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I have created my teaser trailer ‘Contagion’ based on the forms and conventions of existing media products. Before producing my teaser trailer I researched and studied a variety of trailers in different genres and then researched more detail in to similar real media to discover the construction of different teaser trailers in different genres. After choosing to focus on the horror genre for my film, I then discovered how the use of camera angles, shots, music, pace, narrative structure and everything included in the mis-en-scene combines to create the perfect advertisement for a film. (Follow the link to view the conventions of teaser trailers)

I have used these conventions in my trailer to ensure that my final product looks professionally polished. However I haven’t included any directors or star personas names which usually help to engage the audience who are fans of their work as I wanted my teaser trailer to follow the convention of being quick and snappy without giving too much of the plot away. Although if I had been asked to create a theatrical trailer then I would have included some of these extra details to flesh out some more information about the film. I did however; include a website underneath the film’s title, on the second from last inter-title, so that if viewers wished to find out more information, then they could visit a website. By applying the conventions in to my teaser trailer product, helps engage the audience and keep them absorbed so that they view the whole sequence resulting in creating hype and wanting the audience to view the whole film when released.

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I wanted to follow the convention where trailers begin with a slow calm mood which then increases in pace to create a tense atmosphere keeping the audience gripped. I accompanied this with a slow and intense piece of music which then, just before ending increased to keep the audience on the edge of their seats. I also added sound effects like heavy breathing and loud crashes to enhance the dark mood. Altogether I have 31 different shots including 8 intertitles in 41 seconds, which follows the convention of the length of teaser trailers, which last between 30 and 60 seconds.  I also used a variety of different camera angles, from long shots to close ups and tilts. You can see some screen shots of examples of these conventions used in my own media product at the side and bottom of this page.

I thought by using some longer shots at the beginning of my trailer and then gradually increase the pace would work well, although after receiving some audience feedback. I was informed that the shots were still too long and that it would be more engaging if I were to shorten the shots down some more. I therefore acted upon these comments and made my shots shorter which eventually did improve the overall quality in final piece.

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The first piece of music is a slow but very sinister piece of music which helps the audience focus on the trailer and question what the film will be about. It helps set the mood and begin the trailer with a calm, yet slightly disturbing dark atmosphere. The sequence I discovered on YouTube originally lasted for 5 minutes and 19 seconds. However, I only used the beginning 28 seconds in my trailer as I believed this part fit perfectly in my product.(to listen to music please open PowerPoint and double click on the music files.

 The faster paced music follows the convention of showing the ‘problem’ that needs to be solved in the film. To also follow the conventions of teaser trailers, I cut to another character who is introduced by running away from something, although raises many questions are unanswered as we are unsure of what she is running away from. The fast paced music I got from YouTube was actually only the introduction before the actual music piece was shown. However i thought the music for the introduction was best suited for my product. The introduction music is shown below

I have also injected in some sound effects as these are used in trailers to make an impact within the scene and to enhance the action. For example, at the beginning and again repeated at the end I have used a deep breathing a sound effect as it encourages the audience to increase their heart rate so that they begin to breath at the same pace of the sound effects encouraging their pulse rate to beat faster and make them scared. This shows that by making them feel uncomfortable and scared they would want to see the film and helps the audience aware that it is of the horror genre.

Fast paced music for trailer.mp3

Slower paced sinister music for teaser trailer.mp3

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In my teaser trailer I have also included 8 inter-titles to help the trailer flow more easily.

Intertitles are used in most trailers. Some may only consist of one which show the title of the film at the end, or others can consist of several which tends to occur more frequently in theatrical trailers to help flesh out the film and entice the audience.In my first trailer draft I chose the font named ‘Cracked’ (shown top right) However, I then changed the font to ‘Papyrus’ (shown right) after gaining some audience feedback. After researching on conventions of teaser trailers, I have found that it is very important for everything that is involved in the trailer to relate to each other, otherwise it could confuse the audience and make them loose interest.

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I have chosen to film my trailer in a forest location as I believe it will help emphasise the interrogating and sinister atmosphere I wish to create. After researching in to more depth of conventions for horror films, I realised that forests are often an iconic location used in the horror genre as they help to enunciate the idea of isolation. I also think filming in autumn or winter would be the most effective season as leaves are starting to fall off the trees which represents death. So I believe this also adds to the atmosphere.

Filters are often used in filmsto highlight the atmosphere which is wanting to be created. In my trailer I haveused a black and white filterto enhance the sinister mood as I believe one of the keyelements in horror is theimpression the atmosphere highlights to the audience.I think this helps emphasise the horror genre and creepy mood.

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As I wanted 3 of my characters to look like ghost girls I tried to put white on the whole of the face and then dark eye shadow to make them look creepy. When I viewed several trailers I was inspired by the film ‘Beetle Juice’ for my ghostly characters appearance.

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When I finally put the black and white filter over the top of this, it helped the characters look more creepy

When I later added the black and white filter it made the girls look more dramatic and deadly. I believe using the black and white filter enhanced the overall look and atmosphere of my trailer.

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I then had then had my characters dress in grey, black and white. Although I would have liked to dress them all in white ragged dresses, however I was restricted due to funding. If this film was produced by a major film company then they would have a much larger budget, therefore able to afford better quality costumes. When I added the black and white filter on my trailer I believe it looked a lot more effective than in colour as in colour it looks as if the trailer was made on a lower budget as we can see different shades of white, black, grey and green.