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Evaluation task 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

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For 1. You need to have a paragraph which notes what people said at that stage and illustrates changes you made

People have said to me that they really like the idea I have come up with for my music video. Nobody I have mentioned it to has actually heard the song before which I think Is a good thing because they will not already have an existing idea of what the song is about. Some people liked the humour of the video and contributed towards some of the ideas. Other people however were not took keen on the idea because they said that it would have been “Too boring” and the overall point they wanted to make was the fact that it only has one person in it so it might become a bit boring.

When I suggested the fact that there would be a naked scene at the end to symbolise the final stages of the artist going crazy, it was a mixed response as some people would have found it very funny other people found it weird and that it did not really make sense and go with the rest of the video. For this reason I took out this scene and decided to make the artist just steal something from a store instead to show the downfall of his sanity.

“With the actor you have, this will work out great!”

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for 2. You need a paragraph about what the class said and what you changed as a consequence- with screengrabs to illustrate

When I said that I would have a naked shot at the end to show the craziness of the person the class eventually decided that this did not really make any sense and that I should do something else. I changed it so that the artist just steals something from a show instead to symbolize his craziness.

This worked out well because it also fixed in with the lyrics “Cuz I got no control” meaning he has no control over his actions anymore.

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for 2. You need a paragraph about what the class said and what you changed as a consequence- with screengrabs to illustrate

When I showed the class that I would have a lot of different shots showing the artist in all different costumes some liked it because of the humour involved but then others did not feel this would be as good as it could be. They said that there should be more performance shots because in this type of genre there are always about 90% performance shots in the hole movie. So I listened to this and filmed in ore performance shots making sure that it corresponds with the genre of music.

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for 3. you need a paragraph on what was said and grabs of your sketches/ early drafts (even if already on the blog, link to them)

The feedback I got for my Digi-pack was mostly positive as people seemed to like the diary and hand made type of effect,,. This was represented by the off centre writing on the back and the randomly placed pictures.

They seemed to like the theme of the Digi-pack with the continuous pattern going right through the whole design.

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Having a look at my sketch I was getting a lot of feedback. It was mentioned that I should not have the track listing included so many times because it takes up too much room. I could not draw out the pattern that I had in mind so it looked a bit plain to start off with. Once I explained the pattern people seemed to like it. It was also mentioned that I used a certain theme to the Digi-pack. With this feedback I decided to include more pictures on the middle cover so that it would make a sketchbook kind of theme. The inclusion of the off centre text also adds to this theme. It was also suggested that I should have a picture of the artist on the front cover so that the audience can recognise the actual face of him.

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for 4. again note down any responses you get.

“That’s so perfectly in sync and a great start to the video!”

“A bit out of time but awesome camera angle so it doesn’t really matter”

“His dancing is so funny, a nice touch with the lighting as well!”

“This fast motion shot is very funny and really goes with the song”
