
Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Episode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast featured Coby Rich, Freelance Social Media Strategist with Get Rich Digital, formerly Digital Media Manager for the Arizona Cardinals.

What follows are some snippets from the episode. Listen to the full podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, or at


Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Coby's career path

Played football and interned with the sports department in the spring of his senior year, shooting film for local teams

→ Started at a local news station wanting to be a broadcaster working in local news → Then went to Delta State to work and get a grad degree (graduate assistant role) in Mississippi helping with their content, particularly in broadcast and marketing


Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

“Being at such a small (institution at Delta State) was unreal...I had to do things I had never done...I had to fake my way through the PR and marketing stuff, but it all kind of came on gradually...(We) all had to learn on the go. It was fun and fast-paced.

On the GA role → “I tried to go there (initially) as just an intern, but they pushed the (GA role)...I think the graduate assistant route is a cool route to go, especially if you're looking to work in almost have to give a year or two to get where you want to go.”


Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

→ A friend he had worked with in local news [who had interned with the Cardinals] told him about the Cardinals opening during the NFL lockout and Coby got started there!

Coby had a resume website that helped showcase his skills and experience

“Networking is probably the main reason I ended up with the Cardinals (along with my experience)...A lot of people want to see portfolio websites [and[ if you claim to be a social and digital strategist, you need to have a presence on the Internet.”


Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

On the role with the Cardinals

“The Cardinals are actually a smaller, grass-roots it was a opportunity for me to walk in and learn on the go...also still having to wear a ton of hats...

“The first year, I was (mainly) focused on the broadcasting side of things...”


Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

[Coby recounts league-wide digital meeting showing the rankings of metrics that showed the Cardinals near the bottom in all KPIs]

“It was, after that, I (decided) to focus all of my energy on the digital side of things (because) we didn't have a lot of representation in that field.”

(Main KPIs= video views, gallery views, article views, unique visits)


Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

“That first year we were in the bottom quartile (for KPI's, among the league)...then after that, we were annually in the top quartiles...(The NFL) does a great job of making us compete...”

“I focused on (improving) the video side...I knew I could immediately change the content side of things, so we started doing things differently after those numbers were flashed on the screen that first year.”


Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

On how the Cardinals improved

“Best practices around the web, in general...Everybody had to (contribute)...i would encourage (writers) to incorporate videos (and graphics) in different ways...Giving fans more (multimedia) content (as opposed to straight long-form)...

Our video content was about...let's segment these and give fans more...We were (also) blessed with a coaching change...Bruce Arians gave us unprecedented access...the huge key was our owner pushing for it, as well. He understood the importance of the digital and social stuff.”


Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

On the Cardinals shifting objectives to social (vs. web only)

“It morphed...the staff increase (recently) enabled us to focus on both the digital content...and also take the next steps on social and launching on a bunch of different platforms. That was a huge key for us...”


Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

How Coby's role evolved

“There was kind of a push from ownership to focus on social. I also kind of drifted toward that because we had other people taking (other web and video) responsibilities off my shoulders (too).”


Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Social and the NFL season

“The NFL calendar is year-round now...(the offseason) allows you to get your assets ready (for the regular season) almost becomes formulaic when you know (the weekly schedule), but then you also have to be responsive to breaking news. You come in with a plan and have weekly meetings. Things definitely change, too (depending on team performance)...but you definitely want to go in prepared...that is one of the most important things to do as a social and digital strategist.”

“Win or loss, there are still windows you want to capitalize on...even after a loss, there is a definitely have to be ready for what's to come...”


Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

On marketing and social for the Cardinals

“We have a different model than other teams...We worked with a set of certain sponsors we wanted to work with and divvied up the content...And there's league sponsors that come down, as well...

“If the content is strong and the copy around it, you can balance (organic and social)...I'm going to give engaging content, but also (put in) the marketing stuff you have to do, but keep it engaging.”


Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

“The great thing about not having the pressure of having a certain number to hit (for a sponsor)...being able to bring a sponsor in organically in (in a way) that made sense...

The number (of posts) was there, but there was no pressure on impressions (from sponsors)...we had the chance to integrate it in organically versus shoving it down your throat.”


Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

On adopting new platforms

“Just recently, the NFL adopted a league-wide social media policy...we were joining (new platforms)...Our owners and marketing department wanted us (as a club) to experiment...

Maximizing your time (was key)...if were on a road trip, (for example), I wouldn't Snapchat or Vine as much...(other staff) was able to help (with content and posting), too.”


Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Balancing pre-packaged and real-time content

“We really upped our game this past season...In the offseason, we created all that pre-packaged content, but would (als0) have live-action GIFs and videos (with the help of outside agency SDN Digital) during the game sent to us...(so) we were able to maximize in the moment...we definitely would balance pre-packaged (content) and definitely updated during the season and (had) live (content).”

“I have seen an increase in third-party help (across NFL clubs) was a (combination) of both (in-house and third party) things.”

[“The NFL lays out best practices and trends and each club kind of does their own thing (depending on staff and resources).”]


Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

On the hash flag emoji in NFL playoffs and #BeRedSeeRed for the Cardinals

“We definitely wanted to have a rallying cry for the playoffs and something that would unite our community. We were fortunate enough to be able to think about things like that, having clinched (playoffs) so early...It was kind of interpretative to the fans – it sounded cool. We created printable signs for the fans, we had assets for all our sponsors and local teams and colleges...It united everything. I was the most proud of that campaign because it was integrated from top to bottom.”


Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Communicating #BeRedSeeRed was the slogan and hash tag they wanted

“The head of digital (for the NFL) communicated (via Yammer)...and asked each team what they (wanted for) their rallying cry. It was that simple.”


Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Helpful Tool: for great, free data (and exportable) about your Periscope content


Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

How the NFL as a league helps clubs connect to social networks

“They're key in getting us out in front of (the social platforms)....and they're good about reaching out to us. It's a great, synergistic relationship with the league, teams, (and platforms)...if you utilize it properly, it can be a tremendous asset...


Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

“They provide best practices and how other leagues are using it,'s a great relationship they have with all the teams and great communication...

They just present the facts (to teams) and then if (the teams) think they can handle (the platform), it's on you...”


Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

On Bruce Arians and GM Steve Keim and active players helping the Cardinals social media

“They make it so much (easier) for us...We just let these guys do their thing...There are so many great personalities inside the organization...there is like a swagger about it...

“They don't know they're (helping our organization by being active on social media)'s more like 'keep doing your thing; you be you.'”

Our digital broadcast team has a great rapport with several of the players...there is a great comfortability we have (with the players)...and we know who our superstars are, so we definitely utilize those guys.”

(Coby also goes into how the digital team approaches wins vs. losses vs. close losses)


Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

On the NFL offseason

“There are some lulls...but it's going event to event...there is always an event right around the corner (GM's meetings, Draft, free agency, etc.)...”

“Just as we as a digital staff around the league are meeting and talking about these things [with digital and social media]...owners are talking about it (with each other) as well...they definitely understand the ROI.


Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

What is the major key to effective video content for Facebook and Twitter

“You have to think mobile first. Your video should be short quick-hitting, thought-provoking, engaging, all that...but you definitely have to think mobile-first.”


Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

The other NFL team and the non-NFL pro team that does the best job on social and why

Carolina Panthers → “It was almost like Cam Newton was tweeting or them. They were so chest-thumping, swaggering.”

(Coby also talks about how the Cardinals amplified the “swagger” of their players and their personalities)

“For the same reason, the Golden State Warriors in the NBA are incredible.”


Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

The offseason topic that tends to get the most social engagement for the Cardinals

“To me, training camp equals the season, at this point; it kind of runs together...To me, a true [best] offseason top engagement (topic) is the Draft. Adding new guys and building hope toward the future...

(Coby also talks about the great access during the draft and training camp, compared to during the season)


Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Share-able Stat: Over 60% of the Portland Trailblazers advertising budget is now digital (per Dewayne Hankins, speaking at SXSports)


Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Coby's favorite Bruce Arians quote or story

Favorite quote → “No risk it, no biscuit' kind of epitomizes Bruce Arians...I don't think we got through one Bruce (presser) without at least one cuss word.”


Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

The Michael Jordan meme tweet heard around the world...


Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

On the Michael Jordan meme tweet the Cardinals sent out during the NFC Championship, when they were getting blown out by the Panthers

“It's one of my favorite memes, I have to admit...I watched the Patriots get hammered with it...and that was the idea, I wanted to beat the trolls...I thought I'd throw it out there on a nice teal background and ask the Internet if that;s what they wanted just to beat the trolls...At the time, we had just gotten scored on again...I was like, yeah it's definitely time...”

I didn't really ask any permission...we have a pretty sarcastic tone, as a brand, on social...I thought we could get away with it. I consulted with (a colleague)...I didn't expect it to go that crazy.”


Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

The best non-Cardinals NFL player on Twitter and why

“I'm kind of jaded (and) have stopped following players on can I go with Kayne West?”


Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Best food to get in Phoenix

Lolo's Chicken and Waffles


Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

In 90 seconds or less, what is the Cardinals strategy for each platform during the games (and does it change for national/prime time games)

Facebook: “The idea was engaging photos, score updates....highlights leading back to the site.”

Twitter: “Play-by-play. You're watching it with the world. Also GIFs, highlights...”

Instagram: “Photos, score updates.”

Snapchat: “Definitely pregame, fan-focused...Post game you get to goon the field and we had interns helping with that.”

[Coby notes Twitter had most engagement → “I think football is a Twitter sport.”

If (the game) is prime time, I would definitely engage with the (broadcast networks)


Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

The team besides the Cardinals Coby picks to win Super Bowl 51

Patriots –> “Because Bill Belichick is probably still upset...And they got Tom Brady, too.”


Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Coby's Social Media All-Star to Follow

@kinseyschofield [Coby's girlfriend)→ “Former reality star, so if you're into pop culture, memes, Twitter fights, she's right up your alley.”


Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Where to find Coby on digital/social media

@CobyRich on instagram and Facebook; @Coby_Rich on Twitter; also his website is


Best Of... Coby RichEpisode 64 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Thanks so much to Coby for sharing his time, knowledge, experience, and expertise with the Digital and Social Media Sports podcast!

Listen to the podcast and find more episodes and content on iTunes and at

You can also follow me on Twitter @njh287
