Page 1: Evaluation of Leadership Competencies


Percentage AWM4 3 2 11. Problem

AnalysisHe/she identifies problems then transforms them. Relates data from different sources and identifies possible causes.

2. Numerical Interpretation

He/she assimilates numerical and statistical information accurately and makes sensible, sound interpretations.

3. Judgment He/she develops alternative courses of action and makes decisions based on logical assumptions that reflect factual information.

4. Creativity He/she generates and recognizes imaginative solutions and innovations in work-related situations which are sound and practical, and not obvious to less perceptive colleagues.

5. Risk Taking He/she takes or initiates action that involves a significant risk in order to achieve a recognized benefit or advantage.

6. Decisiveness He/she shows a readiness to make decisions, render judgment, take action, or commits oneself, even if information is incomplete and/or of dubious validity.

7. Helicopter He/she rises above the immediate problem or situation and sees the broader issues and the wider implications; relates facts in problem to an extremely wide context through an ability to perceive all possible relationships.

8. Organizational Awareness and Sensitivity

He/she applies knowledge of changing internal situations and pressures to identify potential organizational problems and opportunities. Is aware of the impact and implications of own decisions on other parts of the organization.

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Percentage AWM4 3 2 19. Reading He/she shows by the use made of

written information that is has been effectively assimilated and retained.

10. Written Communication

His/her written work is readily intelligible; points and ideas are conveyed clearly and concisely to the reader

11. Perceptive Listening

He/she listens dispassionately, is not selective in what has been heard; conveys the clear impression that key points have been recalled and been taken into account.

12. Oral Expression He/she is fluent, speaks clearly, audibly and has good diction.

13. Oral Presentation

In formal presentations, he/she is concise and to the point does not use jargon without explanation; tailors content to the audience’s understanding. He/she is enthusiastic and lively when speaking.

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Percentage AWM4 3 2 114. Planning He/she establishes course of action for

self and others to accomplish a specific goal; plans suitable assignments of personnel and appropriate allocation of resources; establishes priorities, visualizes all possible changes required to meet future requirements.

15. Organizing He/she effectively coordinates the activites of own staff and colleagues to achieve common goals. Organizes all resources efficiently and effectively.

16. Delegating He/she allocates decision-making and other responsibilities to the appropriate subordinate. Distinguishes successfully between what should be done by others and what one should do oneself.

17. Appraisal He/she effectively monitors and evaluates the results of delegated assignments or projects. Provides appropriate feedback.

18. Development of Subordinates

He/she develops the skills and competences of subordinates through training and development activities


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Percentage AWM4 3 2 119. Impact He/she makes strong, positive

impression on first meeting. Has authority and credibility, establishes rapport quickly with colleagues and clients.

20. Persuasive He/she influences and persuades others to give their agreement and commitment to a decision or course of action which they initially opposed.

21. Sensitivity His/her behavior indicates a consideration for the feelings and needs of others.

22. Flexibility He/she adopts a flexible (but not compliant) style when interacting with others. Takes their views into account and changes position when appropriate.

23. Negotiating When facing opposition or conflict, he/she uses personal influence to communicate proposals, identify basis for compromise and eventually reaches agreement with others.


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4 3 2 124. Energy He/she shows energy and vitality.

Maintains a very high level of activity. Produces a high output. Works very rapidly everyday so that a backlog does not build up.

25. Achievement - Orientation

He/she set high goals or standards of performance for self and for others, and is dissatisfied with average performance.

26. Initiative He/she actively attempts influence events to achieve goals, a self-starter rather than passive acceptor. Takes action to achieve goals beyond those called for and originates action.

27. Tolerance for Stress

He/she shows stability of performance under pressure and opposition. Does not appear to become irritable, anxious or to lose composure.

28. Adaptability He/she maintains effectiveness in very different situations and environment, with various tasks, or people. Adapts behavior rapidly to the requirements of a new situation.

29. Independence He/she takes action in which the dominant influence is his/her own convictions rather than the influence of other people’s opinions.

30. Integrity He/she adheres to prevailing social, ethical, and organizational norms and standards on the job.

31. Resilience He/she handles disappointments and rejection while maintaining effectiveness. Does not react adversely to insults or unfair remarks.

32. Tenacity He/she stays with the position or plan of action until the desired object is achieved or is no longer reasonably attainable, irrespective of the setbacks and obstacles encountered.
