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Jack Smith

Registration number 100178077


Ethical Hacking Trainer

Supervised by Dr Oliver Buckley

University of East Anglia

Faculty of Science

School of Computing Sciences


This report details the process of planning and creating an ethical hacking trainer web-

site. The aim of the project is to educate people of the role of the ethical hacker and

teach the basic skills required to test a website for vulnerabilites. The website will con-

tain tutorials that teach ethical hacking techniques, a demonstration wesbite upon which

users can practice hacking and a library of law summaries so users can learn about how

law contend with cybercrime and ethical hacking. This report covers the design and

implementation of the website along with an evaulation of the outcome.


I would like to thank my project supervisor Dr Oliver Buckley for his support over

the duration of the project. I also thank Dr Paul Bernal for helping me understand the

laws I refference in the project and the advice he gave regarding the legal standing of

this work. Finally, I would like to thank my Fiancée Philippa Higgins for her constant

support throught out the project and my entire 3 years at UEA.



1. Introduction 6

2. Project Description 6

2.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

3. Project Outline 7

3.1. Aim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

3.2. Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

4. Literature Review & Background Research 8

4.1. What is Ethical Hacking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

4.2. Teaching To Hack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

4.3. Ethics and Morality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

4.4. Cyber Kill Chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

4.5. Similar Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

5. Projection Design & Planning 16

5.1. Architecture and Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

5.2. Time Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

5.3. Requirement Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

5.4. Navigation and Site Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

5.4.1. Site Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

5.4.2. Wire Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

5.5. Branding and Identity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

5.5.1. Branding Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

5.6. Database Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

5.6.1. Entity Relationship Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

6. Implementation 22

6.1. Implementation Decisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

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6.2. Website Features and User Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

6.2.1. Disclaimer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

6.2.2. Homepage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

6.2.3. Tutorials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

6.2.4. Reconnaissance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

6.2.5. SQL Injection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

6.2.6. Cross Site Scripting (XSS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

6.2.7. Database Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

6.2.8. Reconnaissance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

6.2.9. SQL Injection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

6.2.10. Cross Site Scripting Tutorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

6.2.11. Internet Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

6.2.12. About Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

6.2.13. FAQ Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

6.3. Technical Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

7. Testing and Usability 41

7.1. Unit & Integration Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

7.2. Black Box Validation Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

8. Evaluation 43

8.1. Outcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

8.2. Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

9. Conclusion 45

References 46

A. Gantt Chart 49

B. Similar Systems Matrix 51

C. Wire Frame Designs 52

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D. Testing Results 54

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1. Introduction

This report outlines the what the project is and how I have completed this task. It looks

at similar and related work to establish the field the project resides within. The report

then covers the design phase of the project, providing the initial designs of the website

and the requirement specification for the project. The implementation stage is then

discussed, detailing how each page and function of the project was implemented, with

examples of the code used to generate specific functionality requirements. Finally, the

report provides insight into how the website was tested and an evaluation of the overall

result of the project.

2. Project Description

2.1. Introduction

With more and more aspects of everyday life becoming automated and thrust into the

online world, it becomes increasingly important to develop and ensure cybersecurity.

One of the most effective ways of keeping on top of cybersecurity is the use of ethical

(white hat) hackers. These hackers operate by hacking into a client’s system and report-

ing any vulnerabilities they find. In some cases, they are then recruited by the client to

help fix these vulnerabilities to prevent black hat hackers from gaining access to sensi-

tive and critical data. Although similar products exist, it is rare to find a site that both

teaches and allows for the practice of these techniques. The purpose of this project is to

create a site that will teach users fundamental skills required to carry out basic ethical

hacking techniques, whilst providing users with a summary of the laws that surround

hacking to help them learn and improve in safe and legal way.

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3. Project Outline

3.1. Aim

Develop a web-based application that users can visit to learn and practice ethical hack-

ing techniques. The aim of developing such a site is to raise awareness of ethical hack-

ing and the role it takes for combating cybersecurity. By teaching people the basic

techniques used by ethical hackers on an easy-to-use site, people may be able to deploy

actions to defend their own websites and data.

3.2. Objectives

• Complete a literature search and review of any similar sites that already exist and

the resources I intend to use in this project.

Investigating the current processes and controls in places, as well as taking on

board the opinions and findings of academics within this field, will help ensure

the project covers the appropriate areas of ethical hacking. The literature review

will cover many topics that are at the core of the project, from the ethics of teach-

ing people how to hack to assessing the key frameworks that describe the hack-

ing process. An assessment of similar sites will outline the requirements for the

project whilst identifying gaps and opportunities for improvement in the field.

• Develop the front-end of the website. This includes the homepage, about page and

the foundations for the tutorial pages to be introduced in a series of deliverables.

Delivering the website in modules will allow the website to be installed and tested

in compartments, making it easier to make changes and improvements at any stage

of the project. Adopting an agile approach to the project has the benefit of making

the project more flexible and manageable.

• Integrate a tutorial for each hacking technique the website will teach. These in-

clude: Reconnaissance, SQL Injection attacks and Cross-Site Scripting.

These tutorials need to be as simple as possible to accommodate for users of all

levels of experience. They will focus on the basics of each technique but offer

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some more advanced methods for high-level users. They will closely relate to the

Demonstration site to allow users to practice their knowledge.

• Develop the database for the back-end of the website. This database will hold

fake data that the users will be able to gain access to by practising the hacking

techniques they learn on the site.

Creating a simple and easy-to-use Demonstration site that is linked to an ex-

ploitable database, will allow users of the site to practise the techniques they have

been taught.

• Evaluate the effectiveness of the site’s ability to teach users key hacking princi-


Carry out user tests and gather feedback about how helpful the site is at teaching

users from different levels. The feedback from the users will help compare the

project to existing sites and suggest improvements that could be made.

4. Literature Review & Background Research

4.1. What is Ethical Hacking

To investigate what is actually meant by ’Ethical Hacking’, I must first understand what

is meant by the term ’Hacker’. Throughout recent decades, the definition of ’hacker’

has changed drastically. When the term hacker first came into use, it referred to an

individual who had high technical knowledge of computers or somebody who was seen

as a computer enthusiast (Porter, 2016). As time went on, people started associating the

term ’hacker’ to people who used their vast computing knowledge to commit crimes and

disrupt society. The film War Games, released in 1983, is an example of how hacking

culture in teens increased in the 80s; this can be linked with an increase in computer

related-crime (Schulte, 2013). Today, a hacker is seen as a criminal who uses computers

to commit crimes such as theft and fraud. Ironically, one the best way to combat hackers

is with hackers themselves. We currently call the people helping defend systems ethical

hackers in an attempt to differentiate between the those using their expertise maliciously

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or with good intent, despite the fact they generally use the same techniques and skills

(Patil et al., 2017).

So what is an ethical hacker? Patil et al say ethical hackers are more formally referred

to as penetration testers. Their role is to use the same "tools, tricks and techniques that

hackers use, but with one major difference that Ethical Hacking is legal."[(Patil et al.,

2017)Page 1]. This is the common difference that divides hackers and ethical hack-

ers. This is supported in a paper titled ’Ethical hacking and penetration testing using

raspberry PI’ (Yevdokymenko et al., 2017). The paper details the four levels of penetra-

tion testing when attacking a network, those stages are: Reconnaissance, Vulnerability

Scanning, Exploitation and Maintain Access. The paper goes on to explain how this

is the same approach used by hackers (Yevdokymenko et al., 2017). Simpson uses the

old adage "You’re only as secure as your weakest link" to explain why ethical hacking

is important in securing your network [(Simpson, 2012), Page 1]. This is support by

Wang and Yang who state "Hands-on ethical hacking and network defense has become

an essential component in teaching cybersecurity effectively." [(Wang and Yang, 2017),

Page 1].

Going forward I will relate the term ethical hacker to somebody who has the skills

and knowledge similar to that of a hacker but who is operating with authorisation and

within the law.

4.2. Teaching To Hack

The primary focus of my project is to teach users the skills needed to practice basic

ethical hacking. In ’Ethical Hacking Pedagogy: An Analysis and Overview of Teaching

Students to Hack’ by Regina D. Hartley, Hartley explores not only what is meant by

ethical hacking but why it is taught and argues the positives and negatives of teaching to

hack [(Hartley, 2015)]. Hartley explains "an increasing number of researchers feel that

it is important that computer administrators have comparable knowledge and skills as

the attackers." [(Hartley, 2015), Page 96].

Furthermore, Hartley discusses how it is critical that security professionals learn eth-

ical hacking practices so they are to keep up with methods deployed by black hat hack-

ers. Hartley says "Future information security professionals would be better equipped

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to combat intrusions if equipped with the knowledge and skill sets currently used by

attackers" [(Hartley, 2015), Page 95]

This paper is provides good reasoning and context behind teaching ethical hacking,

which justifies the need for projects like this. Developing this ethical hacking trainer

will help combat the black hat hackers by equipping its users, the general public, with

the knowledge of how such attacks are carried out. This project will therefore contribute

to fight on cyber-crime on two fronts. The first being the provision of knowledge and

awareness of the black hat hacker’s capabilities, helping people build walls and defences

to prevent attacks and data breaches. Secondly the project will help teach the basics to

a new generation of white hat hackers, with the overall objective of getting more people

into cybersecurity.

Hartley’s views are similar to the majority of information security professionals;

Pashel advises that the ability to carry out attacks helps professionals identify vulner-

abilities within computer systems and can assist them in preventing attacks. He later

states ethical hacking may be deemed a crucial element in a security program (Pashel,


This is supported by Ronald E. Pike’s ’The “Ethics” of Teaching Ethical Hacking’,

which agrees that it is important to teach students the ability to hack under ethical li-

cense but argues unless done correctly, it can lead students on a dark path into black hat

hacking (Pike, 2013). Pike investigates how multiple field experts feel students could

be encouraged to stay on the right side of the law, going on to identify four areas that

can be critical in ensuring students are enthusiastic to practice hacking ethically.

The first of these four areas is ’Social Interaction’. Pike discusses how hackers on

either side of the law like to operate within communities and small teams. For example,

there are white hat groups such as ECSG (European Cyber Security Group) while black

hat groups such as Anonymous also exist. Pike then notes that it’s common for white

hat groups to form frameworks or guidelines for their members to operate in. These

guidelines can be vital to help new students and members work ethically. Working in

groups adds a sense of belonging and social pressure, thus meaning members are less

likely to commit crimes as they fear being kicked out or shamed by their peers.

Pike identifies ’Competition’ as another important area. Across the industry both pro-

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fessionally and academically, hacking competitions or ’Hackathons’ are held frequently.

At these events hundreds of hackers compete to complete tasks as quickly or efficiently

as possible (Pike, 2013). Competition is this context can be healthy as it encourages

competitors to learn and improve their skills in an informal but challenging environ-

ment. When combined with social interaction, hackers may strive to be the best in their

group. All tasks are in within the law and practice ethical hacking procedures. Com-

petitions like this help hackers improve their technical skills and also their social and

demonstrative skills; it is common for head-hunters of ethical hacking and technology

companies to use these events as recruitment opportunities (Pike, 2013). The idea of us-

ing competition to help educate ethical hackers is also explored in ’Building an Ethical

Hacking Site for Learning and Student Engagement’ where M.Lehrfeld agrees it can be

key in helping aspiring ethical hackers the skills they need (Lehrfeld and Guest, 2016).

4.3. Ethics and Morality

Although it may be legal to teach and practice ethical hacking, there are still concerns

on as to whether is morally correct. The question commonly asked is, what makes it

ethical? Olson queries; why does it need the word ’ethical’ in front of it? (Olson,

2012).This is quite a controversial topic that has arguments for both sides. Trabelsi and

Ibramhim argue that teaching ethical hacking techniques has become neccassary within

the computer security curriculum as it yields better results than curriculums that only

teach defence techniques (Trabelsi and Ibrahim, 2013). The demand for skilled indi-

viduals with the ability to perform such techniques is also discussed by Lehrfeld and

Guest in a paper where they built a website similar to the one of this project (Lehrfeld

and Guest, 2016). On their site, students are encouraged to take part in a capture the

flag style game where they earn points for completing different hacking challenges on

the site. They discuss the ethical dangers of teaching and encouraging hacking tech-

niques but argue it is what is needed to improve the cyber-security industry (Lehrfeld

and Guest, 2016). The same thing is argued by Simpson in ’Hands-On Ethical Hacking

and Network Defense’ (Simpson, 2012).

There is the worry that ethical hackers may decide they could earn more by becoming

criminals as expressed by Pike. (Pike, 2013). Pike also argues that the ethical element of

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ethical hacking should be taught as seriously as the hacking itself to try and promote le-

gal and moral behaviour to students. Contrary to these concerns, one of the main sources

of ethical hackers are former criminal hackers that have since reformed. An example of

this is Nicholas Allegra, a computer hacker who accessed code behind Google’s web ap-

plication and leaked information about Google+. When Google discovered this, instead

of prosecuting him, they hired him (Ohlhorst, 2019).

4.4. Cyber Kill Chain

The Cyber Kill Chain Model developed by Lockheed Martin is widely regarded as the

best model of the cyber-attack process across the cybersecurity industry. The Cyber Kill

Chain Model breaks down the events of an attack into 7 stages. These stages closely

follow how a military kill chain model might look like. Examining this framework is

useful to the project as it details the steps ethical hackers need to be wary of and explores

methods to avoid data breaches. Below is breakdown of each of these steps, how they

are matched by other frameworks, what controls are in place to execute them and what

lessons the project can learn from them.

1. Reconnaissance

This stage is about intelligence gathering on a target. Before an adversary launches

an attack on their target, they must first study the target’s behaviour. In relation

to a computer system, this would include techniques such as testing the system’s

error handling, learning its architecture and searching for vulnerabilities that can

be exploited. During this stage the attacker would want to remain undetected; this

is the first opportunity the target has at defending itself. As Hospelhorn explains

in a blog titled ’What is The Cyber Kill Chain and How to Use it Effectively’, re-

connaissance is the first step in any form of heist (Hospelhorn, 2018). Hospelhorn

goes on to explore a few ways in which a company may detect reconnaissance on

their website.

Monitoring network traffic and flagging any suspicious activity on the network

is a basic but effective method a company could deploy. This could be done by

keeping a log of all IP addresses that visit the site and checking them against a

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list of known criminal addresses. Placing alarms on vulnerable areas of a website

that are triggered when they meet some threshold of activity would help decrease

detect common attacks such as SQL injection and XSS. The use of VPNs for

inter-company communication can also reduce the attack surface of the system.

Finally Hospelhorn mentions the monitoring of proxys as this is another common

technique used by hackers (Hospelhorn, 2018). Proxy servers could also be used

by a company to abstract a systems functionality, again reducing the overall at-

tack surface. This builds on what Lockheed Martin recommend in a guide called

’Gaining the Advantage’, where Lockheed Martin suggests defender should build

detections for browsing behaviour that is unique to reconnaissance (Lockheed-

Martin, 2015).

2. Weaponization

This stage describes the process of creating code and/or malware to exploit a vul-

nerability in the system. In terms of the techniques taught in this project, this

would include developing an SQL statement to be injected or writing a JavaScript

function to do some action in the site. This stage requires knowledge of the

system, therefore preventing the reconnaissance would prevent the attacker from

weaponizing a vulnerability.

As discussed in Lockheed Martin’s guide to applying the Cyber Kill Chain (Lockheed-

Martin, 2015), there are multiple tactics that could be used by a defender in this

stage. Firstly collecting all files and meta-data related to an incident or piece of

malware would be beneficial as it could be used for future analysis. The principle

here is to look at previous incidents to help find trends and patterns that could be

used to detect weaponizer toolkits in the future.

3. Delivery

The delivery stage focusses on how an attacker may deploy the malware or attack

onto the target system. This could be done physically through USB (Universal

Serial Bus) sticks, remotely through a web server or other attacks such as a phish-

ing email. An example of this would be the execution SQL or Java Script code

on a unprotected form on a website, this is something that will be taught in the

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project. In terms of preventing it, a defender may deploy software that catches

such attempts before they are able to access the system. In terms of SQL injec-

tion, as discussed in ’Detecting and Preventing SQL Injection Attack: A Formal

Approach’, a defender could use software such as SQLMAP to detect any vulner-

abilities and exploit them (Qbea’h et al., 2016). This software is frequently used

by ethical hackers to perform penetration tests on a website (Qbea’h et al., 2016).

4. Exploitation

During this stage, the attacker could use the delivered payload to exploit some

vulnerability in a system. This could be the activation of malware through the

clicking of a link or email attachment. Other exploitations may focus on the

software, hardware or human vulnerabilities of a system. An attacker may do this

by exploiting something called a zero day exploit. A zero day vulnerability is a

security flaw in software that was probably introduced during the development of

a system and has since gone unnoticed. These occur when none-core functionality

is built into a system, thus meaning there is potentially erroneous code that is

never discovered and therefore never patched. This can create a back-door or

weakness an attacker could exploit.

When it comes to preventing this, there a few controls and practices that are used

in companies today. One highly exercised practice is user awareness training and

email testing for employees. It is argued that training can be helpful to make

employees aware of the security consequences associated with their daily actions

but unless their is a healthy security culture within an organisation, this training

ultimately fails. Chia et al explore the security culture within two organisations,

drafting improvements based off their comparison (Chia et al., 2002). This paper

helps prove the requirement for ethical hacking as it explains having technically

skilled staff can help promote a positive security culture within the workplace.

5. Installation

The installation stage describes how an attacker may install malware into a system

to do further damage or provide a gateway for other attacks (Lockheed-Martin,

2015). The installation of malware is often buried within another attack such a

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Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) or SQL injection attack. When installing

malware into the system, attacker will usually seek to install some kind of back-

door to allow them to extract data even after the attack is over. The project will

teach users how to insert scripts onto a database by using a stored Cross-Site

Scripting technique. This is a technique that is commonly used to run scripts

on unaware users. Harkins and Freed discuss how ransomeware such as ’Wan-

naCry’ installs itself across a network and can be used to plague healthcare sys-

tems (Harkins and Freed, 2018).

As discussed by Cameron, these types of attacks are actually quite simple to pre-

vent. Carrying out frequent malware scans and testing can help spot any malware

that is installed on the system (Cameron, 2017). Additionally, these types of at-

tacks tend to exploit known bugs in the software, making sure software is up to

date can help reduce the amount of vulnerability of a system.

6. Command & Control

Once the attacker has installed malware, they may use it to manipulate the target’s

system. As long as the attacker can create a channel of communication between

them and the victim, they can control the target (Lockheed-Martin, 2015). An

example of this is where an attacker stores a script in a web page that redirects

users to another page. The attacker can then use software called BeEF to capture

the users browser and enslave it (Unknown, 2019). From here, the attacker could

use the victim’s machine as the source of further attacks or even to execute a

DDOS attack if they had enough captured users. This is another tool that is also

used by ethical hackers to test a clients physical, technical and human security

measures. Training can help employees spot Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities.

7. Actions On Objectives

This stage describes how an attacker may use techniques such as SQL Injection to

damage or destroy the system from within, corrupting or deleting data, collecting

personal information or just destroying systems (Lockheed-Martin, 2015). SQL

Injection could be used to drop tables and harm a database, therefore it is impor-

tant that the aim of the project is to teach users about the dangers of the techniques.

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4.5. Similar Systems

After conducting some research I found the following sites:


This site is well-established as a platform similar to the one I wish to create.

The site is set up to be hacked by users who intend to practice their skills. It also

offers information to beginners and provides tutorials for users to follow. This site

is a good reference point as it is proof of concept and will provide some healthy

competition to my project.


This site is an example of a safe target site that users can visit and attempt to

hack. The site can be hacked and visibly changed. As stated on the site, it will

reset every so often to allow users to have another go.

My project will include a similar feature that allows the website to be restored to

its former state.

After looking at these sites, I built a similar systems matrix to compare the different

features. This matrix was then updated when the project was completed. Please see

Appendix B.

5. Projection Design & Planning

5.1. Architecture and Environment

The project will be delivered in a web based solution. The following technologies have

been used to develop the project which has been split into two sections.

Main Site

The first section is the main site; this site will hold the tutorials and law library for

users to explore. This will act as the main user interface. This site will be built using a

combination of HTML, CSS, Python and JavaScript.

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HTML - Hyper Text Mark-up Language (HTML) is the standard mark-up language

used to create web pages (w3Schools, 2019). A HTML page consists of multiple HTML

elements that are represented by tags such as <body>. I used this to create the majority

of the files for the main website.

CSS - Cascading Stylesheets (CSS) is used to style and layout HTML documents.

CSS can be used to change the font, colour and size of many HTML elements by assign-

ing them an id or class (tutorialspoint, 2019). Styling can be done inside the HTML

tag; this is called in-line styling. Most of the styling for the project is done by creating

external style sheets that are referenced by the relevant pages.

Python - Python is a high-level, object oriented programming language that has

built in data structures (Python-Software-Foundation, 2019). I used Python to render

each html page as a template and create other functions to manipulate the website.

Flask - Flask is a web framework extension for python, used to render the main

website pages and introduce inheritance into the HTML files using code blocks. (Flask,


JavaScript - JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language that

is used to manipulate web pages and web applications. JavaScript can directly change

HTML elements and can be used to build more complex programming functions (web

docs, 2019). JavaScript is used on both sites to increase functionality and responsive-


Demonstration Site

The second section of the project is the demonstration site. This site is extremely ba-

sic but holds the functionality for users to test SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting

techniques. This site also uses HTML, CSS and JavaScript. However, to implement the

functionality required for these techniques, the site also uses PHP.

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PHP - PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely used open source scripting lan-

guage that is used to hold and use HTML (php, 2019b). I use PHP for the demonstration

website to load HTML as well as run code to connect and manipulate the database.


Attached to the demonstration site is a database that holds mock data for the users to

manipulate. This database is built using MySQL and can be managed by PHPMYAd-

min. I use a PHP package called MySQLi to connect and manipulate the database from

the website.

MySQL - MySQL is an open-source relational database management system that is

used to build databases using a version of SQL(Structures Query Language) (MySQL,

2019). I will be build and run a local instance of a MySQL Database to add hacking

vulnerabilities to the demonstration website.

MySQLi - To connect the website to the database I have used an PHP extension

called MySQLi. This extension contains functions used to establish connections to a

database and run SQL queries. (php, 2019a).

5.2. Time Management

During the initial planning stage I created a Gantt chart to outline the schedule and pace

of the project. This Gantt chart has since changed as the project developed and I had to

make changes to the design and structure of the project. Please see the Appendix 22 for

the revised Gantt Chart. The previous versions of the Gantt chart can be found in the

supporting material.

5.3. Requirement Specification

Using the MoSCoW analysis technique, the following requirements the Ethical Hack-

ing Trainer have been derived. The ’musts’ are features the website requires on a fun-

damental level. The ’shoulds’ provide some stronger foundations for the website whilst

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the ’coulds’ are additional features that could be added if there is enough time in the

project. The ’won’ts’ are features that the website simply will not have either due to

time constraints or scope.


• Teach users at least 3 ethical hacking techniques

• Teach users the legal and ethical issues surrounding hacking

• Have ’Hackable’ elements to site such as forms and databases

• Have a method of resetting the website to its original state


• Be easy to use for all levels of user

• Provide users with basic understanding of the use of ethical hacking

• Provide feedback to users that are practising their hacking skills


• Have a user log-in system

• Score users on their activities

• Allow users to compete in leader boards

• Have hidden tasks for experienced users


• Allow the entire site to be hacked

• Provide the level of training required to become a fully qualified ethical hacker

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5.4. Navigation and Site Map

5.4.1. Site Map

Following the design of the Lo-Fi and Hi-Fi designs, I have created a visual site map to

give an idea of the websites structure as seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Site Map

5.4.2. Wire Frames

To plan how the website might look, I created some wire frame digram that outline the

initial design of the site. These diagrams can be found in Appendix C.

5.5. Branding and Identity

5.5.1. Branding Scheme

The designs and website will follow the branding scheme seen in Figure 2. This scheme

highlights the key fonts and colours my website will be uses.

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Figure 2: Branding Scheme

5.6. Database Design

5.6.1. Entity Relationship Diagram

Below is the entity relationship diagram for the initial demonstration database (Figure

3). However due to time and functional constraints, it was better to just implement the

customers and reviews tables.

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Figure 3: Bank Entity Relationship Diagram

6. Implementation

6.1. Implementation Decisions


Whilst the majority of the website matches the initial design, I have made a few changes

in response to issues that arose as the project developed. I changed the demonstra-

tion buttons on the tutorial page from 3 separate buttons to one button that links to

the demonstration site as all techniques can be practised in one place. The entire site

matches the colour scheme proposed by the initial branding scheme with one small

change the dark blue colour text#0984E3 to #239af6. This change was made due

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to visibility issues when paired with black font.

Cross Site Request Forgery

While learning how to to use Cross-Site Request Forgery techniques, it became clear

that it would not be appropriate to include a tutorial or demonstration exercise on this

techniques as it would present users with serious security risks. The problem with im-

plementing a web-page where users can practice CSRF is there would be no way to

ensure users were not in any real danger. For example, if somebody was to create a

script that transfers money between bank accounts and store it on the demonstration

site, an unsuspecting user who has their online banking page open in another tab could

visit the demonstration site and be targeted by the script. Although the database could

be frequently reset, I would not be able to implement a system that guarantees the user’s

system with the current time-frame or my current experience and knowledge of hacking


Reconnaissance Tutorial

To answer the problem of being one tutorial down, I decided to implement a different

tutorial that teaches users the first step of ethical hacking. As found in the research in

the literature review, the first step any hacker will take when attacking a website is to

scout it out. I felt it was important to teach the users the skills needed to do this as it is

a fundamental skill of ethical hacking. It also helps relate to the other tutorials as it is

during the reconnaissance stage where hackers might discover a potential SQL Injection

or XSS vulnerability.

Database Implementation

As discussed previously in the database design section, I decided to only implement

two tables into the database to begin with as this was all that was necessary to deliver

the required functionality of the demonstration site. This is something that could be

reviewed in the future if the project was to expand.

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6.2. Website Features and User Interaction

The following section provide a discussion of the different features that have been im-

plemented into the website.

6.2.1. Disclaimer

This project is largely based on the teaching and practising of ethical hacking tech-

niques. There are both ethical and legal implications that factor into the website if it

were to be made live. For the purpose of the project, the website will be hosted locally.

Following discussions and meetings with Dr Paul Bernal, an Internet Law lecturer at

UEA, I decided there was still the need for a disclaimer to warn users of the legal impli-

cations of computer crime and more specifically hacking. So I drafted a short disclaimer

message which reads:

"The techniques taught on this site are strictly for the purpose of ethical hacking.

Using any form of hacking techniques on a website without the permission and authori-

sation of the website owner and all other parties is a crime and is in no way condoned

by this site. You may practice these techniques within a safe and controlled environment

such as the demonstration website that can be found on the tutorial page. By clicking

’OK’ you understand that the use of such techniques without authorisation is illegal and

is not condoned by this site."

This message will appear as a pop-up window every time the homepage of the site is

loaded. The user is required to click the ’OK’ button to proceed to the site.

6.2.2. Homepage

The homepage features a very simple design, created to maximise the usability of the

site. At the top of the page is the Navigation Bar that can be seen across all the other

pages. The homepage as 3 main sections of text which provide insight into what the site

is about.

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6.2.3. Tutorials

The Tutorials page consists of a grid menu that has an option for each type of attack and

a button that opens the demonstration website. The grid menu is clear and matches the

colour scheme set out in the design phase. The menu was designed to be simple and

easy for the user to navigate to the correct tutorial.

As covered in the literature review, the best way of learning is through practice. All

tutorials will closely relate to the demonstration page to allow users to practice what

they are learning as they learn in a familiar and secure environment.

A lot of research went into looking at similar systems and comparing tutorials to as-

sess which parts are successful or not. I looked at multiple tutorials for Reconnaissance,

SQL Injection and XSS to ensure I compiled the best parts of each to develop an ac-

curate, effective and usable tutorial to the user. This research proved itself to be time

consuming and caused delays to the project. As discussed later, I had to make some

implementation sacrifices to account for this lost time.

6.2.4. Reconnaissance

The first step any hacker takes when wanting to attack a target website is to reconnais-

sance on the target. I made this tutorial as a way of introducing the user to ethical

hacking. The tutorial starts off by teaching the user how to use the Who-is protocol to

discover the IP address and other information about the target. Once the user knows

how to find the targets IP address they can then learn how to further investigate this to

find out more information such as the DNS servers used by the target and the web-based

technologies the target is running. Finally, the tutorial teaches users how to inspect el-

ement and use the browser debugger menu to find vulnerabilities and understand the

architecture of the target website.

6.2.5. SQL Injection

The SQL Injection tutorial is broken into sections that go from the basics of SQL all the

way up to advanced SQL Injection techniques. The tutorial introduces what SQL is, then

it covers the basic syntax of SQL. This is designed to target new users with little to no

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previous knowledge of SQL. Once the basics have been covered, the tutorial introduces

key principles needed to bypass an authentication system, with constant references to

the demonstration page to enable users to practice what they are learning. After the

user has learned how to bypass the login form, they are taught how to exploit ’GET’

methods by injecting SQL into the Uniform Resource Locator (URL).

6.2.6. Cross Site Scripting (XSS)

The Cross-Site Scripting tutorial starts of by teaching users the basics of JavaScript as

it is core to XSS. Once users have established the basics, they can learn how to exploit

reflected XSS vulnerabilities in the site. They can practice reflected XSS on the review

page of the demonstration website. The other form of XSS they can learn is stored

XSS; this exploits text that is stored and loaded on the web-page. By teaching both

reflected and stored XSS; users can learn the difference between client-side and server-

side attacks.

6.2.7. Database Implementation

The database behind the ’Smart Bank’ website was build using MYSQL and managed

in PHPMyAdmin. Due to the time constraints of the project, I made the decision to

limit the implementation of that database to its core functionality to allow me to focus

more time and resources on research and writing the tutorials. Therefore the current

implementation is much simpler than the one proposed in the initial design. I have

condensed the database into 2 tables; customers and reviews.

The demonstration website is built using PHP so I am using an extension called

MySQLi to connect to the database and run SQL queries. Below is a snippet of the

code used to establish a connection to the server (See Figure 4).

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Figure 4: MYSQLi Connection

I then used a series of SQL queries to create the Smart Bank database. An exam-

ple of the code used to create the database, tables and insert data can be found in the

resetDB.php file. One of the requirements of the project is the database must be fre-

quently reset to ensure that no harmful scripts are left running on the server and keeps

the contents of the tables appropriate and in line with the tutorials. To reset the database,

the user can click on the ’reset database’ button on the homepage. This will invoke the

resetDB.php file which resets the database in steps.

Firstly it establishes a connection the server. If successful it then drops the database

called ’smartbank’ and creates a new one with the same name. Then it connects to the

database and creates the necessary tables, once complete it populates them and closes

the connection.

6.2.8. Reconnaissance

To implement the Reconnaissance tutorial I did some research and found a few tools

that are used by ethical hackers to carry out reconnaissance in real world scenarios. I

then picked the tools that best suited the purpose of this tutorial and decided to write a

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section about how to use each one and why it is effective.

To begin with I show users how to use the site: This

site is a search engine that uses the Who-Is protocol to return public information on the

target site. This site is a great source of initial information as it tells you the IP address

of the target, the registrar information and the names of any DNS servers associated

with the website (see Figure 5).

Figure 5: Domain Tools Website

Users can then build on this information using the netcraft tool found here:

This tool can be used to discover the web-based technologies the target website is us-

ing, such as JavaScript, PHP and MYSQL (see Figure 6). This tool is really helpful to

ethical hackers as it can help them determine what type of vulnerabilities the website

might have.

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Figure 6: Netcraft tool

Then the tutorial teaches the users how to use Bing to do a reverse DNS Lookup. This

is used by ethical hackers to find a way of accessing the target through a website that

shares the same server (see Figure 7).

Figure 7: Reverse DNS Lookup using Bing

For the purpose of the tutorial I used as it yielded good results and the

tools would not work on the demonstration site as it hosted locally. Finally, the tutorial

covers how to use the browser debugger menu to inspect the target website’s code and

manually look for vulnerability such as forms using ’POST’ and ’GET’ methods.

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6.2.9. SQL Injection

The SQL Injection element of the demonstration site can be found on index.php

which prompts the user to provide login credentials to sign into a bank account (see

Figure 8). This is the first opportunity a user has to inject SQL statements to bypass the

login. This can be done by following the SQL Injection tutorial which provides constant

references to the demonstration site.

Figure 8: Smart Bank Login Page

When the user clicks the login button, the user input will be taken from the form (see

Figure 9) and sent to the process.php file. This file contains the code to connect and

query the database. The SQL query seen in Figure 10 builds an SQL statement using

the user’s input as parameters. If the query returns a match, the user is logged in, if not,

they are redirected to index.php to try again.

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Figure 9: Login Form

Figure 10: SQL Login Query

Regardless of whether the attempt was a success or not, an example of the SQL query

that was generated will be displayed to the user. I did this to help users learn what the

SQL they are entering is doing, this allows them to experiment and try to understand

what is happening. This is done by echoing the query along with the data they entered

(see Figures 11 and 12).

Figure 11: Code to echo SQL query

Figure 12: Echoing the SQL Query

Once the user has learnt how to bypass the login page by exploiting vulnerabilities in

the ’POST’ method, they are presented with a form that allows them to check their ac-

count details by re-entering their login information. Whilst they can still use techniques

taught previously, there is the potential to further exploit this form as it uses a ’GET’

method. The second half of the tutorial covers the method to do this. Using the same

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SQL query as before, the information is then displayed in a table (see Figures ?? and


Figure 13: Code to generate account information table

Figure 14: Account information table

The query was designed to select all columns but the table is set up to only display

four of them. This is designed to force the user into learning more about the database

and overwrite existing columns to extract additional data.

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6.2.10. Cross Site Scripting Tutorial

I focused the Cross-Site Scripting practice around the review page on the demonstration

website. As there are two types of XSS that are taught in the tutorial. Firstly, the

user can practice running scripts in the age verification form. This form uses a ’GET’

request that asks the form for the user’s age. Once they enter the age and click submit,

their input will be echoed below. This will run any scripts they may have entered in

the process, making it vulnerable to reflected Cross-Site scripting. The code snippet in

Figure 15 shows how the input is retrieved and echoed.

Figure 15: Creating the age form vulnerability

As this form is using a ’GET’ request, the user can copy the URL containing their

script and send it to potential victims. This demonstrates the use of reflected Cross-

Site Scripting and helps teach users the dangers of clicking links without checking their

authenticity. The figure below shows an example of a URL generated by a simple alert

script (See Figure 16).

Figure 16: URL containing alert script

Users can then write their own scripts that could do more harmful things such as take

them to a different website or install malware. For the purpose of the project, I thought

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it best not to teach users more advanced techniques as it could have legal ramifications.

To practice stored Cross-Site Scripting techniques, the users can insert scripts into the

review form. This form uses a ’POST’ method to save the users input to the database.

Users can put a script into these fields and have them saved to the database. Every time

a user clicks the ’Show Reviews’ button the website will load all the reviews from the

database, if these reviews contain a script, the browser will run them. This section of the

website demonstrates the power Cross-Site Scripting can have on unsuspecting users.

To implement stored Cross-Site Scripting I had to update the database to contain a

reviews table. This table stores the name and the comment of each review. The SQL

Statement seen in Figure 17 is used to build the reviews table.

Figure 17: SQL Statement to create reviews table

The review data from the form is added in by running the addReview.php file

which connects to the database and inserts the users input into the database (See Figure


Figure 18: Adding the users input to the Review table

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If the user clicks the ’Show Reviews’ button, the button will run the displayReviews.php

file which retrieves the reviews and prints them in a basic table on the page. The table

is not styled as it is not the main purpose of the scenario, its function is to hold and run

any scripts the user may have entered (See Figure 19).

Figure 19: Retrieving and displaying reviews

6.2.11. Internet Law

To implement the internet law page, I used the same theme as seen throughout the site.

A series of information blocks that splits up the legislation into sections. The technical

side of implementing this was not challenging as it was simple HTML and CSS code.

However, the amount of research behind each page is substantial. I felt it was important

to do lots of research and ensure I fully understood each legislation before I attempted to

summarise it. I feel this was necessary as it I am explaining law, misleading users about

certain laws or sections could cause confusion and issues later on. Globally, there is lots

of legislation in place to combat cyber-crime, I decided to focus my efforts towards UK

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and European legalisation for now as it is the most relevant to this project.

Data Protection Act 2018

To summarise the Data Protection Act in the context of hacking and ethical hacking I

looked at the official government site as the primary source (GOV.UK, 2019b). To build

a better understanding of this act in practice I found some independent breakdowns of

the Data Protection Act to as background research on different perspectives (,

2019) (Get-Safe-Online, 2019). This proved to be really helpful as it gave me an idea

of the type of perceptive and language I should write my summary in.

As my website focusses on teaching users techniques to help defend their own web-

sites from hacking, I decided to write the summary in a way that teaches a organisation

or business how to comply with the Data Protection Act instead of just reciting it from

the government website.

To do this, I looked at what sections of the Data Protection Act may apply to a small

organisation and summarise what they mean and how to enact them. For example: when

talking about principle 5: Personal data must not be kept longer than required, I instruct

the user that they should not keep data for longer that is necessary and should take steps

to safely delete it. I suggest a implementing a data retention policy to do this.

Computer Misuse Act 1990

The Computer Misuse Act 1990 is the most direct legalisation in dealing with cyber-

crime in the UK. To summarise it, I examined at the different parts of the acts and

summarised each section in a more readable and user-friendly way (GOV.UK, 2019a).

I tried to avoid details such as sentencing as this changes from case to case. Instead I

focused on what parts of the legislation apply to the techniques taught on the site and

how they are covered by this law. The summary highlights how the techniques taught

on this site are illegal unless you have authorisation from the target.

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Freedom of Information Act 2000

The Freedom of Information Act is not directly related to hacking but I felt it was

relevant to include because it has an impact on the format of databases. The Freedom

of Information Act forces public organisations to collect data in a sensible and easily

accessible way to ensure they can fulfil information requests in time (GOV.UK, 2019c).

This inadvertently caused databases across the industry to look very similar in format,

making it easy for hackers to guess column names and re-use information gained from

previous attacks.

General Data Protection Regulation 2018

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is European legislation that is focused

around personal data collection and privacy (European-Union, 2018). After doing some

research into how the GDPR will be implemented across the European Union it became

clear that this was the reason the Data Protection Act was amended in 2018. However,

with the UK due to leave the EU I decided to include both the GDPR and the Data

Protection Act regardless of how similar they may be to ensure I give the user the full


The GDPR has a vast scope and has a broad selection of principles and rules. I took

the same approach here as I did with the Data Protection Act, aiming the summary

towards users wishing to protect its data and comply with the law. I decided to list

the key definitions as I felt these were important for understanding what is meant by

personal data and the difference between processor and controller.

Then I looked at different articles that discuss the impact and significance of the

GDPR and selected the principles that got the most attention (Burgess, 2018) (Hern,

2018). I broke up each key principle into what they are and how they should be imple-


I also felt it was important to list all of the individual rights of the user that are

granted by GDPR. The rights give a lot of power to the user but they also impact the

way organisations store and use data. Rights such as the Right of Access and the Right

to Erasure directly control how an organisation may store and format its data, crating

potential vulnerabilities in the process.

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Additionally the Right to Rectification makes the organisation liable if the data they

are storing is not accurate and complete. SQL Injection attacks have the potential to

alter data, which may have legal consequences for the organisation.

To write this article I tried to find multiple perspectives of GDPR due to its contro-

versial nature, as well as the knowledge I learnt from the Internet Law module.

Convention on Cybercrime 2001

The Convention of Cybercrime was drafted by the European Council but has since be

ratified globally. The convention does not actually declare any law, instead it advises

how countries that ratify it on what behaviour classifies as illegal. This means actions

such as SQL injection and XSS are seen as crimes on a global scope, making it easier

to prosecute international cybercrime such unauthorised hacking.

To try and understand the impact of the Convention of Cybercrime I looked at some

academic literature that discussed the impact law has had on the fight against cyber-

crime as well as looking at some cases such as the Gary McKinnon, Yevgeniy Nikulin

and Lauri Love (BBC, 2019) (BBC, 2012) (Times, 2018).

Investigatory Powers Act 2016

The Investigatory Powers Act is another piece of UK legislation that is designed to fight

cybercrime. The main focus of the law is to give the UK authorities the power to inter-

cept network communications data to aid ongoing enquiries and investigations. How-

ever, the law describes what classifies as unlawful interception. As Cross-Site Scripting

and Cross Site Request Forgery techniques could be used to intercept data that is being

transmitted to and from the users, I have included this law on the site.

The law was extremely controversial and is nicknamed ’The Snoopers Charter’ due

to how invasive it can be. I thought it best to try and understand why it faced such large

backlash as well as the security vulnerability is could introduce.

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6.2.12. About Page

To try and give context to the project, I developed an About Page that would provide

insight into the website. I made a grid that explains who I am, what I am developing,

where I am studying and finally why I am making the site in the first place. Although

this is not a core part of the website but I felt it was important to offer some context to


6.2.13. FAQ Page

I implemented a frequently asked questions page so users can get help using the site. As

the site is not live, I drafted some example questions users may have to give an example

of what the page might look like.

6.3. Technical Issues

1. Development Environment

When I began to develop the website I had a minor issue regarding the use of In-

tegrated Development Environment (IDE) I was using. Originally I had planned

to use Visual Studio 2017 as it supports Python and web development. I chose

Visual Studio as I have previous experience using it and I had heard good reviews

from peers. However I ran into issues using the IDE on my laptop as it is quite

CPU intensive and my laptop is five years old. This slowed my progress in the

front-end development and prevented me from working away from home. I re-

covered from this issue by doing some research and asking around about other

IDEs and text editors. In the end I decided that the text editor Sublime would be

the best solution.

2. Legal Issues

As I learnt through the Internet Law module, teaching people the skills and tech-

niques needed to carry out even basic hacking techniques is a potential issue and

could be in breach of the Computer Misuse Act 1990, Section 3(A). This section

states "making, supplying or obtaining articles for use in offence under Section

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1 or 3", meaning providing people with the knowledge and tools to carry out

unauthorised access to programs and computer material is illegal. If done without

due-diligence, my ethical hacking trainer could fall under section 3(A). This is a

serious issue which threatens my project. Therefore I took steps to avoid any legal

issues I could run into. Firstly my project will constantly remind users of the laws

and potential consequences surrounding hacking and will strive to promote ethi-

cal and safe practices. Secondly I contacted my Internet Law lecturer Paul Bernal

to discuss the legalities regarding my project and to help me draft a disclaimer

statement that is displayed on the landing page on the website. Users must accept

the consequences and rules of using the site. Thirdly the site doesn’t need to be

live for the purpose of the project so for the presentations and the demonstration

I will just run the website locally using the XAMPP control panel.

3. User Accounts

I had planned to implement a user account system to allow users to implement a

score system as well as allowing users to save their progress. However this would

introduce a number of problems that would complicate the project beyond its

scope. The main issue with having user accounts is requirement for an additional

database containing user credentials and potentially sensitive information. In an

environment where people are learning how to exploit and test websites to gain

access to databases, having one full of real world information would be a massive

security issue and would create legal implications with the Data Protection Act

and the GDPR. The work required to fully secure this database from hacking

techniques would be greater than what is achievable in the projects timeline.

Another issue with having user accounts saving a user’s progress is that due to the

nature of the project, it would be extremely difficult to save a user’s progress in

relation to the exercises on the demonstration pages. The demonstration website,

SmartBank was designed to simulate a bank database. Whilst users can interact

and manipulatable it as much as they wish, it will be frequently reset to ensure it

is always in a usable and presentable state. Therefore saving an individual users

progress is impossible as the database will be reset multiple times a day. The only

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way to do this would be to capture the state of the database and store it for every

individual user at the time of saving. Again this would be a lot of work, which I

feel would not be achievable in the project timeline.

To conclude, although user accounts would be a great feature on the site in the

long term, for the purpose of the project it would introduce a lot of security and

implementation issues that ultimately outweigh the benefits.

4. Website and Database Hosting

For the project to be deployed publicly both the website and database would need

to be hosted on a server somewhere. I have discussed the legal issue with hosting

the website publicly but there are some issues that may come with hosting the

database as well. The techniques taught on the website, such as SQL injection

and XSS can be extended to attack anything stored on the same server as the site

or database. Therefore hosting the website and database on a public sever may

inadvertently allow users to do harm to other material stored on the server. To

solve this issue, I will run the website locally on my machine for the presentation

of the project. The database will be hosted as a local MYSQL Server and the

demonstration website will also be hosted locally using XAMPP control panel.

This means none of the data or information will be publicly available for the time

being, avoiding any legal and ethical issues.

7. Testing and Usability

7.1. Unit & Integration Testing

As the majority of the website is built using HTML and CSS, there was not many meth-

ods that needed to be testing. However, the demonstration site uses PHP scripts to

manipulate the database so I performed unit and integration tests on these files to ensure

they work as intended, see Table D in the Appendix for the results of the tests.

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7.2. Black Box Validation Testing

To ensure the HTML and CSS used to build the website is secure and error free, I

carried out some validation testing. Usually I would validate my website by running

it through the W3C validator found at Unfortunately this

tool does not work for the project as the validator can only check live sites, as the

project website is run locally, I searched for a different solution. After some research,

I found a Google Chrome extension that validates the current web page, available at: Every page of the main site passed the validation test with

only a few minor warnings. These warnings are caused by the navigation menu as seen

in Figure 20

To build the responsive menu icon, I used <span> tags to create empty bars. These

tags use empty space, thus did not have anything between the open and close tag. To fix

this issue I found that using the &nbsp; simulates white space but does not throw any

warning messages. After making this change, I ran the validator again and it returned

without any warnings as seen in Figure 20

Figure 20: HTML validator warnings before and after bug fixes

Some of the pages on the website had a different warning concerning the additional

<head> tag I had added to allow page specific styling. Figure 21 shows the warning

being thrown by the validator. I understood why this error was being thrown as it was

causing the page to be loaded with two <head> sections in the document as the main

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section is inherited from the layout.html. To fix this issue, I created another block

in the layout.html file within the <head> tag that can be used to load page specific

Stylesheets. After making this fix, I reloaded the website and the page was clear of errors

(see Figure 21).

Figure 21: HTML validator warnings before and after fixes to inheritance

I repeated this process for the demonstration site, I received no errors but a few warn-

ings on some of the pages. I fixed some of the warnings that had reasonable solutions,

some of the warnings were ignored as they interfered with the functionality if the site.

8. Evaluation

8.1. Outcome

The best way of evaluating the success of a project is to refer back to the MoSCoW

analysis and compare it to the requirements specification, assessing which elements are

met or not. I feel for the project to be a success, all the "Musts" requirements must

have been fulfilled. To check if the project has a good level of usability the majority of

the "Shoulds" should have also been complete. Additionally some "Coulds" could be

completed but are not required for overall success. To assess the success of the project

I created a table that shows the overall outcome of the project. As the table shows all of

the "Musts" and "Coulds" have been complete, therefore I consider the project a success.

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With that said, the overall look and feel of the website is not what I had hoped, and there

are elements of the website I had wanted to implement .As I came to better understand

the scope of the project I realised it was more about proving the concept that a site can

both teach and practice than it was teaching lots of advanced techniques. The amount

of research I have put into creating the tutorials and law library was greater than I had

accounted for, meaning the project went off schedule and sacrifices had to be made.

Priority Requirement Complete (Y/N)


Teach users at least 3 ethical hacking techniques Y

Teach users the legal and ethical issues surrounding hacking Y

Have ’Hackable’ elements to the site, such as forms and databases Y

Have a method to reset the website to its original state Y


Be easy to use for all levels of users Y

Provide users with basic understanding of the use of ethical hacking Y

Provide feed to users that are practising their hacking techniques Y


Have a user log-in system N

Score users on their activities N

Allow users to complete in leader broads N

Have hidden tasks for experienced users N

Completion of the project notebook is another area open for improvement. As I am

unfamiliar with note keeping and it is not common practice for me to keep a notebook,

I have had to adapt to this working style. I do see value in keeping regular notes on

projects and will utilise this skill going forward in future endeavours.

Despite this, the project completed what it set out to do and I have delivered a website,

that is both user friendly and educational, on time and as planned. Going forward there

are areas of the site that could be expanded and improved but this is covered in the

Future Work section.

8.2. Future Work

The first thing that could be improved on the project is the demonstration site. In its

current state the demonstration site is functional but not as user friendly as I had planned.

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I would improve this by adding better styling and content to the "Smart Bank" website.

Interactive parts of the site such as the review table displayed by the ’Show Reviews’

button could be styled to display the data in a clearer and more user friendly way.

I would like to continue adding tutorials and laws to the main website to cover a much

broader area of ethical hacking, with the hopes it could eventually be used to teach all the

skills required to complete the "Certified Ethical Hacker" course. This would require me

to put more time and resources into learning new techniques myself, which is another

thing I would like to do in the future. As the website grows I would need to expand the

database to accommodate for the increase in vulnerabilities. I imagine the end result

would be close to what I had planned in the initial Entity Relationship Diagram.

Finally, I would like to add a user account system that allows users to log-in and

receive score based feedback when practising techniques on the demonstration page.

This was something hinted at by the "Coulds" section of the requirement specification

but I was unable to complete within the project timeline.

9. Conclusion

The aim of the project was to create a website that allows users to learn about the impor-

tance of ethical hacking and explore potential legal ramifications that may be triggered

by this practice. The tutorials and demonstration website offer a secure and effective

way for users to learn techniques that are commonly used by ethical hackers on a daily

basis. Overall I feel the project has been a success as I have met all the requirements I

had set out to achieve and I have learnt a lot about time management and project devel-

opment over the course of the project. The delivered website give users the opportunity

to follow tutorials and then practice what they have learnt on the available demonstration

site. The law library offers context and guidance to users wishing to use these skills.

I am satisfied bye the project I have delivered and feel that it provides users with the

some of the tools and knowledge required to enter into the field of ethical hacking. My

website successfully teaches and demonstration ethical hacking techniques, while also

providing some of the background legal knowledge neccassary to safely practice ethical


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A. Gantt Chart

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Figure 22: Project Gantt chart

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B. Similar Systems Matrix

Figure 23: Similar Systems Comparison Matrix

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C. Wire Frame Designs

Figure 24: wire-frame design for the home page

Figure 25: wire-frame design for the tutorials page

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Figure 26: wire-frame design for the internet law page

Figure 27: wire-frame design for the about page

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Figure 28: wire-frame design for the frequently asked question page

D. Testing Results

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Function/File Task Description Pass(Y/N)


Connect to ’smartbank’ database Y

Query database using input values Y

If match is found, user is redirected to ’smartBankHome.php’ Y

If no match is found, user is redirect to ’index.php’ Y

The SQL statement is echoed to screen Y


Connect to ’smartbank’ database Y

Query database using input values Y

Returns id, firstname, lastname and balance (if match) Y

addReview.phpConnect to ’smartbank’ database Y

Adds user input to database ’reviews’ table Y


Connect to ’smartbank’ database Y

Select all reviews from database ’reviews’ table Y

Display reviews in table on reviewPage.php Y


Connect to server Y

Drop ’smartbank’ database Y

Create new ’smartbank’ database Y

Connect to ’smartbank’ database Y

Create ’customers’ table Y

Create ’reviews’ table Y

Insert data into ’customer’ table Y

Insert data into ’reviews’ table Y

Load login page ’index.php’ Y

Table 1: Unit Test Results

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