Page 1: Ethnography Research – Stage 2

Ethnography Research – Stage 2 (Secondary Research)

Freestyle football is not only a sport, but a form of art. Every freestyler has their own style and perform tricks differently than other freestylers, which makes freestyle football an extremely unique sport. There are not two freestylers that are the same in the way that they carry themselves, handle the ball in order to keep it off the ground, and the tricks that they choose to perform. Freestylers today are creating new tricks and making variations of the old ones, separating themselves from other freestylers and making an impression on the sport. By variations of the old tricks I mean that freestylers will take a simple trick like the “around the world” and turn it into a trick that looks almost impossible to pull off. With the rising numbers of people getting involve in freestyle football, people have to create new tricks and do unique combinations of tricks in order to stand out from competitors and that is how freestylers find their own style, which leads to the thesis statement for my ethnography report. To most people freestyle football is simply juggling a soccer ball, but to a member of the freestyle football community it is an art. The way freestylers move their body while handling a soccer ball is an extraordinary thing to watch which is the reason why freestyle football is becoming more and more popular each year.
