Page 1: EU SME policy The “Small Business Act” for Europe and its Review Maria Pia Vigliarolo – DG Enterprise and Industry – Small Business Act, SME Policies

EU SME policy The “Small Business Act” for

Europe and its Review

Maria Pia Vigliarolo – DG Enterprise and Industry – Small Business Act, SME Policies

Page 2: EU SME policy The “Small Business Act” for Europe and its Review Maria Pia Vigliarolo – DG Enterprise and Industry – Small Business Act, SME Policies

What is an SME ?

Page 3: EU SME policy The “Small Business Act” for Europe and its Review Maria Pia Vigliarolo – DG Enterprise and Industry – Small Business Act, SME Policies

SMEs - EU’s growth engine

Share of private employment





Micro Small Medium Large

67.4% of private jobs

SME employment share0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%








Page 4: EU SME policy The “Small Business Act” for Europe and its Review Maria Pia Vigliarolo – DG Enterprise and Industry – Small Business Act, SME Policies

SMEs - EU’s growth engine

58% of total business turnover

SMEs Large 0










Page 5: EU SME policy The “Small Business Act” for Europe and its Review Maria Pia Vigliarolo – DG Enterprise and Industry – Small Business Act, SME Policies

Difficulties faced by SMEs

• Business and regulatory environment • Access to finance• Availability of skills• Access to markets• Access to research and innovation• Networking among companies

Page 6: EU SME policy The “Small Business Act” for Europe and its Review Maria Pia Vigliarolo – DG Enterprise and Industry – Small Business Act, SME Policies

EU’s SME Policy

SME Policy


Internal Market


Regional policy




Consumer & healthprotection policies



Page 7: EU SME policy The “Small Business Act” for Europe and its Review Maria Pia Vigliarolo – DG Enterprise and Industry – Small Business Act, SME Policies

Working tools

• Cooperation and partnership with the Member States (exchange of good practices)

• Regular dialogue and consultation with SMEs and SME business organisations (SME Envoy)

• Cooperation with Commission to implement the “Think Small First” principle

Page 8: EU SME policy The “Small Business Act” for Europe and its Review Maria Pia Vigliarolo – DG Enterprise and Industry – Small Business Act, SME Policies

Working tools

• Policy development: Small Business Act for Europe (SBA) and SBA Review

• EU Support Programmes, including• Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP)• SME dimension in other programmes (FP7, structural


Page 9: EU SME policy The “Small Business Act” for Europe and its Review Maria Pia Vigliarolo – DG Enterprise and Industry – Small Business Act, SME Policies

The “Small Business Act”

Adopted in June 2008

Main objective: create a common framework for SME initiatives and implement the “Think Small First” principle

10 principles and a set of policy actions to implement them

About 90 policy initiatives and 5 legislative acts (national and European level)

Page 10: EU SME policy The “Small Business Act” for Europe and its Review Maria Pia Vigliarolo – DG Enterprise and Industry – Small Business Act, SME Policies

The 10 SBA principles

1. Support entrepreneurship2. Give a 2nd chance (failure)3. “Think Small First” (reduce burdens)4. Public administration responsive to SME needs (e-

government)5. Improve access to public procurement & use of state aid6. Facilitate access to finance7. Benefit from Single Market opportunities8. Access to skills and innovation9. Eco-innovation/environment opportunities10. Access to external markets

Page 11: EU SME policy The “Small Business Act” for Europe and its Review Maria Pia Vigliarolo – DG Enterprise and Industry – Small Business Act, SME Policies

Why a Review of the SBA?

• Good progress since the adoption of the SBA but: • Need to continue improving SME business

environment and to focus on new challenges (crisis)

• Need for stronger governance to ensure the implementation of the SBA at European and national level

Page 12: EU SME policy The “Small Business Act” for Europe and its Review Maria Pia Vigliarolo – DG Enterprise and Industry – Small Business Act, SME Policies

• Three priority areas: • smart regulation• access to finance• access to markets

• Entrepreneurship

• Enhanced governance

• 48 new actions

The SBA Review (2011)

Page 13: EU SME policy The “Small Business Act” for Europe and its Review Maria Pia Vigliarolo – DG Enterprise and Industry – Small Business Act, SME Policies

Enhanced governance:the network of the SME Envoys

• European level: the EU SME Envoy listens to SMEs and their representatives and act as internal “watchdog” for EU policy making.

• National level: Member States have appointed their national SME Envoys (regional Envoys can be nominated)

Page 14: EU SME policy The “Small Business Act” for Europe and its Review Maria Pia Vigliarolo – DG Enterprise and Industry – Small Business Act, SME Policies

Enhanced governance: give SMEs a greater role

• SMEs will have their say with the SME Assembly: representatives of small businesses from all over the 27 Member States will gather yearly

• European SMEs representatives are part of the Network of the SME Envoys

Page 15: EU SME policy The “Small Business Act” for Europe and its Review Maria Pia Vigliarolo – DG Enterprise and Industry – Small Business Act, SME Policies

What do we propose in the Review?Smart regulation

Better start-up conditionsGoal: start a business in 3 days for €100

Page 16: EU SME policy The “Small Business Act” for Europe and its Review Maria Pia Vigliarolo – DG Enterprise and Industry – Small Business Act, SME Policies

What do we propose in the Review?

Smart regulation Simplification of administrative rules

• SME Test for all proposals for new legislation (minimise burden for micro-companies)

• Only once principle – no need to resubmit documents that are already with administration

Page 17: EU SME policy The “Small Business Act” for Europe and its Review Maria Pia Vigliarolo – DG Enterprise and Industry – Small Business Act, SME Policies

What do we propose in the Review?

Better and easier access to capital

• SME access to capital – guarantees and venture capital

• Simplify rules for greater access of SMEs to EU funds

• Greater and easier access for SMEs to internet data on financing opportunities and in their own language

Page 18: EU SME policy The “Small Business Act” for Europe and its Review Maria Pia Vigliarolo – DG Enterprise and Industry – Small Business Act, SME Policies

What do we propose in the Review?

Better and easier access to markets

• Facing unfair commercial practice

Improve access to public procurement for SMEs: Code of good practices

• A new strategy for EU SMEs going


Page 19: EU SME policy The “Small Business Act” for Europe and its Review Maria Pia Vigliarolo – DG Enterprise and Industry – Small Business Act, SME Policies

What do we propose in the Review?

Promoting entrepreneurship

• Mentoring schemes for women entrepreneurs

• Promote second chance

• Best practices in business transfer

Page 20: EU SME policy The “Small Business Act” for Europe and its Review Maria Pia Vigliarolo – DG Enterprise and Industry – Small Business Act, SME Policies

COSMEProgramme for the Competitiveness

of Enterprises and SMEs

Strengthening the competitiveness and sustainability of European enterprises

Encouraging entrepreneurship and promoting SMEs

Main target audience: SMEs, Entrepreneurs, Business Support Organisations, regional and national Administrations

Foreseen budget: € 2.5 billion from 2014 to 2020

Page 21: EU SME policy The “Small Business Act” for Europe and its Review Maria Pia Vigliarolo – DG Enterprise and Industry – Small Business Act, SME Policies

Specific actions to improve access to finance

• Equity Facility for Growth

• Loan Guarantee Facility

Page 22: EU SME policy The “Small Business Act” for Europe and its Review Maria Pia Vigliarolo – DG Enterprise and Industry – Small Business Act, SME Policies

Specific actions to improve access to markets

• Enterprise Europe Network• 600 business support organisations in 50 countries• information and qualified services for SMEs at

their doorstep, including information on access to EU funding programmes

• help in finding international business partners• making full use of EU-wide business support,

technology transfer services• engaging European SMEs in shaping EU legislation

Page 23: EU SME policy The “Small Business Act” for Europe and its Review Maria Pia Vigliarolo – DG Enterprise and Industry – Small Business Act, SME Policies

Supporting SME activities outside the EU

• 90 % of world growth outside Europe by 2012 (OECD)

• Only 13 % of EU SMEs now active outside EU

• European added value consists in:

• Providing better overview, more coherence, visibility / transparency : we are already starting a « mapping » exercise and the creation of a dedicated portal

• Promoting clusters and networks for SME internationalisation

Complementarity: avoiding duplication with measures already taken by MS

Page 24: EU SME policy The “Small Business Act” for Europe and its Review Maria Pia Vigliarolo – DG Enterprise and Industry – Small Business Act, SME Policies

Specific actions to improve framework conditions

• Horizontal approach: affecting all sectors, including manufacturing and services

• Implementation of the “Think Small First Principle” and the “Small Business Act”

• Adjustment to a low-carbon, climate-resilient, energy and resource efficient economy

• Promoting smart use of new technologies and the integration of SME in global industrial value chains

Page 25: EU SME policy The “Small Business Act” for Europe and its Review Maria Pia Vigliarolo – DG Enterprise and Industry – Small Business Act, SME Policies

Specific actions to promote entrepreneurship

European Enterprise Promotion Awards

Erasmus for entrepreneurs

Female entrepreneurship (ambassadors and mentoring schemes)

European SME week

Transfer of enterprises

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Next steps

Ongoing: Parliament and Council negotiations on the basis of the Commission proposal

Ongoing: Parliament and Council negotiations on EU budget 2014-2020 (including overall budget for COSME)

Mid 2013: Adoption of legislative acts by Parliament and Council on COSME

1/1/2014: start of COSME

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Where to find information

• SBA and SBA Review

• European Small Business Portal

• SME Performance Review
