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In what ways does your music magazine use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real music magazine?

Front Cover MagazineI tried to use thirds and ‘Z’ eye movement for the readers eye to move in that direction. The color I used for my music magazine I believe did not go against the forms and conventions of real R&B music magazine, which I researched to be black, white or red. And the cooler I used for mine were a dark red with black and white. The type of magazine I created which was the genre of R&B am typically how I created the magazine because I thought using the same conventions then the audience would quickly realize what the genre I created for the magazine. Through the use of font, color and the mise-en-scene has been used to make this magazine. I realized if I challenged the forms and conventions then a person may not be able to recognize the type of genre for this magazine.

The Masthead are mainly put in the top center of the page, instead they used small caps but enlarging the font with mine I used large caps to get the audience to engage with the magazine.

I do not present my model to the male gays because women are dressed in a way to look sexual and revealing whereas with my model I made her look more fierce then to look sexual by covering her up and not revealing anything.


How does your music magazine represent particular social group?2.

My music magazine represents a social group for teenage girls/females because the model I used for my front page is a female who is black and the type of people in the industry of R&B are mainly a particular color, which is black people so I decided to find a model that fits those conventions. R&B singers that are women are dressed mainly in tight clothing, were they have a lot cleavage that they show which this follows the male gaze and stereotypes of how women in the media is portrayed. But instead of doing that I wanted to go against the codes and conventions by having my model wearing clothes that doesn’t show any cleavage but giving it a little edge to her outfit such as using props using a bandanna giving it a little gangster side to her look, making her looking also feminine through her face but her posture makes her looks like she has the power.

What kind of media institution might distribute your music magazine and why? 3.

The type of media institution that may distribute my music magazine is through the Internet via social networking such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. This is much easier for a person who is now the industry and wants to promote their magazine also via the internet it’s free to advertise and promote the magazine, and through social networks this can target from people not just internationally but also globally, people from different areas/countries from you. I could also give them to any corner/local shops and hope to attract different customers who may shop at that store. As well as distribution, vibe could promote my magazine through a various ways, such as their website was they advertise entertainment, music and the latest news. Vibe is a music and entertainment magazine founded by producer Quincy Jones. The publication predominantly features R&B and hip-hop music artists, actors and other entertainers.As I am a independent, wanting to advertise my magazine the best way to distribute it is through the internet that way its free and able to access to wide range of audience especially through social media such as Twitter and Facebook as my audience are teenagers/young adults, they are most aware of the internet so therefore I could distribute in a way to meet the audiences need by distributing online were anyone can access.

The audience of my music magazine is for females because I believe the industry of R&B are mostly men and they dominate the music of R&B and I wanted to show women in a different way instead I made the women look like they are in power instead of men because I believe in the media men tends to dominate women, and I wanted to show through my female model that they aren’t, so I dressed her differently to how women are stereotyped to be all feminine instead I wanted to give the look as a bit of dominance but still give that feminine side to her also. I have learned a lot because I wanted to give that balance which I found quite hard doing, like how to dress her, or how her make-up was done to give her that little edge to her but still make her look feminine. I think that people would be interested in this because you don’t see much R&B artists that are like both ghetto but feminine look to them which I think could interest people as its different and it goes against stereotypes of how women are portrayed.

Who would be the audience for your music magazine?4.

How did you attract/address your audience in the forms and conventions

used in your music magazine?5.The way I attract my audience was the key of what kind of model I was going to be using for my magazine. Through the colors, images and font I used was to appeal to my audience as well as the language I used which was very important, I gave it a little slang to my magazine because I believe that how hip-hop/R&B artist are portrayed as. Especially of how I looked at other vibe magazines to help me with my work, this would help me to create my magazine and through the uses of mise-en-scene to create their magazine which I had to take into consideration when making my music magazine.

The ways of engaging with our audience is through the internet were its free and anyone is able to access especially through the social networks such as Twitter, Facebook therefore not only engage with my target audience but audiences from any age can see.

Throughout making my magazine I have learn a lot of new things about technology and the different uses of software you needed to know learning the basics of this software to create the magazines. At first it was very difficult to use them as it was only my first time, this meant I needed to do my own research and study to how the software I am using which is photo shop is to learn and practice the basics of the tools/process of creating a magazine. The use of the numbers of layers you will need, this is important for creating a magazine because these will be a lot of overlapping in my magazine which I do not want to get mixed up with so it’s important to add new layers everything you insert something different and make sure you name the layers because you can get confused with what layer is for what item.Even the different technologies I used were very much new to me as I never used them before, each of them is as important as it each other because if I didn't have at least one of those I would not of been able to create my magazine.

Through the process of making my music magazine I used a variety of technology that I have never come across or don’t use as much which was all new to me, as for that I learnt quite a lot through the process of creating my magazine.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing your

music magazine?6.

List of Technology

None Few A lot

Mac Computer


Photoshop Yes

Word Document


Mobile Yes

Blogger Never

Camera Yes

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?7.

Throughout the preliminary task I felt confident enough to know what kind of layout I wanted to use for my school magazine. The software that was used for the preliminary task was much more straight forward and easy therefore with the music magazine I felt very confidently that I was going to do much better for my music magazine. But there was a problem with the software which we used was quite hard at the beginning and I struggled with the layout of my magazine because I didn't plan before I made my magazine which therefore was a struggle for me and I learn that I needed to plan and use established magazine to guide me through my magazine.

The software from the preliminary task to the actual magazine I found very difficult as I didn't know how to use it but with a few lessons of it, I definitely got the hang of photo shop which I found very helpful because if I didn't know how to use the software I would of found it very difficult to create my magazine.
