Page 1: ErSb nanowire  array grown within  GaSb  matrix

ErSb nanowire array grown within GaSb matrix

Craig J. Hawker, University of California-Santa Barbara, DMR 0520415IRG-4

GaAs substrate

GaAs bufferGaSb buffer

IRG-4 has used molecular beam epitaxy to grow functional semimetal/semiconductor nanocomposites with control over nanoscale morphology. These nanostructures include highly ordered ErSb nanowire arrays within a GaSb matrix. The unique structural, thermal and electrical properties give these materials great potential in applications such as thermoelectrics and THz technology.

IRG-4 has used molecular beam epitaxy to grow functional semimetal/semiconductor nanocomposites with control over nanoscale morphology. These nanostructures include highly ordered ErSb nanowire arrays within a GaSb matrix. The unique structural, thermal and electrical properties give these materials great potential in applications such as thermoelectrics and THz technology.

Plan view

Cross section
