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Evaluation - Question 1

“In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms

and conventions of real media products?”

Whilst in the middle of creating my magazine, I always went back to the codes and conventions of a typical rock magazine. This is so, my final magazine meets the criteria and expectations of my chosen target audience.

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Cover Masthead:I decided to use ‘FUSED’ as my masthead for my Rock magazine, after carefully taking the feedback from my target audience into consideration. FUSED has connotations of Rock music. It suggests that the music is too loud, making the fuse of the guitar break. It gives a sense of danger and thrill to the audience, making them feel as though they have now become involved, after reading the masthead. This would also make them want to buy this magazine.

Header:By looking at other examples of rock magazines I found that the header was always above the masthead. So, I followed this up on my magazine. Through my research I have found that many magazines use mastheads to grab the reader’s attention through various techniques. for example, by using upper case letters, making it bold or use different colours. As you can see from my header, I have used all uppercase words, in bold and black. I placed the text in the middle, so that it is clear for the audience to see and read. I used a yellow banner to make the text stand out. I also used it to carry out the general house style of the magazine.

Main Image:The main focus of the front cover, is the model itself. It is a long shot, which allows the audience to see the model’s clothes and see what actions she is doing. I specifically instructed my model to hold the guitar and to do the rock sign with her hands. This is because while carrying out research into my genre and whilst looking at different rock magazines, I found that it was associated with many instruments, the guitar being one of the main ones, and many models were doing the rock sign, which is why I carried this out in my magazine. she is looking directly at the audience,

Pull Quote:I decided to use a pull quote from the artist’’s main interview. This interests the reader a little bit more, because they are the direct words from the artist. From my research I found that the use of a pull quote is very affective, as it makes reader want to buy the magazine to read the full interview.

Barcode/Date/Issue price:This is not that important to the target audience, which is why it is small and placed in the corner, so it is not a distraction and does not stop the audience from main focal points of the front cover. However, it is important to the company FUSED, because it informs them of how many copies of this magazine were sold. Although, this bit of information is important to the audience, because it informs the audience of the price of the magazine and informs them of the date of this issue.

Footer:I added a footer on my front cover, to give the audience some extra information. This footer informs the audience of other artists that are also featured in the magazine. It is at the bottom of the page, making the target audience daw to the main elements of the page.

Use Of Flash:I have used a flash, because it informs the reader of an important offer or news. This particular flash informs them of the price of the magazine. it draws the reader’s attention, because it is in red. The white circle around the red circle arounds the flash to stand out and attracts the audience.

Left third:This reveals some of the key parts of the magazine. I have not added too much information under the main points, because my front cover would look overloaded. This is because, there would be too much information for the reader and might distract them from the main focus. My research into different rock magazines, helped me with out how to write out the left third. I used the colours red and blue, because it stands out really well on the grey background.

Background:I decided to use a grey background, because it suits rock genre really well. Also, whilst carrying out research into different rock magazines, I found that most magazines had grey backgrounds. The colour gray also goes really well with the other colours that I have used on the front cover, such as, red, yellow, and blue. It’s a plain background, so the audience are drawn to the artist first without getting distracted from the background.

The main cover line:The main cover line of my front cover is the name of the artist NINA. This is on top of the artist, giving the audience a clear indication of who the artist on the front cover is. This is one of the main focus points of the front cover as it is bold and block capital letters. The text is in Yellow with black outline, which again follows up the house style of the front cover. Inserts:I have used a small fact box, giving the audience some brief information about the exciting information that they will have a chance to get hold off about FUSED. I used this idea from a rock magazine.

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Contents Page:Masthead:The masthead CONTENTS is in the same font, size and colours as the masthead for my front cover. I decided to do this, because I wanted to carry out a house style for my magazine and I also saw this being carried out in other different magazines. Also, so the reader is aware that they are still reading through a FUSED magazine. Whilst researching into the different rock magazines, I found that ‘contents’ was always at the top of the page, which is why I decided to place my masthead at the top, and so I am following the conventions of a typical rock magazine.. This also makes it crystal clear to the reader that they have now turned on to the contents page.

Image:This is the main image of my contents page, and is one of the main focus of the page. The colours of their clothing - bold and dark - are colours often associated with rock. Jewellery is also related to rock. I have carried out this convention on my magazine, as you can see my female model is wearing bracelets of different colours. I have added a small information box at the bottom, which informs the reader of who they are and the page number to read more about them. I have used a pull quote from the interview, this is so it interests the reader to read the full interview. I used the idea of adding a small description box from a music magazine. So I have followed the conventions of a typical music magazine.

More images:I have used a couple of more images of artists who are also featured in my magazine on my contents page. I decided to use more than one images of different artists, because whilst carrying out research into different magazines, I found that there were lots of images of different artists used on the contents page. This makes the contents page look more exciting for the reader to read. I have added the artists names and page numbers next to it, so the reader can turn to that particular page to read more about the artist.

Date:I have added the date just beneath the masthead. Many magazines tend to include the date on the contents page, and so I have followed up this convention by including it on my contents page. The date keeps the reader up to date with the latest issue of the FUSED magazine.

Editorial:Most contents pages use editors note, so I have followed this convention of a typical magazine, by adding it to my magazine.

Subscribe:This small section informs the reader of what they will recieve, such as, offers if they subscribe to FUSED magazine. this makes the audience feel more involved.

Every Month:I decided to add this section on my magazine to keep the reader up to date with FUSED mail. And to inform them of how many crosswords they get involved with every month, How many subscriptions they receive every month, how many people take part in their competitions every month. This information is useful, as it suggests that FUSED magazine is very popular.

Sub-headings:My subheadings under the heading FEATURES are in a black banner with white text in front. The text is in bold and capital locks, this is so the subheadings stand out. I have included the page numbers, so the readers know the exact page to turn to. Underneath the subheadings, I have included a little description about what they will read about on that page.

Heading:FEATURES is the biggest heading on my contents page. I have used a bright red banner with white text in front, because the colour white stands out really well when contrasted with red. The heading is in capital letters, to further gain the reader’s attention and to highlight the importance of this section.

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Double Page Spread

Main Image:This is a medium shot of the artist. This Allows the reader to see half of her clothes, some of her body language and facial expressions. She is wearing red and black colour clothing. These colours relate to rock as they are bold and connotes danger. she is doing the rock sign with her hands again on the double page spread, to further follow up the rock chick look on the artist. She is wearing a bright red lipstick, to further highlight that she is dangerous, powerful and dominant. Her hair are open which are made to look scruffy and messy, which adds to the rock look. My research helped me to decide how I would want my model to pose for the double page spread. I found that on many rock magazine double spreads, there were mostly medium angle shots of the artists. This is why I decided to use a medium shot. Also, because it is a different shot from my front cover.

Drop cap:This drop cap is 3 lines down. It is in light blue and bold. The use of a drop cap draws the reader’s attention towards the interview. This does not confuse the reader, as it makes it clear of where the article starts from.

Masthead:THE ARRIVAL OF THE WRECKING masthead helps to suggest what the interview with the artist will be about. THE WRECKING is the name of the latest music album released by the artist. This is also bigger, so when the reader turns to this page their eyes are firstly drawn to THE WRECKING, then the image of the artist. I have used a combination of orange and red for the masthead, because they are fierce colours, and which also relate to the artist's personality, connoting that she is fiesty. The colour red used for the masthead stands out and it also matches the artist’s clothing, because she is dressed partially in red.

Website:I decided to include a website address, because I saw this on many double page spreads. So I have adhered to the conventions of a magazine. This would also make the reader more involved as they would be interested to read more interviews of different artists.Stand first/Pull quote:This is a small introduction which briefly informs the reader of what the article is about. This further interests the reader to read the full article. I have used a direct quote from the interview, which is in red, to make it noticeable for the reader.

Article:The artist often uses the word ‘you’, which is a direct address to the reader, making them feel more involved in the interview. The article takes up most of the page and it has been split up into three equal sections. The text uses a colour scheme of blue and black, the questions being in blue and the answers being in black.I have done this so the article appears clear for the reader to follow. I have used a bit of red in the article to highlight some key words and to also grab the reader’s attention.

Housestyle:I have carried out a house style throughout my magazine. My research into the house style of different double page spreads helped me with carrying out a house style for my magazine. I have used the same background on all my pages. I have also used the same font style and colours for my masthead. I have done this so the reader is aware that they are still reading a FUSED magazine.

Caption:This caption refers to the artist, suggesting her personality. The word ‘reckless’, suggests that she acts in a way which shows that she does not care about danger and is not afraid of the consequences of her actions.