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Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Evaluation Question 7AS Media Coursework

How does your final broadcast demonstrate a progression in the standards of production (recording and editing)

compared to your preliminary?

• The main task final broadcast has shown a lot of development in the time between the preliminary task and the final take. It has improved a lot in many areas, such as gathering the interviews. We improved when editing the final pieces together, because we then had experience with the software that we were using. We got more confident during making the final draft because we had a better idea of what we were doing.

• In our preliminary task, we didn’t have much experience with creating a radio broadcast. We didn’t know where to start and made some mistakes along the way. One mistake was to use a ‘transition sound’ in-between the different interviews we had collected. We decided to scrap the sound, it was too distracting and sounded terrible.

What do you think you have learntfrom completing the coursework overall?

• I have learnt many things while proceeding through this coursework. I have learnt about how to create a professional and well made radio broadcast, and learned how to successfully record and edit things together.

• I learned about the different aspects to a radio interview, and the different techniques and how they work, and how to conduct a professional one myself.

What have I learned?

• During the process of making it, I have learned how to use the different software's such as adobe audition and premier, and also the recording sound software, pro tools. I have managed to explore around the software and understand how to use them, finding out how to use the different tools, and import and export the files needed. I think that most of the software's were easy to use and smooth to work.

I have also learned…

• I have learned that you need to take time with recording, and make sure that if you want to record, you record it to the best possible quality as you can. You should always take several takes to get the perfect recording, and we found out that we should re-do recoding because it didn’t sound right when we listened to it back.

• We took note that we booked the studio, and the equipment needed, in order to produce our work. We learned that we needed to take time out of lessons to write the script and prepare for the recording session.