Gifts

†Offertory Response “All That I Am and Have” - No. 452, stanza 3

All that I am and have is yours alone,my love for you the fruit your love has sown.Not doubt, nor fear, nor wrong, nor death can still this song:my gifts of love belong to you alone.

†Prayer of Dedication (in unison)

God of all bounty and blessing, receive our lives and our gifts to be bountyand blessings to you, our church, and the world. Amen.

†Closing Hymn “Jesus, Still Lead On” - No. 446


† Sevenfold Amen - No. 814

†Postlude “O Love How Deep” - arr. D. Johnson

The flowers on the altar today are in loving memory of our grandparents Anthonyand Carmilla Emaanuel, John and Catherine Sexton, Bud and Jan Bean, John andAda Tordoff by Kim, Mike, Catie, and Sean Sexton.

The yellow rose bud on the stand is given by Tina Baker and is in honor of the menand women who have served or are serving in the armed forces.

(If you are interested in sponsoring the yellow rose, contact the church office.)

The Lay Visitors for this week are Gerry Blessing and Pat Hevner. Lay visitors aremembers of the congregation who share friendship and visits with members of ourcongregation who are unable to join us for worship on Sunday mornings. TheseFaithful Friends visit members in their homes, hospitals, assisted living, and nursinghomes. Faithful friends can also send cards or make phone calls to our homeboundmembers. We can provide you with all contact information if you are interested inhelping out. If you are interested in being involved in this ministry, please contactPastor Daniel.

Attendance last Sunday: 8:30a.m. – 10; 10:30 a.m. – 89.

Anticipating a stay in the hospital? Please call the Church Office at 301-662-2762. If you are admitted unexpectedly, please have a family member or friendnotify the office.

Hospital and Prayer List – your pastors want to be available when members ofERUCC are in the hospital. Please let us know so that we can visit with you andyour family and provide support. We always ask permission before adding a nameto be included in the prayer list or in the verbal announcements on a Sundaymorning. There are many for whom we pray and visit whose names are not listed inthe bulletin by their request.

Prayer List - Please remember the following people in your prayers this week: JackMens, Jack Patterson, Cindy Castellucci, Hazel Smith (mother of Cindy Smith),Roger (brother of Gail Ellam), Paul Howsare (father of Christine Crutchley), JoeJahoda (Kim Jahoda’s dad), Mickey Jahoda (Kim Jahoda’s uncle), Tiara Leone Hitt(friend of Suzanne Marsh), Andrea Robison (granddaughter of Judy Bowman),Robin Breling (friend of Mary Meyer), David & Christina Mills (grandchildren ofJean Fish and Barbara Biser), and Antoinette Weedon (aunt of Samantha Weedon).

Christmas Eve 2014

On-going prayer concerns are listed on pink paper and can be found at the back of thechurch. We also ask you to remember all of those currently serving in the Armed Forces.Your prayers and cards are welcomed and appreciated by those on our prayer list.

Jack Mens5192 Maitland TerraceFrederick 21703-6096

Cindy CastellucciHomewood atCrumland Farms7407 Willow RoadFrederick 21702

Jack Patterson10710 Grangerford Ct.New Market 21774-6244


ADULT LEARNING OPTION (9:30-10:15a.m.)

Let’s Study the Bible and Prepare for Worship – led by Stefan Mach (TrinityHall)

Let’s Talk About…”Revisiting the Parables of Jesus: A Contemporary Re-Telling of the Stories Jesus Tells in the Gospels” – Five Sundays (Feb. 22 –March 22)

Session 1 (today) – “The Talents” (Matt. 25:14-30; Luke 19:11-27)

In this “Let’s Talk” Series, we will explore or “RE-VISIT/RE-TELL” five ofthe original versions of the parables of Jesus in a variety of ways: watching acontemporary film version, dramatic presentation of the parable, or invitingparticipants to share their own versions of the stories. A film series titled,“Parables Remix” by Stew Redwine and John Schimke (“The Talents,”& “TheLost Coin”); a video of the “Widow and the Unjust Judge” from “ModernParables” by Cinematic Theology; other dramatic devices; and a book by LisaLopez Smith, “Re-Visiting the Parables of Jesus” will be the resources for thisseries. (Social Room near the Stage)

LENT 2015 DEVOTION BOOKS are available in the back of the Sanctuary.


MONDAY(AT MONDAY MESS HALL) OPEN DISCUSSION NIGHT (5:30-6:15 P.M.) Open Discussion (with a Facilitator) on a relevant topic, e.g.,current parenting issues, or talking with your children about guns, violence andother hard issues, etc. Meets in the Social Room

TUESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY WITH PASTOR DANIELWe are exploring the Old Testament using Amy-Jill Levine’s Great Coursesresource. Study guides are available in the church office. (11-Noon in thedownstairs Conference Room)

ERUCC BOOK GROUP (at the home of Fran Wenner) – 7p.m. Book for thismonth is: “All the Light We Cannot See” by Anthony Doerr.

MID-WEEK LENTEN SERVICE (Noon-1p.m.) “What’s A Word? 40 Wordsof Jesus for the 40 Days of Lent” David Winter invites us to focus on a singleword of Jesus. Some words are clearly important, others less obviously so. Theauthor writes: “Each day…let just one word from the bible – a word of Jesus –speak to you. As Paul advised the Christians at Colossae, “Let the word ofChrist dwell in you richly.” Service of Prayer in Trinity Chapel with lunch andBible study reflection.

WEDNESDAY EVENING FAITH STUDY WITH PASTOR HANBERRYTitle: “Animate – Spiritual Practices” (7-8:15p.m. – Downstairs Conf. Rm.)

YOUTH TRIP TO NEW YORK - Fri & Sat. , Feb. 27-28 – NightWatch at St. John the Divine.


WORSHIP NOTES: Our first scripture reading for this Second Sunday inLent is Genesis 17: 1-7, 15-16, and speaks to trust in God’s promises. Abramand Sarai are childless; yet God makes a covenant, promising Abram he willbe the ancestor of many nations. In Mark 8: 31-38, Jesus and his disciplesare near Caesarea Philippi. For the first time, Jesus teaches that he willsuffer and die. We will share in chancel communion this morning. TheSenior Choir will be singing and the Chancel Bell Choir will be playing.


Let’s Talk About…”Revisiting the Parables of Jesus: A ContemporaryRe-Telling of the Stories Jesus Tells in the Gospels” – Five Sundays(Feb. 22 – March 22)March 1 – “The Lost Sheep & the Lost Coin” (Luke 15:1-10; Matt.18:10-14)

Let’s Study the Bible and prepare for worship facilitated by StefanMach. (Trinity Chapel)

CHURCH DIRECTORY PHOTOS: There will be first come / first served photosession after church on March 1st in the church office. Sign up is not required but ishelpful for planning. The last appointments are on Wednesday morning, February 25.Sign up at You may also submit your own photo [email protected].

INTERESTED IN LEARNING MORE ABOUT ERUCC?If you are interested in exploring further what it means to a member of the church orjust have questions about who we are and what we believe, we have set up twoopportunities for conversation: Sunday, March 8, 9:30 to 10:15 a.m.We will be meeting in the first floor conference room of the Parish House.

Our hope is to provide a “taste” for who we are as a congregation and our hopes forthe future. Our life of faith is a journey, and we are constantly growing, exploring,and learning what it means to be faithful people of Jesus Christ in our time andplace.

Please consider this as an invitation to come and be a part of the conversation.

For those interested in making a commitment to this particular congregation, we willbe welcoming new members on Sunday, March 22 or March 29.

Please contact Pastor Daniel at [email protected] or call the church office at 301-662-2762 if you are interested in further conversation.

YOUTH SCHEDULE REVISED: Sun., Mar. 1 - $250 deposit due for Germany.

GERMANY TRIP – Meeting following worship on Sunday, March 8 in the socialroom. If you have your passport, please bring it to the meeting.

CHRISTMAS FAIR FINAL TALLY – Thanks to the efforts of many…and thepurchases of many…the family of ERUCC was able to send a total of $ $1900 to theReligious Coalition for Emergency Human Needs for use at the Frederick HomelessShelter and other programs provided by the Coalition. These funds will serve manyneeds for the individuals and families who find themselves in need this winter. Justanother way our loving congregation cares for others in our community. Thank you.

CHIMES GROUP MEETING – March 12th – The Chimes Learning and ServiceGroup will meet on Thursday, March 12th, at 9:30a.m. in the social room. Ourspeaker is Mary Ellen Mitchell, Community Relations Director of the InterfaithHousing Alliance in Frederick. Mary Ellen will explain to our group the working ofher organization and how it fits in with all the other housing groups in Frederick; i.e.,Habitat for Humanity, Advocates for the Homeless, The Community Action Agency,to name just a few. ALL ARE WELCOME at our meeting….women, men, youth.Light refreshments will be served. Hope to see you there. For more information,contact Mary Meyer at 301-845-9824 or [email protected].

GIRL SCOUT SUNDAY: March 8th. If you are currently a Girl Scout and wouldlike to participate, please email Kim Sexton. If you have received a gold award or itsequivalent in Girl Scouting, please email your name to Kim so we can list your namein the bulletin. ([email protected])

INVITATION BY THE CATOCTIN ASSOCIATION - St. Matthew’s UCCcordially invites your presence and prayers for the installation of Debra PetersWilcox as pastor to the congregation on Sunday, Feb. 22 at 3p.m. (1427 PleasantValley Rd., Westminster) A reception follows the service. Please go for directions.

SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM - Evangelical Reformed UCC is fortunate to haveseveral scholarship programs available to our members as they seek educationalopportunities to develop knowledge and skill in realization of their full potential.The McCardell Scholarship Fund was established by Mr. Robert McCardell in honorand memory of members of the McCardell family. The Keiffer Scholarship Fundwas established in honor of Henri L.G. Keiffer, pastor of this church from 1910-

1946. There are also scholarship funds in memory of Liz Coffey. Contributions tothese Scholarship Funds by members and friends of the church are always welcomed.

These scholarships are gifts to church members for post-secondary undergraduateeducation and are awarded by the Scholarship Committee. The awards are based onthe quality of the candidate's plan for use of the funds, the ability and promise of theapplicant and the need for financial assistance. The aid may continue for subsequentyears after an interview with the Scholarship Committee, submission of intent toreapply, and a transcript of grades for the current year.

Scholarship applications are available through the Church Office for new applicants(301-662-2762) or [email protected].) Students wishing to renew scholarships mustalso contact the Church Office providing the information requested. All applicationmaterials must be submitted to the Scholarship Committee through the Church Officeby the April 30th deadline.

Please donate theseschool supplies at theshowing of “Corridor ofShame” documentary:

#2 pencilsGlue Sticks (no bottles ofliquids pleaseColored MarkersNotebooksBlunt edge scissorsFolders

Supplies will go to needyschools in North Carolinawith the 2015 AlternativeSpring Break Trip.



Wednesday February 25, March 4, 11, 18, 25, April 1Noon–12:15 p.m. - Service of Prayer in Trinity Chapel

12:15–1 p.m. - Lunch and Bible Study Reflection

“What’s A Word? 40 Words of Jesus for the 40 Days of Lent”

David Winter invites us to focus on a single word of Jesus. Some words are clearlyimportant, others less obviously so. The author writes: “Each day…let just one wordfrom the Bible – a word of Jesus – speak to you. As Paul advised the Christians atColossae, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.”

Feb 25: The First Week of Lent: The light of the world, Lost, Poor, Fear. Treasure,See.

Mar 4: The Second Week of Lent: The Way, the Truth, and the Life. Forgiven,Freedom, Peace.

Mar 11: The Third Week of Lent: The Gate, Repent, Believe, Receive, Follow,Obey, Live.

Mar 18: The Fourth Week of Lent: The Vine, Abide, Bread, Water, Spirit, Share,Word.

Mar 25: The Fifth Week of Lent: The Good Shepherd, Kingdom, Happy, Father,Serve, Throne, Righteousness.

Apr 1: Holy Week: The Bread of Life, Temple, Teacher, Time, Love,Peacemaker, Remembrance, The Resurrection and the Life.

March 29 – Palm Sunday – 8:30a.m. – Worship Trinity Chapel 10:30a.m. – Worship, Main Church Building. (Special brass music)

Journey to the Cross – 6p.m.

April 1 – Noon to 12:55p.m. – Prayer Service, Lunch, and Conversation

April 2 – Holy Thursday – 7:30p.m. – Service in the Manner of the UpperRoom. Holy Communion and TenebraeService.

April 3 – Good Friday – Noon – Ecumenical Service @ ERUCC with CalvaryUnited Methodist, Evangelical Lutheran, Frederick Presbyterian, Grace UCC,and Trinity United Methodist

April 5 – Easter Sunday Services – 8:30a.m. – Worship Trinity Chapel 9:30a.m. – Intergenerational Program

10:30a.m. – Worship with Holy Communion (Special music by our choirs)


This year ERUCC added the White Oak HeadStart/Early Head Start School to our mission workduring the Franklinton Center Annual trip in theWhitakers and Enfield, N.C. area. Over the MartinLuther King weekend we spent an entire dayclearing their playground of leaves and debris. Wealso did cleaning in the interior of the school to takecare of some water damage they incurred in 2014.We built three park benches and a picnic table forthe site to enhance the outdoor setting for the kids.This is the first time anyone has come to their aid inmaking the school a more enjoyable experience forthe enrolled children. The school primarily serveslocal Native American children from the ages of 18months up to 4 years old.

After talking with our contact at the school welearned they are in great need of the following school materials:

Pre-school books, Composition books, Crayons – washable type, Colored pencils,Construction paper, Glue sticks, Child safe scissors, Hand sanitizer and # 2 pencils

The school personnel were very appreciative of the work we did at the school andamazed that a church in Maryland would care enough to help their school. We can bevery proud that we are the kind of church that meets these needs not only inFrederick but where the need is great.

Please drop off these supplies or cash donations (checks should be made payable toERUCC with a notation that it is for the White Oak School) to buy supplies to theChurch Office between now and April 15, 2015. We have an adult mission tripplanned to this area from April 16 to April 19 and they can deliver the supplies at thattime. If you have any questions please contact either Pastor Barbara or MiltCrutchley.

Thank you in advance for your support of this mission!

COLORADO FLOOD LETTER – MOORE OK - On September 13, 2013, morethan a foot of rain fell on the farming community of Longmont, Colorado.Water saturated the ground. Creeks and rivers rose. And the St. Vrain Riverbroke out of its river bed, flooding hundreds of houses outside of thedesignated flood plain.

One of those houses was owned by Christi Walker, a single mother of a nine-year-oldson and a teacher in the local school district. When the errant St. Vrain came downthe railroad tracks by her house, its muddy waters roared through the main floor anddestroyed furniture, walls, floors, heater, plumbing, wiring, and every bit of clothingshe and her son owned.

First Congregational UCC of Longmont heard of her plight on a Sunday Morningwhen one of its church members asked the congregation for clothing donations forChristi and her son. Instead of simply offering support only to Christi, the churchleaders jumped into action to support the entire community. They split thecongregation into two groups. One group organized childcare for working parentsdealing with school closures and the other dedicated their time to doing clean up andconstruction. That afternoon, the second group arrived at Christi’s and startedshoveling mud. “We didn’t know how we were going to do it all, we just knew it hadto be done,” reported Phyllis Rostykus, Moderator of UCC Longmont.

There is no flood insurance for houses like Christi’s. FEMA only replaced herfurnace and heater. Like many others in the same situation, Christi didn’thave the emotional, financial, or physical resources to deal with therest.

With your One Great Hour of Sharing donations, UCC Longmont was able to step into partner with Christi and 25 other families, providing helping hands, listeninghearts, and the money to fill the gap between what they needed and what they couldmuster.

And just like that, the entire situation was transformed, from devastation tohope-filled.

TODAY (2/22)8:30a.m. Worship in Trinity Chapel9:30a.m. Sunday School & Adult Ed.10 a.m. Chimes Concert10:30a.m. Morning Worship11:30a.m. Coffee Hour12N Blood Pressure Screening

MONDAY10a.m. Staff Meeting5p.m. Monday Mess Hall5:30p.m. Open Discussion5:30p.m. Chancel Bells6p.m. Children’s Choir6p.m. Cambridge Bells6:45p.m. Young Spirit7p.m. Consistory

TUESDAY11a.m. Tuesday Bible Study7p.m. ERUCC Book Group

At Fran Wenner’s

WEDNESDAY12p.m. Mid Week Lenten Services7p.m. Wednesday Evening Faith Study

THURSDAY7p.m. Spirit Rehearsal

FRIDAY Youth leave for trip to NY

SUNDAY (3/1)8:30a.m. Worship in Trinity Chapel9:30a.m. Sunday School & Adult Ed.10a.m. Chimes Concert10:30a.m. Morning Worship11:30a.m. Coffee Hour


Deacons: Phil Selby & Tom PerletGreeters: Gerry & Mary Lou Blessing

Pat & Paul SundayElder: Will DuncanScripture Reader: Tobi GoldfusSound System: Doug WhiteNursery Schedule: Terri WennerAcolyte:Chimer Schedule: Allen Flora on Sat.

Matt Hueting on Sun.Welcome Table: Betsy Selby & Pat HevnerCoffee Hour: Corinne Downs & Julie Clark


Deacons: Marc Kline & Tom FrazierGreeters: JoyceAnn Schmid & Nancy

LeisterElder: Ann HammondScripture Reader: Mary Lou BlessingSound System: Jeff SchaeberleNursery Schedule: Emily PerletAcolyte:Chimer Schedule: Suzanne & ThomasMorris on Sat.Tricia Coffey on SundayWelcome Table: Pat & Mike CondoCoffee Hour:

Ministers - All the People of Evangelical Reformed Church

Rev. Dr. Barbara Kershner Daniel, Senior Pastor ([email protected])Rev. Dr. Gerry Hanberry, Interim Associate Pastor ([email protected])

Rev. Fred Wenner, Pastor Emeritus

Kim Sexton, Associate for Children’s Ministry ([email protected])Alison E. Shafer, Organist & Choir Director

Tricia Coffey, Head Chimer & Young Spirit Choir DirectorNancy Doll, Bell Choir Director

Marj Menchey Bernstein, Children’s Choir DirectorKristen Niehoff, Finance Manager

Kris Ricci, Office Administrator ([email protected])Bud Rossig, Facilities Manager

Sharon Wells, Nursery Attendant

When winter weather hits,we may be uncertain aboutwhat will take place atchurch and what won’t. Totake some of the uncertaintyout of the quandary, here’sour winter weather policy: You decide whether a drive or walk to the church is safe enough. We do not encourage you to risk life and limb to get tochurch at all costs, but we expect to hold services for those who can plan to arrivesafely, unless the Frederick roads are closed. Our Pastor and Organist can walk tothe church, so they will always be present for Sunday morning services.

Evening activities are generally governed by the public school schedule; forinstance, if schools are closed on a Monday, there will be no Monday Mess Hall,Children’s Choir, or bell choir rehearsal. The same policy applies to committeemeetings and any other regularly scheduled church activities.
