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Photography Evaluation

For the photography unit I have chosen to take photos in the genera of Action Sports,

Focusing on Skateboarding and BMX, I have taken photos for my client,

I have been asked to produce 4 action sport photos, 3 Skateboarding and 1 BMX. The

purpose of the images is to attract peoples attention and make the sports look interesting

and fun, also to make people want to try the sport.

First Picture - IMG_0009


The lighting with the sun set, How the bike rider is perfect lit, but the rest of the photo is

high contrast and a bit dark to get the sunset colour showing. The composition how the

BMX and rider are on the far right, i used the rule of thirds. A wide depth of field, the

whole wall is in focus, closest to you and furthest away.


The sunset isn't as bright as i wanted it to be i didn't get enough colours in the sunset. The

warning sign about dogs on the wall ride (far left) is messy and is eye catching. There are

people sitting on the ramp in the back which make the photo look a bit cluttered and


I would rate this photo 9/10

Second Picture - IMG_ 0119


The strengths to this photo are the lighting, the skateboarder is perfect lit when the

background is dark and the sky is dark. How i took the picture at the exact right second to

capture the bored with the graphics and wheels facing towards the camera.


Page 2: Evaluation

The weakness to this photo are its slightly over exposed, The skateboarders socks are to

brighter white and the white on the skateboard is a little bit blown out. The background

needs to be blurred a bit more to help make the skateboarder more eye catching.

I would rate this photo 7/10

Third Picture - IMG_0123


The strengths of this photo are the timing i took this photo, i froze it in the middle of his

trick. The image has no motion blur, its very sharp and crisp, i used a quick enough shutter



The weakness of this photo would be how its slightly flat, the background looks a bit dull.

The photo is a bit to under exposed, the skateboarders coat is under exposed, its just a big

back blob on the skateboarder, you cant see any detail, any creases.

I would rate this photo 7/10

Fourth Picture - IMG_0138


The strengths of this image are i captured the photo at the perfect time, just as the skater

was doing the trick. How the skateboarder is perfect it but the background is dark. There is

no motion blur, the shutter speed was set perfectly.


The weakness for this photo is there is a bit of over exposure from the flash on the ramp.

I would rate this photo 8/10
