  • 7/28/2019 ERP 0 - Emergency Action Plan Rev 0



    Emergency Action Plan Rev. 0

    [Insert Facility Name Here]

    Emergency Procedure


    Emergency Action Plan

    Effective Date:

    Reason for Change: New Procedure

    Approved By: Date:

    [Enter Name Here]

    [Enter Title Here]

    Responsible Department: [Enter Department Here]

    This entire document shall be in the field during procedure


    The following portions of this procedure shall be in the field

    during procedure performance:

    Checklist from this procedure shall be in the field during

    procedure performance.

    No part of this procedure is required to be in the field during

    procedure performance.

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    Emergency Action Plan Rev. 0

    Table of Contents

    Section Page Number

    1.0 Purpose .............................................................................................................. 1

    2.0 Scope .................................................................................................................. 1

    3.0 General............................................................................................................... 2

    4.0 Responsibilities................................................................................................ 3

    5.0 Instructions ...................................................................................................... 9

    6.0 Definitions.......................................................................................................12

    7.0 References....................................................................................................... 14

    8.0 Records ............................................................................................................ 14

    9.0 Attachments....................................................................................................15

    Emergency Response Incident Command Organization......................16

    Emergency Response Team Training .......................................................17

    Emergency Response Incident Command Organization Roster..18

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    Emergency Action Plan Rev. 0

    1.0 Purpose1.1 This procedure defines organization, procedures, general requirements andresponsibilities associated with the station Emergency Action Plan.1.2 The sequence of actions provided for each emergency are intended to address

    in order of importance:

    1.2.1 Life and Health Safety1.2.2 Event Stabilization1.2.3 Environmental and Property Conservation.

    2.0 Scope2.1 The following emergency procedures are part of the Emergency Action Plan

    and provide instructions for responding to specific emergencies:

    2.1.1 ERP-0, Emergency Action Plan2.1.2 ERP-2, Catastrophic Equipment Failure Emergency Response2.1.3 ERP-8, Chemical Emergency Response2.1.4 ERP-9, Earthquake2.1.5 ERP-3, Emergency Actions for Threats2.1.6 ERP-6, Emergency Asbestos Release2.1.7 ERP-1, Asbestos Competent Person Emergency Action Guidelines2.1.8 ERP-13, Emergency Incident Closeout and Facility Recovery2.1.9 ERP-17, Emergency Public Relations Information2.1.10 ERP-18, Emergency Radiological Incident2.1.11 ERP-21, Emergency Site Security and Staging

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    Emergency Action Plan Rev. 0

    2.1.16 ERP-24, Injuries That Warrant Outside Medical Assistance2.1.17 ERP-23, Notification of Off Site Emergency Responders2.1.18 ERP-16, Emergency Evacuation2.1.19 ERP-25, Reporting of an Emergency Event2.1.20 ERP-26, Search for Personnel2.1.21 ERP-27, Telephone Listings of Outside Agencies2.1.22 ERP-15, Emergency Personal Protective Equipment2.1.23 ERP-4, Emergency Call Out of Off Duty Station Personnel2.1.24 ERP-19, Emergency Rescue2.1.25

    ERP-20, Facility Emergency Shutdown

    2.1.26 ERP-14, Emergency Operations Facility Activation2.1.27 ERP-5, Regulatory Agency Emergency Contact2.1.28 ERP-7, Facility Emergency Communications

    3.0 General3.1 The goal of the Emergency Action Plan is to protect life and property from

    loss by fire or other hazards using management skills that execute a pre-

    planned strategy and formulate and employ tactics based on experience and

    facts gathered as the incident progresses.

    3.2 The station emergency response organization is based on the IncidentCommand System shown in Attachment 1, Emergency Response Incident

    Command Organization.

    3.3 The Shift Supervisor shall act as Incident Commander and is responsible fordirecting emergency response operations and assigning roles as needed

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    Emergency Action Plan Rev. 0

    Note 1.0There may be less than four team members for some shifts (i.e., Afternoon Shift,

    and Night Shift and Holiday/Weekends).

    3.6 The station personnel that are qualified to fill emergency response roles arelisted in Appendix 1, Emergency Response Incident Command Organization


    3.7 Station personnel that are assigned roles in the emergency responseorganization shall participate in required training and maintain skills and

    knowledge to perform their duties.

    3.8 Emergency Response Team Members shall complete training requirementsspecified in Attachment 2, Emergency Response Team Training.

    3.9 Up to date copies of the Emergency Action Plan procedures shall be:3.9.1 Maintained electronically on ACMS (Ameren Management Content


    3.9.2 Maintained in the station Safety Coordinator office, Shift Supervisoroffice, the Control Room and Emergency Operations Facility (EOF)

    3.9.3 Provided to local jurisdictions that have emergency responseauthority and responsibilities including: County Sheriff3.9.3.2 ESDA3.9.3.3 Fire Department3.9.3.4 Fire Department

    4.0 Responsibilities4.1 Facility Manager

    4.1.1 Establish and maintain an effective station Emergency IncidentCommand Organization

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    Emergency Action Plan Rev. 0

    4.2 Business Services SuperintendentEstablish and maintain effective station Emergency Action Plan procedures

    and processes.

    4.3 Production SuperintendentEnsure Emergency Response Team members are selected, properly trained

    and qualified.

    4.4 Safety Coordinator4.4.1 Monitor effectiveness of Emergency Action Plan procedures.4.4.2 Schedule and coordinate the performance of emergency response

    drills as necessary to maintain station preparedness to respond to

    potential emergencies.

    4.4.3 Coordinate an annual review of station Emergency Action Planprocedures to ensure they are accurate, effective and up to date.

    4.5 Stores/Office Supervisor4.5.1 Distribute and maintain station and off site copies of Emergency

    Action Plan procedures.

    4.6 Incident Command Organization Members (common to all events)4.6.1 Incident Commander (Shift Supervisor) Implement in part or in whole applicable stationEmergency Action Plan procedure(s) as required to

    respond to an emergency event. Identify emergency events and reclassify emergencyevents as conditions change.

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    Emergency Action Plan Rev. 0 Assign or assume the duties of the Emergency ResponseIncident Command Organization personnel as needed toconfront the emergency, including:

    A. Emergency Response LeaderB. Safety OfficerC. Operations CoordinatorD. Communications CoordinatorE. Resource CoordinatorF. Staging Coordinator Direct station announcements to be made. Direct station emergency response actions and activate

    Emergency Response Personnel as needed. Direct Emergency Response Leader to coordinate theemergency response personnel activities. Determine the extent to which station equipment/systemsshould be taken out of service during an emergency. Determine the requirements for and request and/orauthorize off-site assistance when required. Direct the notification of on-site and off-site stationpersonnel. Direct the notification of Ameren Management andregulatory authorities as appropriate. Direct the returning of emergency equipment and/orsystems to their ready status as required.

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    Emergency Action Plan Rev. 0

    4.6.2 Emergency Response Leader4.6.2.1 Direct the incident on-scene response to control theemergency and prevent injury to personnel and

    prevent/mitigate damage to the facility. Establish control zones to restrict access of unauthorizedpersonnel into the affected area(s). Determine if Emergency Response Team personnel needto be called to the assembly area. Make assessment for requirements for additionalpersonnel, equipment and supplies. Verify assigned Emergency Response Team personnel arepresent. Make on scene assessments and report information to theIncident Commander. Brief, debrief and dispatch Emergency Response Teampersonnel to act upon the emergency. Direct proper wearing of PPE as needed. Determine if additional personnel are needed. Assist in equipment/system restoration. Coordinate response actions with on-site/off-site


    4.6.3 Safety Officer4.6.3.1 Identify and evaluate hazards regarding the emergency

    response. Provide recommendations to the Incident Commander tomaintain emergency response personnel safety.

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    Emergency Action Plan Rev. 0

    4.6.4 Operations Coordinator4.6.4.1 Direct the operations of the facility as directed by theIncident Commander. Coordinate facility operations with Energy Supply

    supervision in order to meet requirements as set by the

    Incident Commander for the emergency incident. Ensure the evacuation and accountability of facilityessential operators, if facility emergency shutdown isimplemented. Ensure proper personal protective equipment is worn byequipment operators.

    4.6.5 Communications Coordinator4.6.5.1 Coordinate the phone calls to station buildings that do not

    have an installed Public Address (PA) system. Coordinate and conduct communications with station andoff site Ameren personnel, Federal, State and Local

    authorities and off site responders. Make station public address announcements and soundthe facility emergency alarm as directed by the IncidentCommander. Perform call out of off-duty station personnel andcompany personnel as necessary. Perform other communications duties as directed by theIncident Commander.

    4.6.6 Resource Coordinator4.6.6.1 Coordinate additional resources that include but are not

    limited to facility support personnel, off-site non-company

    responders and off site company responders as directed by

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    Emergency Action Plan Rev. 0 Ensure the evacuation and abandonment of the facility iscoordinated with security and off-site responders. Set up and ensure the activation of the EmergencyOperations Facility (EOF) and determine which response

    personnel are to be transferred to the EOF. Direct facility security to ensure authorized access and

    account for non-facility personnel. Organize and direct called-in facility personnel to meetthe needs of the Incident Commander. Coordinate recovery operations with off-site authoritiesand Incident Commander.

    4.6.7 Staging Coordinator4.6.7.1 Coordinate the entry and staging of arriving emergency

    support and/or responders. Inform the Incident Commander and/or Resource

    Coordinator of the status of off-site emergency


    4.6.8 Spill Coordinator4.6.8.1 Coordinate and provide technical assistance in the

    containment, cleanup and waste management of oil and

    chemical spills. Gather spill incident information, write any needed

    reports, and work with Ameren Support Groups to

    develop required responses to authorities.

    4.6.9 Emergency Response Team members4.6.9.1 Report to predetermined locations for when an emergency

    is announced.

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    Emergency Action Plan Rev. 0 Provide guidance and expertise as trained when assignedto act as Emergency Response Leader. Maintain communication with the Emergency ResponseLeader. Follow applicable procedures during response operations.4.6.10 Station Security Limit access of personnel to the station during anemergency and ensure that off-site responders have clearpaths to area(s) of emergency. Direct off-site responders not immediately needed toestablished staging area(s). Account for non-station personnel during an emergencyevacuation/assembly personnel head count. Call out additional security personnel as necessary toperform directed activities. Inform personnel in temporary office spaces of emergency. Direct traffic during a station evacuation.

    4.6.11 Station personnel4.6.11.1 Report Emergency Events to the Control Room. Cooperate with the Incident Commander and Incident

    Command Organization and respond to all directives in a

    safe, effective and efficient manner. Abide by individual instructions for various emergencies.5.0 Instructions5.1 Station personnel should report emergency events to the Control Room

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    Emergency Action Plan Rev. 0

    5.2 Upon receipt of a report of an emergency report, the Control Room Operatorshall perform the following:5.2.1 Record the following information: Name of person reporting the emergency5.2.1.2 Exact location of the emergency, including building

    elevation and room if known Nature of the emergency5.2.1.4 Description of any injuries5.2.1.5 Description of hazards in the area

    5.2.2 Obtain any additional information from the person reporting theemergency that could be applicable.

    5.2.3 Contact the Shift Supervisor and communicate the details ofemergency report.

    Note 2.0Incident Commanders Checklists are provided as quick reference guides to the

    immediate actions in the individual procedures where quick reference to theimmediate actions is required.

    5.3 The Shift Supervisor shall go to the control room, assume the position ofIncident Commander and implement one or more of following emergency

    procedure(s), in part or in whole, as required for the emergency condition.

    5.3.1 ERP-2, Catastrophic Equipment Failure Emergency Response5.3.2 ERP-8, Chemical Emergency Response5.3.3 ERP-9, Earthquake5.3.4 ERP-3, Emergency Actions for Threats

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    Emergency Action Plan Rev. 0

    5.3.8 ERP-18, Emergency Radiological Incident5.3.9

    ERP-21, Emergency Site Security and Staging

    5.3.10 ERP-22, Emergency Team Formation5.3.11 ERP-10, Fire5.3.12 ERP-11, Flood Control5.3.13

    ERP-12, High Winds/Tornadoes

    5.3.14 ERP-24, Injuries That Warrant Outside Medical Assistance5.3.15 ERP-23, Notification of Off Site Emergency Responders5.3.16 ERP-16, Emergency Evacuation5.3.17 ERP-26, Search for Personnel5.3.18 ERP-27, Telephone Listings of Outside Agencies5.3.19 ERP-15, Emergency Personal Protective Equipment5.3.20 ERP-4, Emergency Call Out of Off Duty Station Personnel5.3.21 ERP-19, Emergency Rescue5.3.22 ERP-20, Facility Emergency Shutdown5.3.23 ERP-14, Emergency Operations Facility Activation5.3.24 ERP-5, Regulatory Agency Emergency Contact5.3.25 ERP-7, Facility Emergency Communications

    5.4 The Incident Commander shall implement applicable portions of ERP-13,Emergency Incident Close-Out and Facility Recovery procedure when the

    emergency incident has been stabilized, mitigated or is under control, and it

    is no longer necessary to continue emergency response.

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    Emergency Action Plan Rev. 0

    6.0 Definitions6.1 Level I Emergency Response Incidental or incipient stage incidents that

    can be effectively managed and mitigated by station personnel in the

    immediate area and/or limited off-site emergency response assistance.

    6.2 Level II Emergency Response Incidents that require a formalizedstation response by the stations emergency response organization,

    specialized station personnel, and/or off-site responders.

    6.3 Level III Emergency Response Major disasters that create a stationenvironment that to continue operations would severely endanger the lives of

    station personnel, are beyond the capabilities of the station emergency

    response organization, mandate evacuation of the station, and require a high

    level of off-site response.

    6.4 Control Strategy:6.4.1 Offensive Response to control the spill and/or release by patching,

    plugging, or repairing equipment for the purpose of stopping the spill.

    6.4.2 Defensive Response to confine the spill and/or release from a safedistance by damming, diking, or diverting to stabilize the incident

    until response personnel trained in patching/plugging techniques can


    6.4.3 Control Zones Designated areas at dangerous goods incidents,based on safety and degree of hazard.

    6.4.4 Warm Zone Distances that are the initial recommended protectiveaction distances. These distances are adjusted for the specific

    incident severity.

    6.4.5 Hot Zone Area immediately surrounding a dangerous incidentwhich extends far enough to prevent adverse effects from the release

    to personnel outside the zone.

    6.5 Area Sample An air sample that is taken in a specific area to be used tol t i i t l iti b i d ( t l ) d

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    Emergency Action Plan Rev. 0

    6.6 Excursion Sample (for personnel) A sample that is taken over a 30minute period that is expected to have the highest concentration for theduration of the job. In the event of an asbestos emergency this will be the

    first 30 minutes after the incident. The air sampling pumps must be

    calibrated between 0.5 liters/minute to 2.5 liters/minute and worn by the

    response personnel.

    6.7 Clearance Sample An area sample that is taken after the completion ofan asbestos abatement project. Normally used to verify that an enclosure can

    be taken down or an area can be reoccupied. A fiber count of less than 0.01fibers/cc will be required for a final clearance. A clearance sample shall be

    a high volume sample with a minimum of 1,200 liters.

    6.8 Personnel Sample An air sample taken from the breathing zone of theemployee. The pump shall be calibrated between 0.5 liters/minute to 2.5

    liters/minute. The pump is worn by the employee and the sampling period

    includes the full shift or the entire time that he/she is in a regulated area.The 8 hour TWA (Time Wight Average) is calculated by averaging the

    Excursion Sample with all other personnel samples taken.

    6.9 Incipient Stage Early stage incident that can be safely and effectivelymanaged and mitigated by station personnel in the immediate area and/or

    limited off-site emergency response assistance.

    6.10 Evacuation Area Area designated as the station rally point or an areaannounced on the PA system and/or radios.6.11 Incipient Fire Fighting Fire Fighting performed inside or outside of an

    enclosed structure or building when fire has not progressed beyond the

    incipient stage.

    6.12 Non-incipient Stage Events Occurrences that have gone beyondincipient stage and require the use of protective clothing or self containedbreathing apparatus or fire fighter is required to crawl on the ground or floor

    to stay below smoke and heat.

    6.13 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Clothing or equipment worn toprovide physical protection

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    Emergency Action Plan Rev. 0

    7.0 References7.1

    ERP-2, Catastrophic Equipment Failure Emergency Response

    7.2 ERP-8, Chemical Emergency Response7.3 ERP-9, Earthquake7.4 ERP-3, Emergency Actions for Threats7.5 ERP-6, Emergency Asbestos Release7.6 ERP-1, Asbestos Competent Person Emergency Action Guidelines7.7 ERP-13, Emergency Incident Closeout and Plan7.8 ERP-17, Emergency Public Relations Information7.9 ERP-18, Emergency Radiological Incident7.10 ERP-21, Emergency Site Security and Staging7.11 ERP-22, Emergency Team Formation7.12 ERP-10, Fire7.13 ERP-11, Flood Control7.14 ERP-12, High Winds/Tornadoes7.15 ERP-24, Injuries That Warrant Outside Medical Assistance7.16 ERP-23, Notification of Off Site Emergency Responders7.17 ERP-16, Emergency Evacuation7.18 ERP-25, Reporting of an Emergency Event7.19 ERP-26, Search for Personnel7.20 ERP-27, Telephone Listings of Outside Agencies

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    Emergency Action Plan Rev. 0

    7.24 ERP-20, Facility Emergency Shutdown7.25

    ERP-14, Emergency Operations Facility Activation

    7.26 ERP-5, Regulatory Agency Emergency Contact7.27 ERP-7, Facility Emergency Communications8.0 Records8.1 None9.0 Attachments9.1 Attachment 1, Emergency Response Incident Command Organization9.2 Attachment 2, Emergency Response Team Training9.3 Appendix A, Emergency Response Incident Command Organization Roster

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    Emergency Action Plan Rev. 0

    Page 16 of 18

    Attachment 1

    Emergency Response Incident Command Organization

    The Facility Manager has the overall responsibility for the Emergency Response Incident Command Organization


























    Response Team

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    Emergency Action Plan Rev. 0

    Attachment 2

    Emergency Response Team Training

    The Emergency Response Program ensures that the capability to mitigate

    emergency events is established and maintained. The program consists of

    classroom and hands-on instructions supplemented with emergency response drills

    1. The Emergency Response Team Members must complete the following toensure that they are qualified to mitigate interior structural fires, perform

    confined space rescue, and hazardous material emergency response:

    a. Pass the medical program.b. Complete the 6 day Initial Training Course.c. Be knowledgably of the proper PPE and know the limitation of the


    d. Complete the quarterly Emergency Response Training each quarterand receive refresher training in First Aid, APR, Blood-Borne

    Pathogen, yearly.

    e. Understand the purpose of OSHA Std. 29 CFR 1910 Hazardous WasteOperations and Emergency Response and the approach that rescue

    personnel must take to hazardous material incidents.

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    Emergency Action Plan Rev. 0

    Page 18 of 18 Printed on 05/23/2009Void after 7 days

    Appendix A - Emergency Response Incident Command Organization Roster

    Name Shift IncidentCommander








    Asbestos Workers(Class 3/Glovebag)










    Approved by: _____________________ Date: _____________

    Facility Manager
