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Questionnaire Results

I had 10 respondents from the questionnaire surveys that I sent

Question Question options Responses Analysis What is your


I sent out my questionnaire to 23 recipients and had 10 respondents. ‘5’ females and ‘5’ males, this can help me receive an equal perspective from both genders, of what the recipients thought of my work.

Page 2: Evaluation Question 3

Questionnaire Results

I had 10 respondents from the questionnaire surveys that I sent

How many music videos would you

estimate you watch a week?


I asked this question to see what recipients of the audience asked fitted into my target audience. This was ‘pop’ from 13-18 years old that watch 1-6 music videos a week. This question shows that the interviewees were predominantly in this target audience; with ‘8’ recipients saying that they watched 1-6 music videos. ‘2’ recipients watched more than this.

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Questionnaire Results

I had 10 respondents from the questionnaire surveys that I sent

On a scale of 1-5 (1=least 5=most),

how engaging is my music video?


I asked this question to see what the 23 recipients thought of my music video. Was it enjoyable? Was it engaging? From the 10 respondents, ‘9’ respondents answered this question with ‘4’ and above – helping me understand that my music video was engaging, meeting one of my criteria. However I did have one response, marking this question with a ‘3’, this hinting that my music video isn’t quite perfect.

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Questionnaire Results

I had 10 respondents from the questionnaire surveys that I sent

Did you find the music video to be

different to my first initial plan?


This was an important question to ask. My initial plan was created in the early stages of this A2 course and it details what I want to include in my music video, so this includes; the narrative, locations, props, actors, etc. I created a link that was placed into this question, I did have ‘1’ respondent skip this question, but did have ‘6’ respondents that stated my initial plan was different to my final music video. Admittedly I have changed parts of my storyline that I feel would have made a bigger, better difference if I kept to the initial plan. The locations of the recordings had been originally planned at Blandford camp and Sturminster United Football Club, In the end, the main location was at just S.U.F.C.

On a scale on 1-5 I asked this question to

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Questionnaire Results

I had 10 respondents from the questionnaire surveys that I sent

(1=least 5=most), how recognisable

was the link between my chosen

song and video/digipack?


see if the link between song and my music video was good enough. The song I chose was inspired through the latest fifa 15, where Electronic Arts had chosen it to be one of the songs that played when you were in the fifa menus. The song was really catchy and worked well with my initial plan. The song emphasises that a person must ‘walk’ before he can ‘run’. And when it gets too much for a person, they can slow down just to stop with the stress and discomfort.

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Questionnaire Results

I had 10 respondents from the questionnaire surveys that I sent

On a scale of 1-5 (1=least 5=most), how well do you think the digipack, music poster and music video link to each other?


The feedback returned results that I was mostly pleased with. All of my respondents answered 4 and above, so a positive set of questions, and stated that the combination between the products were strong. When asking in person to other students I did have some comments about the colours used in the digipak, that they were mostly dark based, but there was a balance of the white, green and the colourful images – however they said that the music video and music poster was mainly brightly coloured, so didn’t understand why the digipak was dark coloured.

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Questionnaire Results

I had 10 respondents from the questionnaire surveys that I sent

On a scale of 1-5 (1=least 5=most) How strong and

understandable is my narrative in my

music video?


At the beginning of A2 Media I was worried about creating a ‘sporty’ storyline, as I believe hooking the audience would prove difficult, given that not every people likes sport. However these positive results show that the effort was worth it and the final narrative within my video was understandable towards the audience. I did have three people that selected ‘3’, which is a 50/50 answer to the question, six people selected ‘6’ and one person to select ‘5’ – so I took this answer to be my music video having a good narrative, but perhaps in some clips, it may be unclear.

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Questionnaire Results

I had 10 respondents from the questionnaire surveys that I sent

On a scale of 1-5 (1=least 5=most), How realistic did

you find the narrative within the video and were the actors appropriate?


Again the results were positive and helps me to know that my narrative was realistic and my actors were appropriate. I believed that the male actor showed emotion well, he needed to show the transition of being a poor footballer and change into a good one (build in self-esteem).

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Questionnaire Results

I had 10 respondents from the questionnaire surveys that I sent

Were the locations within the music video appropriate

with the music genre?


Relating to my ‘initial plan’ question, I decided to ask whether if my changes in locations were still suited to my ‘sporty’ idea and the narrative I have. The results I received show that my locations were to suitable to my sporty theme. In fact 100% sad ‘yes’.


As this helps answer my media evaluation question; what have you learned from your audience feedback? This questionnaire was sent out to 23 recipients and I had 10 responses. With these 10 responses I created a results table to see what the respondents thought of my work, also

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Questionnaire Results

I had 10 respondents from the questionnaire surveys that I sent

ratings from 1-5 (1 being lowest and 5 being highest) also help me conclude how good my media products are. I have also concluded each question from the survey and how I can take positives and negatives from the ratings/feedback, in which it can better my work. Looking at these results, I believe on a whole that the majority were favourable and positive regarding my work. There were some negatives regarding my initial plan, and how much it has changed compared with my final products. However I feel that was understandable that the question received negative feedback, admitting that the initial plan is different to my final products. However, I do need to create a document that shows all the changes that I made from my initial plan in my final products, and why I changed them.