Page 1: European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 and EU external action Inmaculada Placencia Porrero Deputy Head of Unit Unit D3 Rights of Persons with Disabilities

European Disability Strategy 2010-2020and

EU external action

Inmaculada Placencia PorreroDeputy Head of Unit

Unit D3 Rights of Persons with Disabilities

European CommissionDG Justice

[email protected]

Page 2: European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 and EU external action Inmaculada Placencia Porrero Deputy Head of Unit Unit D3 Rights of Persons with Disabilities

The EU and the UN CRPD

• Commission proposal for Conclusion of the Convention and accession to Optional Protocol• 29 August 2008

• Council Decision 2010/48 concerning the conclusion• 26 November 2009• 2 December 2010 Adoption of the Code of Conduct

• Entry into Force for the EU 22 January 2011• Ratified by 25 MS

Page 3: European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 and EU external action Inmaculada Placencia Porrero Deputy Head of Unit Unit D3 Rights of Persons with Disabilities

European Disability Strategy 2010-2020• Adopted on 15 November 2010.

• Communication on a European Disability Strategy 2010-2020

– Accessibility of goods and services – Participation as equal citizens in Europe and quality community-based

services– Equality and combating discrimination – Employment in the open labour market– Inclusive education and training – Social protection to combat poverty and social exclusion– Equal access to health services and related facilities– External action including EU enlargement, neighbourhood and

international development programmes

• Initial plan to implement the Strategy: List of Actions 2010-2015

Page 4: European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 and EU external action Inmaculada Placencia Porrero Deputy Head of Unit Unit D3 Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Area nr. 8 => EU External Action

• Specific objective:• To promote the rights of people with disabilities within a

broader non-discriminatory approach in the EU external action, including the enlargement process and development

• programmes, taking due account of the common EU and Member States' approach to development.

• -Twin track approach• -Training• -Network in delegations• -repository of information

Page 5: European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 and EU external action Inmaculada Placencia Porrero Deputy Head of Unit Unit D3 Rights of Persons with Disabilities

8 External Action – Key actions (I)• – Ensure that the specific needs of persons with disabilities, including those who are disabled

as a consequence of natural and man-made disasters, are properly assessed and addressed in the area of emergency and humanitarian aid outside the EU

• – Highlight disability where appropriate as a human rights issue in the EU human rights dialogues with third countries, based on the principles of the UNCRPD

• – Ensure that EU development cooperation reaches persons with disabilities, both through projects/programmes specifically targeting persons with disabilities and by improving the mainstreaming of disability concerns

• – Enhance coherence and complementarity between the EU approach to persons with disabilities and EU assistance to survivors of landmine and explosive remnants of war during armed conflict and its aftermath

• – Support the national efforts of partner countries for the signature, ratification and implementation of the UNCRPD

• – Support where appropriate the institutional strengthening of Disabled Peoples' Organisations in partner countries and organisations dealing with disability and development

Page 6: European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 and EU external action Inmaculada Placencia Porrero Deputy Head of Unit Unit D3 Rights of Persons with Disabilities

8 External Action –Key actions (II)

• – Consolidate the network of disability focal points in EU Delegations and at Headquarters, and increase the awareness of EU staff on disability matters

• – Promote that infrastructure financed in the framework of EU development projects meets the accessibility requirements of people with disabilities.

• – Update the Guidance Note on Disability and Development to be in line with the UN Convention on the Rights of Person with Disabilities

• – Ensure that progress is made by candidate and potential candidate countries on promoting the rights of persons with disabilities and that accession funds are used to improve their situation

• – Encourage European Neighbourhood Policy partner countries to protect the rights of persons with disabilities; mainstream disability-related issues through policy dialogue and exchange of experience; and explore possibilities for financial assistance under the European Neighbourhood

• Policy and Partnership Instrument

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Agenda for Change

Adopted in 2011 – It sets out EU policy on future development cooperation.

No specific reference to disability but the EU should focus on support on:

i) Human rights, democracy and other key elements of good governance.

ii) Inclusive and sustainable growth for human development.

EU development cooperation needs to be disability-inclusive: promote the rights of PWDs and ensure that they can contribute to and benefit from the development efforts in their countries.

Page 8: European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 and EU external action Inmaculada Placencia Porrero Deputy Head of Unit Unit D3 Rights of Persons with Disabilities

EU Strategic Framework and Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy (June 2012)

It sets out principles, objectives and priorities designed to improve the effectiveness and consistency of EU policy in the next ten years. They provide an agreed basis for a truly collective effort, involving EU MS as well as the EU Institutions in partnership with civil society.

Action 30: "Enjoyment of human rights by persons with disabilities" includes:

•(a) Promote the rights of PWDs, including in development programmes, in the framework of the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 and implementation of the UNCRPD;

•(b) Update the Guidance Note on Disability and Development to be in line with the UNCRPD.

Page 9: European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 and EU external action Inmaculada Placencia Porrero Deputy Head of Unit Unit D3 Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Communication A decent Life for all: from vision to collective action June 2014

• Key objectives• eradicate poverty• Sustainable development


• Targets and priorities specific mention to disability

HealthEducationEmploymentSustainable cities -> AccessibilityTargets related disability: Inequalities, health, education,

accessible transport accessible urban planning.

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Financial instruments

-Multiannual financial Framework Heading 4 External Action-Common Implementing Regulation: In the design and implementation of programmes and projects, criteria regarding accessibility for persons with disabilities shall be duly taken into account.-Development Cooperation Instrument – DCI-19,652 M€:Disability ->cross cutting issue, in geographic &thematic programmes (education employment)-European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights-1,333 M€->equal participation of people with disabilities in social, economic and political life -> the rights of persons with disabilities, as set out in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities;-Instrument for Pre-Accession – IPA II-11,699 M€:Objectives-> promotion of social and economic inclusion, in particular of minorities and vulnerable groups, including persons with disabilities, refugees and displaced persons; Thematic priorities-> Promoting social inclusion and combating poverty and discrimination i.a. disability.

-Practical Guide to Contract Procedures EU external action: All services, supplies, work and grants related to good, services and infrastructures(for the use of persons)must include in technical specifications accessibility requirements following a "design for all" approach.

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• -Increase visibility of disability matters• -link to the UNCRPD• -Post 2015 agenda• - EU commitment – participation in 2013 UNGA

High-Level Meeting on Disability and Development (post-2015)

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Useful weblinks

• European Disability Strategy 2010-2020:

• Initial plan to implement the Strategy: List of Actions 2010-2015:

• United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities:
