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How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our film has only young actors in it, this being Harry (Psycho) and Connor (Detective), therefore it would be sensible to think that our film would represent the young social groups ages 16-21. We were unfortunatlely unlucky with getting actors and had to use young actors but the film can represent teenagers as some what violent with maybe teenagers that grow up in struggling or bad backgrounds and due to this can turn into bad people who do bad things. The main character is a very mature person who even thou looks young holds himself confidenetly and well for his age. The teenager social group is always portrayed as negative with a social stigma off being loud, disruptive and a waste off society.

Teenagers are shown often in the horror genre to be generally quite stupid and ignornant until a bombshell hits in the film or something that throws there life into danger. Furthermore teenagers have a general stigma off being party animals and not showing maturuty in their young age. In our film the character is male and is shown as aggresive, this being normally a comman thing is young boys who have testosterone flowing through them and can be aggressive. We also only have male characters in our film because we had no use for a fermale character as it didnt offer us anything that we thought we could make work.