Page 1: ERS & ENVISAT for the Ice Community Andrea Celentano IICWG Meeting 2001 – Norway

ERS & ENVISAT for the Ice Community

Andrea Celentano

IICWG Meeting 2001 – Norway

Page 2: ERS & ENVISAT for the Ice Community Andrea Celentano IICWG Meeting 2001 – Norway

Overview: what is Eurimage ?

Founded in 1989; current shareholders:

51 %

49 %

Location: Rome (Italy)

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Eurimage Mission

To be a content provider in the

world-wide “Geo Information”

business, offering fast, easy and

cost-effective access to multi-

satellite data and derived

products with global coverage

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Satellite Missions Distribution Rights

• QuickBird

– Exclusive Master Distributor for DigitalGloble for Europe and the Mediterranean Basin


– World-wide exclusive for data from ESA stations

– World-wide distribution of all other archived data at USGS

– Distribution agreements with IGS

• ERS /Envisat

– World-wide distribution for data from ESA stations and International stations on behalf of EMMA

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Satellite Missions Distribution Rights


– World-Wide distribution for data from Space Imaging Inc. archive

– Distribution rights from Euromap archive

• Radarsat

– Distribution rights for EU countries

• Ikonos

– Distribution rights from Space Imaging Inc., Space Imaging Europe and Space Imaging Eurasia

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Africa: 4Africa: 4

Asia: 18Asia: 18Europe: 102Europe: 102

S. America: 10S. America: 10

N. America: 18N. America: 18

Network: More than 150 Application Providers

Australia: 5Australia: 5

• VA companies offering Geo-Information solutions to end users• To maximise segment and geographic area coverage• Increased in Europe from 80 to 100 (150 in 2001)• Growing presence world-wide (ERS/Envisat; JV with IGS)

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EMMA and the ESA SAR missions

Leader of the EMMA Consortium, one of the two distributing entities appointed for the world-wide distribution of data from the ESA missions:

ENVISAT (launch first quarter 2002)

ERS 1-2

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EMMA Master Distributor


• Data and Services Provider:

– Satellite Tasking: Interface with ESA and Ground Stations

– Access to data archives: Nat’l and Int’l Ground Stations

– Co-ordination with ESA and Ground Stations to develop NRT data dissemination systems (FTP, DVB…)

– Catalogues: Einet and DESCW (on-line, off-line)

– Tailored pricing conditions

– Dedicated Support Team

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EMMA Value Adders

ASI, Astrium, DLR, InfoTerra, QinetiQ, Telespazio

• Marketing and implementation of Value Added products

and services

– specific segments

– key geographic areas

– multi-source data

• Product innovation and product development

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EMMA Ground Stations

DLR, QinetiQ, Telespazio

– Special/fast acquisition response

– Fast dissemination of NRT products and services

– Acquisition outside visibility masks

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ENVISAT payloadENVISAT payload

• Dimensions Launch configuration: length 10.5 m envelope diameter 4.6 m In-Orbit configuration: 26m x 10m x 5m

• Mass Total satellite 8140 Kg Payload 2050 Kg

• Power Solar array power: 6.5 kW (EOL) Average power demand: Sun Eclipse (watts) (watts) Payload 1700 1750 Satellite 3275 2870

• Launch vehicle Ariane 5 (single launch)

• Orbit 800 km as ERS, sun synchronous 10:00, i.e. 30 minutes before ERS-2

The next ESA SAR mission: ENVISAT

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ENVISAT ASAR Imaging Modes

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Some ASAR applications Preferred ASAR mode

Ship routing (sea ice extent) Wide Swath (HH)

Ship detection Alternating Polarisation (HH/HV)

Oil slicks Wide Swath (VV)

Bathymetry Image Mode (HH)

Marine meteorology Wide Swath (VV)

Wind/wave models Wave Mode (VV)

Glacier/ice sheet motion Image Mode (HH or VV)

Ice sheet extent and melt areas Wide Swath (HH or VV)

Snow climatology Wide Swath or Global MM (HH or VV)

Geological mapping Image Mode (HH)

Land subsidence, earthquakes, volcanoes Image Mode (HH or VV)

Water management (runoff forecast, flooding) Wide Swath (HH or VV)

Agriculture (crop area) Alternating Polarisation (VV/VH)

Agriculture (crop condition) Image Mode (HH or VV)

Agriculture (soil moisture) Wide Swath (VV)

some ASAR applications

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NRT Services to Ice Centres

• Direct Down-Link at:

– Ground Receiving Station

– At Customer Location

• ARTEMIS Direct Down-Link for fast data reception

• Raw or Processed Data Delivery via:



• Data/Service delivery through NGS Partners: DLR, QinetiQ, Telespazio

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Payload Data RecoveryPayload Data Recovery

Artemis(European DRS)

The next ESA SAR mission: ENVISAT



Solid State Recorders

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Comments on Concept Paper

Eurimage has understood and is ready to work with the Ice Service Community

• Single Services

• Ice Service Community

• Data Access

– Volume

– Licenses of Use

– Format

• Delivery

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Comments on Concept Paper cont’

• Single Service & Ice Service Community

– Competitive Prices

– Ad-Hoc Service fitted to personalized requirements

• Data Access (Volume, Sharing, Format)

– Discounts based on volume orders

– Multi-user/site License

– Std. ESA Formats, VA products from the EMMA Members (with own products & services ).

• Delivery

– To each user community

– Single database for multiple retrieval

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• Eurimage is willing to start negotiations and discussions with Ice Organizations to setup agreements for both ERS and future ENVISAT

• We also wish to continue our participation to Ice Organization events and initiatives which require:

– Co-ordinated actions between:

Users Community, Data Providers, VA Sector, Satellite Operators
