
Title Text

Ernies Incredible Illucinations

French Wartime Resistance

-There should be a sofa center stage with Mom and Dad sitting on it-Ernie is sitting on a rug in the corner reading a book-French soldiers enter stage right and walk to door on edge of stage-Spotlight on door-Stage lights on sofa scene-Small lamp near Ernie-Spotlight on Ernie when he is speakingStaging and Lighting

Costumes and PropsDadMomErnie

Hand bagBow TieBookSoldier Puppets

-Puppets should have neutral facial expressions, but prominent movements and gestures to express their temporary mood.-In contrast to this, the characters should have explicit facial expressions and gestures to make the scene more interesting-Actors should focus on articulation and projection while still maintaining a unique way of speaking for their characterCharacters and Puppets

-Music should be easy going or possibly boring at the start of the scene-After the soldier says open this door! the music should start to build, creating tension-When the soldiers burst in the tension should break-When soldiers and Dad crash there should be a bang noise-When Dad holds up the TV from the pile there should something like this:

Music and Special Effects

The Boxing Ring

-Pieces of the boxing ring should be brought by different characters who immediately get into position after they puzzle the pieces together center stage-There could be a spotlight focused on the boxers in the ring-Stage lights are dim-The crowds are all gathered around the ring-Auntie May, Ernie and the Man are facing the audienceStaging and Lighting

Costumes and PropsAuntie MayManBoxers

-Some of the people in the crowds could be puppets, interacting with real characters-Perhaps the two boxers could be puppets as well, throwing punches at each other-Ernie should have an excited look on his face, mesmerized by the boxing game-Auntie May should walk in slightly annoyed, but then become fascinated with her eyes glued to the game-Her shouts of encouragement should sound bloodthirstyCharacters and Puppets

-The music should be somewhat entertaining and suspenseful in the boxing arena-The music at the fair should be upbeat and happyExample: there could be a sound effect when the boxers fall to the ground-When Auntie May become the champion, there should be triumphant music playing

Music and Special Effects

Thank You!