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European Parliament, Latin America Unit

September 2014


Road Map 2006 – 2014

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• Vienna Declaration ( 4th EU-LAC Summit), 11-12 May 2006 ................................................. 3

• Inaugural Session of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly, 8-9 November 2006, Brussels, Belgium .................................................................................... 4

Adoption of the Constituent Act Adoption of the EuroLat Assembly's Provisional Rules of Procedure Adoption of the “Brussels Declaration” on the new Assembly's tasks with regard to the Birregional Strategic Association (the Declarations adopted by the three standing committees are annexed to this Declaration)

Mr Ney Lopes, (Brazil, Parlatino) President of the Latin-American Parliament, on behalf of the Latin-American representatives and Mr José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, on behalf of the European Parliament were elected Co-Presidents of the EuroLat Assembly

• First EuroLat Ordinary Plenary Session, 18-20 December 2007, Brussels, Belgium ............... 5 Mr Jorge Pizarro Soto (Parlatino, Chile) was elected Co-President for the LAC component

• Second EuroLat Ordinary Plenary Session, 29 April – 1 May 2008, Lima, Peru ..................... 7 Message from the EuroLat Assembly to the 5th European Union - Latin America and Caribbean Summit (Lima, 16-17 May 2008)

• Third EuroLat Ordinary Plenary Session, 6-8 April 2009, Madrid, Spain ................................ 9 Message from the EuroLat Assembly to the EU–Rio Group XIVth Ministerial Meeting (Prague, 13 May 2009);

Mr Luis Fernando Duque García (Parlandino-Colombia) was elected as Co-President of the Assembly, replacing Mr Jorge Pizarro Soto

• Fourth EuroLat Ordinary Plenary Session, 12-15 May 2010, Seville, Spain ............................ 11 Message from the EuroLat Assembly to the 6th European Union–Latin America and Caribbean Summit (Madrid, 18 May 2010)

• Fifth EuroLat Ordinary Plenary Session, 17-19 May 2011, Montevideo, Uruguay .................. 13 Ms Gloria Oqueli Solórzano (Parlacen-Honduras) was elected Co-President of the Assembly, replacing Co-President Wilbert Bendezú Carpio

• Sixth EuroLat Ordinary Plenary Session, 23-25 January 2013, Santiago de Chile ................... 16 Message from the EuroLat Assembly to the 1st CELAC-EU Summit

(Santiago de Chile, 26-27 January 2013) Mr Leonel Vásquez Búcaro (Parlacen-El Salvador) was elected Co-President

of the Assembly, replacing Ms Gloria Oquelí

• Seventh EuroLat Ordinary Plenary Session, 27-29 March 2014, Athens, Greece .................... 18

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Preparatory Acts:

15 November 2001 Strasbourg, France

• EP proposal to establish the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat)

14 16 June 2005 Lima, Peru (XVII EU-LA Interparliamentary Conference)

• Joint EP/LAC proposal to set up the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly

24 25 April 2006 Bregenz, Austria (EP-LAC Interparliamentary meeting)

• In its message to the Vienna Summit, EP-LAC Regional Integration Parliaments

reiterated their proposal to create the new Assembly • Presidents of the parliaments involved charge EP President Josep Borrell to address

the Summit on their behalf

27 April 2006 Strasbourg, France

• EP resolution reiterating its 2001 proposal to create EuroLat

Setting-up of the Assembly and further developments 11-12 May 2006 Vienna, Austria (IV EU-LAC Summit)

• Paragraph 8 of the Vienna Declaration gives recognition to EP-LAC parliaments'

proposal to create the Assembly. • EP President Josep Borrell thanked the Summit at the closing ceremony on behalf of

the five parliaments involved. Press statement by President Borrell on behalf of the parliaments undertaking to set up the Assembly as speedily as possible.

26 June 2006 Guatemala

• The Presidents of the five parliaments involved decided to set up a technical working

group to initiate the preparatory work.

4-6 August 2006 Cartagena de Indias, Colombia

• Meeting of the technical working group: adoption of the Declaration of Cartagena and

approval ad referendum of the Constituent Act and the draft Provisional Rules of Procedure

13-14 October 2006 São Paulo, Brazil

• Meeting of the secretariat and representatives of the technical working group:

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preparation of the EuroLat Inaugural Session and final revision of the draft Constituent Act and the draft Provisional Rules of Procedure.

8-9 November 2006 Brussels, Belgium

• Inaugural Session of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly.

Inaugural Session of EuroLat's 3 Standing Committees. First meeting of EuroLat's Bureau, organised by the European Parliament

• Welcome addresses by Mr Josep Borrell Fontelles, President of the European

Parliament, Ney Lopes de Sousa, President of the Latin-American Parliament, Luis Fernando Duque García, President of the Andean Parliament, Julio Guillermo González Gamarra, Vice-President of the Central American Parliament, representing President Ciro Cruz Zepeda Peña.

• The following then spoke as special guests: Vice-President, Congresswoman Mrs Lourdes Mendoza del Solar, representing Mr Alan García, President of the Republic of Peru and the Secretary-General of the Ibero-American Secretariat-General, Mr Enrique V. Iglesias.

• Adoption of the Constituent Act and the Assembly's Provisional Rules of Procedure

• Solemn signing of the Constituent Act

• New Co-Presidents and Co-Vice-Presidents elected : Mr Ney Lopes, (Brazil) President of the Latin-American Parliament, on behalf of the Latin-American representatives and Mr José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, on behalf of the European Parliament were elected Co-Presidents of the EuroLat Assembly.

o As Co-Vice-Presidents, for the European component � Mr Manuel dos Santos (PSE); Mrs Frédérique Ries (ALDE); Mr Alain

Lipietz (Greens); Mr Willi Meyer Pleite (GUE/NGL); Mrs Inese Vaidere (UEN); Mr Struan Stevenson (EPP-DE).

o As Co-Vice-Presidents for the Latin-American component � Mr Eduardo Barbosa, (Parlatino, Brazil); Mr Luis Fernando Duque

García; President of the Andean Parliament (Parlandino, Colombia); Mr Julio Palacios Sambrano, (Parlacen, Panama); Mr Jaime Naranjo (Chilean Congress); Mrs Rosario Green Macías (Mexican Congress)

• Address by Mrs Benita Ferrero Waldner, Commissioner for Foreign Relations and Neighbourhood Policy on the state of the EU-LAC Birregional Strategic Association

• Adoption of the “Brussels Declaration” on the new Assembly's tasks with regard to

the Birregional Strategic Association (the Declarations adopted by the three standing committees are annexed to this Declaration)

12-13 April 2007 Mexico D.F.

• EuroLat Executive Bureau meeting in the Mexican Senate organised by the Mexican

Congress and the Parlatino

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• Speeches by Senator Rosarío Green Macías, the two Co-Presidents of EuroLat (Mr José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra for the EP and Jorge Pizarro Soto for the Parlatino), Senator Santiago Creel, Chairman of the Senate Political Coordination Bureau and Senator Manlio Fabio Beltrones, Chairman of the Senate Bureau

6-7 July 2007 Quito, Ecuador

• First meetings of the 3 Standing Committees, organised by the Andean Parliament,

Latin-American Parliament and the European Parliament

• Speeches by Mr Freddy Elhers, Secretary-General of the Andean Community and by Dr Lenin Moreno, Vice-President of the Republic of Ecuador

18-20 December 2007 Brussels, Belgium

• First EuroLat Plenary Session, in parallel with meetings of the 3 Standing

Committees, the Eurolat Bureau, organised by the European Parliament.

• Speeches by Mr Hans-Gert Pöttering, President of the European Parliament, Mr Luis Amado, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Portugal and President–in–exercise of the Union's Council of Ministers, Mrs. Benita Ferrero-Waldner, European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, Mr Enrique V. Iglesias, Secretary–General of the Ibero-American Secretariat General (SEGIB), Dr Matjaz Sinkovec, State Secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister of Slovenia, Mr Luis Humberto Falla Lamadrid, Vice-President of the Committee on External Relations of Congress of Peru, Mr Jorge de Castillo, on behalf of President of the Council of Ministers of Peru, Mr Manuel Antonio dos Santos, Vice-President of the European Parliament, Mr Jorge Pizarro Soto, (EuroLat Co-President, Latin-American component) and Mr José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, (EuroLat Co-President, European component)

• Statement Dr Alfredo Trinidad Velásquez, personal representative of Guatemala's elected President Dr Álvaro Colom, President Pro Tempore of the SICA and the San José Dialogue

• Presentation by European Commission Director–General José Manuel Silva Rodríguez (DG Research) on "EU–Latin America Knowledge Area"

• Documents approved by the Plenary:

o “EU-Latin America relations with a view to the Fifth Lima Summit and with special reference to democratic governance” on the basis of the report of the Committee on Political Affairs, Security and Human Rights LAC co-rapporteur: Juan Pablo Plácido (Central American Parliament) EP co-rapporteur: Emilio Menéndez del Valle (PSE)

o “Challenges and opportunities resulting from globalisation for the economic and trade relations between the EU and LA countries” on the basis of the report of the Committee on Economic, Financial and Commercial Affairs LAC co-rapporteur: Luis Fernando Duque García (Andean Parliament) EP co-rapporteur: Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna (PPE)

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o “Sustainable development and environmental balance in the relations between the EU Member States and Latin America in the context of global warming” on the basis of the report of the Committee on Social Affairs, Human Exchanges, the Environment, Education and Culture LAC co-rapporteur: Amelia Herrera (Latin American Parliament) EP co-rapporteur: Josu Ortuondo Larrea (ALDE)

• Written declarations of the EuroLa Assembly o The Statement by the Mexican Delegation to the EuroLat Assembly on the

response to the emergency in the states of Tabasco and Chiapas o The Declaration of the EuroLat Assembly on the negotiation of an Association

Agreement between the European Union and the countries of Central America

• New Co-Presidents and Co-Vice-Presidents elected : o Mr Jorge Pizarro Soto was elected Co-President for the LAC component,

replacing Mr Ney Lopes o As Co-Vice-Presidents, for the Latin American component

� Mr Julio González Gamarra (Parlacen-Guatemala) was elected Co-Vice President of the Assembly

o As Co-Vice-Presidents, for the Latin American component � Mr Fava (PES), Kulakowski (ALDE), Stastný (EPP-ED) and Mrs

Belohorská (NI) were elected Co-Vice Presidents of the Assembly

7 March 2008

• Statement by the Co-Presidents of the EuroLat Assembly on the current crisis

involving Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela

18 March 2008 Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

• EuroLat Bureau meeting

29 April - 1 May 2008 Lima, Peru

• Second EuroLat Plenary Session, in parallel with meetings of the 3 Standing

Committees, the Eurolat Bureau, the working group Migration, organised by the Parlandino and European Parliament.

• Speeches by Ms Ivonne Juez de Baki, President of the Andean Parliament, Mr Luis González Posada, President of the Congress of the Republic of Peru, Mr Jorge Pizarro Soto, President of the Latin American Parliament and Co-President of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly, (Latin-American component), Mr José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Co-President of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (European component) and by Mr Julio González Gamarra, President of the Central American Parliament

• Statement by HE Ambassador Avguštin Vivod on behalf of Mr Dimitrij Rupel, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Slovenia and President-in-office of the Council of

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Ministers of the European Union.

• Statement by Mr Antonio Cardoso Mota, Head of the European Commission Delegation, on behalf of Ms Benita Ferrero-Waldner, Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy

• Documents approved by the Plenary o “European Union and Latin American energy policies”, on the basis of the

report of the Committee on Political Affairs, Security and Human Rights LAC co-rapporteur: Camilo Brenes (Parlacen) EP co-rapporteur: Godelieve Quisthoudt-Rowohl (PPE-DE)

o “Challenges and opportunities of the Doha Round” on the basis of the report of the Committee on Economic, Financial and Commercial Affairs LAC co-rapporteur: Wilbert Bendezú (Andean Parliament) EP co-rapporteur: Erika Mann (PSE)

o “Poverty and social exclusion” on the basis of the Report by the Committee on Social Affairs, Human Exchanges, the Environment, Education and Culture LAC co-rapporteur: Amelia Herrera (Parlatino) EP co-rapporteur: Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL)

o Message from the EuroLat Assembly to the 5th European Union - Latin America and Caribbean Summit (Lima, 16-17 May 2008)

o Four declarations were approved: on the Ecuador-Colombia situation (submitted by the Andean Parliament), on the situation in Bolivia (submitted by the Andean Parliament), of appreciation of work done to organise the plenary session (at the request of the two Co-Presidents) and on progress towards Central American integration (requested by Parlacen).

• New Co-vice-president elected:

o Mr Luis Humberto Falla Lamadrid (Parlatino, Peru) was elected as Co-Vice-President of the Assembly

• Closing speeches by the Secretary General of the Andean Community, Mr Freddy Ehlers (CAN), and by the two Co-Presidents of EuroLat, Mr Jorge Pizarro Soto, (Latin-American component) and Mr José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, European component)

7 June 2008

• Statement by the Co-Presidents of the EuroLat Assembly following the release of

Ingrid Betancourt and fourteen other hostages held in Colombia

14 July 2008

• Declaration on the common standards and procedures in EU Members States for

returning illegally staying third-country nationals

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24-25 September 2008 Brussels, Belgium

• Extraordinary EuroLat Bureau meeting

o Declaration on the political situation in Bolivia

5-6 November 2008 Brussels, Belgium

• Meetings of the 3 Standing Committee, the EuroLat Bureau, Working group “Rules of

Procedure”, organised by the European Parliament.

• Speeches by EU Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner on the state of play of EU-LAC relations and by EU Commission Vice-President Jacques Barrot on the EU Migration Policy and on the Return Directive.

26-27 February 2009 Antigua, Guatemala

• EuroLat Bureau and Working Group on Revision of the Rules of Procedure meetings,

organised by Parlacen and European Parliament. • Speech by the President of Guatemala, Mr Álvaro Colom Caballeros • Statements by Swedish Ambassador, Mrs Ewa Werner Dahlin, in her capacity as

representative of the EU Presidency-in-Office, and by the Deputy Foreign Minister of Guatemala, Mr Lars Pira

• The Bureau decided to create a working group on 'Migration in the context of EU-LAC relations'

6-8 April 2009 Madrid, Spain

• Third EuroLat Plenary Session, in parallel with meetings of the 3 Standing

Committees, the Eurolat Bureau, the working group Migration, organised by the European Parliament (with the support of the Spanish Chamber of Deputies)

• Speeches by Ms Meglena Kuneva, European Commissioner for the Environment, Mr José Luis de Francisco Herrero, Spanish Secretary of State for Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs, Mr José Rafael Espada, Vice-President of Guatemala, Mr Jorge Pizarro Soto, President of the Latin America Parliament and Co-President of Eurolat (Latin-American component) and Mr José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Co-President of Eurolat (European component)

• Speech by Dr Ramón Torres, plenipotentiary minister-delegate representing President Rafael Correa Delgado of Ecuador

• Speech by Mr Eneko Landaburu, Director-General, European Commission, DG for External Relations

• Speech by Ambassador Edita Hrdá, Director-General of the Presidency's Office, on behalf of Karel Schwarzenberg, Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic and President-in-Office of the EU Council of Ministers

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• Modification of the Rules of Procedure:

o Increase of the Assembly membership from 120 to 150; o Increase the number of Assembly Vice-Presidents from 12 to 14 o Vote by separate houses both in Plenary and Committees o Composition of the Assembly (Parlasur) o Addition of consultation as an additional responsibility of the Assembly o duration of the mandate and the election procedure for the Assembly Executive

Bureau o Relationship of the Assembly with the EU-LAC Summit, institutions and other

ministerial meetings and high level organs o Quorum and voting of the Assembly o Messages to the Summit and to the Rio Group o Declarations o Amendments o Relations of the Assembly with the Joint Parliamentary Committees

• Documents approved by the Plenary:

o “A Euro-Latin American Charter for Peace and Security”, on the basis of the report of the Committee on Political Affairs, Security and Human Rights LA Co-rapporteur: Ms Rosario Green Macías (EU-Mexico JPC) EP Co-rapporteur: Ms Véronique De Keyser (PSE)

� Articles of the Euro-Latin American Charter for Peace and Security based on the report of the Committee on Political Affairs, Security and Human Rights

o “Trade and climate change” on the basis of the report of the Committee on Economic, Financial and Commercial Affairs LAC Co-Rapporteur: Ms Elsa Guevara (Parlandino) EP Co-Rapporteurs: Mr Alain Lipietz (Verts/ALE) and Mr Gianluca Susta (ALDE)

o “Water-related issues in EU-LAC relations” on the basis of the report of the Committee on Social Affairs, Human Exchanges, Environment, Education and Culture LA Co-Rapporteur: Mr José Guadarrama Márquez (EU-Mexico JPC) EP Co-Rapporteur: Ms Irena Belohorská (NI)

o “The financial crisis” on the basis of the report of the Committee on Economic, Financial and Commercial Affairs LAC Co-rapporteur Mr Oscar Darío Pérez (Parlandino) EP Co-rapporteur Mr Manuel António dos Santos (PSE)

o Message from the EuroLat Assembly to the EU – Rio Group XIVth Ministerial Meeting (Prague, 13 May 2009)

o Declaration on the Central American Court of Justice (included in the minutes of the Plenary)

• New Co-president and Co-vice-presidents elected:

o Mr Luis Fernando Duque García (Parlandino) was elected as Co-President of the Assembly, replacing Mr Jorge Pizarro Soto.

o As Co-Vice-Presidents, for the Latin American component: � Ms Gloria Oquelí, President of the Central American Parliament, was

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elected as Co-Vice-President of the Assembly. � Mr Ángel Ramón Barchini (Parlasur) was elected as Co-Vice-President

of the Assembly. � Mr Jorge Pizarro Soto (Parlatino) was elected as Co-Vice-President of

the Assembly.

• Closing addresses by Mr José Rafael Espada, Vice-President of Guatemala, Mr Diego López Garrido, Secretary of State for European Affairs, Mr Enrique V. Iglesias, Secretary-General of the Ibero-American Secretariat (SEGIB), Mr Luis Fernando Duque García (Parlandino) Co-President of the Assembly (Latino American component) and Mr José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Co-President of Eurolat (European component)

6 July 2009 Brussels, Belgium

Protocol on cooperation between the European Economic and Social Committee and

the Euro-Latin-American Parliamentary Assembly

16 September 2009 Brussels

• Constituent meeting of the EP Standing Delegation to EuroLat.

Election of its President and Vice-presidents. • Mr José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra (PPE) was elected President of EP

Delegation to the EuroLat Assembly

23 October 2009

• Declaration by the Co-Presidents of the EuroLat Assembly on the political situation in

the Honduras

29-30 October 2009 Panama City

• Meetings of the 3 Standing Committee, the EuroLat Bureau, the Working Group on

Migration, Interparliamentary Groups EU-Mercosur, EU-Andean Community and EU-Central America, Bureau of the Joint Parliamentary Committee EU – Chile, Bureau of the Joint Parliamentary Committee EU – Mexico. Organised by the Parlatino and European Parliament

• Inaugural Session with opening speeches by Dr Melitón Alejandro Arrocha Ruiz, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Panama and by Mr José Luís Varela, President of the National Assembly of Panama

• Intervention by Ms Patricia Rodas, Honduras Foreign Affairs Minister of the ousted President Manuel Zelaya

• Declaration by the Executive Bureau of the EuroLat Assembly on the political situation in the Honduras

30-31 March 2010 Buenos Aires, Argentina

• EuroLat Bureau, organised by Parlasur and European Parliament.

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12-15 May 2010 Seville, Spain

• Fourth EuroLat Plenary Session, in parallel with meetings of the 3 Standing

Committees, the Eurolat Bureau, the working group Migration, organised by the European Parliament.

• Welcome address by Mr Alfredo Sánchez Monteseirin, Mayor of Seville

• Speeches by Mr Luis Fernando Duque García (Parlandino), Co-President of EuroLat (Latin American component), by Mr José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Co-President of EuroLat (European component), by Mr Enrique V. Iglesias, Secretary-General, Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB) and by Mr Diego López Garrido, Spanish Secretary of State for European Affairs

• Speech by Mr Juan Pablo de Laiglesia González de Peredo, Spanish State Secretary for Latin America, on the priorities of the Spanish European Union Council Presidency for EU-LAC relations and on the Madrid Summit and the other summits

• Statement by Mr Antonio Tajani, Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship, on behalf of the Commission President, Mr José Manuel Durão Barroso

• Speech by Mr Miguel Ángel Moratinos, Spanish Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, President-in-Office of the Council of the European Union

• Presentation of the ‘Social Agenda for Democracy in Latin America for the Next

Twenty Years’: exchange of views with Mr Alejandro Toledo Manrique, former President of Peru, President of the Global Centre for Development and Democracy

• Documents approved by the Plenary: o “Reform of the World Trade Organisation”, on the basis of the report by the

Committee on Economic, Financial and Commercial Affairs LAC co-rapporteur: Mr Fausto Lupera (Parlandino) EP co-rapporteur: Ms Bernadette Vergnaud (S&D)

o “Tackling climate change challenges together: for an EU-LAC coordinated strategy in the framework of the UNFCCC negotiations”, on the basis of the report by the Committee on Social Affairs, Human Exchanges, Environment, Education and Culture LAC co-rapporteur: Mr Carlos Baraibar (Parlatino) EP co-rapporteur: Mr Peter Liese (PPE)

o “Migration on the EU-LAC relations”, on the basis of the report by the Working Group Migration LAC co-rapporteur: Mr. Jorge Pizarro Soto (Parlatino) EP co-rapporteur : Ms María Muñiz de Urquiza (S&D)

o Message from the EuroLat Assembly to the 6th European Union–Latin America and Caribbean Summit (Madrid, 18 May 2010)

• New Co-Vice-Presidents elected

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o As Co-Vice-Presidents, for the European component � Mr Luis Capoulas Santos (1st Co-Vice President), Mr Gianni Vattimo

(2nd Co-Vice President), Mr Ricardo Cortés Lastra (3rd Co-Vice President), Ms Amalia Sartori (4th Co-Vice President), Mr Norbert Glante (5th Co-Vice President) and Mr Willy Meyer (6th Co-Vice President) were elected Co-vice-presidents of the Assembly.

o As Co-Vice-Presidents, for the Latin American component � Mr Jacinto Suárez (Parlacen) and Mr Eugenio Tuma (EU-Chile JPC)

were elected Co-vice-presidents of the Assembly

• Closing addresses by Mrs Mar Moreno, Minister of the Presidency and Government Spokeswoman in the Andalusian Autonomous Government, and the Co-Presidents of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly, José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra and Luis Fernando Duque García

18 May 2010 Madrid, Spain

� IV EU-LAC Summit - participation of the two Co-Presidents of EuroLat at the 6th EU-

LAC Summit of Heads of State and Government. A Message of the EuroLat Parliamentary Assembly was delivered to the EU-LAC Co-Presidents of the Summit

3-5 November 2010 Cuenca, Ecuador

• Meetings of the 3 Standing Committee, the EuroLat Bureau, the Working Group on

Migration, Interparliamentary Groups EU-Mercosur, EU-Andean Community and EU-Central America, Forum on Civil Society, organised by the Parlandino and European Parliament

• Welcome address by Mr Paúl Granda, Mayor of Cuenca • Speeches by Mr Fernando Cordero, President of the National Assembly of Ecuador,

Mr José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez Neyra, Co-President of EuroLat (European component), Mr Wilbert Bendezu Carpio, Co-president of EuroLat (Latino American component) and Mr Lenin Moreno, Vice President of the Republic of Ecuador

28-29 April 2011 Cartagena de Indias, Colombia

• EuroLat Bureau & Working Group Migration, organised by Parlandino and European

Parliament. • Welcome addresses by Mr Hector Heli Rojas Jiménez, Vice-President of Parlandino

(Colombia), Mr José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez Neyra, Co-President of EuroLat (European component), Mr Wilbert Bendezu Carpio, Co-president of EuroLat (Latino American component), Dr Judith Pinedo, Mayor of Cartagena City and by Dr Alberto bernal Jiménez, Governor of Bolívar Department

• Statements by Mr Armando Benedetti Villaneda, President of Colombian Congress and by Mr Angelino Garzón, Vice-President of the Republic of Colombia

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17-19 May 2011 Montevideo, Uruguay

• Fifth EuroLat Plenary Session, in parallel with meetings of the 3 Standing

Committees, the Eurolat Bureau, the Working Group Migration, the Interparliamentary Groups EU-Mercosur, EU-Andean Community and EU-Central America, the Forums on Women and Civil Society, organised by the Parlasur and European Parliament, on the framework of the Commemorations of the Bicentenary of Uruguayan Independence.

• Welcome address by Mr Danilo Astori, President of the Uruguayan General Assembly and Vice-President of the Republic of Uruguay

• Speeches by Mr Angelino Garzón, Vice-President of the Republic of Colombia, Mr Wilbert Bendezú Carpio, Co-President of the Assembly for the Latin American component, Mr José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Co-President of the Assembly for the European component and Mr José Mujica, President of the Republic of Uruguay.

• Address by Ms Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), on the topic of 'opportunities for strengthening relations between Latin America and Europe'

• Video message from Secretary General of SEGIB, Mr Enrique Iglesias

• Presentation of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) report 'Our Democracy' on democracy and human development in Latin America and the Caribbean, by Mr Álvaro Pinto (democratic governance coordinator) and Mr Juan Corlazzoli

• Documents approved by the Plenary : o “Relations between the European Union and Latin America in the area of

security and defence”, on the basis of the report by the Committee on Political Affairs, Security and Human Rights LAC co-rapporteur: Mr José Pampuro (Parlasur)

o “Prospects for trade relations between the European Union and Latin America”, on the basis of the report by the Committee on Economic, Financial and Commercial Affairs LAC co-rapporteur: Mr Óscar Arboleda Palacio (Parlandino) EP co-rapporteur: Ms María Muñiz De Urquiza (S&D)

o 'Employment preservation and creation strategies, with special focus on women and young people”, on the basis of the report by the Committee on Social Affairs, Human Exchanges, Environment, Education and Culture LAC co-rapporteur: Ms María Ángeles Moreno (EU-Mexico JPC) EP co-rapporteur: Ms Izaskun Bilbao Barandica (ALDE)

• Declarations adopted by the EuroLat Bureau: o The current situation in the Southern Mediterranean and Persian Gulf o The forthcoming UN Conference on Climate Change in Durban (November-

December 2011).

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• New Co-President and Co-Vice-Presidents elected :

o Ms Gloria Oqueli Solórzano (Parlacen) was elected Co-President of the Assembly, replacing Co-President Wilbert Bendezú Carpio.

o As Co-Vice-Presidents, for the European component: � Andrés Perelló (EP, S&D) was elected Co-Vice-President of the

Assembly, replacing Mr Ricardo Cortes. o As Co-Vice-Presidents, for the Latin American component:

� Mr Dorindo Cortez Marciaga was elected Co-Vice-President of the Assembly, replacing Mr Jacinto Suárez, representing Parlacen.

� Mr Fausto R. Lupera Martínez was elected Co-Vice-President of the Assembly, representing Parlandino

� Mr Elías Ariel Castillo González was elected Co-Vice-President of the Assembly representing Parlatino

� Ms Sonia Escudero was elected Co-Vice-President of the Assembly representing Parlatino

� Mr Jorge Pizarro Soto was elected Co-Vice-President of the Assembly representing the EU-Chile JPC.

� Mr Ángel Ramón Barchini (Parlasur) and Rosario Green Macías (EU-Mexico JPC) were also reelected as Co-Vice-Presidents for the Latin American component

• Closing addresses by Dr. Ana Olivera, Montevideo Local Authority, Dr. Ignacio

Mendoza Unzain, President of the Mercosur Parliament and the Co-Presidents of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly, Ms Gloria Oqueli Solórzano (Parlacen) and Mr José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Co-President EuroLat (European Parliament)

21-23 November 2011 Brussels, Belgium

• Meetings of the 3 Standing Committee, the EuroLat Bureau, the Working Group on

Migration, Forum Civil Society and Interparliamentary Groups EU-Mercosur, EU-Andean Community and EU-Central America, organised by the European Parliament

• Speeches by Mr Antonio Tajani, Vice-President of the European Commission, responsible for the Industry and Entrepreneurship, Mr Angelino Garzón, Vice President of the Republic of Colombia, Ms Benita Ferrero-Waldner , President of the EU-LAC Foundation, Ms Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, Ms Gloria Oquelí, President of EuroLat’s Latin American component, Mr José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, President of EuroLat’s European component

• Statements by Ms María Emma Mejía Vélez, Secretary General of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) and by Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the European Commission on the State of Play of EU-LAC relations

• Workings dinners with Mr Angelino Garzón, Vice President of the Republic of Colombia and with Mr Enrique V. Iglesias, Secretary General of the Ibero-American Secretariat (SEGIB)

• Parting word of the President of the European Parliament, Mr. Jerzy Buzek

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21-23 February 2012 Mexico D.F.

• Meeting of the Eurolat Bureau and extraordinary meeting of the Committee on

Political Affairs, Security and Human Rights organized by the Mexican Congress and the European Parliament

• Exchange of views with H.E. Ambassador Patricia Espinosa, Mexican Secretary of Foreign Affairs

• High-level seminar on fighting drug trafficking and organised crime in the European Union and Latin America, organized by the Mexican Congress and the European Parliament

3-4 May 2012 Hamburg, Germany

• Meeting of the Enlarged Eurolat Bureau, organized by the European Parliament (with

the support of the Town Hall of Hamburg). • Welcoming address by Dr. Dorothee Stapelfeldt, Second Mayor of the Free and

Hanseatic City of Hamburg. • Speeches by Mr. Carlos Appelgren, Ambassador of Chile to the EU, on behalf of the

LAC Presidency of the CELAC, Ms Benita Ferrero-Waldner President of the EU-LAC Foundation, Ms Gloria Oquelí, President of EuroLat’s Latin American component, Mr José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, President of EuroLat’s European component

9-10 November 2012 Cadiz, Spain

• Meetings of the 3 Standing Committees, the Eurolat Bureau, the working group

Migration, the Forums on Women and Civil Society, organised by the European Parliament (with the support of the Spanish Congress and the Town Hall of Cadiz, in the framework of the commemoration of the Bicentenary of the 1812 Cadiz Constitution)

• Welcome address by the Mayor of Cadiz, Teófila Martínez Sáiz • Speeches by Ms Benita Ferrero-Waldner, President of the EU-LAC Foundation, Mr

Enrique V. Iglesias, Secretary General of the Ibero-American Secretariat (SEGIB), Mr José António Griñan Martinez, President of the Regional Government of Andalusia, Mr Camilo Escalona, President of the Chilean Senate, Mr Pio García Escudero, President of the Spanish Senate, Mr Jesus Manuel Gracia Aldaz, Spanish Secretary of State for International Cooperation and Ibero-America, Ms Gloria Oquelí, President of EuroLat’s Latin American component, Mr José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, President of EuroLat’s European component and HRH the Prince of Asturias.

23-25 January 2013 Santiago de Chile

� Sixth EuroLat Plenary Session, in parallel with meetings of the 4 Standing

Committees, the Eurolat Bureau, the working group Migration, the Forums on Women and Civil Society, organised by the Chilean Congress and the European Parliament

� Welcome addresses by Mr Camilo Escalona, Speaker of the Senate of the Republic of Chile, Mr Nicolás Monckeberg, Speaker of the Chilean Chamber of Deputies, Mr Pío García Escudero, Speaker of the Spanish Senate, Baroness Catherine Ashton, High

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Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs & Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission, Ms Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, Ms Gloria Oqueli, LAC Co-President of the EuroLat, Mr José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, EP Co-President of EuroLat and Mr Sebastián Piñera Echenique, President of the Republic of Chile

� Speech by the Chilean Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Alfredo Moreno, on the Chilean Presidency's priorities for EU-LAC relations and on the first EU-CELAC Summit on 26 and 27 January 2013 in Santiago, Chile

• Modification of the Rules of Procedure

o Creation of a fourth parliamentary standing committee (Committee on Sustainable Development, Environment, Energy Policy, Research, Innovation and Technology)

o Inclusion of German as a EuroLat working language o Local transport expenses

• Documents approved by the Plenary:

o “Fighting drug trafficking and organised crime”, on the basis of the report by the Committee on Political Affairs, Security and Human Rights LAC co-rapporteur: Ms Sonia Escudero (Parlatino) EP co-rapporteur: Mr Bogusław Sonik (PPE)

o “Globalisation and the financial crisis”, on the basis of the report by the Committee on Economic, Financial and Commercial Affairs LAC co-rapporteur: Mr Lupera Martínez (Parlandino) EP co-rapporteur: Ms Esther Herranz García (PPE)

o “Prevention of natural disasters in Europe and Latin America” on the basis of the report by the Committee on Social Affairs, Human Exchanges, the Environment, Education and Culture LAC co-rapporteur: Mr Hector Helí Rojas (Parlandino) EP co-rapporteur: Ms Edite Estrela (S&D)

o Message from the EuroLat Assembly to the First CELAC-EU Summit (Santiago de Chile, 26-27 January 2013)

• New Co-President and Co-Vice-Presidents elected :

� Mr Leonel Vásquez Búcaro (President of the Parlacen) was elected Co-President of the Assembly, replacing Ms Gloria Oquelí

� Mr Jean-Pierre Audy (EP, PPE) was elected Co-Vice-President of the Assembly, replacing Ms Amalia Sartori

� Mr Rabindranath Salazar Solorio (EU-Mexico JPC) was elected Co-Vice-President of the Assembly, replacing Ms Rosario Green Macías

� Mr Héctor Heli Rojas (Parlandino) was elected Co-Vice-President of the Assembly, replacing Mr Fausto Lupera Martínez

� Mr Fabio Biancalani (Parlasur) was elected Co-Vice-President of the Assembly, replacing Mr Ángel Ramón Barchini

� Closing addresses by Mr Enrique V. Iglesias, Secretary-General of SEGIB, Ms Gloria

Oquelí, President of EuroLat’s Latin American component, Mr José Ignacio Salafranca

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Sánchez-Neyra, President of EuroLat’s European component and Mr Gianni Pittella, Vice-president of the European Parliament, on behalf of the EP President, Mr Martin Schulz

26-27 January 2013 Santiago de Chile

� I CELAC -EU Summit - participation of the Co-Presidents of EuroLat at the 1st

CELAC-EU Summit of Heads of State and Government. A Message of the EuroLat Parliamentary Assembly was delivered at the Opening Ceremony of the Summit.

16-18 July 2013 Vilnius, Lithuania

� Meetings of the 4 Standing Committees, the Eurolat Bureau, the working group

Migration, the Forums on Women and Civil Society, organised by the European Parliament (with the support of the Lithuanian Parliament)

� Welcome addresses by Dr Vydas Gedvillas, Speaker of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania and Mr Linas Linkevičius , Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs

� Ms Dalia Grybauskaite, President of the Republic of Lithuania received in audience the Members of the EuroLat Executive Bureau

� Statement by the Co-Presidents of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat) on the refusal by some European countries to allow the presidential plane of the Bolivian President Evo Morales to enter their airspace on 2 July 2013

19-20 September 2013 Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic

• Meetings of the Eurolat Executive Bureau, the Working Group on Migration, organised

by the Central American Parliament and the European Parliament • Intervention of the former President of the Spanish Government, Mr José Luis Rodriguez

Zapatero "The economic crisis in Europe and its impact in Latin America"

• Declaration of the Co-Presidents: o Express their deepest concern at the devastating impact in Mexico of the recent

meteorological phenomena ‘Manuel’ and ‘Ingrid and convey their heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims and their boundless solidarity;

o Express their concern at the situation created in connection with the overflight authorisation request made on behalf of the airplane of the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela on 19 September 2013

27-29 March 2014 Athens, Greece

• Seventh EuroLat Plenary Session, in parallel with meetings of the 4 Standing

Committees, the Eurolat Bureau, the working group Migration, the Forums on Women and Civil Society, organised by the European Parliament (with support of the Greek Parliament)

• Welcome addresses by Mr. Vangelis Meimarakis, President of the Hellenic Parliament, Mr. Dimitris Kourkoulas, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and Ms Maria Damanaki, European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

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• Modification of the Rules of Procedure o Executive Bureau : participation in meetings - substitute members, Committee’s

Chairs or other Member of the Assembly

• Documents approved by the Plenary: o “Citizen participation and democracy in Latin America and the European

Union”, on the basis of the report by the Committee on Political Affairs, Security and Human Rights LAC co-rapporteur: Mr William Vélez Mesa (Parlandino) EP co-rapporteur: Ms María Irigoyen Pérez (EP)

o “Formal and informal education and continuing education” on the basis of the report by the Committee on Social Affairs, Human Exchanges, the Environment, Education and Culture LAC co-rapporteur LAC Co-rapporteur: Mr. Carlos Baraibar (Parlatino) EP co-rapporteur: Mr Santiago Fisas Ayxela (PPE)

o “Transparency and corruption in the European Union and Latin America”, on the basis of the report by the Committee on Political Affairs, Security and Human Rights LAC co-rapporteur: Mr Patricio Zambrano (Parlandino) EP co-rapporteur: Ms Renate Weber (ALDE)

o “Femicide in the European Union and Latin America”, urgent resolution tabled by Gloria Flórez (Parlandino) and Raül Romeva i Rueda (EP)

o “Food security from the EU-LAC perspective” on the basis of the report by the Committee on Economic, Financial and Commercial Affairs LAC rapporteur: Roberto Gómez Alcívar (Parlandino)

o “Trade in raw materials between the EU and Latin America” on the basis of the report by the Committee on Economic, Financial and Commercial Affairs LAC co-rapporteur: Mr Rafael Flechas Díaz (Parlandino) EP co-rapporteur: Ms Catherine Grèze (Verts/ALE)

o Declaration of support for the Andean Parliament

• New Co-Vice-Presidents elected : � Mr Doreen Javier Ibarra (Parlasur) was elected Co-Vice-President of the

Assembly, replacing Mr Fabio Biancalani � Ms Maria de los Angeles Higonet (Parlatino), was elected Co-Vice-President of

the Assembly, replacing to replace Ms Sonia Escudero � Mr Pedro de la Cruz (Parlandino), was elected Co-Vice-president of the

Assembly, replacing Mr Héctor Heli Rojas

4 September 2014 Brussels

• Constituent meeting of the EP Standing Delegation to EuroLat. Election of its President and Vice-presidents
