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Page 1: Evaluation

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of

real media products?

Page 2: Evaluation


Main image

The main image on both takes up about 2/3s of the cover so that it does catch the audiences eyes. The

difference is the way that they are posing and the style of shot. My magazine has a mid shot whereas Vibes

magazine is more of a close up.

Both are located at the top of the page in a bold font, the only different is the style of font and colours, having

a unique font and colour helps it to stand out as the masthead sort of acts like the magazines logo so it has

to be different to stand out from the rest of the magazines on the shelf.

Barcode and important information.

Different fonts, sizes and colours on the cover lines help the main words the magazine wants the

audience to see to stand out.

Cover lines

Colour scheme

The main difference on the two covers is the colour scheme. They both use Black and White but the strong vibrant colours they use makes them look

completely different and unique.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Own magazine Vibe magazine

These are featured on nearly every magazine.

Page 3: Evaluation

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Own magazine Vibe magazine


The layout of the two magazines contents pages look very different with their layout showing that they are a

different magazine and stand out from the rest although they both do include the same features, a title, a main image and the information on what is on each page.


It is made very clear that this is the contents page as it is said at the top of both pages in a colour that stands out. There is also a title to show the magazines main title. On mine it says it right at the top in a font slightly smaller to

the contents title so that readers are constantly reminded of the magazine they are reading. Vibe

magazine has a less obvious one with just the large letter V.


Both contents pages include images. My magazine has three images and Vibes only has one. Although images on both magazines relate to articles that can be found

within the magazine.

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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Own magazine

NME magazine


Both main images take up a whole page of the double page


Main image


Sub heading

Both have a sub heading which summarises the text below it to give the reader an idea what

they're going to read about and to make them want to read it.

The title takes up a lot of space on both of the double page spreads although the

one on NME magazine takes up even more of the space and it very eye

catching whereas mine just has the Artists being interviewed name.


The text looks similar looking at it quickly but mine is set up more like a script which makes it simple

and fast to read but also gives the reader the information I need, whereas NME’s magazine has

just a huge chunk of writing.

My magazine has smaller bold quotes throughout the double page spread which will catch the audiences eyes and pull them

into the article, NME magazine is similar but the title of their double page spread is the Quote.

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How does your media product represent particular social groups?

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How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The Social Group I wanted to represent is the typical teenager as well as people who enjoy hip hop music and other similar genres.

High street fashion



Enjoys music

But I also wanted to represent the similar styles of Artists that currently do Hip Hop music.

PosingOwn Unique Look

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How does your media product represent particular social groups?

High street fashion



Enjoys music


Own Unique Look

For the people featuring in my magazine I have mixed both, how the typical teenager is represented and how Hip Hop artists are represented so that the magazine represents both and it is clear that it does for all audiences because of this.

Having them look friendly makes the magazine look positive therefore appealing.

For example this member of the girl group has red hair so she stands out and look memorable as an artist as well as being easily recognisable by her fans so seeing an image of her will stand out and

make them want to purchase the magazine.

The poses show that they have some sort of fame as well as making the magazine look more professional.

Represents normal every day people who tend to wear simple high street fashions. Having the people in the magazine dressed like this shows they are just like the people reading them.

This simply represents people who enjoy music which is important as it is a music magazine that they will be interested in buying.

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What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

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What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Bauer Media Group

This institution would be suitable for my magazine as it is aimed at a younger audience and Bauer has experience of doing magazines for all ages so would do well for a magazine focusing on teenagers.

Also because it is such a popular media group they’ll have customers which trust in the company to create good magazines

therefore the magazine will already have people wanting to purchase it.

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Who would the audience be for your media product?

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Who would the audience be for your media product?

During my research for the magazine I only asked people between the age of 15 and 20 as that is the age group I wanted to focus on. So by asking people of that age questions about their ideal hip hop music magazine I could then make my magazine as appealing to them as possible.

I chose to do people aged between 15 and 20 in the first place as from my own knowledge I know that people in this age group enjoy Hip Hop music which 93% of the people I asked did. Therefore this age group would be the group most likely to purchase the magazine.

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Typical Reader Profile:

Who would the audience be for your media product?

Age: 15 – 20

Education: School/ further education

Music interests: Hip Hop, R&B, Pop music.

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How did you attract/address your audience?

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How did you attract/address your audience?

One of the main ways used to attract the audience to a music magazine is by having the basic convections of a magazine but making them specifically unique so that the magazine does stand out from the rest. The way I did this was:

•Using bright colours such as purple to catch the audiences eye.

•Lots of different fonts, and sizes.

•One large image.

•A unique Masthead and Title.

With most of the images the Artist looks as if they are looking at the reader and as they are smiling it makes the reader instantly feel involved in the magazine. The words used on the cover also address the reader as it says ‘you’ which makes them feel the magazine is targeted at them.

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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

1. Firstly I created the Masthead and made it unique for the magazine.

2. I then added the main image and made it to the size I want and put it in the right position.

3. Added the main cover line and a banner along the bottom where more cover lines could be added so that they stand out.

4. The rest of the cover lines where then added.

5. To make the cover look more professional I added a bar code, the issue date and other little tweaks to give it that better look.

6. I moved only the head of the main image infront of the masthead but left the rest of the text infront of the image.

7. Finally I added the white back ground to make everything on it stand out.

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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

1. Firstly I put the main title on the page where I wanted it to be.

2. I then added the sub headings in the right position.

3. The page numbers and the magazine title was then put in. The title was put in so that people are reminded of the magazine that they are reading.

4. I then added the images. 5. The main text was then added along with the date of the issue.

6. Added page numbers to the images to make it look more professional and the page was then complete.

7. To make it look better I then messed about with the colours until I was happy with it.

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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

1. I firstly added the image where I wanted it because it took up such a large space.

2. I then added the main Title. 3. I changed the colour of the title to a colour which features in the image to create a colour scheme

4. I then started to create the writing, I started with a opening paragraph.

5. I changed the colour of the opening paragraph and created the main text.

6. To make the text look more appealing I changed the colours of the questions and artists names.

7. I then added quotes to the top of the page and in the middle of the text and put in page numbers and a small title at the top saying “ features”

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Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

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Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it

to the full product?

Preliminary task Main task

Everything looks a lot more professional now as to how is did on the preliminary task. Firstly the colour scheme doesn’t have to many colours yet still attracts the audiences attention in my final product whereas in the preliminary task there was too many bright colours going on at once is just all blurs together. The fonts also look much more polished and neater in my final product as even though they’re all different sizes, fonts and colours the was they are positioned on the page just makes the cover look more professional. On the preliminary task the cover lines are hard to read and all the text is the same and it just looks rather poorly made compared to the main product. I found that one image also works better on the front cover rather than two as it can take up more of the page and still fit on as on the preliminary task there is a lot of blank space which couldn’t be filled by the image as if it got made any bigger the two people wouldn’t fit on the page making it look silly.

Page 21: Evaluation

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it

to the full product?

Preliminary task Main task

I think the two contents pages that I have created are rather good although the one done for my preliminary task still has that look which makes it look not very professional at all and the main product contents page does. I think just like my front cover the contents page for the preliminary task has too many bright colours which makes it hard to read and look at. Both have a nice strong title which says contents to show the reader clearly what page they are on and the images are laid out well on both. Although the text on my main product looks more attractive and readable because it is so simple to look at yet is still appealing as it has only one strong, bright colour.
