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Essay about Halloween

The word "Halloween" is derived from the English term All Hallow's Eve, Pre-Day Saints.

It is a holiday celebrated primarily in the United States of America, Ireland and the UK on 31 October.

This party fu inherited by Celtic culture about 2500 years ago, and

Was exported to the United States in the nineteenth century, mmm ... more or less in 1846.

This story tells us that at the end of summer, precisely on October 31, it was assumed that the spirits came to this world to take over the bodies of the living to resurrect. To prevent people decorated their homes in a dark and filthy, here comes the tradition of decorating the houses.

This tradition today is almost a pure marketing, image is typical to see children dressed up as ghosts, demons, etc.., Trick or treating.

The Legend of Jack who was denied entry to Heaven and Hell and this was walking with a lantern made of turnip with a burning coal in trying to find the entrance to a world. Americans use a pumpkin

The holiday was first celebrated only 1921año massively until the first parade was held in Minnesota; this celebration was internationalized to late 70s thanks to films and television series.

1-¿what is the word Halloween?

2-¿where is celebrated principally Halloween?

3-¿when it began to be celebrated massively Halloween?

4-¿how initiation this celebration?

5-¿which is the phrase with the known Halloween?

6-¿who introduced the Halloween?

7-¿why celebrated Halloween?

Day of the Dead Essay

The Day of the Dead is a Mexican celebration that honors Hispanic origin the dead on November 2, but this starts on November 1 and matches the Catholic celebrations of All Souls Day and All Saints.

UNESCO has declared this holiday as a World Heritage Site.

This festival is from Mexico and is prior to the arrival of the Spanish. There are records of Mexican ethnic celebrations, Maya, Purepecha, Nahua and Totonac. In these civilizations were held to celebrate rituals to ancestors at least 3000 years ago.

This celebration is to the ninth month of the Aztec solar calendar, and was celebrated for an entire month. These festivities were presided over by the goddess Mictecacíhuatl, known as the "Lady Death", related to Catrina and wife gives Mictlantecuhtli, Lord of the world of the dead.

In fact no pre-Hispanic traditions related to death and hell nor heaven, contrary to the Catholic religion, in fact they believed that their destiny after death was determined by the

1-¿what honor this date?

2-¿how years have this tradition?

3-¿when is celebrated the dia de muertos?

4-¿who started this tradition?

5-¿where is celebrated the dia de muertos?

6-¿why this celebration is considered World Heritage Site.?

7-¿which is the meaning of this celebration?

Cruz Hernandez Juan Manuel 2° C