
Our Mission Statement

To assist the family by providing a Christ-centered, Bible-based education, that inspires each student to pursue

excellence in spiritual growth, moral character, academics, fine arts, physical fitness and service to others.

“Equipping Students to Impact the World for Jesus”

We are in the middle of a moral revolution, and it is happening faster than we can

react! Issues such as gender, marriage, sanctity of life, and dignity have been

redefined and challenged so swiftly that Christians can be left either not knowing

what exactly is happening culturally or without a proper response. With this

reality as the context, ‘equipping’ involves making students and parents aware of

the issues of the day and how to respond to them.

There is not enough time at school to thoroughly identify all the issues in today’s

society, much less, develop a respectable rebuttal. Yet, we know that if we don’t

diagnose the issues from a Christian worldview, we will not be able to prescribe the

solution. A moral condition with no biblical prescription leads to moral

deterioration. We equip students and ourselves when we know the topics of the

day, and when we are able to engage them in the practice of responding with

biblical truth.

This is the job of teachers, parent, and our children. Over the years, I have been

introduced to some resources that have begun to effectively guide my

understanding of the cultural issues around us and how to respond. Because time

can become an obstacle, the resources below vary in time commitment. However, a

little insight into our culture and into the subculture of our children

will allow us to demonstrate to our children how the Christian

worldview is appropriate in each and every situation.

The following page has some online resources that are a great way to

begin equipping ourselves and our children for our morally shifting


Web address:

Form: Podcast

Tagline: “Daily worldview analysis about the leading news headlines and cultural


Time Commitment: Up to 20 minutes

Synopsis: Although based out of the States, the topics and implications are relevant


Web address:

Form: Podcast

Tagline: “What’s a Christian to Think (and Do)?

Time Commitment: Up to 4 minutes

Synopsis: A daily podcast critiquing current events from a Christian perspective

Web address:

Form: Website

Tagline: “Shining a light on the world of popular entertainment”

Time Commitment: Browse

Synopsis: Reviews latest movies, music, videos, TV and games from a Christian


Web address:

Form: Weekly Newsletter

Tagline: “Providing biblical insight into your student’s world.”

Time Commitment: Browse

Synopsis: Subscribe for free to their weekly newsletter or pay a nominal fee for in

depth insight into teen culture.

With regards to the last resource, Axis, the school is hosting

a live event in which a team from Axis will make

presentations to both students and parents. These

presentations, which are dynamic and intentional, integrate

God’s truth with current media. This event is open to family

and friends and is scheduled for February 11th


“See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and

deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition

and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than

on Christ.” Colossians 2:8

This Month: Pg

Principal’s Address 1-2

What’s Happening 3

Announcements 4-6

Prayer Wall 7

Insights 8

Kindergarten & Gr 1 9

Fall Festival 10

Concert Band 11

Sports 12-13

Calendar 14

Remembrance Day Ceremonies Time Changes

We would like to invite all parents to join us for our Remembrance Day

ceremonies on November 10th

. Kindergarten to Grade 3 ceremony will run

from 10:25am to 10:55am. Grades 4 through 12 will be together from

8:40am to 9:25am. Join with us as we honour those Canadians who fought

and remember those who died.

C Our Story

Come enjoy a C Our Story tour and learn more about who we are and what we offer. Looking for a

fun and easy way to help the school – invite friends & family to “C Our Story”. For the month of

November, the family with the most number of guests will win a $100 gift basket from Inno

Bakery. And don’t forget, for every guest you bring you also receive 1 hour towards

your Parent Participation hours.

Upcoming Tour Dates:

Tuesday, November 17th

@ 9:00am

Thursday, December 3rd

@ 7:30pm

Tuesday, December 15th

@ 9:00am

Scholastic Book Fair

We are excited to be having a book fair again this year. It will run from

October 30th to November 9th. Volunteer opportunities are available. Please

email Mrs. Ko for information at [email protected]

Kindergarten Open House

We will be holding our first Kindergarten open house of the year on

November 16th from 9 - 10am, come and see what we are all about.

Remembrance Day

K - 12 students have NO SCHOOL on November 11th

. Take the opportunity to

be apart of your communities remembrance services, parades, workshops.

Annual General Meeting

November 24th

@ 7:00pm

All parents are strongly encouraged to attend the AGM in order to keep abreast of what is

taking place at your children’s school.

An agenda will be emailed out to all parents prior to the AGM.

Drop Off / Pick Up

Traffic Flow - Please continue to use the one-way traffic (counter clockwise) from Oakdale

to Fernwood to Evergreen every day between 8:00 - 8:30am and 2:45-3:15pm and on

Friday's from 12:30-1pm. According to the city, it is permissible during the brief drop-off

and pick-up times for you to park on the left-hand side of the street, where space allows.

PLEASE DO NOT BLOCK DRIVEWAYS. All driveways should have a 1 metre space left on

either side to allow for access in or out. We have volunteer parents monitoring and

assisting with flow, and assuring safety for pedestrians.

New Building Security Procedures

Effective October 1, please note that all the exterior doors of the school will be closed and

locked each day at 4pm. After hours access will be through the front doors of the school

only. Kindly help us to keep our building safe by reminding your child(ren) to check that

any door they exit from is securely locked behind them, and to never leave the doors ajar

for someone who might be coming in later. For the security of our practicing sports

teams, staff and janitors, we ask that each of us be diligent about helping to secure the

building every afternoon. Those picking up their child(ren) from sports practices in the

gym will need to pick them up through the double doors at the SE corner of the gym.

3-C's into Action!

Here's an opportunity to let Christ shine through us with compassion and love! God has

brought a desperate situation to our attention, with a family that's recently had to flee

their country and seek safety here in the Tri-Cities. They have 5 sweet boys and need

everything, having left in haste with only their suitcases. Here's the plan - there is a poster

up in front of the office which has all the items (listed below) that this family needs in

order to set up a house. You simply tear off the strip that indicates the item you wish to

purchase or donate (only gently used items, in good working condition, please). Bring the

item to the collection area in our school lobby by November 16th and we will do all the

delivering. If you have a large item to donate, please call 604-347-7823 to arrange a pick-

up and direct delivery to the family. If you cannot stop into the school to claim an item,

please call the office and we will tear that little tag off for you, so that no duplicates are

purchased. Please do not take a tag if you are not able to follow through with providing

the item, as no one else will have your tag. Perhaps you could go in together with another

family or two to purchase a larger item. There are Christmas gift ideas for the boys, which

of course should be new items. You may choose to supply a gift card to one of the stores

listed. This is a time-sensitive offer to help. We would love to see this family have their

prayers met through the loving support of our BCCA family.

Name that Talent Show Contest Winner!

I am pleased to announce that Andreea Barbu is the winner of the Name That Talent

Show Contest! As a result she and her family will attend the talent night as honoured

guests, with reserved comfortable front row seating. Andrea herself will also be a guest

judge. Our High School talent show name is:

Up, Up, and Talent away!

Look out for more details about our upcoming talent show in the coming months.

Kindergarten “Eye See, Eye Learn” Program

Good eye health and vision are essential for academic and developmental success during

children’s early learning years. Statistics show that 1 in 4 school-age children has an

underlying vision problem that can interfere with learning and development.

If your child was born in 2010 and is currently enrolled in kindergarten in the Coquitlam

SD43, he/she is eligible for a comprehensive eye exam and, if needed, one pair of FREE

eyeglasses from a participating Doctor of Optometry through the Eye See…Eye Learn

program. See the files attached to email for details.

Report Card Writing and Pro D

There will be NO SCHOOL for K-12 students on November 20th

Report Card Dates

Elementary School reports will go home on November 27th, while the High School reports

will be handed out on November 19th.

Volunteers Needed

Given the volume of car and foot traffic each day, we need several more volunteers, which

will allow for two people to be on duty at all times. Please contact the office or see Mr.

Brandsma to sign up for a shift. The commitment would be for a semester, or more, as

you are able.

Parent Participation Opportunities

As the year goes on their will be many opportunities for parents to get involved at BCCA.

In order to keep you all informed we have created a document where you can find what

ways you can contribute to our community. For example, our theatre department has

some need for help. Please check out what is needed. We will have links to PPP forms


Here is the link to access this document:

Listed here are the parents who will be this year’s Communication Team Member for your

class. If there is anything you would like to bring to the Administration of the School

please contact your class Communication Team Member who will liaise with the school on

your behalf.


Represented Name Email

K Claire Kerr [email protected]

1 Feona Schalk [email protected]

1-2 Astar Henry [email protected]

2 Matt Glezos [email protected]

3 Ryan Hobenshield [email protected]

4 Elisha Thomas [email protected]

5-6 Loredana Donciag [email protected]

6 Tiesha Focken [email protected]

Cammy Vijulie [email protected]

6-7 Jennifer Domingo [email protected]

8 Ranjoo Hong [email protected]

9 Linda Gibson [email protected]

10 Christina Rajasooriar [email protected]

11 Nina Beigi [email protected]

12 Michelle Wong [email protected]

NEW! Healthy Options Bake sales

Bake Sales are popular events that offer a special mid-week treat for our

students. In addition to baked items, we would encourage parents to

consider supplying healthy choice items such as single-serving popcorn

bags, fruit kebabs, beef jerky, granola-yogurt cups, watermelon wedges,

cereal snack mixes and many other healthy treats. Check out https:// for ideas. Proceeds from bake sales

provide new classroom books and educational games, special art supplies and fun

teaching resources. Thanks for your healthy, hearty support of our weekly bake sales!

A Home

Please be in prayer that God would provide a location for our school, whether it be our

current location or elsewhere and that He will continue to increase our numbers!

We appreciate your prayers, thank you.

“Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it:” — Psalm 127:1a

Join our Parent Prayer Group at BCCA

We invite you to join us once a week to pray for our school community, staff and

students. We meet every Friday (except holidays) from 8:30 - 9:15am at the staff room.

Arise, cry out in the night, at the beginning of the night watches! Pour out your heart like

water before the presence of the Lord! Lift your hands to him for the lives of your children,

who faint for hunger at the head of every street. — Lamentations 2:19

Prayer Hub

The Prayer Hub is a new ministry starting up this year. It is a time of prayer for students

led by one of our staff members, Shirley Eu. All High School students are welcome. We

meet every Wednesday from 3:15-4:15.

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” — Colossians 4:2

New Parliment

No matter where you stand politically or who you hoped to win the election, God calls us

to pray for all those in authority, so that we may live lives of godliness and holiness, so

let’s ask God’s blessing on our elected officials. Pray that Canada will be a nation that

“exalts righteousness”

“I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people,

for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life,

Mission Trip

Please be in prayer for our mission trip planning team and God’s provision. Keep the

students in prayer as well, that God would tug on the hearts of all our young people that

they would desire to share Christ here and abroad.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father

and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” — Matthew 28:19

For the past number of years, the Elementary staff has participated

in a book study. Former books have included Your God is Too Small

by Mark Buchanan, Sixty-Six Love Letters by Larry Crabb, The Jesus

Manifesto by Frank Viola, and The Grand Weaver by Ravi Zacharias.

We have found that there is value in reading and studying a book


This year we are reading Not A Fan by Kyle Idleman. The crux of

the book is that “Jesus was never interested in having admirers.

It’s not fans he is looking for.”

As we learn from this book, we would like to share with you a few

insights that may challenge your own thinking on the topic and,

God willing, move you into a deeper understanding and relationship with Jesus. Each

month, one of the staff will highlight some poignant quotes to be shared in the

newsletter. So, please, learn along with us!

In chapter one, Ms. Mende found the following excerpts of interest:

"My concern is that many of our churches in America have gone from being sanctuaries to

becoming stadiums. And every week all the fans come to the stadium where they cheer

for Jesus but have no interest in truly following Him. The biggest threat to the church

today is fans who call themselves Christians but aren't actually interested in following

Christ. They want to be close enough to Jesus to get all the benefits, but not so close that

it requires anything from them."

"Many fans mistakenly identify themselves as followers by using cultural comparisons.

They look at the commitment level of others around them and feel like their relationship

with Jesus is solid. Essentially they grade their relationship with Jesus on the curve, and

as long as they are more spiritual than the next guy, they figure everything is fine."

The High School Concert Band attended a festival on Friday and Saturday 22nd and 23rd

October which was held at Regent Christian Academy in Surrey. Two small Christian

schools from Prince George joined with our school, Regent Christian and Lion’s Gate

Christian from North Vancouver to form a beginner and a senior band. The aim of the

festival was to exchange ideas, play together and enjoy learning more about playing music

in the context of a large band.

The students worked very hard to prepare music to perform at the Saturday evening

concert where they delighted parents and other audience members with their professional

and excellent performance. It was good to see Mr. Bryerton, who is now at Regent

Christian. Besides preparing pieces for the concert, the students also attended workshops

for their various instruments, enjoyed a worship evening and relaxed by spending time

together. Our students contributed very positively in both bands and played a large part

in the success of the concert.

Upcoming Games

Friday, November 6th – At Reno International Prep

Saturday, November 7th – At Reno International Prep

Tundra Tipoff Classic (Anchorage, Alaska)

Friday, November 13th Vs. Eagle River Christian Prep(Alaska) 4:00 pm

Saturday, November 14th Vs. Word of God Christian (North Carolina) 7:00pm

Sunday, November 15th Vs. Advanced Prep International (Texas) 3:00 pm

Pac Prep recorded their first win!! The

student-athletes got off to a great start and

were up 5 at halftime. CBC went on a huge

run to put them up 5 (67-62) with 1:30 to

go. Awak Piom then showed why he was the

best player on the floor and scored with 3

seconds to go to give him 5 points in the last 1:30 of the game. Great

overall team effort and win, playing against older, college guys.

You can check out their schedule @

Pacific Coast Prep 61 Langara College 68

Pacific Coast Prep 68 Columbia Bible College 67

HS Junior Soccer

Coaches: Gery Speck, Ercides Cruz, Paul Lukianiuk

Soccer season had some exiting moments this year with the team winning their

first play off game in a shootout. Philip was able to tie the game and Jack was able

to score the winning shootout goal. The team was very excited as their regular

game season had few highlights. The coaches are thankful for the support of our

seniors, who helped train the players at practices, and for the parents support with

driving and cheering on the team. All-in-all we had a good season with excellent

weather and little injuries which helped our team enjoy the time together.

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9

Last day for Book Fair

10 Remembrance

Day Ceremonies

K-3 @ 10:25am

4-12 @ 11:00am


Remembrance Day


12 13 14

15 16 Kindergarten Open

House @ 9-10am

Kindergarten Vision &

Hearing Testing


C Our Story @ 9:00am

18 19

HS Term 1 Report Cards 20




22 23 24

Annual General

Meeting @ 7:00pm

All Parents Welcome

25 26 27

K-7 Report Cards


29 30

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3

C Our Story @ 7:30pm

4 5

6 7 8 9 10

Christmas Concert @


11 12

13 14

Kindergarten Open

House @ 9-10am


C Our Story @ 9:00am

16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24

Christmas Eve


Christmas Day


27 28 29 30 31

New Year’s Ever

Scholastic Book Fair
