Page 1: Episode 1 transcriptThe Campfire Transcript of Episode 1: A Historian’s Take on Mormonism with Patrick Mason Max Benavidez: Welcome to Claremont Graduate University's podcast, the


Page 2: Episode 1 transcriptThe Campfire Transcript of Episode 1: A Historian’s Take on Mormonism with Patrick Mason Max Benavidez: Welcome to Claremont Graduate University's podcast, the


Page 3: Episode 1 transcriptThe Campfire Transcript of Episode 1: A Historian’s Take on Mormonism with Patrick Mason Max Benavidez: Welcome to Claremont Graduate University's podcast, the


Page 4: Episode 1 transcriptThe Campfire Transcript of Episode 1: A Historian’s Take on Mormonism with Patrick Mason Max Benavidez: Welcome to Claremont Graduate University's podcast, the


Page 5: Episode 1 transcriptThe Campfire Transcript of Episode 1: A Historian’s Take on Mormonism with Patrick Mason Max Benavidez: Welcome to Claremont Graduate University's podcast, the


Page 6: Episode 1 transcriptThe Campfire Transcript of Episode 1: A Historian’s Take on Mormonism with Patrick Mason Max Benavidez: Welcome to Claremont Graduate University's podcast, the


Page 7: Episode 1 transcriptThe Campfire Transcript of Episode 1: A Historian’s Take on Mormonism with Patrick Mason Max Benavidez: Welcome to Claremont Graduate University's podcast, the


Page 8: Episode 1 transcriptThe Campfire Transcript of Episode 1: A Historian’s Take on Mormonism with Patrick Mason Max Benavidez: Welcome to Claremont Graduate University's podcast, the


Page 9: Episode 1 transcriptThe Campfire Transcript of Episode 1: A Historian’s Take on Mormonism with Patrick Mason Max Benavidez: Welcome to Claremont Graduate University's podcast, the


Page 10: Episode 1 transcriptThe Campfire Transcript of Episode 1: A Historian’s Take on Mormonism with Patrick Mason Max Benavidez: Welcome to Claremont Graduate University's podcast, the


Page 11: Episode 1 transcriptThe Campfire Transcript of Episode 1: A Historian’s Take on Mormonism with Patrick Mason Max Benavidez: Welcome to Claremont Graduate University's podcast, the


Page 12: Episode 1 transcriptThe Campfire Transcript of Episode 1: A Historian’s Take on Mormonism with Patrick Mason Max Benavidez: Welcome to Claremont Graduate University's podcast, the


Page 13: Episode 1 transcriptThe Campfire Transcript of Episode 1: A Historian’s Take on Mormonism with Patrick Mason Max Benavidez: Welcome to Claremont Graduate University's podcast, the


Page 14: Episode 1 transcriptThe Campfire Transcript of Episode 1: A Historian’s Take on Mormonism with Patrick Mason Max Benavidez: Welcome to Claremont Graduate University's podcast, the


Page 15: Episode 1 transcriptThe Campfire Transcript of Episode 1: A Historian’s Take on Mormonism with Patrick Mason Max Benavidez: Welcome to Claremont Graduate University's podcast, the


Page 16: Episode 1 transcriptThe Campfire Transcript of Episode 1: A Historian’s Take on Mormonism with Patrick Mason Max Benavidez: Welcome to Claremont Graduate University's podcast, the

justparticularreligions,buteveryreligioncanbepartofthesolution,butthey'realsogoingtobepartoftheproblemalongtheway.Andsoformethat'swhyit'safascinatingtimetobeascholarofreligion.YouknowmyownlittlecornerisMormonism,butI'mreallyinterestedinthesereligionsallaroundtheglobe,andhowaretheygoingtoaddresstheproblemsofhumansocietyandopportunitiesofhumansocietyinthe21stcentury.Benavidez:Well,onthatnote,Iwanttosay,thankyou,Patrick,forbeingonClaremontGraduateUniversity'spodcast,theCampfire.Thisisourfirstepisode.Iwanttothankyouforhelpinglaunchit.Andgoodluckwithallyourwork.Mason:Thankyou,Max.Benavidez:Patrick,ifpeoplewanttogetintouchwithyou,talkalittlebitwithyouaboutorlearnmoreaboutMormonism,Mormonstudies,what'sthebestwaytogetintouch?Mason:[email protected]@PatrickQMason.Benavidez:Great.Well,thankyou,Patrick.Mason:Great,thankyou.Benavidez:We'llprovidelinkstothecontactinformationonourshownotes.Onceagain,IwanttothankPatrickMasonforcomingontheCampfireandtalkingaboutMormonism,takingusthroughthehistory,andinsuchashortperiodgivingussuchafullpictureofthisAmericanreligion.