
ESnet6 High Touch Services Precision Streaming Network Telemetry

Bruce A. Mah, Richard Cziva, Chin Guok, Yatish KumarEnergy Sciences NetworkLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory September 25, 2020

ESnet: DOE’s high-performance network (HPN) user facility optimized for enabling big-data science

ESnet provides connectivity toall of the DOE labs, experiment sites, & supercomputers


Increased Need for Programmability

• ESnet’s traffic, user-base and the experiments

continue to grow in a fast pace

• Computing and data model are also evolving,


– fine-grained visibility in real-time

– application-specific traffic handling

– programmable, in-network services

• Needs not addressed by existing measurement

mechanisms (sampled, aggregated, delayed)

• High Touch Services created to fulfill these needs


Live ESnet usage statistics: carried: Exabyte/year.

High-Touch Services

• High-precision, real-time visibility into network traffic– Process every packet of interest in real-time– Accurate, precision timing (ns precision / accuracy)– Software-defined functionality– Programmatically deployable and customizable

• In contrast to “low touch” services– Fixed function services such as IP packet routing, basic statistics– Optimized for speed and low cost, but not flexible

• Technology enablers– Software-defined networking– Programmable network dataplane hardware with accurate timestamps– High-speed packet processing libraries (DPDK, etc.)


ESnet6 High-Touch Architecture Overview

1. Mirror Service - Allows selective flows in the dataplane to be duplicated and sent to the FPGA for processing.2. Programmable Dataplane (DP) - Appends meta-data, timestamps and repackages packet for transmission to Platform code.3. Telemetry Data L2VPN - Connect Dataplane and Platform, possibly on different High-Touch Servers.4. Platform - Reads telemetry packets from the network and distributes information to High Touch Services.5. Management Plane Base Routing Table - Provides connectivity to Remote Servers.6. Remote Server - Hosts Platform components or Services (but not a Dataplane). Telemetry data can be directed to Remote Servers.7. Service - Reads data from the Platform and performs real-time analysis as well as inserts selected telemetry data into database.

Datapath of Customer PacketDatapath of Mirrored Packet Datapath of Telemetry Packet

Low-Touch RouterIP Services


Telemetry DataL2VPN

Management PlaneBase Routing Table


Remote HT Server(s)

Mirror Service1

3 5

Additional Scaling of Platform or Services

High-Touch Server

FPGA Mellanox 100G



platformDPDK Collector Fastcapa-ng

KafkaTopic 0 Topic 1 Topic N...

Service 0 Service 1TCP rate monitor Packet Loss

Offline, long-term analysis, reduced data rateHistogram /

Time Series



Remote HT Server(s)Remote HT Server(s)Remote HT Server(s)


Per Flow KAFKA Topics

Local CLI: rm -r *

What Programmable “High Touch” Hardware to Use?


● There are a variety of programmable network devices

available today. ESnet was looking for the following:

○ 100Gbit/s port speed and roadmap for higher speeds

○ Timing and performance guarantees

○ Easy programming (P4 style)

○ Established vendor with support

● We are currently prototyping using Xilinx FPGAs

○ Alveo U280: 2x100G port, 8GB HBM2 memory

(3.2 Tbps bandwidth), 32GB DDR4, 1.2M logic cells

Xilinx Kintex UltraScale(FPGA)+

Xilinx U280 FPGA card

Telemetry Producers

Copy of original packet of a TCP flow





High-Touch Telemetry Packet


IPv6Destination: collector


Programmable Data Plane

Transforms packets

type HighTouchLayer struct {

Version string

SensorID uint8

VlanId uint16

IngressTimestamp uint64

// IP header of original packet

IpSrcAddr net.IP

IpDstAddr net.IP

// TCP header of original packet

TcpSrcPort uint16

TcpDstPort uint16

TcpSeqNo uint32

TcpAckNo uint32

// Aggregate counters

FlowPktCount uint64

FlowByteCount uint64

FlowId uint16

Flags uint8


High-Touch Telemetry Record (approximate) ~100 bytes

Payload removed


Original IPv4

Original TCP

Precision TimestampsAggregate counters

High Touch Collector Processing


Kafka cluster

TCP rate monitor Finger of blame

Mellanox 100G NIC

RX Process #1 RX Process #2 RX Process #n

RX queue #1 RX queue #2 RX queue #n

Packet Loss



Telemetry packets

Flow #1

TX Process #1 TX Process #2 TX Process #n

Flow #2

Distributor / RSS

Collector (DPDK)

Packet ringBulk dequeue

Burst enqueue

Any DPDK-enabled card

Fastcapa runs on multiple cores (each RX and TX process is one core)

Topics deleted after 24hr automatically

ESnet Fastcapa-ng Internals


• RX queue: – NIC dma packets into memory – RSS (Receive Side Scaling) applied

• RX worker:– pull packet into ring buffers

• ACL worker:– classify flows and send them to dedicated rings.

• Flow worker (service cores):– process flows using different function: passthrough, sampling,

histogram, etc.– Flexible N to M mapping of flow to service cores.

• Kafka worker:– Combine multiple telemetry packets into large kafka messages.

• Dedicated Kafka connection:– maintain TCP connection, message compression task.

Kafka setup and benchmarking

• Docker-compose: bitnami/kafka, JMX

Exporter, Prometheus, Grafana

• 6 brokers on a single server

• Possible bottlenecks:

– Librdkafka C client (inside Fastcapa-ng)

– Docker proxy - network

– CPU - Fastcapa and Kafka brokers are on the

same host


~5M PPS ingest untuned single server / 6 broker

Use Case #1TCP Rate and Retransmission Tracking


● Monitoring TCP rate in a per-packet basis

○ Find peaks, abnormal rate in the shortest possible time

● Provide a tool for network operations and engineering

● Finding packet retransmissions as they happen

○ Is there an issue at ESnet or at the source or destination networks?

Visualizing Real-Time Telemetry Data• We can plot metrics for every packet in a flow using InfluxDB / Grafana

10 Gbit/s average rate

A sample PerfSonar 10Gbit/s test measured by High Touch Rate Monitor

Packet retransmissions for flows indicating an issue







e (b



1 Gbps iPerf Flow - 600,000 Packets


1 Gbp/s average flow rate (100 pkt window)

Per-packet rates reaching 10 Gbit/s (line rate of the sender)

Note: Average rate is calculated using a time-weighted average of per-packet rates.

1 Gbps iPerf flow - 1% packet drop


Note: only 23 packets were dropped all together, taking bandwidth down to 5 Mb/s from 1 Gb/s.

5 Mb/s average flow rate (100 pkt window)

Per-packet rates maximum: 1 Gb/s

1 Gbps iPerf Flow - 1% Packet Drop


Flow throughput drops when a retransmission happens

The difference between the lines represents the performance of the data transfer, convergence is good, divergence is bad.

● Motivation:

○ Some flows are unable to utilize the available bandwidth

○ TCP flows can take more of their fair-share

● Discovering misconfigured flows (e.g., window parameters, congestion control) will allow us:

○ Tune the configuration of Data Transfer Nodes

○ Notifying our sites automatically (periodic reports) on suboptimal configuration

○ Guide fair usage of the network (“is equal bandwidth share” fair?)

Use Case #2TCP Congestion Control Identification

BBR vs Cubic - Point Rates


2 millions of data points shown (around 600.000 points a second generated)

Difference in fingerprint can be identified visually.


BBR vs Cubic - Inter-Arrival Time Histogram

TCP BBR (delay-based) TCP Cubic (loss-based)

BBR: inter-packet timing is more widespread than other congestion control algorithms.

Difference in behaviour can be identified visually


Machine Learning on Aggregated Data


● Aggregated data - such as histograms can

be used to tell apart congestion control (CC)

used by TCP flows

● We are using data plane histograms of

inter-arrival times per flow (2000 packets

per histogram)

● ML algorithms explored: Convolutional

Neural Networks, k-Nearest Neighbors

Input: per-flow histograms of Inter-Arrival Time (IAT)

Machine Learning(trained with labeled data)

Flow 1 CC: (unknown)

Flow 2 CC: (unknown)

Flow 1 CC: most likely TCP BBR

Flow 2 CC: most likelyTCP RENO

Inference in less than 1 ms in all cases

Simpson, Kyle A., Richard Cziva, and Dimitrios P. Pezaros. "Seiðr: Dataplane Assisted Flow Classification Using ML." IEEE GLOBECOM, Taipei, Taiwan (2020).

More details, dataplane architecture, ML code in:

High Touch Application Programming


● High Touch Applications can be implemented using Kafka

Streams - an easy way to program real-time applications on

stream of data.

● Expressive, highly scalable and fault tolerant API that allows:

aggregation, filtering, counting, grouping data...

Example: High Touch SYN Flood Detection

int THRES = 10;KTable<Windowed<String>, Long> SYNcounts = stream

.filter((k, telemetry) -> telemetry.isSYN())

.groupBy((k, telemetry) -> telemetry.getIPDstAddr())


.count(Materialized.with(String(), Long()))

.filter((key, value) -> value > THRES);SYNcounts.toStream().to("syn-attacks");

High Touch Services DEMO


ESnet FPGA Block Diagram - Present and Future


3 models for using FPGAs



Service Design

Technical service design, experimentation with dataplanes and collector software.

2019 Q3

Design Validation

Evaluation of the collector software, dataplanes, scoping and prototyping.

2020 Q1

Design Refinement

Making the service more robust, implementing a variety of High Touch services, while enhancing scalability, fault tolerance, security, orchestration.

2020 Q4


Deploying pilot service, inspecting traffic on selected links (low-traffic customer, high-traffic customer, Splunk integration ).

2021 Q1


Finalizing a complete solution: edge hosts, programmable hardware, services and their orchestration.

2022 Q1


Deploying High Touch services.

2022 Q3

High Touch Services Timeline


{bmah, richard, yak}

