
Research & Reviews in Biotechnology & Biosciences ISSN No: 2321-8681

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Ethno medicinal uses of roots of fourteen species of family Apocynaceaeby indigenous communities of India

Pankaj Kumar1,2, Sumeet Gairola1,2* 1Plant Sciences Division, CSIR-Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine, Canal Road, Jammu–180001, UT of Jammu &Kashmir, India 2Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), New Delhi, India


Apocynaceaeis one of the largest angiosperm familieswith numerous medicinal plant species. Plants of the family Apocynaceae are rich in toxic and medicinal secondary metabolites such as alkaloids, triterpenoids, flavonoids, glycosides, phenols, steroids, lactones, sterols, and sugars lignans. Roots of family Apocynaceae are used by indigenous communities in different parts of Indiato treat many health problems. The present study aimed to review and analyzeethnomedicinal usage of raw root drugs of fourteen species of family Apocynaceae by India's indigenous communities. The available literature in scientific journals, edited books, floras, eFloras, online databases, scientific databases, etc., was reviewed to collect information on the ethnomedicinal uses of the roots of the selected fourteen species by various indigenous communities in different parts of India. Indigenous communities used raw roots of the studied species to manage various health problems, including animal bite, asthma, boils, burn injuries, cold, constipation, cough, diabetes,

dysentery, epilepsy, fever, fits, gonorrhea, hypertension, insect bite, jaundice, leprosy, leucoderma, piles, rheumatism, scorpion sting, skin disease, snakebite, stomach-ache, and wound healing. The study revealed that there are many pharmacologically active compounds in the roots of these species, which are responsible for the related biological activities. The present review will provide baseline information for planning future research on the ethnobotany, natural products chemistry, and pharmacology of the studies root drugs of

family Apocynaceae.

Keywords: Dogbane family, indigenous communities, traditional knowledge, root drugs, medicinal plants.


Apocynaceae, commonly known as the Dogbane orpoisonous plant family, is one of the largest angiosperm families with 375 genera and 5100 species (Endress et al., 2007). Plants of family Apocynaceae are herbs, shrubs, vines, succulents, and trees, mostly distributed in tropical and

subtropical regions (Endress, 1997; Endress and Bruyns, 2000). Apocynaceae is known as a medicinally important family, withmost plant species characterized bythe production of milky exudates or latex (Nazar et al., 2013; Bhadane et al., 2018). Its species are rich in toxic and medicinal secondary metabolites such as alkaloids, triterpenoids, flavonoids, glycosides, phenols, steroids, lactones, and

Article History

Received: 15/11/2020

Revised: 23/11/2020

Accepted: 08/12/2020


*Corresponding Author: E-Mail: [email protected]

Research & Reviews in Biotechnology & Biosciences


Volume: 7, Issue: 2, Year: 2020 PP: 104-119

Review Paper

Research & Reviews in Biotechnology & Biosciences ISSN No: 2321-8681

105 ©2020 The author(s). Published by National Press Associates. This is an open access article under CC-BY License


sterols (Hofling et al., 2010; Bhadane et al., 2018; Dey et al., 2017). Several indigenous communities in different regions of India use Apocynaceae plants for medicinal and non-medicinal purposes, such as food, fodder, timber, ornamental, perfume, dyes, poison, etc. (Islam and Lucky, 2019).

Plants of this familyarea potential source of important compounds and novel drugs in treating various diseases (Devi et al., 2017). Different species of Apocynaceae have been reported to have many ethnomedicinal uses in different parts of India. Gairola et al. (2014) reported ethnomedicinal usage of eight species of Apocynaceae by indigenous communities of UT of Jammu & Kashmir and UT of Ladakh. Devi et al. (2017) reported about 25 species of Apocynaceae belonging to 16 genera with ethnomedicinal importance. Different plant parts of Apocynaceae, such as leaves, bark, latex, stem, root, and flowers, are used to treatvarious health ailments (Devi et al., 2017).Botanical, phytochemical, and pharmacological properties, including important biological activities,of some species of Apocynaceae have been reviewed by many researchers (Wong et al., 2013; Ekalu et al., 2019). However, a comprehensive review ofthe ethnomedicinal uses of family Apocynaceae plants' root drugs is not available. The present study aimed to review and analyzeethnomedicinal usage of root drugs of fourteen medicinally

important species of family Apocynaceae by indigenous communities of India.


Plant species of the Apocynaceae family are wellknown for their medicinal values,with various aerial and underground parts used to cure many health problems in different parts of India. A total of fourteen species of the family Apocynaceae were selected for the present study (Table 1). The species reviewed in the present study are distributed in tropical in subtropical regions throughout India (Khare, 2007). Roots of all the selected species are widely used in Indian traditional medicine systems and by India's indigenous communities. Information on the ethnomedicinal usage of the selected species' roots was reviewed. Theavailable literature from various sources,including floras, eFloras, online databases, scientific databases, scientific journals, and edited books,was analyzed.The literature reviewed included accepted scientific names, synonyms, common or vernacular, ayurvedic, and trade names. Accepted scientific names and the synonyms were confirmed from (TPL, 2013).Information on some major compounds found in these plants and their proven biological activities was also compiled (DNP, 2020). Accepted scientific names, plant subfamily, synonyms, local or trade names, and Ayurvedic names are provided in Table 1.

Research & Reviews in Biotechnology & Biosciences ISSN No: 2321-8681

106 ©2020 The author(s). Published by National Press Associates. This is an open access article under CC-BY License


Table 1: Details of the studied species of family Apocynaceae reported from India.

S.No. Botanical name Subfamily Synonyms (TPL, 2013) Local/ Trade names

1. Asclepias curassavica L. Asclepiadoideae Asclepias cubensis Wender.,Asclepiascurassavica var. concolor Krug &Urb., Asclepias nivea var. curassavica (L.) Kuntze

Curassavian Swallow-wort, Kaakanaasikaa, Kaakatundi

2. Calotropis gigantea (L.)Dryand.

Asclepiadoideae Asclepias gigantea L., Calotropis gigantea (L.) R. Br. ex Schult.,Madorius giganteus (L.) Kuntze.

Madar, Giant Milk-weed, Erukkinveru, Aak

3. Calotropis procera (Aiton) Dryand.

Asclepiadoideae Asclepias procera Aiton, Calotropis gigantea var. procera (Aiton) P.T.Li, Calotropis heterophylla Wall.ex Wight.

Swallow-Wart, Milk Weed, King's Crown, AkadaPhool

4. Carissa carandas L. Rauvolfioideae Arduina carandas (L.) Baill.,Carissa salicina Lam., Capparis carandas (L.) Burm.f.

Christ's Thorn, Bengal, Currant

5. Carissa spinarum L.

Rauvolfioideae Carissa abyssinica R. Br., Carissa carandas var. congesta (Wight) Bedd.,Carissa opacaStapf ex Haines

JangaliKarondaa, Garnaa

6. Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don.

Rauvolfioideae Catharanthus roseus var. albus G. Don, Lachnea rosea (L.)Rchb.,Vinca rosea L.

Sadaabahaar, Nayantaaraa, Nityakalyaani, Madagascar Periwinkle, Vinca

7. Cryptolepis dubia (Burm.f.)M.R.Almeida

Periplocoideae Cryptolepis buchananii Roem.&Schult.,Cryptolepis reticulata (Roth) Wall. exSteud., Nerium reticulatum Roxb.

Indian Sarsaparilla, Karantaa, Anantamuula, Medaksinghi, Krsnasariva, Svetasariva

8. Hemidesmus indicus (L.) R. Br. ex Schult.

Periplocoideae Periploca indica L. Indian Sarsaparilla, Anatmool, Sariwa, Svetasariva

9. Holarrhena pubescens Wall.exG.Don

Apocynoideae Holarrhena antidysenterica (Roth) Wall.ex A.DC., HolarrhenacodagaG.Don., HolarrhenaglabraKlotzsch

Easter tree, Ivory tree, Tellicherry Bark

10. Ichnocarpus frutescens (L.) W.T.Aiton

Apocynoideae Apocynum frutescens L., Ichnocarpus affinis (Roem. &Schult.)K.Schum.,Tabernaemontana parviflora Poir.

Black Creeper

11. Marsdenia tenacissima (Roxb.) Moon

Asclepiadoideae Gymnema tenacissimum (Roxb.)Spreng.,Marsdenia tenacissima Wight &Arn., Asclepias tenacissima Roxb.

Maruaa-bel, Khaarchu, Nishod, SufedMurva

12. Nerium oleander L. Apocynoideae Nerium indicum Mill.,Nerium japonicum Gentil., Neriumlatifolium Mill.

Indian oleander, White Oleander, Oleander, Kaner, Karavira

13. Rauvolfiaserpentina (L.) Benth ex Kurz.

Rauvolfioideae Rauvolfia obversa (Miq.)Baill.,Rauvolfiatrifoliata (Gaertn.) Baill.,Ophioxylon album Gaertn.

Rauvolfia root, Serpentina root, Indian Snakeroot

14. Tabernaemontana divaricata (L.)R.Br. ex Roem.&Schult.

Rauvolfioideae Nerium divaricatum L., Tabernaemontana coronaria (Jacq.)Willd.,Vinca alba Noronha

East Indian Rosebay, Chandni

Result and discussion

Recording and analyzing knowledge of ethnomedicinal plants' usagearevery

important. Due to various secondary metabolites, the aerial and underground parts of several Apocynaceae speciesshow

Research & Reviews in Biotechnology & Biosciences ISSN No: 2321-8681

107 ©2020 The author(s). Published by National Press Associates. This is an open access article under CC-BY License


various medicinal properties, and they are used in several Ayurvedic formulations (API, 2001). The roots of all the studied 14 plants are widely used by various indigenous communities throughout India. Vernacular names used by different indigenous communities and ethnomedicinal uses of the roots of Apocynaceae's selected species in India are presented in Table 2. Ethnic people in different regions of India use different parts of these plants asa decoction, infusion, extracts, powders, medicated oils, incineration-calcination preparations, etc.,to treat several health problems. The selected plant species are also widely used in Ayurveda and various other Indian traditional systems of medicine.In Ayurveda,these plants are used to treatseveraldiseases, including wound healing, ulcers, skin diseases,leucorrhoea, urinary diseases, heart disease, eye diseases, nervous disorders, mental disorder, psychotic disease, insanity metabolic disorder, abdominal, diarrhea, dyspepsia, indigestion, worms related problems, obesity, asthma, cough, fever, blood-related problems, tuberculosis, leprosy, herpes zoster, and tumor(API, 2001). Roots of the studied plants were found to be used for the treatment of some major health problems, including skin problems, wound, ulcers, swellings, stomach, liver, spleen, kidney-related complaints, urinary problems, fever, heart pain, asthma,other respiratory problems, insomnia, leprosy, epilepsy, paralysis, cancer, diabetes, blood pressure, hypertension, insect bite, snakebite, dog bite, protracted labor, postnatal complaints, etc. (Table 2).

Different indigenous communities in India use the roots of A. curassavica for the treatment of gonorrhea, piles, and wounds; C. gigantea roots are used for treatment

ofasthma, burn injuries, cough, dysentery, fevers, gum infection, labour pain, leprosy, scorpion stings, snakebite, stomach-ache, swellings and wound; roots of C. procera are used for the treatment of asthma, diabetes, elephantiasis, jaundice, leucoderma, malarial fever, protracted labour, rheumatism, skin diseases and spleen complaints; roots of C. carandas are used for the treatment of anasarca, diabetic ulcer, dropsy, madness, rheumatism, and wound; roots of C. spinarum are used for the treatment of epilepsy, fever, infected sores, poor digestion, stomach ailments and wounds; roots of C. roseus are used for the treatment of diabetes, insect bite, snakebite, wound, and cancer; roots of C. dubia are used for the treatment of bone fracture and jaundice; roots of H. indicus are used for the treatment of dysentery, fever, fits, herpes, jaundice, leucorrhoea, snakebite, stomach-ache, urinary diseases, and wound; roots of H. pubescensare used for the treatment of animal bite, cold, constipation, cough, diarrhoea, dog bite, dysentery, fever, haematuria, piles, skin healing, snake bite, and stomach-ache; roots of I. frutescens are used for the treatment of anaemia, gum bleeding, blood purification, body pain, diabetes, fever, kidney disease, kidney stone, skin disease, and bladder stone; roots of M. tenacissima are used for the treatment of postnatal complaints; root of N. oleander are used for the treatment of epilepsy, insect bite, leprosy, snakebite, ulcers, and wound; roots of R. serpentina are used for the treatment of asthma, blood pressure, boils, epilepsy, facial paralysis, heart pain, hypertension, insomnia, leucoderma, scorpion sting, snake bite, and stomach-ache; roots of T. divaricataare used in treatment of jaundice, toothache, snake bite and scorpion sting.

Research & Reviews in Biotechnology & Biosciences ISSN No: 2321-8681

108 ©2020 The author(s). Published by National Press Associates. This is an open access article under CC-BY License


Table 2: Ethnomedicinal uses of the roots of the studied species of family Apocynaceae by India's indigenous communities.

Region, State Vernacular name Community Ethnomedicinal use Reference

A. curassavica

Juvvadhu Hills, Tamil Nadu

NA Local community Emetic, purgative, and a remedy for piles and gonorrhea.

Sekharan and Jagadeesan (1997)

Uttarakhand Bharadwaji, Kakatundi, KauraDodi

NA Powder with Acorus root

topical administered for wound healing.

Pullaiah (2002), Dhiman (2004)

C. gigantea

Paschim Medinipur district, West Bengal

Akanda Santhals, Mundas, Lodhas, Bhumijs, OraonKherias communities

In snakebite, the root bark is ground into a paste and made into pills. Plant latex is applied over the bitten area.

Sarkhel (2014)

West and South of Tripura, Tripura

Akanda, Angon Different tribal communities

Fevers, cough, asthma, gum infection.

Sen et al. (2011)

Santhal Pargana, Bihar

Rui, Madar, Parkha

NA The powder used for wound healing.

Bakshi et al. (1999), CCRAS (1999)

Paderu division, Visakhapatnam district, Andhra Pradesh

NA Local community Stomach ache. Padal et al. (2010)

Juvvadhu Hills, Tamil Nadu

NA Local community Powdered root bark used for dysentery.

Sekharan and Jagadeesan (1997)

Assam NA Miris Bark paste used to cure dysentery. Juice applied to burn injuries and swellings.

Hajra and Baishya (1981)

Mayurbhanj district, Orissa

NA Local community Paste applied to snakebite and scorpion stings.

Jain et al. (1973)

Mayurbhanj district, Orissa

NA Local community Pounded and applied with country liquor on the wounds of leprosy patients as well as internally taken.

Choudhury et al. (1975)

Mayurbhanj district, Orissa

NA Local community Bark paste applied on wounds and along with ghee taken to cure snake bite.

Murthy et al. (1986)

Koraput, Orissa NA Local community A piece of root is given to cattle with grass or straw to cure cleft on the pallet.

Misra et al. (1993)

Uttara Kannada district, Karnataka

Akke, Giant milkweed, Crown flower

Siddis Root juice smeared over the abdomen and vaginal region at childbirth to reduce labour pain.

Bhandary et al. (1995)

C. procera

Billawar, Kathua district, Jammu & Kashmir

Daryaiaak Gujjar, Bakerwal and Dogra communities

A paste of charcoal prepared from root, and bland oil mixture applied on skin diseases.

Bhushan and Kumar (2013)

Sariska and Silisher regions, Alwar district, Rajasthan

Aakada Local community A decoction of root bark and black pepper are used twice a day for three days for malarial fever.

Parveen et al. (2007)

Research & Reviews in Biotechnology & Biosciences ISSN No: 2321-8681

109 ©2020 The author(s). Published by National Press Associates. This is an open access article under CC-BY License


Paderu division of Visakhapatnam district, Andhra Pradesh

NA Local community Diabetes. Padal et al. (2010)

Sub-Himalayan tract, Uttarakhand

NA Gujjar community

The grounded roots are externally applied on leukoderma.

Sharma et al. (2013a)

Jhabua, Dhar, Khargone, and Ratlam districts, Madhya Pradesh

NA Bhil community One pinch of root bark powder mixed with one teaspoon of honey orally taken twice a day for 3–5 days as a jaundice remedy.

Samvatsar and Diwanji, (2000)

Rajasthan NA Local community In Asthma decoction prepared by boiling bark of Acacia ferrugineaand Holarrhenaantidysentericain water with Acacia catechu and Calotropisproceraroot, cooled

and given at bedtime.

Sharma and Khandelwal (2016)

Sonaghati of Sonbhadra district, Uttar Pradesh

Madar Gond and Kharwar communities

Roots powder (10 g per day) with water used for spleen complaints, elephantiasis, and rheumatism. In protracted labour, roots are given with black pepper.

Singh et al. (2002)

C. carandas

Sariska and Silisher regions, Alwar district, Rajasthan

Karunda Local community Root bark paste used in a diabetic ulcer. Insect repellent, hypotensive dropsy, anasarca, madness.

Asolkar et al. (1992)

Eastern Rajasthan Karunda Local community Roots with bark used in rheumatism for 15 days.

Upadhyay et al. (2010)

Mayurbhanj, Odisha Karandakoli Local community Wound healing. Das et al. (2003)

North-Eastern Uttar Pradesh

Karaunda Local community Topical application of paste for wound healing.

Trivedi (2006), Dhiman (2004)

C. spinarum

District Udhampur, Jammu & Kashmir

Garna Local community Root decoction with roots of Justiciaadhatoda used to cure


Bhatia et al. (2014)

District Rajouri, Jammu & Kashmir

Garanda Gujjar-Bakerwalcommunity

Root bark extract is given to cure poor digestion.

Rashid (2012)

Kathua district, Jammu & Kashmir

Garna Local community Roots purgative, used against stomach ailments.

Kumar and Bhagat (2012)

Different regions, Jammu & Kashmir

Garanda Tribal, hakims and local community

Powdered root sprinkled over wounds and infected sores.

Mahajan et al. (2012)

Yelagiri hills of Eastern Ghats, Tamil Nadu

Sirukila Malayali tribal community

Roughly ground root powder mixed with water is poured into a snake burrow.

Salai et al. (2014)

Uttarakhand Local community

Root used internally in the remedy of epilepsy.

Kala et al. (2004)

C. roseus

West and South of Tripura

Nayantara, Khumbaragi

Different tribal communities

Diabetes, insect bite, wound. Sen et al. (2011)

Research & Reviews in Biotechnology & Biosciences ISSN No: 2321-8681

110 ©2020 The author(s). Published by National Press Associates. This is an open access article under CC-BY License


Kodagu district, Karnataka

Nithyapushpa Herbal healers and local community

Root paste mixed with pepper and lime is applied externally on the snake-bitten spot thrice a day.

Lingaraju et al. (2013)

Odisha Sadasawagaon Lodha community The paste used for wound healing

Bakshi et al. (1999)

Tons river area, Dehradun, Uttarakhand

Sadabhar Local community Diabetes, cancer. Kumar and Pandey (2015)

C. dubia

Mokhada, district Thane, Maharashtra

Medvad Local community Root paste is applied over the bone fracture.

Sonawane et al. (2012)

Nasik district, Maharashtra

NA Local community Half a glass of root extract is taken orally in the early morning for seven days before breakfast, used internally in the remedy of jaundice.

Patil and Patil (2005)

H. indicus

Paschim Medinipur district, West Bengal

Anantmula Santhals, Mundas, Lodhas, Bhumijs, OraonKherias community

The root is ground with bulbs of Allium sativum (1:1). In the

case of snakebite, the paste is applied to the bitten areas.

Sarkhel (2014)

Kodagu district, Karnataka

Sogade Herbal healers and local community

Root decoction with a pinch of common salt, is taken internally in a stomach ache.

Lingaraju et al. (2013)

Wayanad, Kerala Nannari Local community Paste topically administered for wound healing.

Gupta (2007)

Phulbani, Odisha Sugandhi Local community Pounded and poultice topically administered for wound healing.

CCRAS (1999)

Paderu division, Visakhapatnam district, Andhra Pradesh

NA Local community Aphrodisiac, cooling effect, dysentery, fits, herpes.

Padal et al. (2010)

Uttara Kannada district, Karnataka

Sugandhi, Sarsaparilla

Siddis Roots powdered with 'Nachki' (Minosapudica L.),

taken orally every morning to treat leucorrhoea during the menstrual period. Root powder also is taken with milk as a daily tonic.

Bhandary et al. (1995)

Vellore District, Tamil Nadu

Nannari Local community Jaundice and snakebite. Thirumalai et al. (2010)

Sivagangai district, Tamil Nadu

NA Local community The root is powdered and given with honey in jaundice.

Shanmugam et al. (2009)

Shahdol district, Madhya Pradesh

Dudhi Ojha The root paste mixed with water is given in small quantities to children in dysentery.

Bharti (2015)

Sonaghati, Sonbhadra district, Uttar Pradesh

Anantamul, Kapuri

Gond and Kharwar communities

Root juice (10 ml twice per day) is orally taken to cure urinary diseases and fever.

Singh et al. (2002)

Mokhada, Thane district, Maharashtra

Anantmul Local community Roots are crushed, and powder is taken internally for urinary troubles. Root paste is

Sonawane et al. (2012)

Research & Reviews in Biotechnology & Biosciences ISSN No: 2321-8681

111 ©2020 The author(s). Published by National Press Associates. This is an open access article under CC-BY License


taken orally in snakebite.

H. pubescens

West and South of Tripura, Tripura

Kurchi, PandhraKuda,Kuichama

Different tribal communities

Dysentery, fever, cold, piles. Sen et al. (2011)

Bonai Hills Sundargarh, Odisha

Kurai Paudi, Bhuinya communities

Root mixed with equal quantity of 'Harada' [TerminaliachebulaRetz.] 'Bhada' [Terminaliabellerica

(Gaertn) Roxb.] and 'Bhejri' [SolanumsurttenseBurm. f.]

fruits boiled in water taken twice daily for a week to cure cough/cold.

Aminuddin and Girach (1991)

Yelagiri Hills, Eastern Ghats, Tamil Nadu

Kutasappalai Malayali tribal community

A decoction of root bark taken to get relief from dysentery.

Salai et al. (2014)

Paderu division, Visakhapatnam district, Andhra Pradesh

NA Local community Stomach-ache. Padal et al. (2010)

Juvvadhu Hills, Tamil Nadu

NA Local community Powder prepared from roots and leaves was administered to stop bleeding from the nose and hemorrhages after childbirth.

Sekharan and Jagadeesan (1997)

Uttara Kannada district, Karnataka

Kodasa, Easter tree Siddiscommunity Root bark decoction taken orally acts as depurative.

Bhandary et al. (1995)

Sagartaluk, Shimoga district, Karnataka

Kodasiga Adikarnataka, Besta, Brahmin, Ganiga, Idiga, Lambani, Muslim, Vokkaligacommunities

Root paste applied over infected part of skin till cured.

Rajakumar and Shivanna (2010)

Sonaghati, Sonbhadra district, Uttar Pradesh

Koraya Gond and Kharwar communities

Root paste is taken orally with water to stimulate urine discharge and remove constipation, diarrhea, and haematuria. It is also used as an antidote to a dog bite or bite of poisonous animals/ snake.

Singh et al. (2002)

I. frutescens

Sagartaluk, Shimoga district, Karnataka

Karibantanaballi Adikarnataka, Besta, Brahmin, Ganiga, Idiga, Lambani, Muslim, Vokkaligacommunities

A root decoction is taken orally in body pain.

Rajakumar and Shivanna (2010)

West and South Tripura, Tripura

Dugdhalata, Perialata, Soyalata

Different tribal communities

Bleeding in gum, skin disease, fever, kidney disease.

Sen et al. (2011)

Paderu division, Visakhapatnam district, Andhra Pradesh

NA Local community Blood purification, hemorrhage from the mouth.

Padal et al. (2010)

Juvvadhu Hills, Tamil NA Local community The root powder is Sekharan and

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Nadu administered with milk to treat diabetes, stone in the bladder, and as a blood purifier.

Jagadeesan (1997)

Wayanad district, Kerala Paravalli Kurichar community

Root juice is used internally to treat anemia and kidney stone.

Thomas and Rajendran (2013)

Sonaghati, Sonbhadra district, Uttar Pradesh

Khapri-Bela Gond and Kharwar communities

The dried root powder is administered a spoonful (10 g) twice a day with a freshwater glass after meals as lactagogue.

Singh et al. (2002)

M. tenacissima

Kanika, Sundargarh, Odisha

Chunhar Munda community

The powdered root is eaten with water to treat postnatal complaints.

Girach et al. (1998)

N. oleander

Eastern Rajasthan Kaner Local community The root is crushed with roots of Capparissepiaria and Daturainnoxia and applied

against snakebite and insect bite. The roots are made into a paste with water and are applied externally on ulcers and leprosy. The roots are used for procuring abortion both by local application and internal administration.

Upadhyay et al. (2010)

Uttarakhand Karavira Local community Topical application of paste for wound healing

Dhiman (2004), CCRAS (1999)

Nagpur and Wardha, Maharashtra

Kanher Local community Topical application of crushed root for wound healing.

Badhe and Pande (1999)

West Rarrh region, West Bengal

Ethnic community

5 ml juice of root once daily for 15 days used internally as a remedy for epilepsy.

Ghosh (2008)

R. serpentina

Paschim Medinipur district, West Bengal

Sarpagandha Santhals, Mundas, Lodhas, Bhumijs, OraonKherias communities

Root paste along with that of Azadirachtaindica and black

pepper seeds are made into a paste, and the extract is administered orally soon after a snake bite.

Sarkhel (2014)

Kodagu district, Karnataka

Sarpagandha Herbal healers and local community

Root paste is given orally to reduce blood pressure. Root paste mixed with cow's milk is given orally to the pregnant woman, before childbirth to promote easy labour.

Lingaraju et al. (2013)

Paderu division, Visakhapatnam district, Andhra Pradesh

NA Local community Asthma, heart pain, stomach-ache, high blood pressure.

Padal et al. (2010)

Mokhada, Thane Sarpagandha Local tribal Root with the petiole of betel Sonawane et al.

Research & Reviews in Biotechnology & Biosciences ISSN No: 2321-8681

113 ©2020 The author(s). Published by National Press Associates. This is an open access article under CC-BY License


NA: Not Available

Some significantphytochemicalsin the studied plants with already proven

pharmacological activities are given in Table 3. Some major compounds from studied

district, Maharashtra community leaf made into a paste is given to cure facial paralysis. It is also used in epilepsy, intestinal disorders.


Keonjhar, SimilipalMayurbhanj, Odisha

Patalgaruda Santal, Kolha, Bunda, Bathuri and Bhuian communities

An antidote to the snake. Nayak et al. (1998)

Angul-Talcher Mining Area, Odisha

Patalgaruda Local inhabitants, tribes, village medicine men, Vaidyas

Hypertension, insomnia, epilepsy.

Mahalik et al. (2014)

Sub-Himalayan region, Uttarakhand

Gandhak Gujjar community

1 g root powder is taken internally, twice a day in skin infection.

Sharma et al. (2013a)

Udham Singh Nagar District, Uttarakhand

Jhaberbarua Tharu community Root paste is topically applied for boils.

Sharma et al. (2014)

Sub-Himalayan tract, Uttarakhand

Gandhak Gujjar community The root paste is mixed with oil of Cinnamomumtamala(tejpaat)

and externally applied on leucodermaat night.

Sharma et al. (2013a)

Sub-Himalayan region, Uttarakhand

NA Gujjar community 1 g root powder is taken internally twice a day used as a remedy for epilepsy.

Sharma et al. (2013b)

Garhwal Himalaya, Uttarakhand

NA Jaunsari community

Root used internally as a remedy for epilepsy.

Bhatt and Negi (2006)

Garhwal Himalaya, Uttarakhand

NA Local community

Root used internally as a remedy for epilepsy.

Gaur (1999)

Gorakhpur and Maharajganj districts, Uttar Pradesh

NA Taungya community

1–2 teaspoon root powder taken twice daily in the remedy of epilepsy.

Poonam and Singh (2009)

Uttarakhand NA Local community

Root used internally as a remedy for epilepsy.

Adhikari et al. (2007)

T. divaricata

Kodagu district, Karnataka

Nandibattaluhuvu Herbal healers and local community

The crushed root mixed with salt and turmeric is applied to the snake bite.

Lingaraju et al. (2013)

Paderu division, Visakhapatnam district, Andhra Pradesh

NA Local community Toothache. Padal et al. (2010)

Rewa district, Madhya Pradesh

Gulchandini Local vaidyas Root paste applied over scorpion sting.

Shukla et al. (2010)

Tripura Khuntautai Reang community The extract used in toothache. Shil et al. (2014)

Jalgaon, Dhule and Nandurbar districts, Maharashtra

NA Bhil, Gavit, Kokani, Mavachi, Padvi, Tadvi, Valvi and Vasave communities

Root powder (100–200 g) is boiled in water, and the extract is taken thrice a day for two weeks internally as a remedy for jaundice.

Badgujar and Patil (2008)

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species are asclepin, calotropin, carinol, carissanol, carissin, serpentine, cryptosin, rauwolfine, and vobasine. All these compounds are known to have proven important pharmacological activities (Table 3). Many phytoconstituents from Apocynaceae plants are reported to have important pharmacological activities such as anticancer, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, cytotoxic, cardiovascular, hepatoprotective, CNS activity,

neuroprotective, psychoactive, antineuroinflammatory, biocidal, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antiplasmodial/antimalarial, topoisomerase II inhibitory, antidiabetic, and gastroprotective (Dey et al., 2017; Bhadane et al., 2018; Islam and Lucky, 2019). Serpentine, ajmalicine, catharanthine from root samples of C. roseus are known to reduce acetylcholine activity (Pereira et al., 2010).

Table 3: Some major compounds with biological activities reported from selected plant species of the family Apocynaceae.

Plant name Compound (DNP, 2020) Biological activity (DNP, 2020) A. curassavica Asclepin Cardiotonic agent

Calotropin, Pekilocerin A African arrow poison

Coroglaucigenin Antineoplastic agent

Uzarigenin, Odorigenin B Cardiotonic agent. Antidiarrhoeal

C. gigantea α-(Acetylamino)-4-[(ethoxycarbonyl)amino]benzeneacetic acid

Insect antifeedant

Calotropin, Pekilocerin A African arrow poison

9-Methoxypinoresinol Exhibits potent cytotoxic activity

C. procera Calactin, Pecilocerin B, Pekilocerin B Cardiotonic agent Calotropin, Pekilocerin A African arrow poison

C. carandas Carinol Exhibits cytotoxic activity and increases cell viability in anti-hypoxia study

Carissanol Cytotoxic against breast MCF7 and lung A 549 cancer cell lines

Carissin Inhibitor of the nucleation phase in amyloid β42 aggregation

C. spinarum Cycloolivil, Isoolivil Shows moderate anti-DPPH free radical activity Carinol Exhibits cytotoxic activity and increases cell viability in

anti-hypoxia study

Carissanol Cytotoxic against breast MCF7 and lung A 549 cancer cell lines

C. roseus Trichosetin Phytotoxin. Active against Gram-positive bacteria

Vinleurosine Antineoplastic agent. Possesses antihyperglycaemic activity

Lochnerinine, Hazuntine Shows antitumour activity

Lochnerinine, Hazuntine Shows antitumour activity

Carbazoline Plant growth and enzyme inhibitor. Potentiator of benzo[a]pyrene induced mutagenicity, antiparasitic, antitrypanosomal agent. A comutagen with aromatic amines active towards bacteria

Roseamine It Shows antineoplastic props.

Serpentine Shows antitumour activity

Strictosidine, Isovincoside A key intermediate in the biosynthesis of terpenoid indole alkaloids

Vincaleukoblastine, An antineoplastic agent used widely in the treatment of

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Vincaleucoblastine, Velbe, VLB Hodgkin's disease and other lymphomas. Microtubule assembly inhibitor. Shows trypanosomicidal effect

Vindoline Active against Gram-positive bacteria and fungi

C. dubia Cryptosin Acts as a positive inotropic agent H. indicus Hemidesmin 1, 2; hemidesmoside A, B,

C; Indicusin; Hemidescine; Hindicusine; hemisine, etc.


H. pubesccens Estrone acetate, Hovigal, Puboestrene Estrogen

Holamide Shows hypotensive activity in rats

Mokluangine A, B, C Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor

Pubescinine Shows hypotensive activity in rats I. frutesens Nonadecyl benzoate NA M. tenacissima Tenacigenin B, Tanacissimoside B, C,

D, E, F, I; Marsdenoside C, K; Tenacigenoside A, F, etc.


N. oleander Adynerin Antineoplastic agent

Dambonitol, Dambonite Allergy inhibitor

Δ16-Dehydroadynerigenin CNS depressant

Echujin, Digitoxigeninstrophanthotrioside

Arrow poison

Gitoxigenin, Bigitaligenin, 16-Hydroxydigitoxigenin, Anhydrogitaligenin

Antineoplastic agent

cis-Karenin Cytotoxic agent

trans-Karenin Cytotoxic agent

Uvaol, Uvalol HIV-1 protease inhibitor, an antineoplastic agent

Vanderoside, Periplogenindiginoside, Neridiginoside

Used in anticancer therapy

R. serpentina Ajmalan-17,21-diol, Ajimaline, Gilurytmal, Merabitol, Raugalline, Rauwolfine, Rytmalin, Tachmalin, Many other names

Antiarrhythmic (Class Ia) drug, which functions by inhibition of glucose uptake by heart tissue mitochondria. Platelet-activating factor antagonist. Anti-inflammatory agent

Renoxydine, Reserpoxidine, Renoxidine

Shows similar Pharmacological properties to Reserpine but with about half the activity

Serpentine Shows antitumor activity

Yohimbic acid, Yohimbinic acid α2-Adrenoceptor antagonist T. divaricata Conolidine Analgesic with unusual non-opioid pharmacology

3S-Cyanocoronaridine Cytotoxic

Vobasine Weak CNS depressant, also showing analgesic and antipyretic action


The study revealed that the rootsof the selected species are used across India for medicinal purposes. They areused to treat health issues, including insect or animal bites, skin problems, respiratory problems, and metabolic health issues.Among the reviewed species, roots of R. serpentina, H. indicus, C. gigantea, H. pubescens, C. procera,

C. spinarum, I. frutescens, and T. divaricatawere found to be widely used in different regions of India than other species (Table 1). The dry root material of the studied plant species has high demand in the Indian herbal drug market. Species like H. indicus (500-1000 MT), H. pubescens (1000-2000 MT), C. roseus (200-500 MT), C. dubia (100-150 MT), R. serpentina (200-500 MT), C. gigantea (50-100 MT) and C. procera (50-100

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MT) have very high trade value (NMPB, 2020). Only a few species, such as C. roseus, N. oleander, R. serpentina, and T. divaricata, are cultivated in gardens or farms for ornamental or medicinal purposes. However, the majority of species for medicinal purposes are collected from wild habitats. Cultivation of highly medicinal plant species can provide a new pathway in the conservative use of plants. Identifying crude herbal samples may require a botanical reference standard for correct identification of raw herbal samples (Kumar et al., 2018, 2020a, 2020b, 2020c; Singh et al., 2020). Further macroscopic and microscopic studies are required to develop the studied plants' botanical standards to control adulteration and substitution of the raw plant material in the trade. Ethnomedicinal data compiled in the present study can provide valuable information for the medicinal exploration of Apocynaceae's root drug samples. Data compiled in the present study can provide a way for drug discovery of specific bioactive compounds in clinical research.


The authors thank Director IIIM Jammu for providing the necessary facilities to carry out the work. The authors are thankful to the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Government of India, for financial assistance under the Major Lab Project (MLP-1007). PK acknowledges the financial support provided by CSIR in the form of JRF/SRF fellowships.


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