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After your baby is born, there are various things that

you may have to learn and it is important that you take

proper precautions while carrying out each and every

task. Bathing a slippery baby can make you nervous

and uncomfortable.

The first few times can be really tricky, but with a little practice and under some elder person’s supervision, you will soon be a pro.

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baby bath tips Let us discuss few that can help you to master the technique.

Giving a bath to your baby depends on how old the

baby is. For a newborn, you can opt for twice or thrice

a week provided his diaper areas are regularly cleaned

and hands and face washed several times a day.

As your baby grows, he will need a more regular

bathing and once she starts crawling and eating hard

food, then it is essential to give a bath daily.

When to give

baby a Bath?

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For newborns, it is better to bathe before meal time,

but not when he is too hungry. For older babies, you

may clean him up at night as this helps to soothe them

and have a good sleep.

A baby doesn’t always needs a tub of water to clean.

Most pediatrics suggests that you should sponge the

baby until the umbilical cord falls off.

To Sponge or give

a full Baby Bath

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This may take up to three weeks, so it is best to sponge

bathe him to avoid the cord getting wet.

For this, have a bucket or basin of warm water and a

sponge or washcloth. Soak the wash cloth and rinse

well, now gently wipe the limbs taking care of the cord

Once the cord has fallen off, you can give your baby a

big bath. Babies may not get very dirty, but make sure

to check few places that do accumulate dirt like the

folds at the back of neck, thighs and knees, armpits and

behind the ears. Use a baby soap to clean the areas.

Many times, you will find that your baby screams

when putting him into the water. This may either mean

that the water is too hot or cold or he is hungry or he

doesn’t want to be alone.

Make bathing

enjoyable for your


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You can do few things to make bath time more

interesting and enjoyable.

Get the water ready and undress your baby and

yourself and enjoy the bath together. You can also place

some floating toys to engage your baby.

Baby’s skin is very soft and sensitive and can cause

irritation if adult soap or shampoo is used.

Soap use for your


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Use mild baby soap and try a test rub on a small part

of the body. In case the skin reddens or dries up, do not

use the soap.

You can consult a dermatologist for any allergy or

irritation. Do not use soap regularly as this can dry the


Since babies are particularly sensitive, it is better to use

soap or shampoo that has fewer additives like

fragrances or abrasives. Use baby washes that are tear-

free and gentle.

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Bathing your baby can be real fun but you need to

ensure that your baby is safe in the bathroom. Before

the bath, check the room temperature and the water. It

should not be too hot or cold as this can cause

discomfort to your baby.

Always make sure that the bathroom is not slippery

and do not keep your baby under running water.

Bath time


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Use a bath tub instead and keep your baby’s head out

of water.

Keep your essential things handy and never leave your

baby unattended in water even for seconds.

Follow the baby bathing tips and make bath time fun

and easy for your baby.
