
EV & E-bus infrastructureplanning in cities

Rotterdam, 2 December 2016

Tim van [email protected]


I. Introduction EVConsult

II. Predicting infrastructure needs

III. Infrastructure mapping

i. EV

ii. E-bus

IV. Hub thinking

1. EVConsultExperts in sustainable mobility

• Strategy consultancy, project management & business development• Research and analysis on sustainable fleets• Innovation and efficiency in EV implementation• National and international clients• Combination of strategic thinking with in-depth knowledge of market• Frontrunner and only dedicated EV consultancy company in the Netherlands

Infrastructure is key element2. EV boosting





1 Awareness





7 years of infrastructure rollout experience

2. EV boosting

Key learnings:- Long term

contracts- Private sector

engagement- Efficiency in

rollout & cooperation

Strategic planning

3. Strategic planningObjective

Further reduce costs for infrastructure operators, municipalities and e-drivers/transporters

• Efficient rollout process for the expansion of charging network

• Efficient use of charging structure = positive business case

Infrastructure for EV’s

Case study Utrecht City:We can predict demand

Demand and usage are unevenly distributed across the city

4. Why strategic planning?Predictability

4. Why strategic planning?High usage improves business case

Occupancy optimisation- Policy measures- Pricing measures- Integration in strategic planning

Connection time vs charging time, Utrecht 2014

Business case can be optimised by sharing grid connection with multiple chargers (hubs)

4. Why strategic planning?Charging hubs improving the business case

4. Why strategic planning?Efficiency rollout process

Preindicating locations for chargers = more efficient rollout

4. Why strategic planning?Efficiency rollout process

5. Strategic rollout model

Strategic mapping

Insight in EV potential per district, area, street of object

Driving and charging patterns, vehicle info

Simulation of behaviour

Insight in total # of all type of chargers

Create strategic network based on data

Phase 1 – Data based prediction

EV potential(100m2) till 2020

Calculating the EV potential Income Education level Age Numbers of vehicles Property value Footprint, type and usage per

building Cadastre calculate size of garden Google determine front/back of


5. Strategic rollout modelPhase 1– Data based prediction

5. Strategic rollout modelPhase 2 – current charging stations

EV potential(100m2) until 2020

expectation: approx 25 chargers

Public charger (2p)chargers & expectations - block level

5. Strategic rollout modelPhase 3 – locations future charging stations

5. Strategic rollout modelPhase 3 – locations future charging stations

Infrastructure for E-buses

6. Infrastructure for E-buses

Netherlands: Agreement Transport Authorities: 2025 all public buses to be Zero-Emission

Belgium: Brussels en Flanders: extra budget bus electrification 22 mln Flanders, 29,9 mln Brussels

Charging infrastructure for buses, cooperation is needed:

I. Transport authority

II. Transport company

III. City

IV. Grid operator

Available charging techniques (NOT standardized yet)

I. Opportunity charging (Pantograph/ Wireless)

II. Overnight charging (conductive charging)

III. In motion charging (usage of existing tram/rail network)

7. Strategic mappingPhase 1– potential locations charging stations

Quick scan bases current routes: Obligatory stops & hubs Neighbourhoods to be served Bus depot Train station Terminus First or last bus stopUsable even in functionally prescribed ToR in EU tenders

7. Strategic mappingPhase 2– coordination with municipality

Impact on public space Licensing process Land ownership Municipal planning

authorityUtrecht Central Station, 2010

Dordrecht bus stop location study

7. Strategic mappingPhase 3 – coordination with grid operator

Impact of charging E-buses on the grid Grid expansion


1 day

• Charging influences growing local electricity demand & peak volume

• Energy trade & grid stability: will energy for mobility cost nothing in future?

7. Strategic mappingPhase 3 – coordination with grid operator

8. Conclusion

EVConsult BV

NetherlandOvertoom 601054 HK AMSTERDAMNederland

Tim van [email protected]+31 6 17352943

BelgiumEveraertsstraat 1102060 AntwerpenBelgië

[email protected]+32 (0) 479 28 99 37
