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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Evaluation Question 1:

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This is a common feature used to create various emotional effects towards the audience. We also used the convention by adding non digetic sinister music at fast pace at the start to create an sinister effect, with this the protagonists life is shown representing an overall image of it.

Type of Music

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Camera Angles/ Camera Shots Camera Angle: There’s one camera angle we used which is high angle to show the protagonists friend dead: this creates an effect of a vulnerable person and powerless. Which a dead person actually is. This is a convention as it makes us look over the dead body and makes you feel to help the person.

Camera Shots: We used different shots according to matching scenes where it creates the effect we wanted.One of them is close up shot which shows prominent detail & facial expression of a character as a means of creating intimacy and audience engagement with the thoughts and emotions of the character. In our product we show a dead person, a crying person & hands full of blood.

Camera Shots: Long -shot has also been used when the protagonist leaves their house shows you where they live. (Gives you an idea about their living environment.)

The close up shot has been also used in “Black Swan”, to create a striking effect of the character. This is something we also did in our product.

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You always have a protagonist who is deeply affected by something and at first is lost,

unsure of what's happening. Plus they often have other people with them i.e. parent , friend, family who are also involved in the

same situation.

In our media product we used this convention and decided that our protagonist will have 2 characters along with themselves : A close friend who dies and a mother who is injudicious making the protagonists life more rough than it already is from losing a friend.

This convention can also be seen in “The Sixth Sense” , where you have to protagonist who is not a teenager but also young, plus a mother as another character, and also doesn’t believe the protagonist.

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Typical Plot:

Nearly in all psychological thrillers you have similar plots which is: either the protagonist is haunted/ being followed by something or they see someone dead, additionally no one around them wants to believe it, which possible makes them depressed because of that they’re going mad themselves. A lot of the times it’s to do with supernatural.

This is similar to the plot in “the invisible” where it also has to do with someone’s death of a teenager.

In our media product we decided to use both kind of plots , so the protagonist has lost someone and starts seeing this dead person and feels as if they’re haunted. Along with it the protagonist have a mother who smokes and is an alcoholic , behaves careless towards her, is negligent to her. This adds to the part of the plot where no one understands or believes the protagonists issue.