Page 1: Evaluation: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Evaluation: What have you learned from your audience


Page 2: Evaluation: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

I have learned that the audience preferred mystery, 'pure horror', and a chase scene in their horror films. They also preferred haunted houses to the wooded areas. I feel that we have accompanied them with this. The film trailer was set in a haunted house- one that had history of ghost hauntings, yet looked like a perfectly normal family home. We definitely kept the mystery throughout the trailer- what happens next? who dies? The 'pure horror' was for the fans of gore who really wanted films that had a lot of bloody scenes.

Page 3: Evaluation: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

There definitely was a couple of chase scenes although we only kept one that seemed the scariest. And they really wanted 'jump-out-of-your-seat' thrills. We provided them with a number of scenes with this including where the main character/ antagonist popped up behind the camera-man when she was least expecting it. From our first idea of the film trailer, we didn't really keep all of this in mind- instead, we brushed over the ideas of chase scenes and gory bits. We didn't pay too much attention to it because we were trying to keep the plot going in a steady flow.

Page 4: Evaluation: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Ideas of the plot kept being taken away and added in due to the audience's response to what they most preferred in a horror film. But during this exercise, we also learned a lot more about the horror genre than we originally had before so it really helped us develop our ideas and produce something characteristically unnatural.