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Evaluation Question 4- Who would be the audience for your media product?Our primary target audience for our horror film is females under 35 and the secondary target audience is males under 35. This was established when doing some research using the UK Film Council. Using the UK Film Council statistics, we managed to find the age group and gender that we really needed to study and focus on to try and get the best outcome for our film. This was female under 35 and from a middle class social class. However we didn't decide to focus on a certain social class because as a group we decided that it wasn't very important. We felt like this age group was suitable to focus on for the target audience because we could relate to them because we fit into that age category, and there are two girls in the group so we could debate on what we thought would be good or not with the boys. We felt that we had a similar likes and dislikes in horror films as the females that we interviewed so we felt that we could associate with them and decide what was suitable. Also from the research we did using the UK Film Council statistics and the Box Office data really helped us establish the trends in what demographic certain genres were most popular in. We felt that if we focused on what age group and gender liked horror the most our film would have a better outcome. We found that horror films generally have a mainstream audience because 32% of people in the UK enjoyed watching horror films so we knew we had to please the majority, rather than the minority. 44% of females under 35 preferred watching horror films, making this the primary target audience and only 36% of men under 35 preferred watching horror films, making this the secondary target audience. This was very good for our group because we all fit into the age and gender brackets of the primary and secondary target audience meaning we could do what we liked in horror films. We also did some research on the BBFC and how they rated films. We felt that our film would be rated as a 15. This is because the content was quite graphic, but not gory. It just wouldnt be very suitable for any younger people. Our film isn't too gory or scary as such. It is psychological and plays mind games, making the audience feel vulnerable and scared of the unknown, also with a couple murders that are not dragged out and shown to be gory. There also isnt many swearing and there is not sex within the film and so this is why we felt the rating didnt need to go any higher. Also this rating doesnt effect our target audience because it if 35 years and below. We felt that he age gap of 15-35 was acceptable and would be a nice target audience group to work with because we fit into that age range.I decided to include a member profile that I made to show an example of someone from our target audience.For our demographics of our target audience I have interviewed Amy Clarke, who is a 15 years old female. This is because she fits the primary target audience, which is females under 35 and of middle class.

In the interview I asked Amy about her opinions, interests and attitudes about certain subjects within media. We talked about music, TV, films, social media and her general interests, this allows me to learn information about the target audience and apply this when creating my film. We also spoke about the likes, dislikes and expectations for the film opening me and my group have come up with.TVShe has two favorite genres of TV programs which are crime dramas and soaps. Her favorite crime drama is Castle which is about a writer who helps the NYPD solve homo-sides. She enjoys this program because she likes the thrill and attempting to solve the case before the characters. This could help us in our film to have the audience attempt to solve the incident that the main character faces in the film. She also enjoys soaps, this is because they are dramatic and keep her entertained however she dislikes how unrealistic they are. This lets us know that we need have dramatic aspects in our film to keep it entertaining but we need to make sure it stays realistic in some ways.MusicAmy enjoys listening to music from a wide variety of genres, for example she likes artists from One Direction, to Adele, to The Arctic Monkeys. She likes to keep an open mind when listening to music because she enjoys variety and gets bored of a certain genres quickly. Within films the music she likes is when it builds up to create tension and change the mood. This is helpful when creating our film because we can use her opinion when making our film.FilmsAmy's favorite film is Friends With Benefits, this means that she enjoys watching romantic comedies. This is because they are funny and unrealistic so they allow her to escape from the real world. Her favorite horror film is The Woman in Black, this is because it makes her jump and she likes to watch other peoples reactions. She found the film enjoyable because the story line was full of enigma, tension and was not like every horror film released, meaning it wasn't predictable. She doesn't enjoy predictable horror films because they are boring to watch. This helps us considerably because I have learnt about what aspects of horror a person who isn't really interested in horror films, so now I know how to interact with a wider audience.Social MediaFacebook is Amy's favorite social media site. This is because keeps her in touch and up to date with people and their lives. This means that I could use Facebook to advertise my film, meaning that I could attract a greater audience. Other InterestsOther interests that Amy has includes playing video games, listening to music and playing guitar.Opinion On Our IdeaLikes: Amy said that she would pay to watch our film in the cinema, also that she likes the concept of the film and that its not the usual horror that she is used to watching.Dislikes: She felt that the film wasn't the type of film she would normally watch and she was slightly confused about some of the story line. Expectations: She expects to understand why the main character is mentally ill and what led him to his madness in the opening. She felt that it would make it easier for her to follow the rest of the story.When marketing my film I would probably advertise it on SKY LIVING or ALIBI whilst murder shows or crime dramas are playing to attract the right target audience, and maybe more of wider target audience. This is because people that enjoy psychological or maybe scary programs would be watching these programs, meaning they would see the advertisement. I would also probably release the film at any other time of year but Halloween because from my other interviews people said that they wanted to see horror films more throughout the year, rather than just at Halloween. I will target my demographic by taking all of Amy's opinions into consideration and thinking about music and the mise-en-scene of the scene and characters.