Page 1: E.S. 6: Rocks and Rock CycleThings to know: Rocks can be identified on the basis of mineral content and texture. The process by which rocks are formed define the three major groups

E.S. 6: Rocks and Rock Cycle

SMS Earth Science

Page 2: E.S. 6: Rocks and Rock CycleThings to know: Rocks can be identified on the basis of mineral content and texture. The process by which rocks are formed define the three major groups

Things to know:

Rocks can be identified on the basis ofmineral content and texture.

The process by which rocks are formeddefine the three major groups.

The rock cycle is the process by whichall rocks are formed and how basicEarth materials are recycled throughtime.

Page 3: E.S. 6: Rocks and Rock CycleThings to know: Rocks can be identified on the basis of mineral content and texture. The process by which rocks are formed define the three major groups

Rock Cycle

Page 4: E.S. 6: Rocks and Rock CycleThings to know: Rocks can be identified on the basis of mineral content and texture. The process by which rocks are formed define the three major groups

Igneous Rocks Igneous rocks form from molten rock

that cools and hardens either below oron Earth’s surface.

Page 5: E.S. 6: Rocks and Rock CycleThings to know: Rocks can be identified on the basis of mineral content and texture. The process by which rocks are formed define the three major groups

Types of Igneous Rock Extrusive igneous rocks cool quickly on

Earth’s surface.– Small or no crystals in rock, smooth

texture.– Examples: pumice, obsidian, and basalt.

Page 6: E.S. 6: Rocks and Rock CycleThings to know: Rocks can be identified on the basis of mineral content and texture. The process by which rocks are formed define the three major groups

Types of Igneous Rock Intrusive igneous rocks cool slowly

below Earth’s surface.– Large crystals and coarse texture.

Examples: granite

Page 7: E.S. 6: Rocks and Rock CycleThings to know: Rocks can be identified on the basis of mineral content and texture. The process by which rocks are formed define the three major groups

Sedimentary Rocks Sedimentary rocks

form from compactionand cementation ofsediment.

Materials:1. rock fragments

2. organic matter

3. chemical precipitation.

Page 8: E.S. 6: Rocks and Rock CycleThings to know: Rocks can be identified on the basis of mineral content and texture. The process by which rocks are formed define the three major groups

Types of Sedimentary Rocks

Clastic sedimentary rocks are made upof fragments of other rocks.– Examples: sandstone, conglomerate, and


Sandstone Conglomerate Shale

Page 9: E.S. 6: Rocks and Rock CycleThings to know: Rocks can be identified on the basis of mineral content and texture. The process by which rocks are formed define the three major groups

Types of Sedimentary Rocks

Non-clastic sedimentary rocks thatprecipitate from a solution.– Examples: limestone and rock salt.

Limestone Rock salt

Page 10: E.S. 6: Rocks and Rock CycleThings to know: Rocks can be identified on the basis of mineral content and texture. The process by which rocks are formed define the three major groups

Metamorphic Rocks Metamorphic rocks form when any rock

is changed by heat and pressure.

Page 11: E.S. 6: Rocks and Rock CycleThings to know: Rocks can be identified on the basis of mineral content and texture. The process by which rocks are formed define the three major groups

Types of Metamorphic Rock

Foliated metamorphic rocks have bandsof different minerals.

Examples: slate, schist, gneiss.

Slate Schist Gneiss

Page 12: E.S. 6: Rocks and Rock CycleThings to know: Rocks can be identified on the basis of mineral content and texture. The process by which rocks are formed define the three major groups

Types of Metamorphic Rock

Unfoliated metamorphic rocks have littleor no banding and are the samethroughout.

Examples: marble and quartzite.

marble quartzite

Page 13: E.S. 6: Rocks and Rock CycleThings to know: Rocks can be identified on the basis of mineral content and texture. The process by which rocks are formed define the three major groups

