Download pdf - EP Maths - Australia



“Critical to its success... is its

connection to current pedagogy”

- R o g e r G a n d e rt o n ( s e n i o r t e a c h e r )

Education Perfect is the ultimate online learning

platform used by 300,000 students from more

than 1,000 schools around the globe. Designed for

students’ daily revision, assessment and learning,

the program covers all the major subject areas and

content follows the Australian curriculum.

“Learning mathematics creates opportunities for and enriches the

lives of all Australians.”

- A u s t r a l i a n C u r r i c u l u m

How does Education Perfect enhance learning in Maths?

The spaced repetition system encourages revision of key concepts.

Questions are fully dynamic, promoting a deeper understanding of

mathematical ideas.

Students receive immediate feedback on questions and summaries of their

progress through particular topics.

Every question has an in-depth explanation of the concept being taught

with exemplar answers.

How do teachers useEducation Perfect?

Smart Lessons start with introductory

slides so students gain a good

understanding of the topic ahead of time

The Education Perfect platform is built

on a spaced repetition algorithm which

encourages and rewards students

World-class reporting gives you meaningful insights into students'

learning journeys through each topic

Students earn points on correct questions

and go in the draw to win prizes

throughout the year

The Education Perfect platform allows

you to set assessments in minutes, as

well as deliver results instantly

Differentiate your classroom by setting

homework tasks for individuals at

different stages of learning

Education Perfect Maths Key Features

Content is 100% customisable and follows the Australian Curriculum.

The Exam generator creates unique exams based on past questions.

Automated marking of homework and online exams to save valuable teacher time

In depth reporting to track individual student progress

Enhancing Technology Integration with Education Perfect Maths




Redefinition• Creation of new tasks previously inconceivable

• Education Perfect application = Smart Lessons, individual

and class feedback with rich data for teachers.

• Significant task design

• Education Perfect application = Non-linear learning paths

that encourage learning through exploration.

• Direct tool substitute with functional improvement

• Education Perfect application = differentiation of tasks for

each student.

• Direct tool substitute with no functional change

SAMR Model developed by Dr. Ruben Puentedura







The Pedagogy Behind Education Perfect

Introducing Smart LessonsEducation Perfect’s new Smart Lessons are comprised of four key study modes: Learning Material, Quick

Facts, Skill Mastery, and Self-Assessed Exercises. Each mode targets a different aspect of the topic material,

fostering a deeper understanding of the subject area.

The Secret SauceOne of the most powerful components of Education Perfect is its ability to recognise areas in which a student

may need reinforcement. It then provides scaffolded learning around those areas to encourage a better

understanding of the topic or concept being taught. The spaced repetition algorithm built into the program

means students are rewarded for coming back and revising particular topics over the period of the school year.

John-Paul Langbroek, the Queensland Minister for Education, speaking at the 2014 Education Perfect World Series Launch

Education PerfectMaths Championships

The Annual Education Perfect Maths Championships is an ten day online

competition. It is designed to give students the most exciting learning

experience imaginable with over $10,000 in prizes including laptops, iPads,

and even a fully paid one-week internship at the Education Perfect HQ in

Dunedin, New Zealand.

Benowa State High School, top School in the 2015 Education Perfect World Series

“A good teacher caninspire hope, ignite the

imagination, and instill a love of learning.”

B r a d H e n r y

O u r S t o r y

Since 2007 we have been working with teachers to deliver the most exciting and engaging learning experience possible for

thousands of students all over the globe. Inspired by possibilities, we thought that perhaps in our own small way, we may have

an impact on the world of education.

Today, that vision, matched with ambition, means Language Perfect has grown to become one of the most recognised and

respected language learning programs available. Based in Dunedin, New Zealand, we are a growing group of individuals with a

deep respect for the positive impact teachers have and a drive to see students benefit from advances in online technology.

Education Perfect was developed through the most successful elements on the language learning framework, and applying

these throughout all major subject areas. These include Maths, English, Science and the Humanities. Now, thousands more

students are benefiting from the Education Perfect learning platform.

In 2015, Education Perfect will host three online maths, science and language pilot exams with the New Zealand Qualifications

Authority for hundreds of schools across New Zealand. These large scale projects, including hosting the 2015 Brain Bee

Competition, are continuing to drive innovation and propel Education Perfect to the forefront of online learning globally.

The future has never been brighter for online education and we welcome you to journey with us.


Register your students on a free trial and experience Education Perfect!

Get in touch via the details below:

E: [email protected]

P: (0)2 6100 3723


