
As a result of the results I gained from my questionnaire, focus group and research I have narrowed my target audience down to a group from 16 to 25. Much of the information I looked at caused me to notice that many studies have been done looking into the main ages where eating disorders are developed. I found that many of the showed a dramatic increase during the age range I have chosen for my documentary specifically therefore leading me to think that this would be the best age range to target. As well as this I concluded that many people though it was a good idea to include ideas about how the media represents body image and is misrepresenting and influencing eating disorders. By aiming at this target audience I will be focusing directly on the main users of social networking sites therefore educating them as much as possible about how their time on these sites could potentially effect them of those close to them.

As well as this I have decided to focus my documentary on the female gender. Although there was much interest about representing both genders when reviewing the results of my survey I found during my focus group that they as a whole decided that over all it would be best to stick to one gender specifically in order to give the documentary a direct aim. They agreed that society is undereducated about eating disorders and therefore it would be best to direct at the gender that dominates the disorders in order in order to gain more of an impact.

My aim for this question was to discover where my audience feel mot exposed to the images, specifically through which source of social media. From this I can say that Facebook is the main social networking site which exposes people to this information and therefore is one I will focus on during my documentary. However on top of this I added in a option for magazines in order to compare the influence that social media has in comparison to printed media products. Although Facebook got a higher percentage over all magazines were the second option therefore informing me that printed media is as much of a competitor to social media sites than they re to each other.

This question was used in order to judge the effects of the exposure to the images we are surrounded with from the media and social networking sites. I can comment on how popular these sites are individually however without knowing what effect they are having within society they are of little use. As we can see many people have not feel peer pressured into dieting due to the images they have been perceiving however there are still many people that have. As we know eating disorders are not a common disorder that occurs to everyone however by simply looking at these results we can observe that a group of people would be effected and therefore could potentially be subject to the disorders development.

This question was included simply to judge how ell we as a society are informed about eating disorders. This survey was available to anyone who had access to my Facebook posts and Twitter feed as well as the site of those who shred it further therefore I have a range of different social groups who have answered and given me my results. This tells us that there is a wide spread lack of understanding throughout all areas of society. As we can see man people simply know what they are with a small number not knowing anything at all therefore informing me that it is not something recognised. This causes me to be more inclined to include many symptoms and their consequences within my documentary. As small minority of the people who did my survey did recognise the symptoms an their effects, this information is beneficial in that it allows me to know that the audience are somewhat educated in the issues surrounding eating disorders therefore the advice of a professional is one which will be greatly useful in order to reinforce their knowledge and to educate those who are uneducated about the topic therefore reinforcing the necessity for this to also be included.

From this information I am able to decipher what is most important to include in my documentary . I can clearly judge from the graph that a medical professionals view is one feature that of vital importance to my audience and therefore one feature I will ensure I include. However this is closely followed by the idea of showing how the media represents and contributes to eating disorders there for causing me to increase my interest in portraying how eating disorders are represented online within my work. The other options were also selected by many of the people who took part in the survey therefore they should also be included at points within my documentary however will play a more minor role within it.

I included this question simply to find out whether this was a feature that my audience would appreciate an keep them interested in the documentary. I have though about whereto include t and will further this thought process during he story boarding of my documentary. As we can se many people selected the yes option indicating it is a feature that they would like to be included at one stage in the final product.

Although 11 people did select no the question does state whether it would attract them therefore this decision could be based on the idea that it does not particularly bother them either way however I am trying to gain a large audience therefore I will consider the length of the montage in relation to these results.

In order to develop my ancillary products I had to get some information from my audience to see what the main preferences were in order to attract the largest amount of views. I asked this question in order to do this. It allows me to consider more deeply what I should include in terms of text on my product whilst still considering the Channel 4 design, however it also allows me to consider my images more carefully. They was not much difference in the opinion of using a large image singularly in comparison to using many smaller ones, therefore while my audience over all did prefer the smaller images I have taken into consideration the design of a channel 4 advert which has a much wider audience base and has been more thoroughly research and therefore will stick to a singular image. As well as this there is a clear interest in a colour image as opposed to black and white therefore this is one preference which I intended to stick to in order to gain more viewers for my documentary
