Download pptx - Evaluation question 6


Harrison Radcliffe

Evaluation – Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5

I used premiere to do all of my editing and to create my titles. As I had not had a lot of experience with premiere I had to learn how to use it through practise tasks as well as actually editing my film opening.I made about 6 different versions of my film opening as I wanted to make changes to it as my editing skills got better. Premiere is available to everyone and is even used by professional film makers. Gareth Edwards used premiere to solely edit his film Monsters.

This screenshot is of my film opening project on premiere. This is the final cut of my exam edit but I also have a longer directors cut that has more shots and cuts.

This screenshot is of the title I created for my film opening. I would have liked to make it a lot more animated and professional but my editing skills on premiere need to be furthered to achieve this.


YouTube is a video sharing website. It was created in 2005 by 3 former PayPal employees, in 2006 it was sold to Google for $1.65 billion.

I used YouTube to watch other film openings to get my ideas flowing. I also uploaded my film opening onto YouTube so it was possible to embed it onto my blogger. YouTube is a very useful resource to have as I could have used it to find sound effects and/or music but my final film opening edit did not have any music or sound effects.

This is my film opening opened on YouTube in theatre mode.


Blogger is a free weblog publishing tool for sharing text photos and video. It was also bought by Google in 2003.

I uploaded all of my coursework onto blogger including my preliminary task, my pre-production, my film opening and my evaluation. This was the first time that I had ever had a blog of any type and was quite confusing to start off with, but after a while it becomes quite simple to use. I think it is a good platform to publish work onto as there are many formats to choose from which will give any blog a unique and interesting design.

This is what my blog looks like when it is first opened. I chose to use a tiled design as I felt it was cleaner and more eye-catching.

Google Chrome is a browser and I used it to do all of my internet browsing. I also used it as a search engine for my research and pre-production. I think that Chrome is the best internet browser because it has a simple advanced interface.

I also used Microsoft Word a lot in my pre-production as well. I used it to create draft documents of my script and equipment list. I used Word because it is very easy to edit and change which I found useful as I wanted to make a lot of changes throughout the process.

I am using Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 right now. I used PowerPoint a lot in my pre-production and evaluation because it is simple to use and produces professional work. PowerPoint is one of my favourite programmes to use as I have used it for years and am quite experienced with it.

Slideshare is a programme on the internet that allows people to upload PowerPoint and Word documents as well as Adobe PDF portfolios. I uploaded my Word documents and PowerPoints to Slideshare because once they are uploaded they can be embedded onto my blog which is what I wanted.