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Rajni Hussain


Page 2: Evaluation question 1 ptt


In what ways does your media

product use, develop or

challenging forms and conventions

of real media products?

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The genre drama is a film genre that depends mostly on in-depth

development of realistic characters dealing with emotional themes, such as,

alcoholism, drug addiction, racial prejudice, religious intolerance, poverty,

crime and corruption.

These are the dramatic themes that put the characters in conflict with

themselves, others, society and even natural phenomenon.

Dramatic films include a very large spectrum of film genres. Because of

the large number of drama films these genres have been classified into sub-

genres, for example, Crime drama and Legal drama, Historical drama,

Romance, Comedy-drama, Melodrama, Tragedy, Docudrama

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Our group decided to do something more

challenging and complex to make our media product

more stand out. We agreed, as a group, to adopt

something completely different to whatever is

already out the in the film industry.

That's when we decided to develop a film that was

in the drama category, which turned out to be a

psychological drama.

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Our film is based on Ronald Barthes theory, The Enigma Code. This is

because we use a lot of code to convey our message across, for

example, we used colours to express the emotions our main character

was feeling and the atmosphere at the time. To show these colours we

used coloured clothing to display the emotion, such as, a red top for

anger or an orange scarf to capture the warm feeling. This is similar

to the ‘symbolic code’, which is one of the four sub-theories within the

Enigma code theory. This theory worked well with our film as our aim

was to create suspense, build up tension and confuse our target

audience, which this theory has delivered quite effectively.

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The structure that our film takes place is an

unusual structure. Our film does not go in

chronological order, instead it is structure in a way

that creates confusion and perplexity, for our target

audience, which we have aimed for and gained. We

chose this for because it best displayed and illustrate

the moral message of the story that we had in mind,

and I believe we have achieved the message through

this form, which is ‘Life is full of different


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One of our main conventions that we tackled was

time. We experimented with this element, which is used

throughout our film, to make sure that our end product

does not become to confusing for our audience.

The reason for using the element ‘time’ is to keep the

audience engaged to the story and to make them think

about what is going on and wanting to figure out what

is going to happen next.

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We also challenged and went against Todorov’s theory, ‘Equilibrium’.

Our film does not go in chronological order as it uses the past and

present tense to illustrate what is happening in the story. Me and my

group decided to do this because we thought it is a theory that is not

shown as commonly as the others, for example, Todorov’s theory, which

is used majority of the time in the industry, and we wanted our film to

stand out and rise above all the common conventions in the filming

industry. We also wanted to give our audience something different, that

they have never seen before which has a huge impact on them.